Author Topic: STATE OF THE ISSUE: RI3  (Read 9008 times)


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« on: March 20, 2022, 10:17:46 pm »

Hello everyone!

I'm writing to break the Rebirth team's recent silence regarding upcoming issues. We've been very busy behind the scenes! Something that doesn't always convey to the public. Firstly, the Rebirth team has invested in a lot of tool development over the past 6 months which will increase our ability to develop content and edit maps. I don't know the exact details, so I'll I'm going to quote one of our other team members.

We re-engineered our entire development environment to gear up for major innovation and content updates.  Not only will this allow us to produce and test updates faster but it also positions us for larger, more complex projects.  We're focused on creating the best content possible which we began by steadily building up the tools in our arsenal. - SuperHero

Secondly, we are preparing PTS for a huge push of content for our next issue. Originally, we were treating this batch of content as an edition, having slated it as Rebirth Issue 2: Edition 4. But when we stopped and took stock of the over 800 new cosmetic items it includes, we realized that this gargantuan release was really Rebirth Issue 3.

Here are some select details from this truly massive upcoming publish, designed specifically for costume lovers:

Over 800 new cosmetic options:

Here's a preview of one of the premier costume pieces in this pack!

List of cosmetic features
(click to show/hide)

Inherent Slots for Health and Stamina:

Before closure, the Paragon dev team had publicly stated they understood that players "really wanted more slots" and they were exploring means to make this happen. With cross-server assistance with Ourodev, we have been able to bring this to reality. Our powers team wants to stress that while this represents some minor power creep, this sets the stage for a deep and considered revamp of the currently existing power pools.

Other Previews:
Some new powers will be available soontm as well! Here is a preview of the FX of one of them.

All of this is in addition to the previous bug fixes and minor additions already on PTS.

This is not to say we haven’t been busy with future content updates. Here are some snippets from what we’ve been working on for Ri4 and beyond.

We have a lot of exciting things in the works. The images immediately above are the only things I'm allowed to tease at this point from Ri4 and beyond!

But don't worry, Rebirth Fans! Issue 3 is right around the corner. It's coming to PTS within the next few weeks and includes the items outlined at the top of this post.

On behalf of myself and everyone on the Rebirth Staff, we thank you for your patience and hope you'll join us for Rebirth Issue 3 this April!

- El Bee

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« Last Edit: March 21, 2022, 09:26:14 pm by ElBee »
Issue 6 has been released! You can find the patch notes here:,3735.0.html