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Messages - Joshex

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I've had this issue with some other content from missions or story arcs too.

I refer to it as the Vanguard Badge Situation, as that's one of the easiest examples, you cannot be granted the vanguard recruit dayjob badge until you are Lv35, but you may earn progress towards it before then. For my character captain shock in example under badges>dayjobs the badge's logoff time meter was full (504) before I was 35, but it was granted as soon as I ticked over 35. I don't remember if it was at levelup or at train, I'd be tempted to say it was at levelup that the badge was earned. even if not, that would be a better solution than changing the level you need to train to to get a badge. instead have the badge be granted when you level to the given level rather than after you train.

If you want to confirm what's necessary for the badge, you'll need to fast track a villain to 35 and complete the first mission in any patron arc then check your Collect window and look for badges>category, then see what it says or what the meter shows, you can also add it to the badge monitor to see if it does change per mission. if so, then yes people need to stay along for the whole arc. Again even if they do the whole arc the badge will not be granted till Lv35.

and again changing that from "grant after Train to Lv35" to "Grant after untrained level passes 35" would solve said issue.

the content I had issues with were temp powers, they are only granted to the leader. this could be how it's set for the patron badges as well.

Patron pool badges NEED to be at Lv35+ or it will likely cause a conflict in the game's code!it's simple logic:
1: the badge unlocks patron pools during level up
2: the first patron power unlocks at 35
3: cannot have a new pool set as available with no available powers and no claimed powers in it!!!

I honestly have no idea how the game would react to that. I'd suspect one of the following:
1: the level 35 power is selectable at a lower level the badge was earned at, but on select and confirm nothing happens (you train up but don't get a power) because you don't meet the level requirements.
2: the level 35 power is selectable at a lower level you earned the badge at, but on select and confirm you get a nameless (#01$&@#^%*435901add more special characters) glitched power which is something else entirely and probably does nothing.
3: the level 35 power is available at a lower level the badge was earned at, but on select and confirm it crashes the game client.
or the worst case scenario for the player:
4: the epic pools selection is visible though none of it's powers are available causing the a glitch which wont let you train up no matter what you select, if it even lets you select anything! it may just display "error".
or the worst case for the server:
5: the epic pools selection is visible though none of the powers are available, causing a "corrupted" data log which crashes the server.

so, these are just guesses, I just know CoH is really temperamental when it comes to things that don't add up or don't fit in some preset code bend, causing an exception.

thinking about my suggested fix now after the fact, it'll need a third condition:

"Character Trained to Lv34, and Character's untrained level is 35+, and has completed a patron arc" = grant patron badge

Might also need a fourth condition: "Player Alignment is Villain or Rogue before badge will grant." this is necessary if we are allowing progress for the badge ahead of time, because a player could easily complete the arc with a lv35 lead at Lv20 turn off XP, then do rogue then hero tips and become a hero at level 20 and stay hero till 35. but then a hero is being granted a Villain Badge While actually a Hero, that could cause errors. Otherwise it might cause conflicts with other hero and villain specific badges. So they'll have to do vigilante tips and then villain tips till they are a villain at 35+ so it grants the badge then rouge and hero tips to get back to hero.

(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)

but back to reality, yeah the game will likely have issues with this change if all the right things are not done. So to recap to allow the player to earn progress ahead of time, the badge should not grant until (all the following are true):
1: the character has trained to Lv34
2: the character achieves/has an untrained level of 35+
3: the character is Villain or Rogue.

from there you can take it where you want it.

General Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Day Job Badge Needed
« on: August 31, 2023, 12:06:31 pm »
[Monkeyin' Around] adds a minor damage and accuracy bonus as well as an effect boost on all effects Magnitudes for a short time after logging in.

after 504 x 15 minutes logged out as a monkey, you get the Badge.

"Your time spent as a rikti monkey has earned you the Monkeyin' Around Badge. Logging out as a rikti monkey will earn you an effect, damage and accuracy bonus for a short time when you log back in."

combine it with Professor badge? to get an accolade dayjob badge [Doctor of Shenanigans]

"Your time spent as a rikti monkey and working in the universities (sometimes congruently) has given you time to perfect the art of your unique science of shenanigans. While logged out as a rikti monkey or in a university, you will earn charges of your [Rikti Monkey Fart] dayjob power."

