Author Topic: Mastermind, Ninja's/time manipulation  (Read 56 times)

mercury rising

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Mastermind, Ninja's/time manipulation
« on: September 13, 2024, 01:47:09 am »
Posting this build here to give some insight on what i usually do to have fun with masterminds. My lvl 50's should be true superhero's that dont have alot of weaknesses except for their archetype.
ku's nem - Hero Mastermind
Build plan made with Mids' Reborn v3.7.5 rev. 21
Primary powerset: NinjasSecondary powerset: Time ManipulationPool powerset (#1): GadgetryPool powerset (#2): FightingPool powerset (#3): ConcealmentPool powerset (#4): SpeedEpic powerset: Field Mastery


Powers taken:

Level 1: Call Genin
A: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Recharge/Pet +AoE Defense Aura3: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge3: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Damage/Endurance/Recharge5: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Accuracy/Damage5: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge37: Edict of the Master: Defense Bonus

Level 1: Time Crawl
A: Pacing of the Turtle: Chance of -Recharge

Level 2: Aimed Shot
A: Apocalypse: Chance of Damage(Negative)7: Devastation: Chance of Hold7: Decimation: Chance of Build Up

Level 4: Temporal Mending
A: Preventive Medicine: Heal/RechargeTime/Endurance9: Preventive Medicine: Heal/RechargeTime9: Preventive Medicine: Endurance/RechargeTime11: Preventive Medicine: Heal/Endurance11: Preventive Medicine: Heal

Level 6: Train Ninjas
A: Invention: Recharge Reduction

Level 8: Jetpack
A: Synapse's Agility: Endurance Drain Resistance (20%)48: Synapse's Agility: Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/Endurance

Level 10: Time's Juncture
A: Deflated Ego: Chance for Recovery Debuff13: Dark Watcher's Despair: Chance for Recharge Slow13: Dark Watcher's Despair: To Hit Debuff/Recharge/Endurance

Level 12: Call Jounin
A: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Endurance/Pet +Resist +Regen15: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance15: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Accuracy/Damage17: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Damage/Endurance17: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Damage19: Sovereign Right: Resistance Bonus

Level 14: Nano Net
A: Pacing of the Turtle: Chance of -Recharge50: Pacing of the Turtle: Range/Slow

Level 16: Kick
A: Force Feedback: Chance for +Recharge

Level 18: Tough
A: Liberty's Belt: Resistance/Endurance19: Liberty's Belt: Resistance/Recharge21: Liberty's Belt: Resistance/Endurance/Recharge40: Liberty's Belt: Resistance40: Liberty's Belt: Resistance/Global Damage Bonus

Level 20: Temporal Selection
A: Miracle: Heal/Endurance/Recharge21: Miracle: Heal/Recharge23: Miracle: Endurance/Recharge

Level 22: Distortion Field
A: Superior Witchcraft: Chance for Res Debuff23: Superior Witchcraft: Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge25: Superior Witchcraft: Universal Debuff/Endurance/Recharge25: Superior Witchcraft: Universal Debuff

Level 24: Weave
A: Reactive Defenses: Scaling Resist Damage27: Reactive Defenses: Defense/Endurance/RechargeTime27: Reactive Defenses: Endurance/RechargeTime33: Reactive Defenses: Defense/RechargeTime33: Reactive Defenses: Defense/Endurance33: Reactive Defenses: Defense

Level 26: Stealth
A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed46: Shield Wall: +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All)

Level 28: Oni
A: Soulbound Allegiance: Chance for Build Up29: Soulbound Allegiance: Damage/Endurance29: Soulbound Allegiance: Accuracy/Recharge31: Soulbound Allegiance: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge31: Soulbound Allegiance: Damage31: Expedient Reinforcement: Resist Bonus Aura for Pets

Level 30: Time Stop
A: Unbreakable Constraint: Chance for Smashing Damage34: Unbreakable Constraint: Endurance/Hold34: Unbreakable Constraint: Accuracy/Hold/Recharge34: Unbreakable Constraint: Hold/Recharge36: Unbreakable Constraint: Hold

Level 32: Farsight
A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed36: Karma: Knockback Protection36: Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: Chance for Build Up37: Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: To Hit Buff40: Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control: To Hit Buff/Recharge

