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Messages - jordan_yen

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Right now, most split windows can be stretched to give extra size to the top and bottom areas, but not email for some reason. Given the email delivery system for character items and such, it would be really helpful if I could shrink the email content area and see more of the emails themsleves (the subject area).

General Suggestions and Feedback / Squeeze ability for enhancement tray
« on: October 17, 2022, 12:11:41 am »
Having the 10 trays is great, but kind of sucks when you get stuff all spread out. What about a text command next to "manage" that says "Squeeze" or something that pushes all your enhancements to fill from the left? Tray 1 then 2, etc. Gets rid of gaps?

General Suggestions and Feedback / Bring over Pretorean weather
« on: October 16, 2022, 06:54:46 pm »
I would love to see more variety of weather in general, but for now since it's already something that's in the game, what are the odds we can trick other zones into having pretorean weather?

Being able to summon various wolves and lions or tigers would be nice, but most importantly, I don't want some lions and some wolves, I want either one or the other. It would be great if we could use alternate animations or something to bring in all wolves or all lions (etc).

I think this one is an easy sound file substitution. I would guess that we have a few other more wooden sounding things. Or something bone like (not sure if we have a bone sound).

General / Re: Updated Mids
« on: October 31, 2021, 12:10:47 pm »
You are AWESOME!

Absolutely loving the new IO sets. Perfect for my many, many debuffers

Player Help/Guides / Re: Pow_exec_Location and Macro image
« on: October 24, 2021, 10:42:05 am »
This guide is AWESOME! Thank you!

General Suggestions and Feedback / Environmental focus
« on: October 17, 2021, 07:27:08 pm »
We have KILLED it on character and system updates surrounding powersets, new archetypes, bug fixes, quality of life etc. Y'all are the BOMB!

That said, I would love to see updates to the environment like changes to buildings, neighborhoods, random events, making the world feel new, different, better. Maybe adding seasons, weather, rare enemies (like supatrolls maybe?). Right now, the game is awesome, but a bit stagnant in that the mission maps and neighborhoods haven't changed much since launch (excepting Faultine, Galaxy, and Atlas of course). Bottom line, let's make it feel different and new if we can. Give us a good reason to explore and see things because things change and are new :)

Also erase Drea. Mickey is all we need.

I had some really good ideas before, but I can't remember what they were. Someone was keeping track of the suggestions made on Discord right? Posting them here would help with visibility. Also, when we had the old forums, it was the suggestions area that had the most attention. I'd hate for all of that to be lost.

Per the reddit comment - YES, always. We should ALWAYS cross-post on major community forums. A solid communications strategy would be to post teaser information and a link everywhere leading here for the meat. Not saying we should make smaller posts on Reddit, but it would behoove us to say "this is the main stuff, but there's so much more to read here: [link]".

As to the "meat", hot dayum! There's way too much to talk about here so I'll just keep it to a two key points:
  • Love the Tanker buffs! It's so needed because right now, what's the point of playing a Tank when a Brute is same-but-better? I kind of feel the same way about Defenders right now TBH. When corruptors are around, do Defenders even make sense?
  • The combined Ouro is not only a good idea, it's a GREAT idea. Particularly with the travel issues for Rogue and Vig. Also the reduced alignment needs (totally fair and sensible... I agree with not making alignment a touch-a-gull event, but would like to be able to do it in a single day).
  • Alternate animations and new ways to customize our characters is GREAT as always.

That all said, there are still some key things I'm hoping for in the game that I want to reiterate:

  • Weather for zones
  • Improved variety and activity per zones (more NPC variety, more mini-zone events, construction changes, give us a reason to visit and re-explore our existing zones before focusing on new ones)

"This is the main stuff, but there's so much more to read here:" ;)

That post is actually so old that some of the things I asked for have actually been made! That said, the key thing that hasn't (other than Atlas for the most part) is building the character and depth of city zones. The atlas arc missions, the variety of enemy activity, the plus-up of the buildings and character... the changes planned for Striga are very much in-line with what I'm suggesting, but not just the sky; as much else as possible, themed to the zone. KR for example is a dumpier part of town; let's capitalize on that. Maybe FF could have some rich people having a house party on a rooftop (and maybe that party gets attacked eventually :D) Stuff like that.

I feel like I have enough character variety to last me a while (I still haven't played a Titan Weapons character or Wind control... so many others to get through first), but it's so tempting to skip the cities and their content because there's not much to see there that I haven't seen a hundred times (literally).

