Author Topic: Dress to Impress Costume Contest  (Read 3048 times)


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Dress to Impress Costume Contest
« on: March 05, 2023, 10:49:04 pm »
Dress to Impress Costume Contest on March 11 8pm EST!
Come cool your heels for about 30minutes to 1hour during the Double xp weekend and you might have a chance to go back on your way to 50 with a bit more rewards in your bags!

Location:Imperial city in front of the TPN on Goldside!(Easily accessible threw Tunnel connection in every city red/blue side)

Bring your best Costume and Impress the judges!
Prizes will be Distributed to the Top3 at the end of the event.

1st Place: A full set of Purple recipes!
2nd Place: 3 ATOs of a same set!
3rd Place: 2 Rare recipe procs!
Honorable mentions:2 enhancement Catalyst!(2 or more will be chosen depending on attendance)

Rules for this event:
Bring your best attire and show us your creativity.
You dont have to use new costume pieces from Ri5 but lets just say we all love those new shiny toys we got from the hardworking devs!
If you decide to do a team theme costume tell the judges in advance.Your group will be judge as 1 contestant.
If you want to just come sit back and relax and watch the contest youre welcome but dont stand in the contestant line.
You can use your heroes powers such as flying/weapons/shield/etc... if its part of the theme youre going for.