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Topics - Joshex

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General / Can we get a BBCode how-to doc for simple machines?
« on: October 23, 2021, 11:56:06 am »
it would be nice to have a reference doc for what is allowed and how it works in BBCode here

for example, some things are not in the menus but work. such as;

Grey color text is not in the change color menu, but loookie here it works.

[color=a3a3a3] I tried hex colors it doesn't seem to respond to those.[/color]

Scrapper / Plasma Gal Electric/fire
« on: October 22, 2021, 08:10:53 pm »
I came up with this build and name back on live after my wp/elec tank was overkill. I figured I'd do well with even more damage, and due to bonuses AoE attacks can help get massive +damage.

the only problem is wp on a scrapper isn't as OP. so, I decided to go all-in and just make it mass damage.

Due to firey aura's list of AoE this quickly became the target. but no matter how I mess with it, the def and res numbers just wont go anywhere near what's necessary for a stand-alone style scrapper. if I remember correctly the def necessary to be stand-alone is 32% or greater. high res is ok, but def is necessary. this build does not do that.

this build was thus never a focus on live because it really is the kindof build where you either hit a mob and kill shortly after contact or you die. I was always unsure of whether the increase in AoE would be enough to make up for the drop in def and res. to be honest even upto L19 it has performed far better than expected.

It does have weaknesses, toxic, and holds/stun/mez/sleep etc. that and practically any debuff seems to hit it hard. however this may be resolved in the final build! (if impervious skin is available this build will be solid against effects.) Like most builds it's incredibly end-use heavy so pacing is necessary.

honestly once I get that solved this should be an amazing build. then again L19 is proving to be tough with this build

It is not easy to master, and takes a lot of work to use. not suggested for your first build. it probably wont win any awards.

I'll post the build as I complete it. (I'm doing the completionist thing just in case it proves to be better than I thought it'd be)

Electric Melee:
Havoc Punch - no slots but the default (a shame as it's more powerful than charged brawl and my wp/elec tank never got to use it)

Firey Aura:
Fire Shield - till L7 this gets all the slots till 6 slots, this is to provide max strength early on and functions as a proc mule later.

Blazing Aura - gets all the slots till L11 to 6 slots, This aura actually seems critical to early survival, so many toons I've made suffer from having to cast a powerful attack to get rid of that last needle of HP most enemies have after 2 hits, this aura solves that problem.

Electric Melee:
Jacob's ladder- cone -it's difficult to use, you really need to herd enemies on a corner select your target then jump to the other side of the mob and cast.
it gets no extra slots, yet.

the L13 slots go on inherent Health - you will need the regeneration! (I am kind-of considering adding in a few slots on Stamina as well, as Endurance seems to be a weak point with this build. though that may soon change, and is looking good in the final numbers after sets so for now I'm just grinning and bearing it.)

Build-up - DMG? yes. definitely. also this functions from experience as an early tohit buff, it's critical in order to dispose of problem enemies.
no slots on this yet.

Firey Aura:
Healing flames - this was a mistake. I assumed it was a toggle. I was counting on the toxic res it gives, but it ended up being critical to survival, popping it mid group with vahzilok works wonders, in other groups popping it below 25% HP is usually enough to herd or take out a problem enemy.

Temperature protection - really doesn't do much for me unless enemies are using fire. but it's good to have.

Electric Melee:
Thunder Strike - it begins! this second AoE seems to make this build fairly stable as a killing machine. it gets all the slots from level 15 up till it gets 6 slots, for max damage/accuracy.

Now Build-up gets a slot at L19

Fighting Pool:
Kick - kb/kd works wonders

tough - attempt to soft cap smashing/lethal res.

weave - you need the def.

Firey Aura:
Consume - it's an AoE attack. the fact it gives +end only makes it better. that makes 3 AoE on this and solves some of the end problems.

and thats as far as I got so far.

21: 2 slots Build-up - this is going to be the focus till it's six slotted at 24. I mean what good is all that AoE if you only hit 1 target or not at all? and whats a scrapper's damage without extra damage boosts?

22: Plasma Sheild - energy and negative res for when I need it. + Hold and Sleep Res (FINALLY.. I probably need it at 15 because thats when mobs start with holds)

23: 2 slots build-up - finally 6 slots, max tohit the power can give with normal enhancements = get

Electric Melee:
Chain Induction - everything is starting to die before I can really use a lot of powers, end use is thus reduced. Really unexpected! timing this right when in a mob really helps deal the damage. timing consume right really refills End and often finishes the mob off or makes it so blazing aura can finish them off; Build-up, thunderstrike, then consume and chain induction (in any order) and the mob is ended by blazing aura.

