Development > (Almost Tested) Bug Reporting

Minor guardian testing


Kinetic Assault > Mass Driver: detailed info does not include the initial smashing/energy damage.

Kinetic Assault > Impulse stacks do not give +recharge, at least according to the in game stat monitor.

Ninja Assault > Flashing Blade, Steel Wind, Scorpion Sting: This might a big ask, but I figured I would throw it out there. Another model or two for the knives would be nice. Pretty much have to pair the knives with the legacy katana for visual coherence between the melee and ranged powers.

Ninja Assault > DPA on attacks generally seems a little high.


--- Quote ---Ninja Assault > DPA on attacks generally seems a little high.
--- End quote ---

I noticed that every single power in Ninja Assault has less than a 2 second activation time. I don't know if that level of speed was the intention of the set or if the reduction in animation times like Total Focus and Tremor might be proliferated to more long casting powers to bring other sets into a new parity. Regardless, the across-the-board lightning fast activations makes Ninja Assault a rather extreme outlier in comparison to not only other Guardian Assault sets, but to melee sets in general.

Does sound fun, though, right?


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