Level 35: Kuji In Zen
A: Invention: Recharge Reduction

Level 38: Force Barrier
A: Miracle: Heal/Endurance/Recharge39: Miracle: Heal/Recharge39: Miracle: Endurance/Recharge

Level 41: Temp Invulnerability
A: Aegis: Psionic/Status Resistance42: Unbreakable Guard: +Max HP42: Unbreakable Guard: Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime42: Unbreakable Guard: RechargeTime/Resistance43: Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All)43: Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3%

Level 44: Explosive Blast
A: Imperial Might: Recharge/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown45: Imperial Might: Knockback/Accuracy/Endurance45: Imperial Might: Recharge/Endurance45: Imperial Might: Knockback/Recharge46: Imperial Might: Knockback/Endurance46: Imperial Might: Knockback/Accuracy

Level 47: Chrono Shift
A: Numina's Convalesence: Heal/Endurance/Recharge48: Numina's Convalesence: Heal/Recharge48: Numina's Convalesence: Endurance/Recharge

Level 49: Slowed Response
A: Achilles' Heel: Chance for Res Debuff50: Superior Witchcraft: Accuracy/Recharge50: Superior Witchcraft: Accuracy/ Universal Debuff



Level 1: Supremacy

Level 1: Brawl

Level 1: Sprint
A: Invention: Endurance Reduction43: Invention: Run Speed

Level 2: Rest
A: Inexhaustibility: Inexhaustibility: Out of Combat +Hit Points/Endurance

Level 2: Swift
A: Invention: Run Speed

Level 2: Hurdle
A: Invention: Jumping

Level 2: Health
A: Preventive Medicine: Chance for +Absorb8: Miracle: +Recovery16: Numina's Convalesence: +Regeneration/+Recovery37: Panacea: +Hit Points/Endurance

Level 2: Stamina
A: Invention: Endurance Modification12: Invention: Endurance Modification22: Invention: Endurance Modification39: Performance Shifter: Chance for +End

Level 1: Genin

Level 12: Jounin

Level 28: Oni 

Level 8: Turbo Boost


Portal JockeyTask Force CommanderThe Atlas MedallionFreedom Phalanx Reserve


Musculature Radial ParagonSpectral Radial Flawless InterfaceSeers Core Superior AllyBarrier Core EpiphanySupport Core Embodiment
Stats Breakdown:

- Defense -

Smashing: 41.07%Lethal: 41.07%Fire: 38.57%Cold: 38.57%Energy: 43.57%Negative: 43.57%Psionic: 38.57%Melee: 43.57%Ranged: 41.07%AoE: 38.57%
- Resistance -

Smashing: 75%Lethal: 75%Fire: 20%Cold: 20%Energy: 10.25%Negative: 10.25%Toxic: 22.25%Psionic: 27.25%
- HP & Endurance -

Regeneration: 188%Max HP: 1159.41 |  (Absorb: 511.53 -- 63.7% of base HP)End Recovery: 3.85/sEnd Use: 1.75/s End. (Net gain: 2.1/s)Max End: 110
- Movement -

Run Speed: 41.46 mphJump Speed: 43.35 mphJump Height: 14.92 ftFly Speed: 58.64 mph
- Stealth & Perception -

Stealth (PvE): 35 ftStealth (PvP): 389 ftPerception: 759.5 ft
- Misc -

Haste: 320%ToHit: 74.6%Accuracy: 60%Damage: 261.5%End Rdx: 20%Threat: 200
- Status Protection -

Held: 2Stunned: 0Sleep: 0Immobilized: 0Knockback: 7Repel: 0Confused: 0Terrorized: 0Taunt: 0Placate: 0Teleport: 0
- Status Resistance -

Held: 53.75%Stunned: 53.75%Sleep: 102.19%Immobilized: 102.19%Knockback: 0%Repel: 0%Confused: 53.75%Terrorized: 53.75%Taunt: 0%Placate: 0%Teleport: 100%
- Debuff Resistance -

Defense: 0%Endurance: 0%Recovery: 0%PerceptionRadius: 38.93%ToHit: 0%RechargeTime: 20%SpeedRunning: 20%Regeneration: 25.95%


