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Messages - GueVesa

Pages: [1]
Question for Teleport powers: how baked in is facing for the power?  It would be great if the toon didn't have to stop and turn when using "powexeclocation left:6 recall". If it would just drop the target to the left of me, and not make me turn left before casting, so I then don't have to turn back to the fighting, that would be great.  Other uses would be "Powexeclocation backwards:10 teleport", just to skip backwards 10 feet, but still facing the direct I was.  Even sticking with the "must be in camera view" would be fine.

While improvements to hair would be nice, what about just cleaned up/higher rez faces?  The originals are so fuzzy.  The newer ones that came out are so much better.  Would it be difficult to update those fuzzy ones to a crisper image?

Developers Diary / Re: FARM TANK - Slash Command Abbreviations
« on: December 13, 2022, 01:06:05 am »
Any chance a similar change to the powexec_ strings could be made?  Particularly powexec_toggleon/off takes a large bit of the line for a one key bound toggle switch.

For example: Bind NUMPADENTER "powexectoggleon Weave$$powexectoggleon Tough$$powexectoggleon Against All Odds$$powexectoggleon Combat Jumping$$powexectoggleon Battle Agility$$powexectoggleon Deflection"

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