Live Bug Reporting / Atlas Park Map fading
« on: October 12, 2021, 03:22:11 pm »
So you know those warehouses that you have to fight arachnos around during the Aaron Thiery arc? well, after you finish that arc, from then on the game doesn't know what to instance or if to instance something special there. So when you approach the edges of the instanced arachnos controlled area all enemies such as clockwork, vahzilok or hellions disappear and auto-de-target until you leave the instance's buffer zone. Even auras will not harm said enemies in this buffer area. they also lose sight of you and go back to their spawn points.

It's a pain on kill missions (kill 15 clockwork "well I just got out of a warehouse here in atlas so.. ah damn they ran into THAT area after the first hit..")

I assume this will take a lot of work to fix without breaking the aaron thiery arc.. it should be as simple as adding some conditions onto the buffer zone "if player has mission from contact Aaron Thiery: trigger instancing. Else: pass. but CoH code probably has some other complexities.

Off-topic / Off topic thread #1
« on: October 06, 2021, 04:02:17 pm »
this thread is off topic....

and with that done I'm going to go make dinner now.

looks like food is warmed up stuff. a hoisin duck roll, some padron, mushroom and egg, and a bacon stirfry. and yoghurt and biscuits (Cookies; custard cream, bourbon cream, and fig rolls. and orange and chocolate chip (it's a british thing).) and an instant noodle spicy korean chicken flavour.

the whole chocolate orange flavour combination is historical to britain even though neither chocolate nor oranges are from the British isles.



I bought an ox cheek yesterday. I have never tried to cook something so tough before. tenderizing it seemed to do nothing. in the end I strifried it and wow it has this strong ox smell. like ox tail soup but x10. I also simmered it for a bit to try to release the tension. we will see what this monstrous beast tastes like.

I cooked it with extra hot chili powder, black soybeans, red sichuan peppercorns, salt, pepper garlic and ginger, with olive oil and sesame oil and light and dark soy sauce, a little spring onion. i stirfried the meat after tenderizing and slicing it in tiny bits. then while it was still a little undercooked removed it and began to cook some eggplant with the soy sauces. then when the eggplant was almost done, I readded the meat added water and let it simmer.

it tasted great and wasn't tough at all! definitely a distinctive flavor, definitely would suggest again. (though it's a lot of work)

General Suggestions and Feedback / Origin and AT Specific Temp Powers
« on: October 01, 2021, 07:16:32 pm »
We have Dual and Single Origin enhancements, as well as ATOs.

Why not Origin Specific Temp Powers?

Why not Archetype Specific Temp Powers?

They could even be pseudo-enhanced.

How would it work?

We have different types of salvage which can be classed as Magic (Arcane), Tech (Tech), Natural (Think, Iron, Gold, natural materials), Mutant (regenerating flesh, mutated genome etc.) and Science (Simple Chemical, Mathematic Formula, Scientific law etc.)

we could further classify them by effect:
Smashing damage, lethal damage, Fire damage, Energy Damage, Psionic Damage etc.

Then Let players "make recipes" by choosing components to fill the temp power's abilities

In Example:
PBAoE Damage:
Select an appropriate salvage to represent Damage type
Select an appropriate salvage to represent Form (what does it look like?)
Select an appropriate salvage to represent any Effect (Optional: Hold, Stun, Mez, Confuse, Immob, Sleep Etc.)
Select an appropriate salvage to represent Activation Type (Click, Auto, Toggle etc.)
Select an appropriate salvage to represent the Functionality (Think power sources and how those power sources are delivered)
Inf Crafting Cost (based on materials used and how likely it is to actually work)

Chance for failure.

Success = you are granted a Temp Power specific to your Origin and/or AT that has limited time or number of uses.

You can refill the timer and uses by feeding it inf and salvage at any crafting table. (Different from most normal Temp Powers which can only be crafted again once they run out)

And once at max uses Feeding it salvage and inf of one of the types used to craft it has a chance to enhance that aspect of the power. In example feeding it the salvage you denoted for damage type will have a chance to increase the damage output.

Best part?

