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Interface slotting ... a Why To

Started by Redlynne, June 27, 2024, 01:49:16 PM

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Credit to Placta at Homecoming for posting this information in the first place concerning Interface slot abilities. For purposes of this discussion, I'm going to be looking at the T4 effects, just to keep the permutations simple.
Increased level of detail obtained from City of Data v2 for Homecoming with some modifications to the information layout added by me.

Confuse (20% Core/10% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: 4.3 seecond magnitude 2 confuse (I know the text says 12.5%, but the power data says 10%)
Psionic DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 10.709 psionic damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Max HP (75% Core/25% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -3.5% max hp (capped at 1000 for archvillains and similarly strong enemies) for 8.3 seconds
Toxic DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 10.709 toxic damage per second for 4.3 seconds

ToHit (100% Core/50% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -5% tohit for 8.3 seconds
Regeneration (50% Core/100% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% regeneration for 8.3 seconds

Recharge (75% Core and Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% recharge for 8.3 seconds
Recovery (50% Core and Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% recovery for 8.3 seconds
(75% Core) Movement, stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% jump height, run speed, flying speed, jumping speed for 8.3 seconds
(75% Radial) Special, stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% STRENGTH defense (ALL), healing, tohit debuff, run speed, flying speed, confuse, terrorize, hold, immobilize, stun, sleep, knockup, knockback, repel for 8.3 seconds

Defense (75% Core/25% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -2.5% base defense for 8.3 seconds
Damage (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -5% damage for 8.3 seconds

Endurance/Recovery (75% Core/25% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -1% endurance per second for 4.3 seconds, -5% recovery for 4.3 seconds
Energy DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 energy damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Resistance (75% Core/25% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -2.5% damage resistance for 8.3 seconds
Fire DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 fire damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Immobilize (25% Core/12.5% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: 4.3 second magnitude 2 immobilize
Negative DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 negative damage per second for 4.3 seconds

The thing that stands out to me from this presentation of information is just how GOOD of a debuffer the T4 Gravitic Radial option is, simply because of how many things it does adequately well.
Gravitic (Radial) is better than Diamagnetic for tohit debuffing (-10% vs -5%) over 8.3 seconds.
Gravitic (Radial) is better than Preemptive for recovery debuffing (-10% for 8.3s vs -5% for 4.3s).
Gravitic (Radial) is possibly even better than Paralytic at defense debuffing when the target's defense is over 25% ... however, considering that defense debuffing is largely superfluous/wasted effort at Level 45+ the value/merit of this distinction is more a matter of quibbling rather than decisive.

Gravitic (Radial) just winds up being remarkably good at a wide variety of debuffing opportunities ... so much so that I'm starting to wonder if END Sapper builds might be better off using Gravitic (Radial) to further augment their blue bar drain potential than relying on Preemptive.

Another thing to consider is that of the 5 DoT proc options, Cognitive (Psionic) and Degenerative (Toxic) are both slightly lower per damage tick (13.3863-10.709=2.6773 difference) but are also two of the most heavily resisted damage types when playing at Level 45+ (when the Interface slot option is relevant). Robots and Seers heavily resist psionic damage. Devouring Earth heavily resist toxic damage. Both of which tend to be "plentiful" during Incarnate Trials.

Bopper has a very good primer on how the DoT procs compute due to their Cancel On Miss behavior posted on the Homecoming forums.

Bottom Line:

  • 25% proc means on average, each attack will do 0.333 ticks of damage. Given that a Minor DoT does 10.71 damage (Major DoT does 13.39 damage), this equates to averaging only +3.57 and +4.46 more damage per hit for the Minor and Major DoTs, respectively.
  • 50% proc on average, each attack will do 0.96875 ticks of damage, which equates to averaging +10.375 and +12.969 more damage per hit for the Minor and Major DoTs, respectively. In this case, doubling our Proc probability nearly tripled out added damage performance.
  • 75% proc on average, each attack will do 2.288 ticks of damage, which equates to averaging +24.505 and +30.632 more damage per hit for the Minor and Major DoTs, respectively. In this case, using a 75% DoT proc instead of a 25% DoT proc has increased the average DoT output by 587% (so nearly 7x damage). Using a 75% DoT proc instead of a 50% DoT proc increased the average DoT output by 136% (more than 2x damage).
What this means in practice is that in order to make an Interface DoT "relevant" as a dependable factor in your damage throughput, you need to be using the 75% chance T4 Radial. The best way to be thinking about using T4 Radial Interface slotting for DoT stacking is that the DoT is the purpose of your choice of Interface to slot, with the "other effect" being more or less a "nice to have bonus" that happens occasionally, rather than something that happens consistently.

Another thing to consider when looking at DoT vs -Resist with respect to slotting Reactive is the notion that a single DoT delivering an average of +30.632 damage (Preemptive, Reactive or Spectral) achieves parity of throughput with a -2.5% Resist debuff if 1,225.28 damage gets delivered over 8.3 seconds.

My point being that although -Resist debuffing is REALLY NICE in large groups, in Solo through Team-8 situations it's probably better to rely on DoT stacking rather than -Resist debuff stacking as a means to power through to defeating hard targets. The knock on side effect of that being that a diversity of DoT proc damage types will easily overpower the results of everyone in a raid all slotting nothing but Degenerative and Reactive for their Interface slot choices.

So viewed in that light, how do the Raidal "proc extra effects" compare (which can all stack up to 4x) when your primary concern is to inflict maximum DoT(age)?

  • Cognitive (12.5%): Mag 2 Confuse for 4.3s
  • Degenerative (25%): -3.5% Max HP for 8.3s
  • Preemptive (25%): -1 END and -5% Recovery for 4.3s
  • Reactive (25%): -2.5% Damage Resistance (All) for 8.3s
  • Spectral (12.5%): Mag 2 Immobilize for 4.3s
Cognitive and Spectral have the side benefit of setting up Containment for Controllers and also having synergies with the Hybrid: T4 Control Core which has a 75% chance to deal additional psionic damage to controlled foes (confuse and immobilize count for this).

The discussion of Degenerative vs Reactive has already been argued at length previously, so I'll gloss over those options here for brevity.

Preemptive delivers such a short window of Recovery debuffing as to make the effect marginal at best (especially at a 25% proc chance), effectively making this additional effect something of a "rounding error" in how this choice of Interface slot behaves.

However, what makes all of these considerations MUCH more interesting to contemplate is the synergy with the Genesis: Socket slot options.
Genesis: T4 Socket (Core and Radial) both offer +10% Max HP and +10 Max END @ Levels 45+ ... but also includes a +10% chance to proc on whatever you've got slotted into Interface ... which makes things REALLY interesting.

Take the listing I provided at the top of this post and add +10% to all the proc chances and look what happens!

Genesis: T4 Socket (Core or Radial) @ Levels 45+

Confuse (30% Core/20% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: 4.3 seecond magnitude 2 confuse
Psionic DoT (35% Core/85% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 10.709 psionic damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Max HP (85% Core/35% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -3.5% max hp (capped at 1000 for archvillains and similarly strong enemies) for 8.3 seconds
Toxic DoT (35% Core/85% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 10.709 toxic damage per second for 4.3 seconds

ToHit (110% Core/60% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -5% tohit for 8.3 seconds
Regeneration (60% Core/110% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% regeneration for 8.3 seconds

Recharge (85% Core and Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% recharge for 8.3 seconds
Recovery (60% Core and Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% recovery for 8.3 seconds
(85% Core) Movement, stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% jump height, run speed, flying speed, jumping speed for 8.3 seconds
(85% Radial) Special, stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% STRENGTH defense (ALL), healing, tohit debuff, run speed, flying speed, confuse, terrorize, hold, immobilize, stun, sleep, knockup, knockback, repel for 8.3 seconds

Defense (85% Core/35% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -2.5% base defense for 8.3 seconds
Damage (35% Core/85% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -5% damage for 8.3 seconds

Endurance/Recovery (85% Core/35% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -1% endurance per second for 4.3 seconds, -5% recovery for 4.3 seconds
Energy DoT (35% Core/85% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 energy damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Resistance (85% Core/35% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -2.5% damage resistance for 8.3 seconds
Fire DoT (35% Core/85% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 fire damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Immobilize (35% Core/22.5% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: 4.3 second magnitude 2 immobilize
Negative DoT (35% Core/85% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 negative damage per second for 4.3 seconds

As already demonstrated above, increasing the proc chance for DoTs dramatically improves their opportunities to deal damage and to keep dealing damage beyond the first damage tick. I haven't done a full computation of the throughput, but consider it safe to say that +24 to +30 more damage per hit for the Minor and Major DoTs starts to feel like a lowball estimate of the damage opportunity from Interface DoTs. For one thing, the odds of getting DoT stacks to last the full 4 ticks rises dramatically. And just to be clear, 4 DoT ticks yields (4*10.709)=+42.836 and (4*13.3863)=+53.5452 more damage per hit for the Minor (Cognitive, Degenerative) and Major (Preemptive, Reactive, Spectral) DoTs at maximum, which starts feeling ... respectable ... like "have an extra damage proc set IO slotted into every damage power" respectable. Now start stacking those bonus DoT ticks up to 4-8 deep and watch the green bars just BLEED AWAY ...

