Author Topic: Move Mercy legacy contacts' mission doors closer to the contacts.  (Read 1436 times)


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The two legacy Mercy contacts, Kalinda and Burke, were moved from their old location in the north of the zone when the zone was revamped back on retail.  As I re call the contacts were no longer accessible, but I think they were re-enabled with I24?  Anyway their missions still send players to the north of the zone, near their old locations.

Clearly the missions were intended to be close to the contacts, which they were previously.  Since the contacts have been moved the mission doors should be as well so new players without travel powers do not have to travel all the way across the zone repeatedly since they don't have the contacts' phone numbers right away.

Not the end of the world since I can rocket pack to the missions and use Longbow in that area to give me a quick "Hospital TP" to return to the contacts, but still not ideal.

If there's any room for someone new to get their hands dirty I'd be happy to edit the necessary files so no one has to do any additional work.  I'll do it myself if that'd help.

Also how about adding those legacy contacts to the contact finder?