The types of temp powers you can make will depend on your AT and Origin. so a tank making a blasting power might be possible but the accuracy and damage will be awful compared to if a ranged AT crafted a similar power.

Edit:  Crafting a power different than your AT allows or substantially different from whats in your powersets (type and damage type etc.), has a higher chance of failure to craft initially, and a high chance of failure to refill the uses/timer.

Origin of the power could determine if it has any possible "Super Effectiveness" against specific enemy groups or if a buff it could grant different origins special protection from a specific enemy group while boosting Same Origin ATs with some additional team bonus.

Edit:Consider AT Specific Temp Powers and Origin Specific Temp Powers as:

ATTP: After living with your Powers for a while, and after having suitable practice with inventions (Min level 15-20) you are able to make some informed ideas about what sorts of things you could craft to make Powers suitable to have some ability to shore up your weaknesses and bolden your strengths.

OTP: After studying a lot about how you got your powers and why they work, and after having suitable practice with inventions, you are able to make some informed opinions about how to expand your arsenal via crafting.

General Suggestions and Feedback / Inspiration Conversion Accolade idea
« on: September 14, 2021, 05:32:41 pm »
You know how with regular IOs if you craft so many of a certain level you can memorize the recipe (then you never need to buy it or get it as a drop again, just need salvage and meet the inf crafting cost.)?

Well, why not have some sort of similar situation with Inspirations?

Naturally because they are consumables we can't just have people able to get as many as they want. this means there would need to be some limits, maybe so many per hour.

Or better yet, back in issue 5 to 12 we had a "convert 3 to next tier of same type" ability in the normal conversion menu. I know I have already mentioned this and the mods here have thoroughly shot adding this back in down. However that was a request to add it back in as it was, that is to say any player can do it as often as they want to.

However now I am suggesting doing it as a Set of conversion badges and accolades as follows:

Respiteful (badge): Convert 3 small green to each of the other 8 types of inspirations 10 times each and convert each of the other 8 types of inspirations back to a small green 10 times to unlock this badge.

and the same for every other small inspiration that can be combined.

When you get all 8 badges: Inspiration Accolade 1:
Once per minute instead of the normal inspiration combination menu [convert to other insp, convert to the same insp (greyed out)], you will have the option to upgrade any small insp you have 3 of to 1 medium insp of the same type instead of the greyed out option to convert to the same insp. this option will return to being greyed out after use each time with one minute between usages.

Next a series of badges for combining 3 medium insps of each type to each other type 30 times each!

When you get all 8 badges: Inspiration Accolade 2:
you are now able to combine any medium inspiration you have 3 of to one Large inspiration of the same type once per minute.

Next a series of badges for combining 3 large insps of each type to each other type 90 times each!

When you get all 8 badges: Inspiration Accolade 3:
You are now able to combine any Large inspiration you have 3 of to one Super inspiration of the same type once per minute!

At these rates it'd take you more than 39 minutes to create 1 super insp from an insp vendor's small insps. It requires conscious badge earning such as converting to types of insps you might not care to way more than you'd like. Could also make them sequential, so you need to get the small insp accolade first! can't just jump to gaining credit towards the large insp accolade.

in example Most people delete extra awakens because they clog insp inventory space (usually only keeping 1 at most if they have nothing better), so they never convert them to anything else or rarely do so, thus they could never earn these badges without consciously planning to do so or taking forever.

It'd take a bit of code to apply it, but more badges and accolades to earn makes for more fun. plus it'd be nice in a pinch to be able to convert 3 to a more powerful insp.

General Suggestions and Feedback / What to do with Galaxy City?
« on: August 27, 2021, 09:08:54 pm »
I know some of the inner workings of the CoH staff's minds, they would actually base new Issues on player interactions with game content. So, players not paying enough attention to Dark Astoria, led to Mot and the banished pantheon's ressurrection. Everyone startign in Atlas Park and almost no one starting in Galxy City led to "good bye galaxy city". meanwhile Sister Psyche's unpopularity led to her replacement by Penelope Yin. and so on and so forth. eventually with the way people were kinda ignoring the Deadly Apocalypse zone events, there was going to be yet another catastrophe.

But lets back-track here,

This is about Galaxy City, yeah, it died as a hero side starting zone. it paled in comparison to Atlas Park, yeah I started my first toon in Galaxy and found out quickly that that was an unpopular choice. I then had to attempt to walk to atlas, it was memorable at least.