I acutually tested this using a Spectral T4 Radial + Socket T4 Radial during last night's iTrials being run out of Dark Astoria while playing on Redlynne, my SR/MA Tanker (NO GET HITSU!!).
The results were pretty stark and impressive.

I don't think anyone else in the those trial raids was using Spectral in their Interface slot, so every time I saw and black pool with rings appear at the feet of my $Target(s), I knew that it was my Interface slot responsible for that effect. I was seeing Negative Energy DoTs proc VERY RELIABLY on almost everything I kicked. LOTS of DoT damage "smoking" off $Target(s) getting stacked up and doing some pretty respectable bonus damage ... enough so that it started to feel a bit like being able to "critical hit" for extra damage from a Scrapper, rather than being a Tanker. The nice thing about stacking up the DoT damage from Interface was that it would occasionally "finish off the last slivers" of HP all by itself, saving me the effort of animating another attack to deliver defeats. It was actually kind of remarkable, because all of those extra DoT ticks were something that was NOT limited by the +damage buff cap on a Tanker, allowing me to "go beyond" the amount of damage output I ought to have been capable of while using my Build Up power (Focus Chi, 6-slotted with Gaussian's to enable a 2x Buildup when activated because of the Gaussian's proc).

So for anyone who has been itching to "diversify" their options with Interface slotting in iTrials ... I would honestly recommend moving away from Degenerative or Reactive into Cognitive, Preemptive or Spectral when you have your Genesis slot loaded with Socket for +10% proc chances. Increasing the diversity of DoT damage types will deliver much harder "beatdowns" in trial leagues onto AVs and the like, simply due to the 8x collective stacking limit for DoTs of specific damage types.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


Got some more testing done with my Ninja/Time MM ... Ku no Ichi ... last night and got some eye watering results.

  • Switching from Effect primary to DoT primary on Interface slotting, particularly with Genesis: T4 Socket in play, was DEFINITELY the right way to go! Occasionally I'd look up just to see how many damage numbers were "smoking" off the pile of mobs in front of me ... and even without my Oni Pet's Rain of Fire being in the mix, I was just seeing an almost constant stream of orange numbers (my damage) rising upwards. Better yet, a LOT of those numbers were stacking DoT ticks from my damaging attacks piling up for significant quantities of additional damage throughput.
  • Time Manipulation is a "soft control" debuff powerset, primarily focused on Slows (-movement, -recharge) with a few other controls thrown in for flavor. Previously, I had been using T4 Cognitive Core as my Interface slotting, so as to get the maximum proc chances for Mag 2 Confuse out of my own attacks and the damaging attacks of my Ninjas. However, I've realized that Slow+Confuse makes for a sub-optimal combination when there are other options on offer. The downside is that the Cognitive Confuse procs are "weighted" with the notion that a mob that gets Confused will add some additional damage dealing output in favor of the Players. However, when heavy -Recharge debuffing is involved, it is extremely likely that mobs of EB and below ranks will have expended their attacks and be "stuck" waiting for 4x recharge durations to elapse before they can attack again (while Confused). So in combination with -Recharge debuffing, stacking a Confuse effect on top of that is essentially "wasted effort" because attacks will be few and far between (due to -Recharge debuffing) and at most you're going to be "avoiding" 1-2 attacks from an NPC on PC before the NPC gets defeated ... so, not that useful of an effect.
  • Shifting from T4 Cognitive Core over to T4 Spectral Radial, however, was very nearly game changing ... particularly with Genesis: Socket adding +10% proc chance to Spectral. MOST attacks with a native damage component (such as the Ninja MM personal attacks using their Bow) are extremely likely to proc 1-5 DoT ticks of extra damage. This was especially obvious with Fistful of Arrows (the cone attack) where I could shoot into a crowd and just start seeing DoT ticks start "smoking" off almost everything I'd just shot. Then a few seconds later, Fistful of Arrows would be recharged and I could hit everything in that pile AGAIN, stacking MORE DoT ticks onto everything. It's absolutely fair to say that the DoT ticks I could pile onto stuff was easily adding 2x or more damage throughput just to my MM Personal Attacks before adding in other factors (such as IO Set procs, etc.). It was positively OBSCENE just how much extra damage I was able to output onto $Targets.
  • The switch to T4 Spectral Radial had the added benefit that the Mag 2 Immobilize proc was useful support for my Ninjas since it meant my Ninjas could get into melee range to deal their heaviest attacks and not need to give chase to remain within melee contact. This is a very subtle side effect, but I did on more than one occasion see NPC mobs trying to move around suddenly STOP when hit with damaging attacks (and the gold rings on black pool appeared under the mob's feet, showing the Interface proc was affecting them) forcing them to "halt" in place ... presumably because they had succumbed to Immobilize Mag stacking from the Spectral procs (12.5+10=22.5% chance to Immobilize Mag 2 for 4.3s). So the Immobilization "bonus" effect wound up making my Ninjas more effective melee damage throughput producers, increasing my collective DPS output.
  • During the BAF iTrial, I went to my "typical" location of the N bunker to the NE (where Nightstar spawns in) and set up to handle everything. A Blaster joined me, but found so few pickings after my Ninjas had "pre-defeated" almost everything that the Blaster wound up wandering off to go help elsewhere. With my new Incarnate slotting (and Robotics Core in Lore slot) I was basically able to SOLO that one bunker all by myself with just my Ninjas and Lore Pets, thanks to the added DoTs from Spectral procs being more reliable thanks to Genesis: T4 Socket slotting. In case that's not obvious enough, previously I needed at least 1 extra PC to help ensure there were "no leaks" from the bunker I was intercepting escapees from ... but now, that's unnecessary, because I can SOLO intercept ALL escapees from a single bunker.
However, just because Ninja/Time + T4 Spectral Radial + T4 Socket Radial looks like it's going to be one of the optimal "blends" for my particular build, because of all the debuffing (-movement, -recharge, -tohit, etc. etc. etc.) going on in concert with melee oriented MM Pets ... that doesn't mean that the particular solution I've found for MY Mastermind is going to be optimal for every other MM build out there.

For example:
I would expect that a Robots/* MM whose build is NOT heavily reliant on Slows (-movement, -recharge) would gain far more advantage out of use of the T4 Cognitive Radial + T4 Socket (Radial) so as to stack Mag 2 Confuse onto mobs while also piling on the Psionic DoTs into the bargain. That way, the Confused mobs "contribute extra damage" on the MM's behalf in a "timely fashion" because those mobs are not being -Recharge debuffed.

So as far as the 2 "control" effect Interface options are concerned, I would argue that Cognitive is better for MM with Pets that are more Ranged+AoE damage oriented (like Mercenaries, Robots and Thugs are) and that Spectral is better for MM with Pets that are more melee damage oriented (like Beasts, Demons, Necromancers and Ninjas are). Additionally, Cognitive is better for MM without -Recharge debuffing powers, while Spectral is better for MM who rely heavily on -Recharge debuffing powers as an integral part of their protection scheme for themselves and their Pets.

One of the other things I've been contemplating changing on my Ninja/Time MM build is switching from T4 Assault Radial to a T4 Support Radial in my Hybrid slot.

The downside to doing that would be a loss of +10% Damage on all attacks (and Doublehit when the Assault Hybrid is toggled on) ... but I'm playing a Mastermind, where most of my damage output is coming from procs ANYWAY and as a MM the AT multiplier for damage is pretty low to begin with (as you can see HERE). So switching from a +10% Damage "at all times" to a +8% damage "half the time" arrangement (because of the difference between Assault and Support in Hybrid) I'll be averaging less damage myself (at best, +8% for 2 minutes out of every 4 minutes, instead of +10% for 4 minutes out of every 4 minutes plus 2 minutes of Doublehit out of every 4 minutes) due to uptime on the effect vs the auto ... but it will also make my Ninjas sturdier (+8% Defense vs All) when within 80ft ... which is where I want them to be anyway for Leadership toggles and Supremacy reasons.

Ultimately, I figure that the improved 85% chance DoT stacking from Spectral+Socket will easily counterbalance any damage throughput that result from switching Assault to Support in my Hybrid slot.

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


Something else for Masterminds to be mindful of when selecting your Incarnate slotting choices.

Pets "inherit" the effects of Alpha and Interface slotting from their casters, but Genesis: Socket interacts with Interface and Pets ALSO inherit the effects from the Socket slotting. This brings up the possibilities of synergizing the Alpha and Interface (plus Genesis: Socket?) into being even more optimally effective.