Player Help/Guides / Re: Create a screenshot toggle bind
« on: May 27, 2021, 09:57:30 am »
That's cool! I wouldn't want to use that personally because I have over 9000 screenshots (not a meme, really 9000+) already. If I doubled that it would be crazy. Great tip regardless :D

Player Help/Guides / How to cheat the aggro cap with debuff-herding
« on: May 27, 2021, 09:54:44 am »
The thing is that the aggro cap is annoying. Even as a tank, you can lose aggro very quickly which is frankly; insane. While I know some servers (including Rebirth!) are looking to fix it (at least for tanks if nothing else), here's a bit of a cheat you can pull as a debuffer (corruptor, defender, etc).

What you need:

  • A targetable debuff that affects enemies near the target. Darkest night, various rad debuffs, and snowstorm are examples (though snowstorm isn't the best option given the slow factor)
  • Stealth of some kind. Preferrably full stealth through invisibility or any stealth power +stealth proc
  • A ground-based slow or KD field of some kind (preferred, but not STRICTLY necessary)

The next part is pretty easy.

  • Find a large room or long hallway and pick a rooting spot around a corner or behind a crate or somewhere you can break line of sight.
  • Stealth your way through a few groups and find a target. Usually you want a tougher target (because it's a debuff and because you want them to live longer) as an anchor. For best results, Make sure to consider how the target is going to run at you because he needs to run THROUGH other groups to aggro them. Picking a flying enemy is usually a bad choice for this reason.
  • Target your anchor, turn away from them towards your safe spot (you don't want to waste precious seconds trying to orient yourself
  • If you have inspirations like break-free, defense, resist, pop a few now (getting stunned and dropping your debuff right away SUXXXX)

If your debuff drops by the time you get back to your safe place, you tried to go too far - there's a distance limit you can run away from a debuff before it auto-deactivates. Otherwise, you'll see your target via the "target lines" through the wall so you can see how close it is to you and when you should drop your slow/ground power.

If your ground power is a slow or KD power, you'll see enemies bunching themselves up trying to get to you and that's when you want to hit them with stun and control powers. Or if you're tough enough, you can skip right to the beatdown and start woodchipping your way through the mobs.

If I didn't say so before, this is not only effective, it's crazy fun :)

Here's a video version to help make sense of it all (click it. It goes to Youtube):

A few weird things about aggro to keep in mind:

  • What works in your favor is that the aggro cap will be reached early in the run so the enemies closest to your safe spot will actually ignore you for the most part. This is great because you want to get there safely and set up your debuffs without interruption.
  • Technically you don't have any better aggro than a tank strictly speaking, however!. There's a funny thing about debuff herding where enemies who were debuffed once but lost aggro due to the cap suddenly remember you again once you've mowed down some of the people who ran over to you. This way, you "arrest" a few people and others from down the hall or in the other room come running to fill the space giving you a constant stream of baddies.

Realistically speaking, you won't likely get to use this on large teams or on TFs unless you just want to sneak to the end of a kill all and start clearing solo from the back while the rest of the team clears forward. Otherwise this is great for farming badges, drops, or otherwise clearing missions quickly.

Player Help/Guides / Create a screenshot toggle bind
« on: May 26, 2021, 03:06:26 pm »

Because there are a ton of cool things in the game that look better without the UI. For example, when I take my lvl 50 photos or unique areas:

Level 50... Woot woot!

Trying to set up a great shot doesn't hit the same way with the UI present. Toggle it off with a keypress to get a quick capture.

At the same time, it's pretty hard to turn the UI back on if you can't see the chat window to type the command. Instead, it's best to put it to a bind. Granted, you could have one key to turn it off and another to turn it on, but why use two keys when you can use one instead (saves other keys for other commands).

To do this, you use a toggle bind. Create two files as follows:


Code: [Select]
O "++disable2d$$screenshotui 0$$bindloadfile c:\binds\screen2.txt"

Code: [Select]
O "++disable2d$$screenshotui 1$$bindloadfile c:\binds\screen.txt"
What this will do is turn off the UI when you press O or, if it's already off, it will toggle it on. The only thing missing is to load one of these two to start with which will cause them to load each other from then on.

To do this, manually type this into your chat:

Code: [Select]
/bindloadfile c:\binds\screen.txt
And you're done.

Pro Tip

If you read my other post about setting up base binds shared across all your characters, the above line would work very well in the "base_binds.txt" file:

Code: [Select]
O bindloadfile c:\binds\screen.txt
This way, the first time I press O for any character loads the cycling binds that toggle screen UI from then on. Pretty easy.

