Author Topic: REACH Briefing  (Read 2848 times)


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REACH Briefing
« on: April 30, 2023, 09:41:33 pm »
Rebirth Event, Administration, and Community Helpers (REACH)
- Mission Statement -
R.E.A.C.H. is a collection of players that are dedicated to enhancing the City of Heroes Rebirth experience by helping plan, support, and run different events.  Our shared goal is to maximize the experience through these events and to be able to act as a first response for players in need of help.

REACHs' Objective:
* Take an active role in the community
* Offer assistance to players using their elevated privileges

REACHs' Benefits:
* Community Access Level - Approved commands to assist players and support hosting events
* Dedicated Discord and Forum sections for easier collaboration with other REACH members and the Rebirth team
* Add events to the Forum Calendar

REACH candidates will be highly active members within the Rebirth community who help foster a sense of community to others; our outgoing self-starters interested in forming events that promote and grow the active community.

* Follow the Player's code of conduct and do not abuse privileges
* Host Events
* Participate in the community - In game, on the forums, and or on discord
* Offer assistance in game where possible and escalate as needed
Issue 6 has been released! You can find the patch notes here:,3735.0.html