Confuse (20% Core/10% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: 4.3 second magnitude 2 confuse (I know the text says 12.5%, but the power data says 10%)
Psionic DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 10.709 psionic damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Alpha: T4 Nerve Radial Paragon enhances Confuse durations by +33%.
Alpha: T4 Vigor Radial Paragon enhances Confuse durations by +33%.
Either of these alpha slot options will enhance the Cognitive proc for Confuse from 4.3 seconds to 5.7 seconds of magnitude 2. This is relevant, particularly for Masterminds (whose Pets can output "a lot of attacks" in parallel relatively quickly), because a 5.7 second duration CAN BE long enough to stack procs during "sustained bombardment" of single $Targets by your Mastermind and Pets in order to Confuse more than "just Minions" long enough to be appreciated.


ToHit (100% Core/50% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -5% tohit for 8.3 seconds
Regeneration (50% Core/100% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% regeneration for 8.3 seconds

Alpha: T4 Intuition Radial Paragon enhances ToHit Debuffs by +20%.
Alpha: T4 Musculature Radial Paragon enhances ToHit Debuffs by +20%.
Either of these alpha slot options will enhance the ToHit Debuff procs from to be -6% instead of -5% of ToHit Debuff. Stacked 4x that yields a max stack of -24%.


Recharge (75% Core and Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% recharge for 8.3 seconds
Recovery (50% Core and Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% recovery for 8.3 seconds
(75% Core) Movement, stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% jump height, run speed, flying speed, jumping speed for 8.3 seconds
(75% Radial) Special, stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% STRENGTH defense (ALL), healing, tohit debuffs, run speed, flying speed, confuse, terrorize, hold, immobilize, stun, sleep, knockup, knockback, repel for 8.3 seconds

Alpha: T4 Agility Core Paragon enhances Endurance Modification by +45%. This means -14.5% recovery for 8.3 seconds per proc (up to 4 times), max stack -58%.
Alpha: T4 Agility Radial Paragon enhances Endurance Modification by +33%. This means -13.3% recovery for 8.3 seconds per proc (up to 4 times), max stack -53.2%.
Alpha: T4 Musculature Radial Paragon enhances ToHit Debuffs by +33%. This means -13.3% recovery for 8.3 seconds per proc (up to 4 times), max stack -53.2%.

Alpha: T4 Intuition Radial Paragon enhances Slow Movement by +33%.
Alpha: T4 Spiritual Radial Paragon enhances Slow Movement by +33%.
Either of these alpha slot options will enhance the Slow Movement procs from to be -13.3% for 8.3 seconds per proc (up to 4 times), max stack -53.2%.

Alpha: T4 Intuition Radial Paragon enhances Defense Debuff by +33%.
Alpha: T4 Musculature Radial Paragon enhances Defense Debuff by +33%.
Either of these alpha slot options will enhance the Defense Debuff procs from to be -13.3% for 8.3 seconds per proc (up to 4 times), max stack -53.2%.

Alpha: T4 Intuition Radial Paragon enhances ToHit Debuffs by +20%.
Alpha: T4 Musculature Radial Paragon enhances ToHit Debuffs by +20%.
Either of these alpha slot options will enhance the ToHit Debuff procs from to be -12% instead of -10% of ToHit Debuff. Stacked 4x that yields a max stack of -48%.

The synergies between Alpha: Intuition and Interface: Gravitic are remarkably STRONG (Slow, Defense Debuff, ToHit Debuff) ... closely followed by the combination of Alpha: Musculature and Interface: Gravitic (Recovery Debuff, Defense Debuff, ToHit Debuff).
The combination of Alpha: Agility and Interface: Gravitic is particularly notable for builds oriented around Endurance Draining, since the additional -Recovery Debuffing in this combination is so powerful, relative to Interface: Preemptive.
The combination of Alpha: Spiritual and Interface: Gravitic ought to be advantageous for HEAT and VEAT builds that need to obtain high +Recharge in order to make their builds "function" at a desirable tempo, while ALSO "debuffing the stuffing" out of Foes in ways that significantly lower threat levels to PCs.

Also note that for Masterminds (whose Pets can output "a lot of attacks" in parallel relatively quickly), because the Slow stack procs during "sustained bombardment" of single $Targets by your Mastermind and Pets can yield some pretty severely debilitating debuff stacks "in a hurry" that can mitigate problems with runners. Not quite an Immobilize (Movement Debuffing), not quite a Hold (Recharge Debuffing), but certainly close enough to "make things interesting" without needing to rely on stacking enough magnitude to achieve either outcome (Immobilize or Hold) against higher ranked Foes (Lieutenant, Boss, Elite Boss, etc.). Additionally, for Masterminds who rely on a combination of +Defense and -ToHit Debuff as their go to protection scheme (such as what Time Manipulation offers), the combination of Alpha: Intuition and Interface: Gravitic can be especially synergistic for both Mastermind AND Pet survival, while also reducing the risk of extended Mez durations by additionally debuffing Foe Mez powers when using the Gravitic Radial Flawless Interface ("squishies" will thank you later/eventually for that, if they ever realize the difference you're bringing to the Mez Problem™). Shorter Mez durations combined with longer recharge times due to -Recharge Debuffing, particularly if "well distributed" into Foes can make quite a difference to anyone who isn't a Melee Monster build.

Add Genesis: Socket for up to +10% proc rates and a single Player can relatively easily "max stack" the debuffs from Gravitics by themselves.
Add Genesis: Socket for up to +10% proc rates and a Mastermind's Pets can very nearly "solo" Foes individually, generating a "max stack" of debuffs from Gravitics on EACH Foe by themselves.
The tradeoff for this "tour de force" of debuffing power is that Gravitic does not add any DoT options ... however, depending on your build, the tradeoff of "better survival through debuffing" versus "faster defeating through DoTs" may be worth it for the "squishier" types of builds that still have gaps in their protection schemes.


Defense (75% Core/25% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -2.5% base defense for 8.3 seconds
Damage (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -5% damage for 8.3 seconds

Alpha: T4 Intuition Radial Paragon enhances Defense Debuff by +33%.
Alpha: T4 Musculature Radial Paragon enhances Defense Debuff by +33%.
Either of these alpha slot options will enhance the Defense Debuff procs from to be -6.65% for 8.3 seconds per proc (up to 4 times), max stack -26.6%.


Endurance/Recovery (75% Core/25% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -1% endurance per second for 4.3 seconds, -5% recovery for 4.3 seconds
Energy DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 energy damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Alpha: T4 Agility Core Paragon enhances Endurance Modification by +45%. This means -7.25% recovery for 4.3 seconds per proc (up to 4 times), max stack -29%.
Alpha: T4 Agility Radial Paragon enhances Endurance Modification by +33%. This means -6.65% recovery for 4.3 seconds per proc (up to 4 times), max stack -26.6%.
Alpha: T4 Musculature Radial Paragon enhances ToHit Debuffs by +33%. This means -6.65% recovery for 4.3 seconds per proc (up to 4 times), max stack -26.6%.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm getting the feeling that the Preemptive "drain proc" isn't all that powerful, particularly compared to the recovery debuffing power of Interface: Gravitic (2x the debuff and 2x the duration per proc, same x4 stacking limit). However, ideally any Sapper build would appreciate having BOTH a max stack of Gravitic AND Preemptive procs debuffing blue bar(s) towards zero (and keeping them there for extended durations). I would imagine the preference would be for Masterminds (and their Pets) to be dishing out Interface: Gravitic procs as quickly as possible, while the Electric (and Kinetics) builds rely on Preemptive to augment their native DRAIN powers. Against AV/GM type "hard targets" in iTrials, I would imagine that combination ought to be relatively effective in helping Sapper builds "do their thing" of Blue Bar Denial to Foes.


Immobilize (25% Core/12.5% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: 4.3 second magnitude 2 immobilize
Negative DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 negative damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Alpha: T4 Musculature Core Paragon enhances Immobilization by +33%.
Alpha: T4 Musculature Radial Paragon enhances Immobilization by +33%.
Alpha: T4 Resilient Core Paragon enhances Immobilization by +33%.
Alpha: T4 Resilient Radial Paragon enhances Immobilization by +33%.
Any of these alpha slot options will enhance the Spectral proc for Immobilize from 4.3 seconds to 5.7 seconds of magnitude 2. This is relevant, particularly for Masterminds (whose Pets can output "a lot of attacks" in parallel relatively quickly), because a 5.7 second duration CAN BE long enough to stack procs during "sustained bombardment" of single $Targets by your Mastermind and Pets in order to Immobilize more than "just Minions" long enough to be appreciated.


And it's only AFTER doing up this analysis that I think I'm going to change my preferred Interface slotting from Spectral Radial (for the DoT) to Gravitic Radial (for the deep debuffing stacks) on my Ninja/Time Mastermind build. Fortunately, I'll have an opportunity to test out the swap during iTrials tonight.

A side benefit of making this change from Spectral to Gravitic will be that I'll have more "margin" to choose something other than Hybrid: T4 Support Radial as my preferred slotting there.
Hybrid: T4 Control (Core or Radial) does not "proliferate" out to Pets (as near as I can determine so far), but being able to add Mez Effects to my rapid fire Aimed Shot+Fistful of Arrows personal attacks as a Ninja/Time Mastermind ought to have some interesting side effects.

