City of Heroes: Rebirth > Controller

Water Control/Time Manipulation (Fluixic)

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--- Quote from: wyldhaunt on November 12, 2022, 04:28:48 pm ---Level 4:Fly [*] (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)[/list]
--- End quote ---

In my experience, if all you're going to be taking out of the Flight Pool is ... Fly ... I have found that taking the corresponding power from either Sorcery (Mystic Flight) or Gadgetry (Jetpack) are superior choices, depending on your preferences (and need for yet another LotG mule power). Mystic Flight gives you Fly+Teleport, while Jetpack gives you Fly+Afterburner ... and both have a lower endurance cost for (basic) flying.

Fortunately, Mystic Flight and Jetpack permit slotting of Universal Travel sets, so you would be able to swap the specific power choice between Fly, Mystic Flight and Jetpack while retaining your choice of enhancement to slot.

Personally, I prefer Mystic Flight of those options, because having access to a "short range" teleport can be extremely useful for getting past choke points/ambushes on indoor maps so as to be able to engage on YOUR terms tactically, rather than being forced to "follow the map" in sequence at all points. Additionally, there are plenty of map modules where the combination of Fly+Teleport (courtesy of Mystic Flight) works just as well as "stealth+stealth proc" for concealment to point blank range in terms of being able to bypass unwanted combat and avoiding aggro (if that's your goal).

Additionally, Mystic Flight can be customized in the Tailor to choose Minimal FX, so you aren't forced to have the sorcerous runes manifesting around you if you don't want them. Likewise, the Teleport can also set up with Minimal FX if you don't like the "ring gate" FX if that is your preference ... so if you don't want use of Mystic Flight to look so obviously Magic Origin.

And of course, the Gadgetry and Sorcery Pools are not "locked" to their corresponding Technology or Magic Origin ... so mix and match however you like to get the power mechanics you like best for your character if you take either of these options instead of the Flight Pool.

Just an FYI ... ^_-

You're absolutely correct on this, of course. I didn't choose Sorcery because RP reasons (even though I could go minimal FX) and I already have that on soooo many characters, and Gadgetry wasn't released when I decided on Fly. In Fluixic's next iteration, I'll remember to choose Jetpack.



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