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Messages - Ignicity

Pages: [1]
General Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Mastermind ATOs
« on: October 16, 2022, 01:14:04 pm »
While I concur that Mastermind ATO's should be able to be slotted in their primary attack powers, I also think the change should be extended to their secondary as well.

The secondary change would only effect a handful of powers and bring it more inline with how Corruptor secondaries are handled.

This would result in the following secondary powers being able to slot Mastermind ATOs:

Mastermind > Cold Domination > Sleet
Mastermind > Poison > Poison Trap
Mastermind > Sonic Resonance > Liquefy
Mastermind > Storm Summoning > Gale
Mastermind > Storm Summoning > Freezing Rain
Mastermind > Storm Summoning > Lightning Storm
Mastermind > Thermal Radiation > Power of the Phoenix
Mastermind > Traps > Caltrops
Mastermind > Traps > Acid Mortar
Mastermind > Traps > Seeker Drones
Mastermind > Traps > Trip Mine
Mastermind > Traps > Detonator
Mastermind > Trick Arrow > Acid Arrow
Mastermind > Trick Arrow > Oil Slick Arrow

*Please note* "Mastermind > Storm Summoning > Tornado" is the only power from any Mastermind secondary that currently allows for ATO slotting

General Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Mastermind ATOs
« on: October 16, 2022, 02:44:04 am »
It certainly is an interesting topic.

At first read, I tried to understand why you could want this. Originally, I was of the opinion that surely there was enough alternatives to slot in these powers "that Masterminds rarely take" (Purple IO's, Winter IO's, PvP IO's, and regular set IO's), and if it 'aint broke, dont fix it. Never the less,  I decided to investigate the balance across all AT's.

After looking at all archetypes' choices for slotting ATO's, I can only agree that Masterminds (as well as Dominators and Controllers, to a lesser extent) are currently disadvantaged. 

Here are the results:

Average available power choices for slotting ATO's per AT:

14.1 - Blasters
13.5 - Soldiers of Arachnos
9.3 - Defenders
9.3 - Corruptors
8.9 - Guardians
8.5 - Kheldians
8.1 - Scrappers
8.0 - Brutes
8.0 - Tanks
7.1 - Stalkers
7.0 - Dominators
6.7 - Controllers
3.5 - Masterminds


Profit finally got his way to get his grubby little hands all over Tankers.

*grabs popcorn*

Pages: [1]