Why Character Files?

The thing is that you probably have various customizations you want to set up for specific characters. For example, I want my fire demon to use the same binds as other characters (the AFK bind, the "READY" bind, etc), but the colors of the chat bubbles should match and I want the text to match his or her character too! This is where the character-specific bind files come in.

Here's an example of one my character's specific binds:

Code: [Select]
P "local Here fluffy! Come here boy!$$powexec_name dark servant"
F12 "say <bgcolor #010127><color #bb0d0d> $target, I'm opening a portal through the darkness... (TP inc)$$powexec_name Recall Friend"
ENTER "afk Gathering thoughts...$$startchat "
F5 "say <bgcolor #010127><color #bb0d0d>Welcome!"
F6 "local <bgcolor #010127><color #bb0d0d>GRATZ! $$ emote clap"
F7 "local <bgcolor #010127><color #bb0d0d>Let's do it!$$$$cce 1 CCoilstrike$$say <bgcolor #010127><color #bb0d0d>  Ready!"
F8 "say <bgcolor #010127><color #bb0d0d> Oh look! A $target."
F9 "say <bgcolor #010127><color #bb0d0d> Are you still talking!?"
F10 "say <bgcolor #010127><color #bb0d0d> OMG! Would you just SHUT. UP!"
EQUALS em jugglemagic

Let's walk through them:

P "local <bgcolor #010127><color #bb0d0d>Here fluffy! Come here boy!$$powexec_name dark servant"

Per my previous examples, character flavortext that isn't worth drawing team attention specifically is sent to LOCAL, not TEAM. This just says a bit of text and summons my pet :) (but note that it keeps to my characters custom color scheme)

F12 "say <bgcolor #010127><color #bb0d0d> $target, I'm opening a portal through the darkness... (TP inc)$$powexec_name Recall Friend"

When you take Recall Friend, it's super helpful to let people know you're teleporting them. Just select them, press F12, and click the ground. It will automatically replace $target with the name of the person you clicked. SPECIAL NOTE: "say" has a special function in that it sends this text to whichever chat channel is active. This is useful for binds that are good for either team or league. Depending on which you're in, the bind text will go to that channel.

ENTER "afk Gathering thoughts...$$startchat "

This is the chat bubble text that comes up while you're typing a message. It's super useful to let people know you're not ignoring them, you're typing. I like to customize the message per-character of course. The default was something like "Thinking...", but here I have "Gathering thoughts" and on my demon fire/fire/fire character it's "Burning some thoughts..."

Here's "It's Pink!" with his version of the thinking bubble

F5 "say <bgcolor #010127><color #bb0d0d>Welcome!"
F6 "local <bgcolor #010127><color #bb0d0d>GRATZ! $$ emote clap"
F7 "local <bgcolor #010127><color #bb0d0d>Let's do it!$$$$cce 1 CCoilstrike$$say <bgcolor #010127><color #bb0d0d>  Ready!"
F8 "say <bgcolor #010127><color #bb0d0d> Oh look! A $target."

I'll take these together. They're just standard binds, but I can customize the specific text, the emotes used, change costumes, and all of them use the custom color scheme for my character.

F9 "say <bgcolor #010127><color #bb0d0d> Are you still talking!?"
F10 "say <bgcolor #010127><color #bb0d0d> OMG! Would you just SHUT. UP!"

These serve no function other than to entertain me during long ITRIAL cutscenes. Press F9 and then 10 or 15 seconds later, you press F10 to make your point :P

It's a bit faded because I was too slow on the screenshot key, but you can see my toon talking smack to Cole whilst perched atop his compensation edifice.

EQUALS em jugglemagic

All of my characters have a custom "waiting around" emote which I choose based on their powersets and story. For my fireblaster, it's JuggleFire; for my scientist it's "equation" or whatever. But it's always the same key so I never have to think about where I put it. The only thing that changes is the specific emote.

Bring it home!

