Author Topic: VERIFIED. Hybrid: Assault Radial Double Hit CAN be used by Pets.  (Read 1175 times)


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Hybrid: Assault Radial Embodiment

I was able to verify during iTrials today that Pets CAN gain Double Hit from Hybrid: Assault Radial.
However, there are some pre-conditions that need to be met in order for this to work.
  • Assault must be toggled ON before summoning Pets. This enables the Pets to "inherit" the Double Hit effect from their caster.
  • Double Hit will be active on summoned Pets while Assault is toggled ON, but not while Assault is toggled OFF and recharging.
  • If the Pet has not been defeated after initial casting while Assault was ON, when the you later toggle ON Assault again later, Pets will regain Double Hit.
I was able to verify this information with the combat log limited to Pet Damage Inflicted readout.

Furthermore, I was able to verify that if a Pet DOES get defeated and you need to resummon them, the simplest thing to do is to WAIT until you have Assault toggled ON again and then simply resummon with Assault toggled ON.
Note that Double Hit can also be "inherited" by Lore Pets as well, not just Mastermind Pets (or Soldier of Arachnos Pets, or Controller Pets, or ... you get the idea).

I have NOT extended the testing to the notion of having Assault toggled ON and all Pets summoned during the Click to Accept Queue phase prior to entering an iTrial.
It is common knowledge that any time you zone, all of your Pets "die" in the previous zone and get summoned anew in the new zone (for free). I know that Ninjas will zone transfer in such as way as to automatically receive both Level 6 and 32 power training power buffs simultaneously upon arrival into a new zone (which I see frequently when entering and exiting from iTrials).

If you can toggle ON Assault Radial while waiting for an iTrial Queue to fill up with responses and then summon all of your Pets and Level 6+32 buff them prior to entering an iTrial instance ... and have the Pets "persist" with their "inherit Double Hit" behavior without needing to be summoned inside the iTrial instance ... that would be good to know.
That's going to be the next test.

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


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Re: VERIFIED. Hybrid: Assault Radial Double Hit CAN be used by Pets.
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2024, 09:59:45 am »
Did some additional testing last night and the results are ... interesting.

So what I did was summon my Ninja Pets and upgraded them in Pocket D, so everything was ready to go, while Assault Radial was toggled OFF.
When the iTrial queue popped and asked me to join, I would Accept and then toggle ON Assault Radial.
The timer to accept entry into the iTrial is 1 minute and Assault Radial remains toggled ON for 2 minutes before automatically toggling OFF ... so Assault Radial remained toggle ON while zoning into the instance.

Upon entry into the iTrial instance, all Pets get resummoned (anew) and have all boosts (Level 6 and 32 buff powers) applied to them automatically (no need to recast).
This INCLUDES the Assault Radial Grant Power for Double Hit, because Assault Radial was toggled ON while zoning in.
So no need to wait to summon, train and upgrade inside the instance.

If the Pets survive(!), whenever Assault Radial gets toggled ON ... ALL Pets who were summoned while Assault Radial was toggled ON will "inherit" Double Hit (a 6 PPM extra damage proc) from their caster.
This includes Lore Pets, not just Mastermind (or Controller/Dominator or Soldier of Arachnos, etc.) Pets.
ALL PETS GET THIS ... it's just that Masterminds "get the most Pets" so they benefit maximally from this Assault Radial "inheritance" of Double Hit effect.

To be clear ... ALL Archetypes who have Pet summoning powers can benefit from this "toggle ON Assault Radial before summoning Pet(s)" effect.
I figure that the reason why everything works like this is one of those "it has to" limitations of the programming ... kind of like the "unexpected interaction" between Oil Slick (Trick Arrow) and Howling Twilight (Dark Miasma) for being able to mass rez groups of allies. Oil Slick "has to be" coded as something that can be attacked in order to trigger lighting up the Oil Slick for the flame effect. That then makes Oil Slick a "legal target" for Howling Twilight to mass rez piles of allies within range.
I suspect that something similar is going on with Assault Radial interacting with Pets to enable the Pets to also use Double Hits. It "works" because that's the only way the programming can work, such that the interaction with Pets is something of a side effect (or a bonus, if you prefer) rather than something that is design intentional from the beginning.

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.