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


Recharge (75% Core and Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% recharge for 8.3 seconds
Recovery (50% Core and Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% recovery for 8.3 seconds
(75% Core) Movement, stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% jump height, run speed, flying speed, jumping speed for 8.3 seconds
(75% Radial) Special, stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% STRENGTH defense (ALL), healing, -tohit, run speed, flying speed, confuse, terrorize, hold, immobilize, stun, sleep, knockup, knockback, repel for 8.3 seconds

Been doing some testing in iTrials using the Interface: T4 Gravitic Radial to deliver Recharge, Recovery and Special debuffing ... and in the process, I've noticed an extremely important distinction about the Special debuffs. I had to confirm my suspicions using City of Data v2.0 used by Homecoming, but it all bears out.

Interface: Diamagnetic gets coded as -ToHit debuffing and -Regeneration debuffing for its proc effects.
Interface: Gravitic Radial gets coded as defense (ALL), healing, tohit, run speed, flying speed, confuse, terrorize, hold, immobilize, stun, sleep, knockup, knockback, repel STRENGTH debuffing

If I'm interpreting the nuances here correctly, that means that the Special debuff proc does not modify "base" values for all of those effects (except Defense, because Defense MUST ALWAYS SUFFER!).
Instead, what the Special debuff proc does is "reduced the strength of powers that ADD those effects" to affected $Targets.

So to illustrate the difference ... let's say I'm attacking Generic Mob NPC (Local 1731).

  • If I'm using Interface: Diamagnetic, then 4x stacks of -ToHit debuff procs will stack up to -20% to -24% ToHit debuffing to that PvE $Target and work "just like +Defense" for myself (and my Allies) when they attack.
  • If I'm using Interface: Gravitic and the PvE $Target has a power akin to Time's Juncture yielding -ToHit debuffing ... then a 4x stack of -ToHit strength debuff procs will stack up to -40 to -48% ToHit debuffing would reduce the effective yield of -ToHit offered by that Time's Juncture power affecting myself (and my Allies).
  • If I'm using Interface: Gravitic and the PvE $Target has no -ToHit Buffs of any kind on it ... then a 4x stack of -ToHit strength debuff procs will yield No Appreciable Change to that PvE $Target's chances to hit. The Special debuff has "nothing to grab onto to debuff" as far as -ToHit buffing is concerned ... so -40% to -48% "of nothing" is most definitely NOTHING.

The one exception to this How To Compute Special Debuffing factor is Defense. Because Defense must ALWAYS be PUNISHED (as much, if not more, than the Regeneration powerset), the Gravitic Radial Special proc for debuffs will ALSO debuff Base Defense (ALL), in addition to debuffing each Positional Defense Buff (M/R/AoE) and each Typed Defense Buff (S/L/C/F/E/N/P/T) power that affected $Targets have.

So if I'm understanding correctly, Interface: Gravitic is a more subtle and nuanced debuff proc than I had been at first assuming, with regards to the Special proc.
It's also something that doesn't necessarily offer all that many advantages to a well slotted Time Manipulation build that is already flooring Recharge and Movement (via Time Crawl and Distortion Field slotted with procs and enhanced for slow). Most of what the Gravitic procs are doing winds up being "redundant" due to hitting debuff caps (-Recharge is capped at -75%, which causes powers to take 4x as long to recharge, for example).

There are, however, some interesting synergies with a variety of other builds to be had.
The Special debuff of Gravitic Radial reduces all Mez durations, which synergizes very nicely with Mez Resistances to reduce the duration of Mez powers that Mob NPCs can throw out. During last night's iTrials, when I had Hybrid: Control slotted (mainly for the extra Mez Resists auto effect) that in combination with the Interface: Gravitic Radial I was seeing dramatically shorter durations on Holds and other Mez effects being thrown around by Seers in the Lambda run we did. Instead of being locked down for ~8-10 seconds, I would instead be locked down for ~4 seconds before shaking off the Mez. So this combination of Interface: Gravitic Radial and Hybrid: Control could have important implications for various otherwise "squishy" builds that lack Mez Protections and who want to minimize their durations for being Mezzed.

I can easily imagine this particular insight being very useful to Controllers and Dominators, since it will reduce their vulnerability to being Mezzed themselves. However, for the Interface slot to proc, an attack power must natively do damage ... so Crushing Field in Gravity Control (Target AoE Immobilize) will proc Gravitic, but Gravity Distortion Field in Gravity Control (Target AoE Hold) will not.

Even Blasters can benefit from use of Interface: T4 Gravitic Core since it will debuff movement in ways that make it difficult for Foes to "bumrush" your Blaster. The movement debuffing can thus "give you more time" as a Blaster to "mow stuff down" before they get to you and you need to move away from being vulnerable to melee. Likewise, if you want to spend less time locked down by Mez effects, you can use Interface: T4 Gravitic Radial to help mitigate those Mez durations "offensively" via Special debuff procs.

However, the big disappointment for me (and my Ninja/Time build) is that Interface: Gravitic just isn't that optimal a choice for me and my build.
For one thing, the Ninjas attack so fast that they will rapidly hit the debuff stack limit all by themselves, just by attacking. However, if they get spread out (attacking in parallel on different $Targets, rather than concentrating on one $Target) then the Gravitic procs they're delivering really aren't helping my Ninjas all that much. There's this peculiar blend of Too Much/Not Enough going on, mixed in with "never the right thing for what you were actually wanting" happening that is kind of disappointing when it gets put into practice.

For one thing, Hybrid: T4 Control (either) is very nearly a complete waste of effort (compared to the alternatives) on my build.

Hybrid: T4 Control Core can basically buff Distortion Field(?) and Time Stop with the 33% chance +1 Mag (to Hold, for these 1-2 powers).
In order to make use of the bonus Psionic damage to controlled Foes, they either have to be Held (Distortion Field and/or Time Stop), Confused (Interface: Cognitive proc) or Immobilized (Interface: Spectral proc) or Sleeping (Jounin: Blinding Powder, yeah right!) ... and the bonus damage only accrues when my Mastermind attacks personally. My Ninjas don't "inherit" the buff effects of Hybrid (because it's a Click power, not an Auto power like Alpha, Interface and Genesis are). Still, when fighting around Controllers/Dominators, chances are "decent" that AoE controls are going to be in play, so there is at least some synergy to be had there ... and the added Mez Resistances are kind of nice.

Hybrid: T4 Control Radial is pretty much an even bigger waste of time for a Ninja/Time Mastermind.
The Immobilize > Fear > Stun progression WORKS ... but I've only got 2 direct damaging powers (procs deal a LOT of damage in my build!) ... Aimed Shot and Fistful of Arrows from my Ninja primary. Time Manipulation has NO damage dealing powers in it. Mastermind primary powersets offer only 3 damaging powers (2 single target ranged, 1 AoE (Cone or Target)) and I've only taken 2 personal attacks. So there's actually VERY LITTLE to work with when it comes to making "good use" of the Hybrid: T4 Control Radial. That said, with all the recharge in my build (Chrono Shift, Hasten, Global Recharge) I can more or less Aimed Shot/Fistful of Arrows/Aimed Shot/pause for a sustained duration to "spread the pain" in front of me ... and THAT is actually relatively effective at implementing the Immobilize > Fear > Stun progression when this Hybrid is active. Unfortunately, the yield is basically redundant. The Mez effects stack too slowly on anything Lieutenant rank or higher to be meaningfully useful. I'll see the Mez stack "finally taking effect" just in time to see that $Target defeated (defeat is the better debuff, let's be honest here), so the value of the effort is minimal and only pays off "at the end" when the contest is mostly over anyway. So the effects are good against $Targets that get flattened "almost instantly" while also taking too long to develop against $Targets that "take some effort" to put down. The Mez Resist buff is nice, but that's about all the value that I was extracting from this Hybrid choice on the regular.

I think the next combination I want to try in iTrials for my Ninja/Time Mastermind is:
Alpha: T4 Intuition Radial (+33% Hold, Defense Debuff, Damage, Slow) (+20% Range, ToHit Debuff)
Interface: T4 Diamagnetic Core (100% proc -6% ToHit Debuff for 8.3 seconds, max stack 4x) (50% proc -10% Regeneration for 8.3 seconds, max stack 4x)
Hybrid: T4 Control Core (33% proc +1 Mag for 10 seconds) (+Psionic damage to controlled Foes, think Containment) (+Mez Resists)
Genesis: T4 Socket Radial (+10% global Interface proc chances) (+10% Max HP) (+10% Max END) @ Levels 45+ / (25% proc for -Resist debuff) (75% proc for Fire DoT) @ Levels 44-

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


Quote from: Redlynne on July 31, 2024, 09:32:02 AMFor one thing, Hybrid: T4 Control (either) is very nearly a complete waste of effort (compared to the alternatives) on my build.