So now it's destroyed and offlimits to any players higher than 2. What should become of it? were there any dev notes about this for future reference? I seem to remember hearing a Rumor that it was going to be reborn as a Lv50+ zone at a later date. possibly with an evil/changed/compromised Sister Psyche in some capacity.


should we just say they fixed the problem and "repair" the zone for players who pass Lv #?


something else entirely?
I have long thought that the name Galaxy City, should become literal, as in it becomes a hub for aliens of all sorts and a gateway to other worlds. I dropped this line with the original devs and they seemed very very interested in making a "Space" zone. meanwhile this was while we already had the shadow shard, so no doubt missions would include a lot of shivans and nictus. I think the main reason they never Space-Zoned was they needed more worlds and peoples and monsters and places to make it viable and interesting, and just never had enough time to come up with it.

So what do we do?

General Suggestions and Feedback / Undo some Power Conflicts
« on: August 24, 2021, 08:36:55 am »
So a lot of builds have click location type powers, such as TP AoE, summons, fields, Teleportation etc. and at current these abilities do not cast when flying or hovering.

This goes back to cryptic and paragon devs days where they decided that it wouldn't work if you could both fly and teleport at the same time. and they extended it to summons and fields. Their thought process was "you have to be touching the ground to do that".

No idea why they thought that, but it gets in the way of a lot of builds taking fly or hover. This makes a lot of builds relatively grounded. heck even using a jetpack disables these attacks.

I would like to request changing this, flight powers shouldn't disable you from using these attack types.

One example is the non-combat pet summons, they will not cast unless you are on the ground.

Another example is Electric Melee's Lightning Rod. which could be said to touch ground on TP to discharge. so that is to say, self: anti-fly till  the Lightning Rod animation finishes, then back to hover or fly. You know an automatic thing rather than having to turn off hover or fly to do it at all.

Boss: "make like 10 different rigid-body books players can kick around the libraries"
Employee: "Ok, history, some art thing, some tech looking thing, ahh.. what other book names can I make I've run out of ideas!"

Boss: "good work so far keep it up"

Employee: "he.. didn't notice! no one will ever find out.. well Ok then, it is that time. what should I make a book about, I really need a break to use the toilet but the boss wants these done with no breaks.. wait thats perfect!"

"they wont find that one for years. think he'll get the message? wait who am I psionically asking?"

"I'll just throw one here too."

"and here."

"can't forget to sink one into the bookshelf"

"here have another"

"can't forget to drop one right near you sunshine"

"Poop everywhere! best part is because they are rigid body players can knock them on the floor then it's POOP time on the floor! get it? ah i am easily amused.."

"Next I'm gonna make a monkey enemy and make it throw poop."

Boss: "good job on the books, I need you to work on the rikti"

employee: "can I make an alien monkey that throws poop?"

Boss: "umm.. no."

employee: "please? pretty please with sugar on?"

Boss: "mm it's goign against my best judgement.. but.. lets call it a rikti monkey fart and make it toxic"

employee: "AHAHAHAH thats a good one man! brilliant!"

a great read for when you're down in the sewers. or at least when your mouth is.

Looking for Group / Steel Canyon Firefighters
« on: July 21, 2021, 09:36:41 am »
So, there are a variety of badges to be earned in this zone event. It spawns randomly usually once or twice an hour. the event only lasts a short time, not exactly sure how long. 20 minutes? half an hour?

The thing is, people are rarely interested in doing this. So far I've had 2 other players help out, but it needs at least 1 full team. I would like to eventually actually completely put out one of those fires (I imagine there is a badge for successful completion, or some other reward). So if you are interested in joining this event please post what times (and from what timezone) you are available during. It will really need everyone to be on at the same time, and we'll just have to mess around in radio or tip missions and be ready to TP to steel canyon.

You can TP to steel canyon WW using the Wentworths transporter, you can buy this temp power from wentworths. I think it's 10,000 inf? if you need help affording this I can help.

More about the event:
Enemy group: Hellions
Goal: put out all the fires.
Equipment/Powers needed: If your toon has Cold powers those should be super effective. If not, there will be a fireman nearby that will supply you with a free temp power! fire extinguisher.  You can keep getting this temp power when it runs out infinitely as long as the fire is going.

Strategy: if you try to put out the fires eventually the hellions around the building will chuck molotov cocktails at the windows and heal and restart fires you put out faster that you can put them out. For this reason we will need several players to distract the hellion mobs and keep them out of range of the building, while the rest work to put out the fires.