Set Effects Breakdown

Superior Command of the Mastermind
(Call Genin)
4% DamageBuff(All)24.1 HP (3%) HitPoints+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime)6% Resistance(Toxic,Psionic), 10% Status Resistance15% Defense(AoE)
Edict of the Master
(Call Genin)
5% Defense
Preventive Medicine
(Temporal Mending)
2.25% Resistance(Smashing,Lethal), 3.75% Status Resistance15.06 HP (1.88%) HitPoints3% Resistance(Fire,Cold), 5% Status Resistance3.75% Enhancement(EnduranceDiscount)
Synapse's Agility
10.5% Movement Speed
Dark Watcher's Despair
(Time's Juncture)
12.05 HP (1.5%) HitPoints
Superior Mark of Supremacy
(Call Jounin)
+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime)+15% Enhancement(Accuracy)5% Defense(Melee), 2.5% Defense(Lethal), 2.5% Defense(Smashing)4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery15% Resistance(All), 150% (5.02 HP/sec) Regeneration
Sovereign Right
(Call Jounin)
10% Resistance(All)
Pacing of the Turtle
(Nano Net)
2.25% Resistance(Toxic,Psionic), 3.75% Status Resistance
Liberty's Belt
1.5% (0.03 End/sec) Recovery2.5% DamageBuff(All)+9% Enhancement(Accuracy)+6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
(Temporal Selection)
2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery15.06 HP (1.88%) HitPoints
Superior Witchcraft
(Distortion Field)
4% DamageBuff(All)5% Defense(Energy,Negative), 2.5% Defense(Ranged)+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
Reactive Defenses
1.5% Resistance(Smashing,Lethal), 2.5% Status Resistance15.06 HP (1.88%) HitPoints3% Resistance(Fire,Cold), 5% Status Resistance3.75% Enhancement(EnduranceDiscount)+8.75% Enhancement(RechargeTime)3% Resistance(All)
Luck of the Gambler
+7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
Shield Wall
5%  Resistance(All)
Soulbound Allegiance
16% (0.54 HP/sec) Regeneration24.1 HP (3%) HitPoints4% DamageBuff(All)6% Resistance(Toxic,Psionic), 10% Status Resistance
Expedient Reinforcement
10% Resistance(All)
Unbreakable Constraint
(Time Stop)
4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery6% Resistance(Fire,Cold), 10% Status Resistance+15% Enhancement(Accuracy)+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
Luck of the Gambler
+7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
Knockback Protection (Mag 4)
Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control
7.5% Movement Speed15.06 HP (1.88%) HitPoints
(Force Barrier)
2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery15.06 HP (1.88%) HitPoints
(Temp Invulnerability)
5% Resistance(Psionic)
Unbreakable Guard
(Temp Invulnerability)
2.5% Enhancement(EnduranceDiscount)2.25% Resistance(Energy,Negative), 3.75% Status Resistance60.24 HP (7.5%) HitPoints
Gladiator's Armor
(Temp Invulnerability)
3% Defense(All), 100% MezResist(Teleport) (20% chance)
Steadfast Protection
(Temp Invulnerability)
3% Defense(All)
Imperial Might
(Explosive Blast)
7.5% Movement SpeedKnockback Protection (Mag 3)+9% Enhancement(Accuracy)3% DamageBuff(All)
Numina's Convalesence
(Chrono Shift)
12% (0.4 HP/sec) Regeneration15.06 HP (1.88%) HitPoints >Cap
Superior Witchcraft
(Slowed Response)
4% DamageBuff(All)
Preventive Medicine
GrantPower Preventive Medicine (10% chance), GrantPower Preventive Medicine


Set Buffs Totals

Damage(All) (21.5% Total)+4% Damage(All) (From Superior Command of the Mastermind in Call Genin)+4% Damage(All) (From Superior Witchcraft in Distortion Field)+4% Damage(All) (From Soulbound Allegiance in Oni)+4% Damage(All) (From Superior Witchcraft in Slowed Response)+3% Damage(All) (From Imperial Might in Explosive Blast)+2.5% Damage(All) (From Liberty's Belt in Tough)

Defense (5% Total)+5% Defense to Pets (From Edict of the Master: Defense Bonus in Call Genin)

S/L Defense (8.5% Total)+3% S/L Defense (From Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All) in Temp Invulnerability)+3% S/L Defense (From Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3% in Temp Invulnerability)+2.5% S/L Defense (From Superior Mark of Supremacy in Call Jounin)

Fire/Cold Defense (6% Total)+3% Fire/Cold Defense (From Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All) in Temp Invulnerability)+3% Fire/Cold Defense (From Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3% in Temp Invulnerability)

