Author Topic: Want Dev's choice for your AE?  (Read 15454 times)


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Want Dev's choice for your AE?
« on: February 25, 2021, 01:52:54 am »
Hello Heroes and Villains, and anything in-between.

Dev's choice on a story arc created in AE will allow players to choose between getting AE ticket or normal rewards (recipes, salvage, etc) for defeating mobs and completing the mission. It also grants the creator an extra slot to make another story arc.

If you want your story arc to be played, and possibly promoted to a Dev's Choice, then please leave your mission ID and/or name of the mission below.

« Last Edit: February 25, 2021, 09:03:27 am by Thagdal »


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Re: Want Dev's choice for your AE?
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2021, 12:05:30 am »
Why the heck not?

490, Back Alley Brawler's training arc.


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Re: Want Dev's choice for your AE?
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2021, 08:53:23 pm »
Thanks, I'll check it out.


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Re: Want Dev's choice for your AE?
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2021, 07:57:51 pm »
Going to do a round of checks this Saturday if anyone has any other recommendations.
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Re: Want Dev's choice for your AE?
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2021, 10:07:54 pm »
469 - Trick or Treat

This was a contest winner, but it never ended up getting Dev's Choiced due to an AE wipe.


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Re: Want Dev's choice for your AE?
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2021, 01:52:28 am »
469 - Trick or Treat

This was a contest winner, but it never ended up getting Dev's Choiced due to an AE wipe.

Ooh. Yeah. I'll have to check with the others if I can just put a pin in that.
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Re: Want Dev's choice for your AE?
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2021, 02:42:19 am »
Why the heck not?

490, Back Alley Brawler's training arc.

This arc was the best written I had done that night. This is getting DC'd.

Here are your scores:

Story Premise - 9/10
Is the premise interesting or well thought out? Is it super basic?
A training arc! Point docked because it doesn't really step outside of that.

Contact Writing - 20/20
Does the contact have details? How well does the contact explain what's going on?
Quinch NAILED this. Using colors to both highlight important details and for differentiating speech. The text was well written and delved into the lore quite a bit near the end. They got the voice of the character spot on too.

Enemy Design - 18/20
Does it use existing assets in an interesting way or does it have its own? Do those have descriptions? How are those written to explain who they are?
Giving us a wide variety of gangs to punch and learn about. Points docked because of how they didn't really act anything surprising save for some of the Clockwork.

Mission Details - 17/20
Are the missions explained well? Are the missions fun to play?
Points docked for overuse of objectives in certain missions and for the protect missions possibly overwhelming lower level players with ambushes unintentionally.

Show vs Tell - 19/20
How does the arc convey it's story? Is it all in clues? Do the NPCs exposit in NPC dialogue? Is there any exposition at all?
This goes into detail about what the gangs are. The only point docked was from directly referencing an outside piece of information and even that is just me being nitpicky.

Overall Quality - 10/10
How do I personally feel about the arc?
You explained what a glowie was in a way that I could believe it was in universe. This is a solid introduction to the mission structure of the game. I laughed at some of the jokes and it was the best arc I played tonight. Hands down.

Final Score - 93/100
I give 5 stars to anything above an 80. This was phenomenal. Well done!
« Last Edit: April 25, 2021, 03:07:35 am by ElBee »
Issue 6 has been released! You can find the patch notes here:,3735.0.html


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Re: Want Dev's choice for your AE?
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2021, 01:45:01 pm »
Can I request a Dev Choice for my ArcID: #752? I gave it a story and some flair :)


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Re: Want Dev's choice for your AE?
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2021, 06:57:04 pm »
Sure... I'll throw my hat in the ring. When Brigg's was put up as Dev stamped, I wasn't going to bother. But now that the old messed up version is back, I'd like to see how people feel about my farm when it's got standard rewards.

To be honest, it's XP/Inf yields are at least 35% higher, and you get to punch a bunch of Destans all over. :D

Plus, the map is big, the mobs are big and stationary, and there's no danger for doorsitters at the entrance.

Arc ID: 537


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Re: Want Dev's choice for your AE?
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2021, 07:33:53 pm »
I just wanted to lay out what's been going on with the effort to highlight more story driven arcs and why nothing has happened even before Ri2. To put the story short, I'm the one who's handling the matter and I've been *ultra* busy in the past few months.

I do have a small batch I played through recently and will probably highlight one of these next week as a Dev's Choice. But due to mitigating circumstances in my non-CoH life, I might not get to that task on this schedule. I can only hope for your understanding and patience especially given the frustrations of taking down the fire farm's Developer's Choices.

Once again we on the Rebirth Staff apologize for any delays and thank you for your patience.
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Re: Want Dev's choice for your AE?
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2021, 12:58:41 am »
Back in May of this year, I had searched for more arcs to spotlight. Of the three I found I have awarded arc 797 - The Search for Dillo Developer's Choice.

Here are my reviews
774 - The May Lives of Lord Recluse
(click to show/hide)
Final Score 80/100
Barely scraping a 5 star rating. Its interesting premise and plot is held back by simple presentation.

790 - Style over Substance
(click to show/hide)
Final Score 84/100
I had quite a few laughs at this arc. It has minor issues, but those do not get in the way of the enjoyment by anyone not going over it with a fine tooth comb. I did take mild umbrage with one of the joke mobs in the zombie mission however. I recognize it's a looney tooney kind of joke however.

797 - The Search for Dillo Awarded Developer's Choice
(click to show/hide)
Final Score 86/100
This arc is a perfect example of one that is short and to the point. Though the premise of it being a mystery does cause the quick pace of the arc to be a slight detriment, The arc is still fantastically written and designed.

I hope to be able to make time to continue my delve into the architect and find more gems to award Developer's Choice. Until such time, thank you for your patience.

Issue 6 has been released! You can find the patch notes here:,3735.0.html


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Re: Want Dev's choice for your AE?
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2021, 12:58:15 pm »
Oh!  I wish I had seen this topic sooner. 

894 The bone fiend.  Though this might have already been mentioned to El Bee.  I was aiming for a lowbie friendly arc.  I managed to bonk the EB at the end with a level 16 guardian. 

Map 3 still vaguely annoys me.  (I originally wanted it to be a "walk up to a NPC talk to them and then shit happens" mission but AE doesn't seem to have that as an option that I can see.")