That may sound like a job for a tank, but in fact at Level 19 the hellions are all grey-con, so even the weakest of blasters should do just fine.

in order to get the badges you need to defeat equal quantities of fires and hellion arsonists. There are meters to see your progress on the Navigation window under Collect>Defeats
the first badge Volunteer firefighter is very easy to get.
the second badge Fire Fighter requires 25 hellions and 25 fires. (and grants an Advanced Fire Extinguisher temp power when getting a new one from the fire fighter)
The third badge requires 100 hellions and 100 fires. (doing this as a team will make it much faster! otherwise you'll be lucky to get 10 fires a go (usually it's more like 5 to 7))

Dangers: If we have failed to keep the arsonists out of range and they keep lighting fires; after the event time is up (there is no visible timer... that really should change, there kinda needs to be a visible timer) there will be a fire flare around the base of the building, when you see that: RUN!!!

The building will explode and KO all players in range of the explosion.

This danger should be averted if we can keep the hellion mobs busy and put out all the fires..

Finally at current until the start of August 2021, I am available 5pm to 8pm and 10PM to 12AM UTC+0, during August and onwards I should be available 9PM to 12 PM UTC+0.

Additional, rather than do this as a player organized event all the time, it would be nice to have an official event to tackle fires in the event herald overseen by a mod.

General Suggestions and Feedback / Pet Costumes
« on: July 19, 2021, 08:17:10 am »
Largely for masterminds, for primary or secondary pets, it would be cool to be able to adjust Pet Costumes.

The idea is to always have the default pet looks as it's own selection, but be able to click "custom" to open a character designer screen to make a pet out of existing costume parts like you would a player.

there could be limits to prevent graphics overloading if necessary.

General Suggestions and Feedback / SuperSports/SuperBall
« on: July 09, 2021, 11:07:43 am »
It all started with some 5th column standing around a Council member who was out cold on the ground with a full health bar. After defeating the 5th column, I stopped and thought about what to do with this reactionless body on the sidewalk. just defeat them as usual? I kinda felt it'd be wrong to just off them in their sleep. Then I thought maybe I could nudge them with a low power attack to wake them up. then I thought hey [Kick] is appropriate here. But I couldn't be sure so I asked other players and after fulfilling /em teabag, I decided that the suggestion of playing punt the fascist was too good to pass up.

but it was all over too fast! :-\ one kick and then another ranged knockback power and it was over... about 5 meters not counting legspan.

then came the idea; SuperBall. and the enemy IS the ball!

Imagine if players could spawn a pet enemy of their choice (or random roll) with no attacks and an infinite healthbar though it is attackable. especially an enemy that doesn't run. then you get 2 teams and attempt to knock him off the opposite team's side of whatever.

We could do it as a friday night SuperSport event. KB, KDown, KUp alls good if the enemy is greycon.

what say you devs? can we have a little harmless fun?  ;D


Save Matthew Montrose from the Vahzilok


Matthew Montrose, a brilliant ER surgeon, has been kidnapped. We think he's been taken to an abandoned office. It'll be dangerous, but I need you to save Matthew Montrose from the Vahzilok.

Mission Acceptance

I marked the entrance to the office on your map. I don't know what the Vahzilok want with a surgeon like Matthew Montrose, but it can't be good.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You have not rescued Matthew Montrose from the Vahzilok.

Mission Objective(s)

The damp, mildewed carpet squishes beneath your feet. It bears a thick trail, the mark of a helpless human form being dragged.

    Save surgeon from Vahzilok
        Help surgeon find organs

You rescued the surgeon.


    The name of the surgeon to be rescued can vary. Possible names include Anthony Barton, Raymond Callahan, John Gray, Matthew Montrose, and Mark Rollins.

Notable NPCs

    Mire Eidolon (Boss) (Guarding the surgeon)
    Anthony Barton/Raymond Callahan/John Gray/Matthew Montrose/Mark Rollins (Captive) (Non-fighting NPC, must be freed and escorted to the glowie)

V archetypeicon stalker.png    Ambush! After rescuing the surgeon, you will be ambushed by one wave of Vahzilok.