"So is it a PhD in Art or Science?"

"One might say it's a PhD in Social Sciences, others might postulate it's a PhD of Arts in theater. But it is purely a PhDS, 'PhD of Shenanigans' ."

on this note there's other places which could use dayjob badges, for example logging out on the brickstown Zig could earn the [Corrections Officer] day job badge. combine it with (city official, Police officer)? to ger a [Warden] accolade maybe earning you a "Ball and Chain" power; ranged, single target, foe -speed, -fly, - jump. not sure on that one.

There should also be one for terra volta.

New Problems Discovered with Attract such as quicksand.

I've confirmed there is a preferred direction in the CoH engine, that is to say a directional axis on which force is applied to first on each frame, giving that axis a tiny tiny bit more force per frame; which builds up to a differential of large amounts of force over time causing motion in that direction to work and motion against it to fail. this means escaping from attract is as easy as trial and error and picking a direction and trying to ninjarun or superspeed out, then when you find the 2 horizontal preferred directions pull hard towards that corner.

oh, but that's not necessarily a problem. what is a problem is that in such cases, only your graphic moves, your physics object stays put. meaning you can literally walk like 30 meters away and it still thinks you are standing there in a pile of enemies, you can cast melee powers on them and they can hit you at your former position. this is telling me the default un-enhanced power of Attract is WAAAAY too voracious, it's overboard LOCKDOWN kinda force..

On that note, Self-TP to the opposite side of the attract field causes your character graphic to be disconnected from your physics object and sent sailing to the farthest reaches of the map until the attract ends, oh, by the way your physics object wont move not even for SelfTP. now that's really hard coded immobilize.

Double attract at different locations will also cause this "character graphic sailing off into the sunset effect."

Oh did I mention the camera follows your graphic? so.. you'll be so far away you wont be able to see whats hitting you.

KB can also cause this effect.

We need to tone down attract. things like TP, KB and running away from the center NEED to work because they work for the graphic but not the physics object.

Yes, the graphic will reseat itself back onto the physics object when the sailing effect wears off because the attract ends.

Also the range of the attract is waaaaaaaaaaay tooooo biiiiiiiiig. I was on a CoT map with a very tall central rock pillar in the room. I jumped off with ninja run and combat jumping just as an earth caster cast quicksand and I fell maybe 50 meters down and almost to the wall so >= 50 meters away from the center of the attract, and IT WAS STILL DESPERATELY TRYING TO PULL ME TO THE ATTRACT, it actually stopped me mid-air >= 50 meters away as I pressed forwards to fight it, I did actually escape it. but sheesh that field is huge!

yeah noticed that myself, Rest is on as part of the default totals.

I think I communicated some other issues as well on discord, but we'll list them here from memory:

Synapse's Agility: 20% End Drain Res isn't actually coded with any buff nor bonus so no matter what the 20% End Drain Res wont show in totals.
Liberty's Belt: Global Damage Bonus, same deal the damage bonus is not specified nor input in any way shape nor form so it's not effecting anything, it only enhances resistance.
some other issues we ran into were, Performance Shifter +End's bonus is not being added. it's 101.8 end on my buld with 0 and with 3 of these. so something is wrong there.

there's a slotting glitch with some Chancefor Procs, such as Superior Might of the Tanker 6% Res, sometimes it wont apply correctly (wont show in totals) until the slot is emptied again and slotted with something else and reslotted. It even happens with Oblit's Chancefor.

last, if AttemptBuildRecovery openning an mxd with inherent health and stamina slots it says some slots are not possible in the current version of the game and labels them L51. When rebuilding the same in a new Mdb file all slots are able to be placed exactly the same and are correct, but removing any 3 or 4 slots will mean you cannot readd them and will have to start the build over.

got it in inbox, though the comma in the link escaped the link, it came through like:,3757.0.html

manual copy pasta worked though.