Energy/Negative Defense (11% Total)+5% Energy/Negative Defense (From Superior Witchcraft in Distortion Field)+3% Energy/Negative Defense (From Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All) in Temp Invulnerability)+3% Energy/Negative Defense (From Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3% in Temp Invulnerability)

Defense (Psionic) (6% Total)+3% Defense(Psionic) (From Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All) in Temp Invulnerability)+3% Defense(Psionic) (From Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3% in Temp Invulnerability)

Defense (Melee) (11% Total)+5% Defense(Melee) (From Superior Mark of Supremacy in Call Jounin)+3% Defense(Melee) (From Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All) in Temp Invulnerability)+3% Defense(Melee) (From Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3% in Temp Invulnerability)

Defense (Ranged) (8.5% Total)+3% Defense(Ranged) (From Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All) in Temp Invulnerability)+3% Defense(Ranged) (From Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3% in Temp Invulnerability)+2.5% Defense(Ranged) (From Superior Witchcraft in Distortion Field)

Defense (AoE) (21% Total)+15% Defense(AoE) to Pets (From Superior Command of the Mastermind: Recharge/Pet +AoE Defense Aura in Call Genin)+3% Defense(AoE) (From Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All) in Temp Invulnerability)+3% Defense(AoE) (From Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3% in Temp Invulnerability)

Enhancement (Accuracy) (48% Total)+15% Enhancement(Accuracy) (From Superior Mark of Supremacy in Call Jounin)+15% Enhancement(Accuracy) (From Unbreakable Constraint in Time Stop)+9% Enhancement(Accuracy) (From Liberty's Belt in Tough)+9% Enhancement(Accuracy) (From Imperial Might in Explosive Blast)

Enhancement (EnduranceDiscount) (10% Total)+3.75% Enhancement(EnduranceDiscount) (From Preventive Medicine in Temporal Mending)+3.75% Enhancement(EnduranceDiscount) (From Reactive Defenses in Weave)+2.5% Enhancement(EnduranceDiscount) (From Unbreakable Guard in Temp Invulnerability)

Enhancement (RechargeTime) (70% Total)+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime) (From Superior Command of the Mastermind in Call Genin)+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime) (From Superior Mark of Supremacy in Call Jounin)+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime) (From Superior Witchcraft in Distortion Field)+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime) (From Unbreakable Constraint in Time Stop)+8.75% Enhancement(RechargeTime) (From Reactive Defenses in Weave)+7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) (From Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed in Stealth)+7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) (From Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed in Farsight)+6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime) (From Liberty's Belt in Tough)

HitPoints (210.83 HP Total / 26.26% of Base HP)+60.24 HP (7.5%) HitPoints (From Unbreakable Guard: +Max HP in Temp Invulnerability)+24.1 HP (3%) HitPoints (From Superior Command of the Mastermind in Call Genin)+24.1 HP (3%) HitPoints (From Soulbound Allegiance in Oni)+15.06 HP (1.88%) HitPoints (From Preventive Medicine in Temporal Mending)+15.06 HP (1.88%) HitPoints (From Miracle in Temporal Selection)+15.06 HP (1.88%) HitPoints (From Reactive Defenses in Weave)+15.06 HP (1.88%) HitPoints (From Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control in Farsight)+15.06 HP (1.88%) HitPoints (From Miracle in Force Barrier)+15.06 HP (1.88%) HitPoints (From Numina's Convalesence in Chrono Shift)+12.05 HP (1.5%) HitPoints (From Dark Watcher's Despair in Time's Juncture)

JumpHeight (25.5% Total)+10.5% JumpHeight (From Synapse's Agility in Jetpack)+7.5% JumpHeight (From Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control in Farsight)+7.5% JumpHeight (From Imperial Might in Explosive Blast)

Mez (Knockback) (-7 Total)+Knockback (Mag -3) (From Imperial Might in Explosive Blast)+Knockback (Mag -4) (From Karma: Knockback Protection in Farsight)

Mez (Knockup) (-7 Total)+Knockup (Mag -3) (From Imperial Might in Explosive Blast)+Knockup (Mag -4) (From Karma: Knockback Protection in Farsight)

