Author Topic: Sunreaver  (Read 3117 times)


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« on: March 14, 2023, 08:00:36 am »

Name: Sunreaver
Origin: Technology/Natural
Archetype: Peacebringer
Alignment: Hero
Title: The Speed Angel of Tatsuya
Battlecry / Catchphrase: Harold Thompson at your service!

Primary Powerset: Luminous Blast
Secondary Powerset: Luminous Aura
Tertiary Powerset: Super Speed, Gadgetry
Epic Powerset: N/A

Secret Identity: Harold Thompson
Affiliations: The Sun Battalion, Andromeda Galaxy, Paragon Heroes, Peacebringers & Warshades, UA High School (Mutual)
Day Jobs: Intern, Architect, Caregiver
Other Nicknames: Sun Kisser, Tommy Sun, Lightspeed


Harold Thompson grew up in the planet of Tatsuya and worked as a small-time mechanic who became a high-ranking hero in the Sun Battalion. His rise to fame started when a pregnant woman was about to give birth to her child at a restaurant that he was eating at unexpectedly. Since a hospital or clinic was too far away, Harold decided to do the procedure by himself after calling a medivac team from the Galaxy Defense Force. After successfully delivering the woman's baby, which was in healthy condition, the medivac team was able to take the newborn baby and its mother to the nearest hospital in time. Congratulated by the heroic deed, Harold was to be a Galaxy Spartan, but he was defeated by his closest friend, Bernard Karsmann. This defeat landed him in a position as a hero in the Sun Battalion.

Since his time in the Sun Battalion, Harold gained the attention of a GeneTech scientist known as Doctor Abraham Allenwood ever since he saved the woman from the restaurant's life and her child. Since his superability was given to him by a sunforged monarcium core embedded in his chest, he had to wear a protective suit that nullified half of his power since his full power was simply unable to control properly.

It's unclear how Sunreaver fused himself with a Kheldian, but there's a theory that he was one of the crewmates that boarded a research ship that was on its way to one of the Sun Battalion's remote bases on a dwarf planet known as Pluto. The research ship that Harold was in included captured Kheldian specimens that Andromedans were interested in studying. One of the specimens has rumored to escape and fused with Harold's monarcium core in his chest, absorbing his solar energy and turning him into one of Sunstorm's Peacebringers. Thanks to his involuntary fusion, he has unfortunately become one of the targets for the Void Hunters.

The Flash (DC Comics) - Design/Personality/Powers/Abilities
The Scout (Team Fortress 2) - Abilities
Jonathan Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 1) - Personality/Powers/Abilities
Ky Kiske (Guilty Gear) - Personality

Potential Voiceover - Yuri Lowenthal
[Has done: Sasuke Ichiha in Naruto, Makoto Yuki in Persona 3, Yosuke Hanamura in Persona 4, Cecil Harvey in Dissidia Final Fantasy, Matt Miller in Saints Row The Third and Saints Row IV, Mercury Black in RWBY, Amane Nishiki in BlazBlue, Bedman in Guilty Gear]
« Last Edit: April 19, 2023, 01:46:44 am by NecropolisNathaniel »