Hybrid: T4 Control Core can basically buff Distortion Field(?) and Time Stop with the 33% chance +1 Mag (to Hold, for these 1-2 powers).
In order to make use of the bonus Psionic damage to controlled Foes, they either have to be Held (Distortion Field and/or Time Stop), Confused (Interface: Cognitive proc) or Immobilized (Interface: Spectral proc) or Sleeping (Jounin: Blinding Powder, yeah right!) ... and the bonus damage only accrues when my Mastermind attacks personally. My Ninjas don't "inherit" the buff effects of Hybrid (because it's a Click power, not an Auto power like Alpha, Interface and Genesis are). Still, when fighting around Controllers/Dominators, chances are "decent" that AoE controls are going to be in play, so there is at least some synergy to be had there ... and the added Mez Resistances are kind of nice.

Did a little testing in Imperial this morning, trying to get a feel for how Distortion Field interacts with Hybrid: T4 Control Core.
To my astonishment, according to the Combat Log CASTING Distortion Field did indeed occasionally invoke the 33% chance to proc +1 Mag effect. However, as with all pseudo-pet powers, any procs slotted on the caster are not "inherited" by the pseudo-pet. Therefore, when Distortion field is initially cast, it can gain the +1 Mag to Hold buff ... but any subsequent 2-3% chance procs for Hold do NOT get the bonus +1 Mag from Hybrid: T4 Control Core.

What was fun was that I've got a 5-slot Superior Winter Set with Cold proc (4.5PPM) slotted into Distortion Field ... so upon casting and every 10 seconds after that, I would see chances to proc Cold damage simply 1-shotting Minions and Lieutenants while testing against Syndicate groups on the streets around Studio 55, no Ninjas required. I've also got a Basilisk's Gaze proc (3.5PPM) slotted into Distortion Field as well, which would occasionally proc a Controlled in orange with the damage but the $Target would not be held, so I figure that was the Basilisk's Gaze doing its thing of adding -25% Recharge debuffing for 10 seconds on top of Distortion Field's "native" -50% Recharge debuffing ... so without the proc, recharge times are 2x as long, but with the Basilisk's Gaze proc become 4x as long, which I figure is "just as good as a +2 Mag Hold proc for 6 seconds" under most nominal circumstances, before Incarnate Slotting factors into things.

I promise, I'm going to be bringing this back around to where Interface comes into the picture again.

My current thinking is that if Hybrid: T4 Control Core adds Waylay Psionic damage to any personal attack that does damage to a Foe who is already Mezzed (confuse, fear, hold, immobilize, sleep or stun), then it may be advantageous to remove the Basilisk's Gaze proc from Distortion Field and replace it with Lockdown (for more Hold mag stacking). This would also mean that Interface: Cognitive and Spectral start rising in value for my build again, because of the Confuse and Immobilize procs on Interface respectively, increasing the opportunities for bonus Psionic damage while Hybrid: Control Core is active. Additionally, Judgement: T4 Cryonic Radial and Judgement: T4 Ionic Radial both have a 25% chance of a mag 4 Hold for 12 seconds, which can then be exploited by Hybrid: T4 Control Core (when active) for bonus Waylay Psionic damage happening in follow up attacks after using Judgement.

And THAT is just one example of how tweaking a single slot in a build can have a cascade of knock on effects that reverberate throughout a build to shift its optimization onto a new path that otherwise wouldn't have even been considered previously.

Show your math work for Proc chances in Distortion Field.

Level 16: Distortion Field

    (A) Basilisk's Gaze - Chance of -Recharge: Level 10
    (34) Superior Winter Storm - Recharge/Chance for Cold Damage: Attuned
    (36) Superior Winter Storm - Accuracy/Slow: Attuned
    (37) Superior Winter Storm - Damage/Slow: Attuned
    (42) Superior Winter Storm - Accuracy/Damage/Slow: Attuned
    (42) Superior Winter Storm - Damage/Endurance/Slow: Attuned

Distortion Field: Lockdown (2.5 PPM), Basilisk's Gaze (3.5 PPM), Superior Winter Storm (4.5 PPM)

    2.5 x 10 / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 20 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 12.82% per $Target
    3.5 x 10 / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 20 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 17.95% per $Target
    4.5 x 10 / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 20 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 23.08% per $Target

In other words, switching from Basilisk's Gaze to Lockdown means a -5.13% proc chance loss.
Basilisk's Gaze has a 10 second duration while Lockdown has a 6 second duration ... but Distortion Field (as a pseudo-pet) has a 45 second duration, meaning that there are a total of 5 opportunities to proc @ casting, +10, +20, +30 and +40 seconds of duration against @Targets within the 20 ft radius AoE of the psuedo-pet. However, that change from Basilisk's Gaze to Lockdown simultaneously raises the value of using Hybrid: T4 Control Core, particularly when adding Time Crawl and Time Stop into the mix for HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! spectacles of "you're not going anywhere" as part of my standard attack chain (Time Crawl, Time Stop, Fistful of Arrows, Aimed Shot, repeat) where being able to stack enough Hold mag "in a hurry" turns into an opportunity for bonus damage ON TOP OF what Interface procs can ALSO bring into the mix. Throw in Judgement: Cryonic Radial or Judgement: Ionic Radial for "bonus Hold mag procs" on top of everything else ... and this is starting to look somewhat promising.

I'm even starting to question the choice between Interface: Cognitive Core and Radial along with Interface: Spectral Core and Radial because of the influence of Hybrid: Control Core.
Because with Genesis: T4 Socket adding +10% proc chance to Interface slotting, you wind up with this:

Confuse (30% Core / 20% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: 4.3 seecond magnitude 2 confuse
Psionic DoT (35% Core / 85% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 10.709 psionic damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Immobilize (35% Core / 22.5% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: 4.3 second magnitude 2 immobilize
Negative DoT (35% Core / 85% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 negative damage per second for 4.3 seconds

In the broader scheme of things, the bonus Psionic damage from Hybrid: Control Core is going to exceed the bonus Psionic damage from Interface: Cognitive DoT procs ... IF ... Foes are controlled (confuse, fear, hold, immobilize, sleep or stun), and Confused Foes can do "additional damage" with their own attacks (assuming they haven't been recharge debuffed too heavily and have spammed away all of their attacks). A broadly similar case can be made for Interface: Spectral, although Immobilize offers far less in the way of mitigation than Confuse does. However, AV/GMs should not be highly protected against Immobilize, unlike all other Mez Protection that they're offered by their AV/GM rank, so if the desire is to have a Foe controlled to proc extra damage from Hybrid: Control Core then Spectral wins out for having the highest proc chance of stacking AND being the most likely to overcome AV/GM Mez Protection levels in order to allow Hybrid: Control Core to proc additional Psionic damage.

Conversely, the choice of Interface: Cognitive would offer "superior mitigation" via occasional Confuse stacks among lower ranking Minions, Lieutenants, Bosses and Elite Bosses ... so it's really a question of where to weight your INFluence on the battlefield during iTrials.

You see, it's all connected ...  8)

Even in builds that are not "overflowing" with hard controls, it's still possible to "backdoor" your way into having some "respectable" level of control that you can exert to make everyone's life easier (including your own).
You just have to theorycraft you way to a solution and decide if it's "right" for you or not.

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


Diamagnetic (without Genesis: Socket modification)
ToHit (100% Core/50% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -5% tohit for 8.3 seconds
Regeneration (50% Core/100% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% regeneration for 8.3 seconds


I've been giving some more thought to the notion of comparing Interface DoTs (max ticks) against Regeneration Debuffing in Diamagnetic, which then creates an unbalanced comparison in favor of the Interface DoTs while also presenting a maximal favorable (DoTs) vs least favorable (Regeneration Debuffing) way to compare the two.

So first things first.
I took my SR/MA Tanker Redlynne to the Rikti Test Dummies in RWZ to gather some in-game data on the Interface DoTs throughput in order to use that information as a basis for comparison. These are the results that turned up in the Combat Log.

Tanker: T4 Cognitive Radial = 49.97 Psi max vs Rikti Test Dummy in RWZ
8.61 Psi
10.34 Psi
10.34 Psi
10.34 Psi
10.34 Psi
Note that 8.61 * 1.2 = 10.332

Tanker: T4 Spectral Radial = 62.45 Negative Energy max vs Rikti Test Dummy in RWZ
10.77 Negative Energy
12.92 Negative Energy
12.92 Negative Energy
12.92 Negative Energy
12.92 Negative Energy
Note that 10.77 * 1.2 = 12.924

Furthermore, note that the damage scalar for Tankers in melee is 0.8, which might somehow be relevant in how the 1.2 multiplier appears (because 2-0.8=1.2, for example).
At any rate, as you can see the up to 4 DoT ticks after the initial attack are either 10.34 (Minor DoT) or 12.92 (Moderate DoT) on the Rikti Test Dummies.