MezResist(All) (53.75% Total)+10% MezResist(All) (From Superior Command of the Mastermind in Call Genin)+10% MezResist(All) (From Soulbound Allegiance in Oni)+10% MezResist(All) (From Unbreakable Constraint in Time Stop)+5% MezResist(All) (From Preventive Medicine in Temporal Mending)+5% MezResist(All) (From Reactive Defenses in Weave)+3.75% MezResist(All) (From Preventive Medicine in Temporal Mending)+3.75% MezResist(All) (From Pacing of the Turtle in Nano Net)+3.75% MezResist(All) (From Unbreakable Guard in Temp Invulnerability)+2.5% MezResist(All) (From Reactive Defenses in Weave)

MezResist (Teleport) (100% Total)+100% MezResist(Teleport) (20% chance) (From Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All) in Temp Invulnerability)

Recovery (14.5% Total)+4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery (From Superior Mark of Supremacy in Call Jounin)+4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery (From Unbreakable Constraint in Time Stop)+2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery (From Miracle in Temporal Selection)+2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery (From Miracle in Force Barrier)+1.5% (0.03 End/sec) Recovery (From Liberty's Belt in Tough)

Regeneration (178% Total / 9.08 HP/s)+150% (5.02 HP/sec) Regeneration to Pets (From Superior Mark of Supremacy: Endurance/Pet +Resist +Regen in Call Jounin)+16% (0.54 HP/sec) Regeneration (From Soulbound Allegiance in Oni)+12% (0.4 HP/sec) Regeneration (From Numina's Convalesence in Chrono Shift)

S/L Resistance (46.75% Total)+15% S/L Resistance to Pets (From Superior Mark of Supremacy: Endurance/Pet +Resist +Regen in Call Jounin)+10% S/L Resistance to Pets (From Sovereign Right: Resistance Bonus in Call Jounin)+10% S/L Resistance to Pets (From Expedient Reinforcement: Resist Bonus Aura for Pets in Oni)+5% S/L Resistance (From Shield Wall: +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All) in Stealth)+3% S/L Resistance (From Reactive Defenses: Scaling Resist Damage in Weave)+2.25% S/L Resistance (From Preventive Medicine in Temporal Mending)+1.5% S/L Resistance (From Reactive Defenses in Weave)

Fire/Cold Resistance (55% Total)+15% Fire/Cold Resistance to Pets (From Superior Mark of Supremacy: Endurance/Pet +Resist +Regen in Call Jounin)+10% Fire/Cold Resistance to Pets (From Sovereign Right: Resistance Bonus in Call Jounin)+10% Fire/Cold Resistance to Pets (From Expedient Reinforcement: Resist Bonus Aura for Pets in Oni)+6% Fire/Cold Resistance (From Unbreakable Constraint in Time Stop)+5% Fire/Cold Resistance (From Shield Wall: +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All) in Stealth)+3% Fire/Cold Resistance (From Preventive Medicine in Temporal Mending)+3% Fire/Cold Resistance (From Reactive Defenses in Weave)+3% Fire/Cold Resistance (From Reactive Defenses: Scaling Resist Damage in Weave)

Energy/Negative Resistance (45.25% Total)+15% Energy/Negative Resistance to Pets (From Superior Mark of Supremacy: Endurance/Pet +Resist +Regen in Call Jounin)+10% Energy/Negative Resistance to Pets (From Sovereign Right: Resistance Bonus in Call Jounin)+10% Energy/Negative Resistance to Pets (From Expedient Reinforcement: Resist Bonus Aura for Pets in Oni)+5% Energy/Negative Resistance (From Shield Wall: +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All) in Stealth)+3% Energy/Negative Resistance (From Reactive Defenses: Scaling Resist Damage in Weave)+2.25% Energy/Negative Resistance (From Unbreakable Guard in Temp Invulnerability)

Resistance (Toxic) (57.25% Total)+15% Resistance(Toxic) to Pets (From Superior Mark of Supremacy: Endurance/Pet +Resist +Regen in Call Jounin)+10% Resistance(Toxic) to Pets (From Sovereign Right: Resistance Bonus in Call Jounin)+10% Resistance(Toxic) to Pets (From Expedient Reinforcement: Resist Bonus Aura for Pets in Oni)+6% Resistance(Toxic) (From Superior Command of the Mastermind in Call Genin)+6% Resistance(Toxic) (From Soulbound Allegiance in Oni)+5% Resistance(Toxic) (From Shield Wall: +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All) in Stealth)+3% Resistance(Toxic) (From Reactive Defenses: Scaling Resist Damage in Weave)+2.25% Resistance(Toxic) (From Pacing of the Turtle in Nano Net)

