Author Topic: Teal Blade  (Read 3142 times)


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Teal Blade
« on: March 13, 2023, 02:11:20 pm »

Teal Blade

(Rogue to-be)

~Personality traits~
changeable | cunning | machiavellian | possessive | player/flirt


The Next Big Thing

~Secret Identity (for Day Jobs)~
Tony Bates

~Current Residence~
Rogue Isles

~Former Residence~
Paragon City




~Battle Cry~

~Super Group~
Mentally Hilarious

Being of American-Japanese descent with both parents living and working in Japan he spent his childhood in Kyoto. His mother got killed in the crossfire of an attack that was meant for his father, when he was 8 years old. He was raised bi-lingual and also educated in Japanese behavior. He wasn't very popular at school due to his western appearance, even having inherited the light blonde hair of his mother. Since his father was a member of the Japanese Mafia (Yakuza) he wasn't at home much so he felt very attached to his mother. He was at school when the assault happened and from then on became a real problem child. His father, who had always tried to keep his family away from his business with the Yakuza decided he might as well train his son to be his successor. He took him off from the public elementary school and put him on a private school where also many children of other Yakuza went due to the school being funded by the Yakuza. Of course not openly. Within that school he learned a lot about how to control his emotions and his body. The school was very famous for its various sports clubs and winning most of the competitions with other schools. He decided to join the Kendo club as well as the club for athletics. The leader of the Kendo club, Ueno Takumi was the oldest son of a colleague of his father and became his first best friend. He was also the one who introduced him into a little Yakuza youth gang founded by himself who sometimes got little tasks from the boss of their fathers to train them for the business. With 16 he made his first experiences with a real Katana. From that year on everything went wrong.

His father was known as the "Teal Blade" within the Yakuza cell he worked for and had to take care of enemies of the business with the father of Takumi and got caught by the police during a raid of the night club the job was happening in, while Takumi's father got killed. Being afraid his son might be killed by the Yakuza for his failure he became the key witness against the group of Yakuza Underbosses he had been working for and which the police was trying to take down for so long. They agreed on a special witness-protection-program to get him and his son out of Japan and to Paragon City in America if he helped them to take down that Yakuza cell. They also agreed on cutting the ties of his son immediately and take him to Paragon City where he knew the sister-in-law of his wife was living. She agreed to take him in if she became part of the program. The Japanese police discussed the matter with the PPD and the PPD discussed it with the Freedom Phalanx. They agreed and everything was brought into place. Before leaving for America his father gave him the Katana as a reminder and a memory. To be able to smuggle him out of Kyoto and Japan without the Yakuza noticing they didn't use public machines and switched the planes very often.

Upon arriving in Paragon City his name got changed to Benjamin Tyker. His aunt refused to be re-named because she wanted o keep the last name of her deceased husband Sergeant Jernigan who died during the Chaos caused by the destruction of Galaxy City. She however could be talked into at least changing her first name. So she ended up as Cynthia Jernigan. Both of them settled down in Steel Canyon and Cynthia started working in an Office of a company Longbow used as a cover for one of their labs. Undercover agents of Lonbow were also working within the office. Since Benjamin didn't open up to his aunt she didn't notice that he became involved with street gangs. He never saw or spoke to his father again. He continued his Kendo training and secretly trained with the Katana of his father. Upon turning 21 he disconnected from his aunt completely and became a full fledged member of a little gang called 'The Slicers'. For a few years they were able to cause some minor chaos within Steel Canyon and also Atlas Park but were never able to really compete with gangs like the Hellions or the Skulls. In fact one of the lower Skulls bosses tipped them off to the PPD to get rid of them. Benjamin was able to get away at first but was caught later that day.

He spent 3 years in the Zig and would have spent more years there, because he refused to get his act together and become a good citizen, if there wasn't the breakout caused by Arachnos. All in all the whole thing was pretty strange. The night before the breakout happened he was instructed by a guard to meet with him in the vicinity of the room where the personal belongings of the prisoners were stashed away until the day of their release. Reluctantly he agreed and while he was on his way the breakout started and he heard loud noises from the room and left the meeting spot since the guard wasn't present anyways. He found an Arachnos Soldier guarding the door. After having been asked who he was he was admitted into the room to get his belongings and was advised to participate in the breakout if he wanted to get out of here. The soldier mentioned something about him being one of the Destined Ones his organization was extracting from the Zig. He was sent to meet with one of his fellow prisoners to bet set on track. While he didn't really understand what the soldier was talking about the wording "Destined One" sure sounded nice. He felt important and during his days with The Slicers he sure had heard of Arachnos. This could just be the chance he had been anticipating to become part of something big or at least use this "Destined Ones"-business to achieve even greater things.

So he agreed to be brought to the Rogue Isles and receive training and missions of Arachnos. He also decided he could as well do tasks for others and explore that place called Mercy Island a bit more and maybe even dig up some information about this vast villain organization. In fact he didn't really care who paid him to do their biddings, as long as the money rolled in and his name was appearing in the papers or on the internet it was worth his while. Even back when he was with The Slicers he had taken up the code name of his father as his own - Teal Blade - and it was the name everyone was using when speaking to him, as he also kept it in the Zig...

To be continued...
« Last Edit: July 23, 2023, 01:49:51 pm by Leichenengel »
I didn't come into this world to be as others want me to be!