General Suggestions and Feedback / New AT Suggestion "Leader"
« on: August 20, 2023, 09:54:35 pm »
Because someone mentioned sidekicks.

Long ago on the paragon studios forums, I mentioned an idea for a new AT. I haphazardly called it a "Sidekicker" we can probably find a better name for it maybe "Leader".

What is it? It is a Pet summoner, but unlike masterminds it can only summon minimal pets. usually 1 pet. but the pet is practically equal to just below one player (I'll explain more of this coming up).
The Primary Powerset would be a mix of armor, team buffs, and attacks.
The Secondary Powerset however, contains some variation of "Call Sidekick" as the first power, the powers after that are just for the sidekick, but may have some teamwork attributes where SOME defense, accuracy, damage buffs etc. are shared.

The Leader/player character(primary powerset), supplies self buff, team buffs/enemy debuff, and damage.
The SideKick (Secondary Powerset), supplies Control, Support, team buffs/enemy debuff, and damage.
The AT Specific Inherent power could be called [Team Synergy], where all their powers are increased in potential when a Plan of Action is being followed.

What is a Plan of Action? unlike the mastermind Pet Controls, the pet controls for this AT are more like battle strategies, Referred to as Plans of Action. things like (these are examples):
[Split Up] where your Sidekick Pet tries to take on any enemy/group except your target/group, going as far as their perception radius away from you to find trouble.
[My Target] same as the mastermind, attack what you are attacking.
[Current Target] attack the one I selected right now regardless if I switch targets.
[Fallback] tells the sidekick to get some distance from the enemies and use Ranged and Control only.
[Retreat] tells the sidekick to run away.
[Support] tells the sidekick to focus on buffs/debuffs and control
[Cover Me] Tells the Sidekick to attack with AoE, and run past enemies to distract enemies from you (get their agro).
[Hide] tells the sidekick to avoid enemy perception radii
[On my signal] coupled with any other Plan of Action, the side kick will not do anything till you either tap the same plan of action again, OR engage in combat/action.

One Big ability in [Team Synergy] is that in example when the Leader is defeated, if the sidekick is still alive, the player's control can switch to the Sidekick rather than being given the standard defeat message, the sidekick is not auto-defeated with the leader(also enters doors and transport before being 86ed from the map. thats just a graphic thing), the same vice versa if the sidekick is defeated, they do not disappear until resummoned or dismissed or until BOTH leader and sidekick are defeated, at which point the control switches to the Leader and the Sidekick disappears. While in control of the sidekick when the leader is down, the sidekick can employ all your Pool Powers as well such as Recall and Resuscitate if you have chosen those. This benefits the player in that they can leave their sidekick hiding in a safe place, go challenge something mean, die and then TP themselves out and resuscitate themselves, if they chose those pools, also it does not count as debt until both are down. In other words "Down, but not Out"

Each Plan Of Action grants a Specific Team Synergy buff in example:
[Hide] might grant [Peace of mind]; an increase in attack speed, defense power potential, Accuracy and Damage. but it's based upon your primary.

Team Synergy Buffs are ONLY granted if you follow your own orders. the side kick will, but if in example you switch to their target While [Split Up] is enagaged, you both lose the synergy buffs! or if they are discovered when using [hide], you'll then lose [Peace of Mind].
Team Synergy Buffs are granted differently in different situations:
You and your sidekick are both alive, and in perception radius of eachother: Power Value + Power Value (I.E. 15% S/L Res +15% = 30% Smashing/Lethal Resistance)
You and your side kick are both alive but out side of eachother's perception radius (but still enacting the Plan of Action): Power Value + 1/2 Power Value (I.E. 15% + 7.5% = 22.5%)
You or your sidekick are defeated, but in perception radius (and the defeated one died keeping the plan of action): Power Value + 1/2 Power Value
You or your sidekick are defeated, but either not in perception radius or were not following the plan of action on defeat: Power Value alone (I.E. 15%)

In addition there should be some small buff for having Team Members or League members Follow the plan of action in and out of perception radius. like +10%% of the Power Value. (I.E. 15% + (1.5%* Team Member following the plan)) and 1%% for each league member following the plan (I.E. 15%+ (0.15%* league member following the plan)), Team and League buffs could also be added to the team and league respectively!.