Resistance (Psionic) (62.25% Total)+15% Resistance(Psionic) to Pets (From Superior Mark of Supremacy: Endurance/Pet +Resist +Regen in Call Jounin)+10% Resistance(Psionic) to Pets (From Sovereign Right: Resistance Bonus in Call Jounin)+10% Resistance(Psionic) to Pets (From Expedient Reinforcement: Resist Bonus Aura for Pets in Oni)+6% Resistance(Psionic) (From Superior Command of the Mastermind in Call Genin)+6% Resistance(Psionic) (From Soulbound Allegiance in Oni)+5% Resistance(Psionic) (From Shield Wall: +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All) in Stealth)+5% Resistance(Psionic) (From Aegis: Psionic/Status Resistance in Temp Invulnerability)+3% Resistance(Psionic) (From Reactive Defenses: Scaling Resist Damage in Weave)+2.25% Resistance(Psionic) (From Pacing of the Turtle in Nano Net)

SpeedFlying (25.5% Total)+10.5% SpeedFlying (From Synapse's Agility in Jetpack)+7.5% SpeedFlying (From Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control in Farsight)+7.5% SpeedFlying (From Imperial Might in Explosive Blast)

SpeedJumping (25.5% Total)+10.5% SpeedJumping (From Synapse's Agility in Jetpack)+7.5% SpeedJumping (From Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control in Farsight)+7.5% SpeedJumping (From Imperial Might in Explosive Blast)

SpeedRunning (25.5% Total)+10.5% SpeedRunning (From Synapse's Agility in Jetpack)+7.5% SpeedRunning (From Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control in Farsight)+7.5% SpeedRunning (From Imperial Might in Explosive Blast)

Screenshot 2024-09-13 014536.png


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Re: Mastermind, Ninja's/time manipulation
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2024, 03:22:56 pm »
    Let's compare and contrast, shall we?

Level 1: Call Genin
A: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Recharge/Pet +AoE Defense Aura
3: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
3: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Damage/Endurance/Recharge
5: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Accuracy/Damage
5: Superior Command of the Mastermind: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
37: Edict of the Master: Defense Bonus

My slotting.

Level 1: Call Genin
  • (A) Superior Mark of Supremacy - Damage: Attuned
  • (3) Superior Mark of Supremacy - Accuracy/Endurance: Attuned
  • (3) Overwhelming Force - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Attuned
  • (5) Overwhelming Force - Damage/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown: Attuned
  • (9) Call to Arms - Defense Bonus Aura for Pets: Level 10
  • (50) Soulbound Allegiance - Chance for Build Up: 50
Level 12: Call Jounin
A: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Endurance/Pet +Resist +Regen
15: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
15: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Accuracy/Damage
17: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Damage/Endurance
17: Superior Mark of Supremacy: Damage
19: Sovereign Right: Resistance Bonus

My slotting.

Level 12: Call Jounin
  • (A) Superior Command of the Mastermind - Accuracy/Damage: Attuned
  • (13) Superior Command of the Mastermind - Damage/Endurance: Attuned
  • (13) Superior Command of the Mastermind - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Attuned
  • (15) Superior Command of the Mastermind - Recharge/Pet +AoE Defense Aura: Attuned
  • (15) Edict of the Master - Defense Bonus: Level 15
  • (17) Superior Witchcraft - Chance for Res Debuff: Attuned
Level 28: Oni
A: Soulbound Allegiance: Chance for Build Up
29: Soulbound Allegiance: Damage/Endurance
29: Soulbound Allegiance: Accuracy/Recharge
31: Soulbound Allegiance: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
31: Soulbound Allegiance: Damage
31: Expedient Reinforcement: Resist Bonus Aura for Pets

My slotting.