Mob NPC HP and Regeneration

Minion @ 54 = 435.7 HP ... 5% = 21.785 HP every 42 seconds
-0% Regeneration Debuff = 42 * ((100+0)/100) = 42 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +21.785 HP
-50% Regeneration Debuff = 42 * ((100+50)/100) = 42+21=63 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +21.785 HP
-100% Regeneration Debuff = 42 * ((100+100)/100) = 42+42=84 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +21.785 HP
-150% Regeneration Debuff = 42 * ((100+150)/100) = 42+63=105 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +21.785 HP
-200% Regeneration Debuff = 42 * ((100+200)/100) = 42+84=126 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +21.785 HP

Lieutenant @ 54 = 867.4 ... 5% = 43.37 HP every 23 seconds
-0% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+0)/100) = 23 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +43.37 HP
-50% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+50)/100) = 23+11.5=34.5 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +43.37 HP
-100% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+100)/100) = 23+23=46 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +43.37 HP
-150% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+150)/100) = 23+34.5=57.5 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +43.37 HP
-200% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+200)/100) = 23+46=69 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +43.37 HP

Boss @ 54 = 2729.7 ... 5% = 136.485 HP every 23 seconds
-0% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+0)/100) = 23 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +136.485 HP
-50% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+50)/100) = 23+11.5=34.5 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +136.485 HP
-100% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+100)/100) = 23+23=46 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +136.485 HP
-150% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+150)/100) = 23+34.5=57.5 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +136.485 HP
-200% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+200)/100) = 23+46=69 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +136.485 HP

Elite Boss @ 54 = 5416.2 ... 5% = 270.81 HP every 23 seconds
-0% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+0)/100) = 23 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +270.81 HP
-50% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+50)/100) = 23+11.5=34.5 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +270.81 HP
-100% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+100)/100) = 23+23=46 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +270.81 HP
-150% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+150)/100) = 23+34.5=57.5 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +270.81 HP
-200% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+200)/100) = 23+46=69 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +270.81 HP

Archvillain/Hero @ 54 = 30,677.2 ... 5% = 1,533.86 HP every 15 seconds
-0% Regeneration Debuff = 15 * ((100+0)/100) = 15.000 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +1,533.86 HP
-50% Regeneration Debuff = 15 * ((100+(50*0.13))/100) = 15+0.975=15.975 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +1,533.86 HP
-100% Regeneration Debuff = 15 * ((100+(100*0.13))/100) = 15+1.95=16.95 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +1,533.86 HP
-150% Regeneration Debuff = 15 * ((100+(150*0.13))/100) = 15+2.925=17.925 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +1,533.86 HP
-200% Regeneration Debuff = 15 * ((100+(200*0.13))/100) = 15+3.9=18.9 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +1,533.86 HP
Note that Archvillains/Heroes all have an Archvillain Resistance power that grants them 87% resistance to Regeneration Debuffs (hence the *0.13 factor in calculating the delay factor in Regeneration ticks).


Damage Throughput Equivalencies

42 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 2.3x Regeneration ticks deferred = 1x Minor Interface DoT (full ticks of Cognitive or Degenerative)
42 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 2.9x Regeneration ticks deferred = 1x Moderate Interface DoT (full ticks of Preemptive, Reactive or Spectral)

23 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 1.2x Regeneration ticks deferred = 1x Minor Interface DoT (full ticks of Cognitive or Degenerative)
23 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 1.4x Regeneration ticks deferred = 1x Moderate Interface DoT (full ticks of Preemptive, Reactive or Spectral)

23 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 1x Regeneration ticks deferred = 2.7x Minor Interface DoT (full ticks of Cognitive or Degenerative)
23 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 1x Regeneration ticks deferred = 2.2x Moderate Interface DoT (full ticks of Preemptive, Reactive or Spectral)

Elite Boss
23 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 1x Regeneration ticks deferred = 5.4x Minor Interface DoT (full ticks of Cognitive or Degenerative)
23 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 1x Regeneration ticks deferred = 4.3x Moderate Interface DoT (full ticks of Preemptive, Reactive or Spectral)

15 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 1x Regeneration ticks deferred = 30.7x Minor Interface DoT (full ticks of Cognitive or Degenerative)
15 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 1x Regeneration ticks deferred = 24.6x Moderate Interface DoT (full ticks of Preemptive, Reactive or Spectral)


Alright, this is where things get difficult for comparative analysis, because although we LIKE to cross-compare things on an "equal" basis (or at least as equal as we can make them) ... HP gains deferred because Regeneration has been Debuffed is BROADLY similar in effect to "HP Debuffing" via Interface DoTs in terms of "time until defeat" ... the two methods are really different "paths" to achieving the same ultimate goal (0 HP on $Target, gimmie drops, XP and INF).

Most spreadsheet analyses comparing Interface DoTs vs -Regeneration Debuffing tend to start with the best case scenario (DoTs) and the worst case scenario (-Regeneration Debuffing) and then proceed to ignore the caveats of CONTEXT when playing the actual game itself.

The first thing to realize is that Regeneration HoT ticks do not "start happening" after an NPC has been damaged. The "timer" for Regeneration HoT ticks basically "starts ticking" when mobs are spawned into the game (because PCs got close enough). That will typically mean that "some amount of time until the next Regeneration HoT tick" will already have elapsed before being encountered by PCs.

My point being that just because Lieutenants, Bosses and Elite Bosses will have an unmodified regeneration rate of 23 seconds between HoT ticks, that doesn't mean that the 23 second "timer" will BEGIN after the first damaging attack lands ... so now you need to wait 23 MORE seconds after the first attack before any -Regeneration Debuffing "can be felt/noticed" on those Foes.

Let's say, just for the purposes of illustration, that your group encounters a Boss and attacks 13 seconds after the last regeneration HoT tick for that Boss.
In the absence of any -Regeneration Debuffing, that would ordinarily mean that the next regeneration HoT tick would be 10 seconds after the PCs attack that Boss.
So long as the -Regeneration Debuffing stacked onto that Boss "defers" the regeneration HoT tick until AFTER the Boss is defeated, then the 5% of Max HP in healing that would have accrued from that regeneration HoT tick "doesn't happen" and is functionally equivalent to the amount of extra damage that would have needed to be applied to reach 0 HP on that Boss if the regeneration HoT tick HAD happened (as scheduled) prior to being debuffed.

In other words, thinking of -Regeneration Debuffing "having value" ONLY if $Targets stay @ HP>0 for 42/23/15 seconds (and integer multiples thereof) is the wrong way to be framing how to think about the question.

As you can see from the overly simplistic 1:1 comparison above, Interface: DoTs will tend to deliver "more damage throughput FASTER" onto Minions and Lieutenants than -Regeneration Debuffing can. A lot of this has to do with the fact that Interface: DoTs do damage relatively quickly (within 4 seconds) and can be somewhat relied upon to help defeat low ranking NPCs "faster enough" to be valuable. It basically boils down to "more DPS NOW" rather than needing to "wait for it" with a regeneration HoT tick.

Conversely, although it is (more or less) "true" that Interface: DoTs defeat Minions and Lieutenants "faster" than -Regeneration Debuff stacking can ... the survival time for Foes in these ranks isn't exactly a "problem in search of a solution" (per se). Even normal attacks without DoTs or Regeneration Debuffing will tend to defeat these Foes "quickly enough" in the first place, when looking at opposition in iTrials (the most common denominator context for Incarnate slotting to be relevant).

However, as soon as you get to the Boss ranks of Foes, the dynamics SHIFT towards more of a "middle ground" type of circumstance. A single regeneration HoT tick that can be "deferred" by -Regeneration Debuffing beyond the Time to Defeat (TtD) represents 2-3 Interface: DoT procs that apply all 4 ticks of bonus damage (which cancel on MISS, checking with each tick, so higher proc chances are definitely better for this!). With Interface: Radial DoTs + Genesis: Socket yielding 85% proc chances for DoTs, that "value" of a missed regeneration HoT tick (if it works out like that) I would say that in context the overall balance still favors Interface: DoTs ... but the gap between the two is rapidly closing.

Elite Bosses is where I would argue that -Regeneration Debuffing starts to pull ahead of Interface: DoT procs in terms of both damage equivalencies and hastening the Time to Defeat (TtD). A part of that factor has to be the context that Elite Bosses, with their deeper Max HP pools, tend to "survive longer ENOUGH" that -Regeneration Debuffs are much more likely to be able to play a factor. When a single regeneration HoT tick goes from being "late" to being "too late" (because, defeated) that's essentially "worth" 4.3-5.4 Interface: DoT ticks of bonus damage in order to achieve the same outcome.

But the real difference, of course, can be found once you're dealing with Archvillain/Hero levels of Max HP and fast regeneration.
Even if -Regeneration Debuffing is only adding +0.975 seconds delay to regeneration HoT ticks for every -50% Regeneration Debuff "leaking through" Archvillain Resistance (87% @ Level 54) ... the sheer amount of "regeneration healing avoided" easily exceeds the amount of bonus damage done by Interface: DoTs. And given that Foes of this rank have the LONGEST Time to Defeat (TtD) of any other ranking, this means that -Regeneration Debuffing can be the difference between quick(er) victories and a long hard slog to a win (or a rout for the PCs).

Think of the Warwalkers in the Underground iTrial.
They can take MINUTES for an entire league to defeat.

In very simplistic terms, if a league with NO Regeneration Debuffing takes 3 minutes to defeat an AV, during those 3 minutes that AV will have (most likely) received 4 regeneration HoT ticks per minute ... or 12 regeneration HoT ticks over the 3 minutes of the battle.