As you can see this AT CAN be pretty Tanky, getting buffs that could rival a brute or tank in SOME situations. So the Res Cap could be higher than 75%, keep in mind they WILL NOT be able to reach it if their Sidekick is down. I suggest a Res cap between(including) 50 and 90. it could be possible the Res cap could change Depending on Team Synergy effects being active, so long as you are following the plan of action the res cap could be 90%, it could be 75% if you're getting +1/2 Power Value, or 51% if getting no extra power value (if your side kick is down and out of perception radius, regardless team or league presence "Nooo! Why did they have to kill my sidekick!").

So the Caps as well as the Team Synergy bonuses all scale from the weakest link on the team to Tankin' like a pro.

Lets talk about the Sidekick being ALMOST equal to a player, They'll never exceed the abilities or stats of the Leader, maybe 10% less down the board, 10% less max HP, 10% Less max End, 10% less total Resistance, 10% Less total Defense, 10% less damage, 10% less accuracy 10% less to hit, 10% less regen, 10% less Recovery etc. This is not a Given! just a rough estimate based on default values! it can change if for example the Leader's first buff only applys to self, it wont raise the sidekick's stats! so there can be a large discrepancy.. plus by default sidekicks have 1 less power (which is Ironically taken by their summon). but other than that with a good build this is one pet that could maybe with inspirations stand up to a hit from an AV and keep fighting.

The WEAKNESS of this AT is that some powers, such as Attacks are NOT shared though they may have some secondary Team Buff and add Team Synergy, and over all the Leader's PowerSet (Primary) is a mix of self buff, team buffs/enemy debuff, and damage. out of 9 powers thats roughly 3 of each or 1.5 team buff/debuff (2 of one, and 1 of the other). So you'll only have 3 main attacks! plus whatever pools you get. Where the Sidekick splits Control, Support/team buffs, enemy debuff, and damage between 8 powers, so maybe 2 attacks, 2 control, 1 buff and 1 heal, and 1 debuff, AND NO ACCESS to POOLS UNLESS Controlling them. this means at any time a little more or less than HALF your potential is server (CPU) controlled.

Perhaps Team Synergy should allow the player to switch whether they are playing as the Leader or Sidekick as they wish.

Primaries will have to be specially made, and could look like;
Names like "Invulnerable Leadership" instead of "Invulnerability", or "Will of the Team/Leader" instead of "Willpower"
L1: Self Buff(Toggle or Auto)
L1: Attack.
L2: Team Buff/Enemy Debuff (Toggle)
L6: Attack
L8: Self Buff(Toggle or Auto)
L12:Team Buff/Enemy Debuff (Toggle)
L18: Self Buff/Rez(Toggle or Click type)
L26: Team Buff (Toggle)
L32: Final Big AoE Attack/ Tag Team Attack

Secondaries would also have to be specially designed, and could look like;
Names Like: Firey Sidekick, Icy Sidekick, Psionic Sidekick, Electrical Sidekick, Grim Sidekick, Staff fighting Sidekick, Mace Weilding Sidekick, Energetic Sidekick, Ninja sidekick, Gadget Making Sidekick, Weaponmaster Sidekick, Duplicate Sidekick, Robotic Sidekick etc.
L1: Summon Sidekick (they come with a power [Sidekick Brawl], or [Sidekick kick], or a ranged power similar to your Origin Inherent Power [Dart], [tazer bolt] etc, but they are weaker than yours and don't have things like stun nor kb etc.)
L2: Ranged or Melee Attack based on the Powerset.
L4: Control
L10: Support/ Team buff
L16: Enemy debuff
L20: TAoE Control
L28: Support/ Team Buff
L35: AoE Attack
L38: AoE/Cone Enemy Debuff