Level 26: Oni
  • (A) Superior Mark of Supremacy - Accuracy/Damage: Attuned
  • (27) Superior Mark of Supremacy - Endurance/Pet +Resist(All) and +Regen Aura: Attuned
  • (27) Sovereign Right - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 27+5
  • (29) Sovereign Right - Resist Bonus: Level 25
  • (29) Expedient Reinforcement - Resist Bonus Aura for Pets: Level 30
  • (31) Hamidon Origin: Peroxisome Exposure++ (Damage/Mez)

In terms of procs that can ONLY be slotted into Pets, here's your list:
  • Superior Command of the Mastermind: Recharge/Pet +AoE Defense Aura (T1)
  • Edict of the Master: Defense Bonus (T1)
  • Superior Mark of Supremacy: Endurance/Pet +Resist +Regen (T2)
  • Sovereign Right: Resistance Bonus (T2)
  • Soulbound Allegiance: Chance for Build Up (T3)
  • Expedient Reinforcement: Resist Bonus Aura for Pets (T3)
In terms of procs that I've slotted into MY Pets, some of which are not exclusive to Pets, here's my list:
  • Overwhelming Force - Damage/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown: Attuned (T1)
  • Call to Arms - Defense Bonus Aura for Pets: Level 10 (T1)
  • Soulbound Allegiance - Chance for Build Up: 50
  • Superior Command of the Mastermind - Recharge/Pet +AoE Defense Aura: Attuned (T2)
  • Edict of the Master - Defense Bonus: Level 15 (T2)
  • Superior Witchcraft - Chance for Res Debuff: Attuned (T2)
  • Superior Mark of Supremacy - Endurance/Pet +Resist(All) and +Regen Aura: Attuned (T3)
  • Sovereign Right - Resist Bonus: Level 25 (T3)
  • Expedient Reinforcement - Resist Bonus Aura for Pets: Level 30 (T3)
  • Hamidon Origin: Peroxisome Exposure++ (Damage/Mez) (T3)
You've got 5 Pet Buffs slotted that are Aura Passives ... and 1 Active:
  • Soulbound Allegiance Build Up proc ... slotted into Oni, your T3 Ninja Pet.
I've got 6 Pet Buffs slotted that are Aura Passives (so I've got Call to Arms +Defense over you) ... plus 3 Actives:
  • Overwhelming Force: Knockdown ... slotted into Genin, my T1 Ninja Pets.
  • Soulbound Allegiance Build Up proc ... slotted into Genin, my T1 Ninja Pets (so any of them can proc it and they'll collectively proc it more often, and arguably they need the "help" more than the other pets!).
  • Superior Witchcraft - Chance for Res Debuff ... slotted into Jounin, my T2 Ninja Pets (and because they both count as separate casters, the -Resistance Debuff STACKS!)
On top of that, my Oni has some Mez enhancement increasing the duration of his Immobilize and Hold attacks, unlike your slotting.

Now, staring at the respective builds in Mids' ... you may think that because your Pets have more damage enhancement in their slots that they will produce a greater throughput than mine will ... because your numbers are "bigger" on the spreadsheet.
However, that's only true in a vacuum when staring at Mids' on your screen and thinking that Mids' can give you ALL the answers, no questions necessary.

As soon as you start mixing in -Resistance debuffing ... which my build does in abundance (including BOTH of my Jounin!), while yours doesn't ... I daresay that not only will MY Pets start to pull ahead on damage meter recording metrics, the damage throughput of entire teams/leagues will be advantaged also due to the -Resistance debuffing that my build tosses out like party favors.
"YOU get a Debuff! AND YOU get a Debuff! EVERYBODY GETS A DEBUFF!"

In terms of "raw numbers, in the lab" ... I'm sure that your build looks much more impressive ON PAPER (or more to the point, IN MIDS') when all you're doing is looking at stats.

In terms of "actual gameplay experience" ... I've found that the sheer amount of debuffing (-Speed, -Recharge, -Regeneration, -Resist, etc. etc. etc.) that my build can "litter the battlefield with" for any and ALL Allies to take advantage of is far more of a Force Multiplier in actual gameplay than simply adding another +% to the damage output of a mere 6 Pets as shown by Mids' when looking at enhancement values.

The Superior Witchcraft proc for -Resist is a 6 PPM proc.
Look at how many attacks Jounin have that need to roll for Superior Witchcraft procs.
Call Jounin: Superior Witchcraft (6 PPM)
  • Basic: Gambler's Cut (-DEF, 3s recharge)
  • Basic: Sting of the Wasp (-DEF, 5s recharge)
  • Basic: Caltrops (Slow, 30s recharge)
  • Train: Soaring Dragon (-DEF, Knockback, 9s recharge)
  • Zen: Golden Dragonfly (-DEF, Knockup, 12s recharge)
  • Zen: Blinding Powder (-To-hit, 120s recharge)
ALL OF THOSE ATTACK POWERS CAN PROC Superior Witchcraft for -Resistance debuffing.
Those "pentacle procs" happen FAST when Jounin engage in melee, and they can "double stack" because the 2 Jounin are 2 separate casters (so to speak).
I FREQUENTLY see "double pentacles" turning under $Targets that my Jounin have hit. That's a "double stack" of -20% Resistance right there before adding in anything ELSE that procs -Resistance from slotting into my Time Manipulation powers (Slowed Response being the big one for even MORE -Resistance debuffing).