Badge villain vahzilok.png Vahzilok
Patrol Dialogue
Mission Dialogue


Matthew Montrose said those organs were the remains of fallen heroes. Apparently Vahzilok has some sort of pipeline to the hospital, which he's using to siphon off the best donated organs for his own dark purposes. The way Matthew Montrose described Dr. Vahzilok's experiments, they seem nothing short of brilliant. If only he would confine himself to legal experiments, his brilliance could be a great boon to mankind.

As GM Farm Tank observed yesterday 2 hours before the server reset, I had tried to complete the mission 3 times using different orders of events, leading the rescuee to the door, clicking the glowie before taking him to it etc.

The outcome is the same, he goes to the glowie interacts says to wait for him to look at it and then the mission does not know what to do next. I think it's an unfinished mission that went live by mistake. If I can sense the thought patterns of the cryptic/paragon devs I would assume this mission should change the mission completion goal upon Mark reaching the fridge to a "defend the scientist" goal and the mission should spawn some number of concurrent ambushes, on defeat of all ambushes Mark should either NPC chat the results and Mission complete, or the player needs to click Mark and talk window the results then lead him to the exit (might have another ambush).

In fact it definitly is an ambush, but from what I see right now that ambush is triggered prematurely, at the point you rescue Mark and bring him into the main room nearby the exit (before you can take him to the glowie), the ambush attempts to prevent him from leaving as it spawns at the mission entrance door not the elevators. But at that point in the mission it's not time for that.

It'd be interesting to test if someone has really long range TP if one TPing player could target Mark, and then go upstairs to defeat Josh Carson, and TP Mark once he's freed directly to the fridge instead of taking him through the ambush room. that may or may not trigger the correct series of events. That was untested.

I still think there is a missing ambush that spawns too early. There are multiple in the main room at times that make no sense.

Anyways this is just a record to remind you that it still needs looking at.

Additionally, before GM Farm Tank helped trigger mission complete, I had another team member come to help. I asked if they could TP Mark, and I think they tried to drop team to get access to TP other when they did they disappeared from the mission, but something really strange happened. Mark was standing right next to the fridge then suddenly Super Sped to the center of the room as if following me. but then stopped. when i reinvited the team member, I watched as Mark Super Sped back to the fridge. I have no idea what caused that.

General Suggestions and Feedback / Inventive Inf Dumps
« on: June 15, 2021, 11:49:48 am »
Too much inf in the market? things getting a bit bloated? hopefully not! at this point while typing this, I am happy to say the market seems healthy. This thread exists for that day when the devs/hosts realize that some pruning is necessary on the inf tree.

The goal of this thread is for users to propose things they'd be willing to dump inf into to clean the market as and when it needs it. heck it might even work to offer such options as preventative measures to prevent market inflation! So feel free to dump some ideas here, I cannot vouch for whether any of these ideas will be accepted (because I'm not even on the dev team), but keep in mind that this thread will likely be read through at some point by said devs because it may contain ideas they never had or needed to know what players thought of them.

Discussion is encouraged! please mark all Idea titles in Bold, underlined and red for visibility. please do not use this combo in discussion posts so the devs can easily find the ideas. maybe use Bold underlined and orange for Final revisions based on discussion where "Final" means the latest revision only, meaning edit your other posts stating a revisions and remove the bold underlined and orange styles on the idea title.

Confused? Don't be, heres an example (in spoiler):

(click to show/hide)

Still confused? here's a real example:

Relief Worker Donation Window:
Summary: give the player a way to "donate" inf to NPCs (thus ridding the game of it)
Idea: this idea proposes a contact talk window for the "Relief Worker" NPC which can be found in Atlas park near Miss Liberty, currently the NPC posts a chat message asking players to "help feed children displaced by the Galaxy City disaster". Why not actually make it possible for the player to click the NPC and open a talk/trade window to give inf? then spam these NPCs (with different looks each time) in multiple zones in areas people usually hang out in or have to pass through, such as RWZ base, Portal Corps square, the train station in Talos, Ouro "Mender Sympathy" etc.
1: Players can get a badge or a series of badges for donating so much. another player suggested this should be a time limited badge, as in it expires and disappears every month etc or until you stop donating so much so often. like a badge for donating 10 mil a day every day, goes away after 30 days if you skip a day, or 100 mil a week goes away after 30 days if you miss a week, or 500 mil a month (stops when you miss a month), or 1.2 bil a year for the yearly badge expires after a year if you stop for 365 days).
2: Pay off XP debt! and Buy patrol XP/Debt Protection up to total donation amount.

"Would you like to donate to help out the poor children of Galaxy City?