Notice there is no Build-up style power in either set. this is because they get build-up like effects from Plans of Action(when executed correctly), sometimes. they are permanent (while in battle and while the plan of action continues to be successful) unenhancable build-up style powers, but yield much less accuracy/to hit and +damage output, as they may include (an)other effect(s) like +Res, +Def, +Regen, +Recovery, -Rech, or a foe debuff Foe -ToHit, the effects of each could be based on your primary. in example if "will of the team" you'll see effects like: +regen, +defense, +recovery, +Status Protection, Enemy -ToHit in the bonuses from the Plans of Action. That is to say the plans of action just boost your primary and secondary abilities and effects. so Plans of Action will have "+Special" and buff based on power type. "+Special: Buff, secondary effect, +ToHit, +Damage"

It may be possible that SOME Secodary sets, Have another Summon Sidekick at a later level, Perhaps some mastery sets will have it as well for this AT. "Summon Arachnos Soldier" for Black Scorpion's Last Patron power, and maybe a fortunata for Ghost widow's patron. and maybe a Longbow Warden somewhere in a munitions mastery.

Survivability: 5 to 9
Melee Damage: 5 to 7
Ranged Damage: 5 to 7
Control: 3
Support: 3
Pets: 4

Of course they should be able to name sidekicks. and maybe, because it's so few "pets" even costume design for SOME of them and adjust body type.

What things do Sidekicks Inherit from their Leader?
Team Buff effects
Plan of Action Bonuses
Any and all Set Bonuses
Team Group Pool Power Effects and Enhancement of effects.
Perhaps Toggle based Pool Powers that are switched on by the player while controlling the sidekick, (I.E.: Stealth, Invisibility, Fly, Group Fly, combat jump, super jump. and maybe tough, weave, and leadership toggles, maybe. "Maybe" in that perhaps they should stay on till sidekick defeat even when switching back to control of the leader.)

What things do Sidekicks NOT Inherit from their Leader?
Leader's ToSelf power effects
Pool Powers (except when the player is in control of the sidekick, or in the case of effects from Team/Group pool powers (those count), toggle powers turned on will stay on when switching control back)
Holds, Sleeps, immobilize, -speed and other Debuffs dealt to the Leader etc.
Enhancement from the Leader's powers (except for Team/Group Powers).
Player Effects Applied to the Leader. such as single target buffs from another player.
The Leader's Location (big difference from other pets that TP to you when following and lagging behind. Sidekicks do not)
Endurance ( they both have their own endurance. End Bonuses or End mod from Team/Group/Support powers will still apply)

There may be more constraints.

There could be more Special interactions like Power Sharing, or Temp Powers(for example L10 or L28 Support/Team Buffs might be this), for Example a Gadgets Sidekick could have a "Make Gadget" power which makes a random gadget from a list (Temp Power) they can then give to the Leader or another player or use it themselves Or Immediately Grant to the whole Team. There could be a "Team Strike" attack that only works when you are both in the same place and alive and casts on your target the next available chance, it could be a way to Break eachother Free from Holds Immob and Mezes etc. and do a mega tag team attack(L32).

Then we get into the "Duplicate Sidekick" where the Duplicate's Attacks are weaker versions of your own, and rather than Support/Team Buff you could have "Summon Triplicate"(summon one more in addition to your duplicate) and "Summon More Duplicates" (upto some max number), where Control could be [Dog Pile] (all sidekicks attack the same target/group with a hold)(smashing+your primary damage type), or there could be an [Absorb Duplicate(s)] power to allow you to self heal your leader or another sidekick, gain their End, and get a temporary power boost. the downside would be that your duplicates have very few powers other than being duplicates (just 2 attacks from yours, no or limited Support/team buff, no Debuff) but you can have lots of them.

It really depends on what sets the player chooses. but these are the mechanics in this idea.

Yes, It's complicated. it would take a ton of work compared to making any other AT. but it's a tempting thought isn't it?

To Balance the fact you could basically Rez yourself and Apply Vengeance from a pet's defeat, the recharge on their summons should be much, much, much longer. 2nd and higher sidekicks (if using a set that gives more than one), could have to be resummoned after defeat, disappearing like a normal pet on defeat.