And that's not even including the fact that I've got 3 Genin who have a 20% Knockdown chance ON EVERY ATTACK THEY MAKE.
Shuriken can knockdown.
Exploding Shuriken can knockdown.
Martial Arts kicks can knockdown.
And sometimes (0.5% chance) they'll hit something SO HARD that a mushroom cloud(!) will erupt from where the hit landed!

My point being that my choice of slotting yields a lot more hard, soft and debuff control to the battlefield than your slotting options do ... and that mix of effects is something that Mids' simply does not calculate ... so my Pet slotting looks "weaker" than yours does On Paper (or in this case, In Mids').

So forgive me for not being ... swayed ... by your assertions.
What you say may indeed be TRUE ... while also not being THE WHOLE STORY.

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

mercury rising

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Re: Mastermind, Ninja's/time manipulation
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2024, 03:38:27 pm »
Hey Red there's another reason why the pets are 5 slotted with both ato sets and soulbound allegiance its called mez resistance something you were complaining about and i have played masterminds in the past with procs  and funky sets but this has always worked for me. Always worked for Destan and always worked for Shendu who i witnessed taking down giant monsters with this same schematic. So it's not just on paper,iv'e played on rebirth for 5 years and 3 on live i definitely know what i'm doing. Damage resist globals that give me more mez resist,hp, and so forth. Not only do i do more damage on paper ive also done the damage in game, sorry masterminds bore me after awhile i want to get my hands dirty. Also blink and blink blitz on a MM with very few hp is very ill advised your henchman cant protect you there.


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Re: Mastermind, Ninja's/time manipulation
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2024, 04:44:06 pm »
Damage resist globals that give me more mez resist,hp, and so forth.

Oh I'm well aware that damage resistance globals increase mez resistance.
However, mez resistance works the same way as endurance resistance.

100% mez resistance does not mean you're "immune" to mez.
It means that mez duration is cut in HALF.
1 / (100/100 + 1) = 0.5

So mez doesn't last as long, but you still get mezzed ... even with lots of mez resistance.
To "prevent" mez, you've got 2 options ... mez protection (basically mag protection) and defense (attacks don't connect).

So from my perspective, I value +Defense and -ToHit more than I do +Resist and +Mez Resist.
Granted, Mez still "leaks through" to take effect from time to time, but because of Time's Juncture that is LESS likely to happen up close, rather than far away at range.

Also blink and blink blitz on a MM with very few hp is very ill advised your henchman cant protect you there.
Blink and Blink Blitz add +Defense for 8-10 seconds (and can be slotted for defense enhancements and sets, meaning these powers can be LotG global recharge set mules!).
Additionally, Time's Juncture will "almost instantly" apply -ToHit debuffing around you following a Blink (Blitz) and with Farsight boosting your Defense ... the combination is really close to the Defense Softcap (even for Incarnate Trials) and the odds of getting hit are really quite LOW. Not zero, granted ... but LOW.

How low?
I think in the last month, I've only been "caught with my pants down" and gotten ACED by a Devouring Earth Elite Boss only once.
The way I play, it's actually pretty rare for my Mastermind to faceplant. It happens (sometimes, as it does for us all), but I'm really happy with how RARELY Ku no Ichi gets dropped for Debt.
Right now, playing 4-5 iTrials sessions per week with Ku no Ichi, I think I'm averaging a dropped for Debt maybe ... once a week?

My point being that I'm convinced that although my slotting choices may look "laughable" from your perspective and experience (and expectations), the holistic synergies that I've been able to realize with my build more than make up for any shortcomings "on paper" (or in Mids'). Even though I play relatively aggressively for a Mastermind (as I'm sure you've noticed during iTrials), the main thing is to always stay aware of the surroundings and to NOT bite off more than you (and your Pets) can chew.

Lethal Force Authorized ... no thanks.
I'll be OVER HERE away from that action.

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.