Ok, that's basically it. Just for the sake of making it all clear, here are some other sample character bind files for reference:

Fire Blaster
Code: [Select]
ENTER "afk Burning some thoughts...$$startchat"
F5 "say <bgcolor #922d01><color #ffd434>Welcome!$$em welcome"
F6 "l <bgcolor #922d01><color #ffd434>Gratz!"
F7 "l <bgcolor #922d01><color #ffd434> One barbecue, comin' right up! $$say <bgcolor #922d01><color #ffd434>Ready!$$cce 1 cccast$$powexec_toggleon cauterizing aura"
F8 "say <bgcolor #922d01><color #ffd434>Hmm.... A $target. It needs to cook a little more..."
p "powexecname inferno$$l <bgcolor #922d01><color #ffd434> Ske-doosh!!"
- em jugglefire
EQUALS em jugglefire
numpad0 "cce 0 cccast$$l <bgcolor #922d01><color #ffd434> Whew!$$powexec_toggleoff cauterizing aura"

Obnoxious sonic defender
Code: [Select]
ENTER "afk Thinking LOUDLY...$$startchat"
NUMPAD0 "cce 1 CCPrestoChango$$local <bgcolor #01446f><color #e0e80e>BRAEK TIM!"
F12 "say <bgcolor #01446f><color #e0e80e>IT'S RAINGIN $target's!$$powexec_name recall friend"
F5 "say <bgcolor #01446f><color #e0e80e>Welcome!$$em welcome"
F6 "local <bgcolor #01446f><color #e0e80e>GRATZ! $$ emote clap"
F7 "local <bgcolor #01446f><color #e0e80e>OMG! HTAT'S A LOT OF EMENIES$$say <bgcolor #01446f><color #e0e80e> READY!$$cce 0 CCLightning"
F8 "say  <bgcolor #01446f><color #e0e80e> ON NOES!! A $target!!1!!!1"
- em snowflakes
EQUALS em snowflakes


To make this work, I create a new folder for every character HOWEVER --- I actually use shortened names because you have to type this at some point and the shorter, the better. If possible, come up with a single-word nickname with no spaces or special characters. For example, if your character is named "The Great Purple Pantaloon", maybe "c:\binds\purpaloon" would do the job. Or, if you don't have too many pantaloon characters, maybe just "pantaloon".

Inside the pantaloon folder, create two files:


So now you have this file: c:\binds\pantaloon\loader.txt

Where, of course, the character name is not "pantaloon" (or maybe it is; I won't judge). What does loader look like?

Code: [Select]
1 bindloadfile c:\binds\base_binds.txt
2 bindloadfile c:\binds\pantaloon\binds.txt
4 bindloadfile c:\binds\numbers.txt

Basically, it just re-assigns your number keys to load a bunch of other files in sequence. Let's take them one at a time.

  • When you press the 1 key, it loads the base_binds that all characters share
  • Loads my character's specific binds custom to them (or overrides some of the base ones... I'll give an example later)
  • Blank.... why? Because sometimes I want to load other bind files for this character. Most commonly used with masterminds to load mastermind bind files (a TOTALLY different and large post, but there are still good guides out there for this)
  • Restores the default numbers to power tray associations (requires a bind file in the c:\binds folder called "numbers.txt" which looks like this

Code: [Select]
0 "powexec_slot 10"
1 "powexec_slot 1"
2 "powexec_slot 2"
3 "powexec_slot 3"
4 "powexec_slot 4"
5 "powexec_slot 5"
6 "powexec_slot 6"
7 "powexec_slot 7"
8 "powexec_slot 8"
9 "powexec_slot 9"

Besides mastermind files, I might have various power-specific files, ones for specific ATs (Tanks might have taunt binds I want on all my tanks for example), SuperGroup stuff etc. Each file I assign to a number key ending with the "numbers.txt" file to restore the normal number functionality after I'm done loading my binds (the order is NOT important except for having the "number key restore" bind file at the end. You'll probably never actually need all the way up to 10 - I never have, but I wrote the file to restore them all just in case. Anyway, let's continue.

Put this together!

We'll talk about WHAT to put in a character bind file in a minute, but here's the basic process of building a new character and loading up their binds:

  • Make a new character and enter the game
  • Set up your trays, windows, window colors (you match your window color and chat bubbles to each character, right? I do :) )
  • Press enter or click the chat window
  • Type bindloadfile "c:\binds\pantaloon\loader.txt" and press ENTER (technically you don't need the quotes around the file path as long as there are no spaces in the path, but I'll put it anyway just in case).
  • Press 1. Now press 2. Now press 3. Keep going until you see the text saying that the numbers.txt file has been loaded and you can confirm that pressing number keys now activates powers in your tray like normal


With one simple command (that only varies with the name of the character whose binds you're loading) and then pressing number keys in order, you can quick-load or re-load any character's binds at any time. If you change the base binds and then go back to an character you haven't played in a while, reloading them with the new base binds, but keeping everything else is super simple.

I like to set up every character with custom window and chat bubble colors to match their costume and/or powers. It really enhances the gameplay in making every character FEEL different when you play them

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