AV Max HP (base) = 30,677.2
12 regeneration HoT ticks = 12 * 1,533.86 = 18,406.32 HP regenerated
30,677.2 + 18,406.32 = 49,083.52 damage over 3 minutes by league

However, a single Interface: Diamagnetic user who can maintain the -10*4 Regeneration Debuff stack on that same AV, absent any other -Regeneration Debuffing (very unlikely, but I'm just drawing analyses of alternatives here) would increase the time between regeneration HoT ticks from 15 seconds to 15*((100+(40*0.13))/100)=15.78 seconds. For a battle that lasts 3 minutes, that would probably mean only 11 regeneration HoT ticks over the 3 minutes of the battle, rather than 12.

AV Max HP (base) = 30,677.2
11 regeneration HoT ticks = 11 * 1,533.86 = 16,872.46 HP regenerated
30,677.2 + 16,872.46 = 47,549.66 damage over 3 minutes by league

But it's when you start stacking up sources of -Regeneration Debuff values into actually impressive amounts that you can really start to see the shift.
For example, my own Ninja/Time Mastermind build has -Regeneration Debuff sourcing from the following powers:
Jounin Poison Dart (x2): -100% Regeneration for 15 seconds (stacks with existing effect)
Time Crawl: -100% Regeneration for 20 seconds (does not stack from same caster)
Time Stop: -50% Regeneration for 20 seconds (does not stack from same caster)

Now add another 4x -10% Regeneration Debuff on top of those and with Interface: T4 Diamagnetic I can "easily" generate a -Regeneration Debuff stack of -390% before adding in Lore: Robotic Drones Core (for another -50% Regeneration Debuff each).

15*((100+(0*0.13))/100)=15 seconds per HoT tick (AV regeneration, 0% -Regeneration Debuffing)

15*((100+(350*0.13))/100)=21.825 seconds per HoT tick (AV regeneration, 350% -Regeneration Debuffing)
15*((100+(390*0.13))/100)=22.605 seconds per HoT tick (AV regeneration, 390% -Regeneration Debuffing)

15*((100+(450*0.13))/100)=23.775 seconds per HoT tick (AV regeneration, 450% -Regeneration Debuffing)
15*((100+(490*0.13))/100)=24.555 seconds per HoT tick (AV regeneration, 490% -Regeneration Debuffing)

Assuming a 3 minute (180 second battle), to keep the comparisons "close" to each other in one of the variables ... here's how those -Regeneration Debuff stacks measure up:

180 / 15 = 12 * 1,533.86 = 18,406.32 HP regenerated by AV over 3 minutes

180 / 21.825 = 8.25 ... 8 * 1,533.86 = 12,270.88 HP regenerated by AV over 3 minutes @ -350% Regeneration Debuff stack
180 / 22.605 = 7.96 ... 7 * 1,533.86 = 10,737.02 HP regenerated by AV over 3 minutes @ -390% Regeneration Debuff stack
180 / 23.775 = 7.57 ... 7 * 1,533.86 = 10,737.02 HP regenerated by AV over 3 minutes @ -450% Regeneration Debuff stack
180 / 24.555 = 7.33 ... 7 * 1,533.86 = 10,737.02 HP regenerated by AV over 3 minutes @ -490% Regeneration Debuff stack

And just for fun ...

15*((100+(770*0.13))/100)=30.015 seconds per HoT tick (AV regeneration, 770% -Regeneration Debuffing)
180 / 30.015 = 6.00 ... 6 * 1,533.86 = 9,203.16 HP regenerated by AV over 3 minutes @ -770% Regeneration Debuff stack

My point being that there are ... breakpoints ... regarding the "relative value" of -Regeneration Debuffing, where for a given Time to Defeat (TtD) for a given $Target, the benefit of the -Regeneration Debuff granted by Interface: Diamagnetic can either be negligible or appreciable, depending on how may regeneration HoT ticks get delayed/deferred before the $Target is defeated.

For Minions and Lieutenants, Interface: DoTs will almost certainly "help defeat" these $Targets faster/more reliably than -Regeneration Debuffing can (or should).
For Bosses, Interface: DoTs will "often help defeat" these $Targets faster/more reliably than -Regeneration Debuffing can ... although "which is better" is starting to become a close run thing, more decided by chance (how long until the next regeneration HoT tick) than by design.
For Elite Bosses, Interface: DoTs are "approximately on par" with -Regeneration Debuffing, statistically speaking ... although there are going to be plenty of edge cases where "bad timing" of a regeneration HoT tick vs an Interface: DoT proc compared to a -Regeneration Debuff proc delaying that regeneration HoT tick can result in an advantage for -Regeneration Debuffing when "all conditions are equal" between the two scenarios. However, the odds of that kind of circumstance occurring, where -Regeneration yields a better Time to Defeat (TtD) for Elite Bosses is becoming increasingly more likely.
For Archvillains/Heroes, Interface: DoTs finally fall behind the curve of increasingly deep -Regeneration Debuff stacking (even with Archvillain Resistance in play).

So in terms of "skew" for the advantages of either option ... Interface: DoTs are good for clearing low ranking "trash mobs" ... while -Regeneration Debuffs are better for "diluting the Big Bags of HP™" that Elite Bosses and Archvillains/Heroes represent.

From my own personal experience, I can say that Underground iTrials that I run with Ku no Ichi (my Ninja/Time Mastermind) have a LOT LESS TROUBLE with the Warwalkers and Avatar of Hamidon than when I'm running with Redlynne (my SR/MA Tanker). The difference ... is -Regeneration Debuff potential of Ninja/Time as a Mastermind BEFORE adding in anything from Incarnate slotting, hastening the Time to Defeat (TtD) for these "roadblocks to progress" through the iTrial. The same holds true for any of the "Big Bads™" in any of the iTrials. Running iTrials just seems to "go smoother" while I'm playing Ku no Ichi.

And now I need to investigate switching my Lore: T4 Robotic Drones Core for a Lore: T4 Longbow Core in order to increase the amount of -Regeneration Debuff stacking that I can do ...

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


So, picking up on the notion that -Regeneration Debuffing "can be useful" (in large quantities) to help take down Elite Bosses and Archvillains/Heroes more quickly ... I was wondering which Lore Pets offered the best -Regeneration Debuffing potential.

Well, the answer kind of depends on what you're looking for.
Some Lore Pets add -Regeneration Debuffing almost as an afterthought to what their attack powers do (in the range of -5% to -20%) and I figured they were "not exactly credible" options for the point that I was wanting to make. However, digging into City of Data x2.0 for Homecoming gives me access to detailed information about Lore Pet powers to get info for use in a cross comparison


Longbow Boss
Plasma Blast: ST, 80 ft Ranged, 10s recharge, -500% regen for 30s (can self stack)


Robotics Boss
Plasma Cannon Blast: ST, 120 ft Ranged, 3s recharge, -50% regen for 5s
Plasma Cannon Burst: ST, 120 ft Ranged, 8s recharge, -50% regen for 5s
Plasma Cannon Spray: 30º 60ft Cone, 8s recharge, -50% regen for 5s

Robotics LT
Plasma Cannon Blast: ST, 120 ft Ranged, 3s recharge, -50% regen for 5s
Plasma Cannon Spray: 30º 60ft Cone, 8s recharge, -50% regen for 5s


Warworks Boss
Eye Beams: ST, 80ft Ranged, 8s recharge, -50% regen for 10s

Warworks LT
Plasma Rifle Burst: ST, 80 ft Ranged, 4s recharge, -50% regen for 5s
Plasma Rifle Full Auto: 30º 60ft Cone, 12s recharge, -50% regen for 5s


This is actually a somewhat surprising result. It also explains why Robotics Drones are "poorly suited" to the Rikti Pylon challenge.

Warworks Core can achieve a -100% Regeneration Debuff perma on a single target. 1x Cone attack can add -50% Regeneration Debuffing to additional targets for 5s on a 12s recharge (41.67% uptime).

Robotics Drones Core can achieve a -100% Regeneration Debuff perma on a single target. 2x Cone attack can add -50% Regeneration Debuffing (each) to additional targets for 5s on a 8s recharge (62.5% uptime). An additional ranged single target attack can add another -50% Regeneration Debuffing to the $Target. The major play here is that Robotics Drones have -Regeneration Debuff CONE ATTACKS for hosing down multiple $Targets with debuffs. This becomes remarkably effective when deployed against groups of Bosses and Elite Bosses, helping to "melt packs" of Foes faster, not just solo AVs/GMs. It's also surprising to see that Robotics Drones have such a long range on their single target attacks ... 120 ft instead of the more typical 80ft, baseline.

Longbow Core can achieve a -500% Regeneration Debuff on a single $Target that can be stacked up to 3x (total: -1500% Regeneration Debuff?).

