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Topics - Joshex

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General Suggestions and Feedback / SG Base Item: Staff
« on: June 07, 2021, 07:44:14 pm »
So, there are people like merit vendors and freedom corps. enhancement vendors and even DO and SO vendors from respective origin shops, heck even tailors, nurses etc.

While some of these things are base items as machines (Merit Vendor machine), others are not. and honestly sometimes you prefer to talk to a person about merit exchange. don't know about you, but the thought of the machine eating my merits popped into my head when I typed that.

So, I propose a new category of base item:

everything from the human merit vendor NPCs to hospital nurses et cetera could be available to place in a super group base. naturally you'd have to cover their salary in prestige. and they could probably be limited in number allowed.

I think I threw this idea around on another forum, and i think for the most part like many of my ideas, it got views but scarcely a reply. I assume it might not be an idea that has a massive desire from the playerbase behind it though it'd be nice. But also probably difficult to code in.

Regardless, I'd like to hear your thoughts.

General Suggestions and Feedback / Contact Reactions
« on: June 04, 2021, 05:06:10 pm »
We already have some contact reaction texts for things like level or origin, or not introduced yet etc.

However it hit me that we could do a bit more when I had the German Shepard pet out and walked up to Grym in Steel Canyon Uni (or even in the Atlas Police Station). A similar thing could happen for the black wolf pet or wild animal's mastermind wolf summons.

I assumed; he should have some reaction text to this pet being summoned talking about the lesser Grym or it too seems to stick to it's vows of silence. Or, tell of how your friend tells of many tales of heroic deeds regarding $last_major_accomplishment.

I assume he might also have an adverse reaction to the cat type summons.

Grym however would probably not be the only one that should have some reaction to certain things players can do/summon.

Yes, I know this will require extra code and therefore is on the back burner because changing even a slight thing is a headache that could break the game. and because it's not vital, it will not be pursued with any intensity.

ok, just thought I'd put it out there.

Feel free to fill this thread, with more such ideas for this or other NPCs and or thoughts.

I've been playing on a guardian now for a few weeks, I've only gotten to lv11 (cause I'm doing all the missions I can remember) but it's a very fun play.

Not only that, a while back I requested a "beam blasting" powerset, I'm not sure if you guys already had the same idea or whether you considered it when making Luminous assault, but I have to say, that is definitely good enough!

Just saying thanks, thats my feedback.

I'll probably have more feedback once I get to a higher level.

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