These poor children are suffering and the city is struggling to provide for them, many of them lost their families in the disaster, others lost even more. Now they struggle just to get food and new clothes, school supplies and sports equipment. The city is also short on ability to get things like bedding and can't afford to supply heating or air conditioning. If we don't get enough this month they're going to turn off the electricity and water. I'm affraid what these children are going to grow up to become.

So can I count on a donation today?"

"Thank you for your donation, Galaxy City's Children can eat today!"

Idea 2:

Temp Power Refills:
Summary: Allows players to Buy upto 30 extra uses of a temp power they owned from the NPC they originally or could have received it from.
Idea: Limit this transaction by day, week, month, quarter, half year, year, or 2 year period based on the usability of the power, the more powerful/handy it is the more infrequently you can buy it! make it cost a significant amount. 100 mil per use, (max 3 bil/frequency) (Non-Tradable, Non-Sellable, Non-Storable)

1: players can get more of those awesome early mission temp powers so they don't have to save them for years.

contacts who offer such temp powers will have an additional option in their talk menu:
"I would like to help fund you and your affiliates"

Contact text:" Oh the [group I.E. Seraph, Crey labs, M.A.G.I. etc.] thanks you for considering funding their efforts. They'd be willing to share their prototypes/relics/items for testing purposes if you can cover the research costs.

I know people who are currently testing [Temporary power] for dealing with [villain group/type situation]. The prototype/relic/item currently costs 100,000,000 inf per use to produce; counting all the subsequent review of the findings. If this sounds good to you, I can take your donation and you should receive a testable prototype/relic/item soon."

Player Choices:
1: "Yes I'm interested put me down for 1"
2: "Yes I'm Interested, I'd like 5"
3: "I'd like to fund 10 of them"
4: "Can I get 30?"
5: "thanks for the offer, but maybe later. (leave)"

Response text:
0: "Oh, I'm sorry there seems to be a problem with your donation, looks like it wont go through (Not Enough Inf)"
1,2: "Great! I'm glad you can help"
3: "They will be stoked! I hope their research helps you in some way."
4: "Wow! where did you get so much inf? maybe I should change my line of work... uh yeah, definitely they'll get you those ASAP"

Additional: For combat Drop based temporary power recipes, sell them at Arachnos/Freedom Corps bases.

Idea 3:

Signature Summons:

Summary: Everyone from trainers to TF/SF contacts, (everyNPC with powers and a health bar) agrees to aide you for a limited time when you call.
Idea: [Summon: Statesman. L50] (and other fallen heroes) should be a temp power available through ouro for heroes and valid in Hero missions and Task forces.  same thing for every other living powered contact but available at that contact. [Summon: Lord Recluse. L50] for villains in example for villain missions and Strike Forces. The catch is the cost will be very high for 1 use with like a max of 1 use. The summon will not be timed, but will last until death (yours or theirs) or until you exit the map. Not Available in PVP except in gladiator matches. maybe 1 Billion Inf (or inf cap) per use. Could have a time limit between purchases, once every 24 hours, or once a week, once a month etc.

Make them work for it, Make it count.

I can just imagine the text for LR:
"What!? you think I the great Lord Recluse can be bought?.. Oh, 'a bribe' I see! yes, I honor those. I'll see you there, Arachnos thanks you for your devotion to villainy!"

1: players can buy summonable help, great for when you're stuck in a TF/SF or AV mission and need that extra boost to make the team work or finish the content.

General Suggestions and Feedback / SG Base Item: Staff
« on: June 07, 2021, 07:44:14 pm »
So, there are people like merit vendors and freedom corps. enhancement vendors and even DO and SO vendors from respective origin shops, heck even tailors, nurses etc.

While some of these things are base items as machines (Merit Vendor machine), others are not. and honestly sometimes you prefer to talk to a person about merit exchange. don't know about you, but the thought of the machine eating my merits popped into my head when I typed that.

So, I propose a new category of base item:

everything from the human merit vendor NPCs to hospital nurses et cetera could be available to place in a super group base. naturally you'd have to cover their salary in prestige. and they could probably be limited in number allowed.

I think I threw this idea around on another forum, and i think for the most part like many of my ideas, it got views but scarcely a reply. I assume it might not be an idea that has a massive desire from the playerbase behind it though it'd be nice. But also probably difficult to code in.

Regardless, I'd like to hear your thoughts.

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