What this means is:

Warworks Core: -100% to -150%, 2x single target ranged (fast enough for perma), 1x cone (limited uptime)
Robotics Drones: -100% to -250%, 2x single target ranged (fast enough for perma), 1x single target ranged (decent uptime), 2x cones (decent uptime)
Longbow Core: -500% to -1500%, 1x single target ranged (3x stack perma against single target)

Anyone with a repeatable single target (damaging) attack chain of 8.3 seconds or less can "max stack fill" the -Regeneration Debuff collective limit (4x) using Interface: Diamagnetic without needing additional "help" from Allies. It's not like more people slotting Diamagnetic will "increase returns" relative to the alternative ... 1 PC should be enough. Masterminds should choose Diamagnetic Core (100% chance for -5% -ToHit debuff, 50% chance for -10% -Regeneration debuff) because of all their Pets ALSO inheriting the Interface slotting of their Mastermind. Other Archetypes (Blaster, etc.) may lean more towards Diamagnetic Radial if the intent is to have more consistent -Regeneration debuff performance with (natively) damaging attacks.

The advantage for a Mastermind, particularly one relying on a combination of Defense and ToHit Debuffs as the main protection scheme, is that Diamagnetic Core does a better job of making your Pets "increasingly difficult to hit" even when they (unhelpfully) "scatter" to engage Foes in parallel (one on one), rather than sequentially as a collective group (many on one). If your Pets "split up" to take on their own Foes (mano-a-mano) in a collection of skirmishes around your Mastermind (an all too common occurrence in iTrials), the choice of Diamagnetic Core winds up offering each Pet an increasing amount of leverage/advantage in a battle of attrition with each Pet ... especially for Pets that have +Defense themselves and get more from their Mastermind (Farsight, Maneuvers, etc.). In practice it feels like your Pets will "learn their opponent's moves" by attacking them (thus, -ToHit Debuffing them) and quickly reaching a "higher level of difficulty" (to be hit) with respect to their opposition, in effect "forcing" their Foes to MISS more as engagements continue. So from a NO GET HITSU!! perspective, it feels like your Pets "adapt to" their opposition and basically "learn" how to foil incoming attacks via exposure (although it's actually debuffing doing the work of creating this behavior).

For a lot of martial arts focused Mastermind themes (Ninjas, Mercenaries, Thugs, etc.), the emergent behavior of "learning and adapting" to each opponent via debuffing them like that via Interface: Diamagnetic has quite a lot of appeal to it on the conceptual level. Very much under the heading of "if you fight me, I'll only get stronger (than you)" in terms of FEEL for the effects.

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


Ran iTrials last night with Dalza-Twin Moon leading (UG, BAF, TPN, DD) with the following Incarnates slotted:

Alpha: Intuition
Judgement: Cryonic Radial
Interface: Diamagnetic Core
Lore: Robotic Drones Core
Destiny: Rebirth Core
Hybrid: Control Core
Genesis: Socket Radial

I was rather surprised by how "successful" the choice of Interface: Diamagnetic Core was running all of these iTrials.
I chose Diamagnetic Core for the -ToHit Debuff proc, which Mastermind pets "inherit" from their caster (so they're proccing Interface too with their attacks), and was not prepared for how much impact that had on the survival rates for my Ninjas. The -Regen Debuff is basically "bonus" (secondary) rather than the prime mover for choosing this Interface slotting.

Judgement: Cryonic Radial was "disappointing" because it's a Cone that requires a $Target to "aim" the Cone. I was also testing the combination with Hybrid: Control Core to leverage the Waylay Psi damage proc and was substantially disappointed by the combo. Given the way that content runs in iTrials, I'm thinking that Ionic Radial (requires $Target but chains to hit extra $Targets so is "directional agnostic") or Vorpal (Cone but self targeted, so just aim your camera view to "point" the Cone) or Void (PBAoE).

Hybrid: Control Core was a remarkable disappointment, because Waylay for extra Psi damage would proc so rarely. It feels like there's a lockout on repeat procs of the Waylay for Psionic damage happening too quickly. If that's the case, then building for Hybrid: Control on a Ninja/Time with so few opportunities for control. However, I was seeing the Waylay for Psi damage popping up from hits using Aimed Shot (MM personal attack), so it was definitely working ... but the procs were just so RARE. The main benefit of using Hybrid: Control (either) is the auto buff to self of Mez Resists. Conversely, if the desire is to use the Hybrid slot to add to damage output, Assault: Radial (on a MM) would be better because it would proc Double Hit for extra Energy damage more often (and reliably) than Hybrid: Control Core will proc Waylay for extra Psionic damage. The downside of slotting Hybrid: Assault Radial is that the +10% damage auto buff only adds damage to ... Aimed Shot and Fistful of Arrows in my Ninja/Time MM build (a mere 2 powers, but 2 powers that can be rapidly cycled), but the Double Hit proc is basically going to be adding as much damage as an Interface: DoT proc. Conversely, Hybrid: Support Radial does a really good job of boosting LEAGUE performance, rather than just personal performance.

Destiny: Rebirth Core was a bit of a surprise, since I've had problems with "one shot kills" to my Ninja Pets ... and Rebirth Core substantially mitigated that problem. With Interface: Diamagnetic Core in play, the number of hits my Ninja Pets were taking was dramatically reduced, so it was easier to get to them and cast Temporal Mending to get them healed back up. I still really like the +Regeneration boost of Rebirth Radial, since it means that actually HEALING drops in priority (since the Ninjas will often times heal right back up after taking a hit, due to buffed regeneration) ... but for those situations where a single hit taken means needing to resummon (to replace), Rebirth Core actually yields less "down time" needed for summoning replacements.

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


Updated my Ninja/Time build post (now v2.3.1) with the latest insights gleaned as a result of doing the research for this topic on Interface slotting.

Decided to go with:
Alpha: Intuition Radial Paragon
Judgement: Vorpal Radial Final Judgement
Interface: Diamagnetic Core Flawless Interface
Lore: Robotic Drones Core Superior Ally
Destiny: Rebirth Core Epiphany
Hybrid: Assault Radial Embodiment
Genesis: Socket Radial Flawless

The Interface: Diamagnetic Core experiment was a resounding success! Ninjas "adapt" rather quickly to their opponents because of this Interface slotting, dramatically reducing their demand for healing (via Temporal Mending) and helps them survive for longer, reducing the need to resummon.

The Hybrid: Control Core experiment was a bit of a flop as far as adding bonus damage was concerned (too many hoops to jump through and just too finicky overall). Decided to switch to Hybrid: Assault Radial instead (with its 6.0 PPM), which had some knock on effects for the slotting of Aimed Shot (switch to Decimation proc instead of Gladiator's Javelin proc) and Distortion Field (Basilisk's Gaze is better than Lockdown in this power, it would seem).

Still really happy with Lore: Robotic Drones Core and their 120 ft range single target attacks (cone attacks are only 60 ft). These are really good "fire support" for massed Foes, rather than single target concentrated firepower. However, their -100% to -250% Regneration Debuff stack makes them useful against almost any AV. They're also part of the reason why I can "solo" a bunker during the Escape Phase of BAF with Mindwashed Prisoners spawning every 10 seconds ... because Robotic Drones have 8 second or less recharges on ALL of their attacks, so they can "unload everything" into each pack of Mindwashed Prisoners spawning in at doors as well as "reach out and destroy" runners at a significant distance (you can run, but you'll only faceplant tired!).

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


Confuse (20% Core/10% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: magnitude 2 confuse for 4.3 seeconds (Archvillain Resistance applies)
Psionic DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 10.709 psionic damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Max HP (75% Core/25% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -3.5% max hp (capped at 1000 for archvillains and similarly strong enemies) for 8.3 seconds
Toxic DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 10.709 toxic damage per second for 4.3 seconds

ToHit (100% Core/50% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -5% tohit for 8.3 seconds (Archvillain Resistance applies)
Regeneration (50% Core/100% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% regeneration for 8.3 seconds (Archvillain Resistance applies)

Recharge (75% Core and Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% recharge for 8.3 seconds (Archvillain Resistance applies)
Recovery (50% Core and Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% recovery for 8.3 seconds (Archvillain Resistance applies)
(75% Core) Movement, stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% jump height, run speed, flying speed, jumping speed for 8.3 seconds (Archvillain Resistance applies)
(75% Radial) Special, stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% STRENGTH defense (Base AND M/R/AoE and S/L/C/R/E/N/P/T), healing, tohit buff+debuff, run speed, flying speed, confuse, terrorize, hold, immobilize, stun, sleep, knockup, knockback, repel for 8.3 seconds

Defense (75% Core/25% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -2.5% base defense for 8.3 seconds (Archvillain Resistance applies)
Damage (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -5% damage for 8.3 seconds

Endurance/Recovery (75% Core/25% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -1% endurance per second for 4.3 seconds, -5% recovery for 4.3 seconds (Archvillain Resistance applies)
Energy DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 energy damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Resistance (75% Core/25% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -2.5% damage resistance for 8.3 seconds (Archvillain Resistance applies)
Fire DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 fire damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Immobilize (25% Core/12.5% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: magnitude 2 immobilize for 4.3 seecond (Archvillain Resistance applies)
Negative DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 negative damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.