I'll add this here as well, Quicksand and perhaps other attract powers are applying too much Force to the pull though the linear velocity of the pull is slight and gradual, the force is causing it to be impossible to actually escape the pullforce by any means. essentially turning it into an Immobilize.

Attract should have some status resistance or status protection for powers that provide status res or protection to Hold and Immobilize, as it's essentially a sibling effect at this point. AKA tankers with enhanced anti hold and immobilize should be oblivious to the fact attract even exists unless a player is using it and has enhanced the attract.

a guide to how I'd balance this in a servo controller:
given a normal movement of 7 Linv  with a max force of 35 and a min force of -35. here we will merely subtract from the Max and Min Force applied to reach  7 LinV keeping in mind the minimum force to achieve 7 LinV is 7 force and that will be slow and over time.

(click to show/hide)

if attract + slow: half the outcome of applied/subtracted force/movement of each effect.

so instead of a multiplier of 0.9 use 0.45 instead and drop the -speed to -45%

They need to share 90% of the player's movement. More if enhanced, but mobs shouldn't be able to do what they can do now.


an 0.45 multiplier when combined with -speed would probably be like a mag 8, 0.9 on it's own is a mag 8 to 10

The reason I'm specifying this is because right now Attract is subtracting >= 100% player movement Force.

keep in mind if the Force of the attract Exceeds the player's Movement Force, then in most cases (except in the preferred direction, if this game's physics has one) then the player will not be able to move directly away from the Attract.

hmm in that case the player needs to retain 50.1% of thier movement force at minimum to be able to move away at all! so the calc should change.


the calcs above were meant to show how much force the player has left (and consequently the opposite would be the amount of force Attract has. Forgot to mention that bit.)

but If I were to guess, I'd guess you are not modifying the player's movement force, but rather just applying Attract force. IF So, use these calcs:

Attract Force Added = ((Player Max Force - player Linear velocity) / 2) * 0.9

in an illustrative example with 35 force and 7 linv to the player's movement, our attract would have a force of: ((35 - 7) / 2) * 0.9 = 12.6 Attract force.

thats 90% of half of the player's movement force! enhanced you'll easily go over the half-way point to maybe 180% of the player's movement force.

with status effect protection or resistance et cetera, they would then need to have 80% protection to be able to move, slowly if the attract is enhanced. keep that in mind here.

Also remember *0.9 is  for Attract ALONE.
if doing -speed as well, lower the -speed to -45% and use a *0.45.

if this is not clear, let me know.

Ugh, I have to explain one more thing about physics don't I?

What is "Preferred Direction"?
Some people hypothesize that there may be a real world preferred direction, for example towards or away from an object in space. This has merit, in that as you are closer to a larger object (in example the Sun) there is more pullforce being applied to you if you are near Earth than if you are for example near Mars, so hypothetically if you move away from the sun towards mars it's subtracting your potential speed and you're fighting to get there. Where as if you were going towards the sun from Mars to Earth
1: there is less pullforce near mars prohibiting you from gaining speed, so you gain speed faster,
2: not only that, the pullforce of the Sun would be directing you Forwards in your journey so you wouldn't be fighting it, causing the time for example for light from Earth to reach Mars to be longer than it takes for light from Mars to reach Earth.

we know the distance is roughly 10 light minutes one way, so 20 light minutes total, but "Preferred Direction" hypothesizes that >50% of 20 minutes MUST be from Earth to Mars. in fact it could go so far as a clear 75%:25% ratio or; 15 minutes from earth to mars: 5 minutes from Mars to Earth. this is hypothetical. but it illustrates Preferred Direction.

In SOME Game Engines such as blender in example, preferred direction DOES happen. but for different reasons; it has to do with the Order that force is applied. typically it MUST be applied in GLOBAL force (on the Global WORLD/Universal XYZ axis'), so LOCAL Vectors are converted to Global Vectors and the force applied Locally is then applied by the same rules, Typically with POSITIVEs being applied BEFORE negatives.

this means positive force may have a few miliseconds of 1 frame more time to add Force than Negative has, causing Equal forces applied in exactly contrary directions to not result in no motion at all, but rather SOME motion towards the Preferred Direction!
in the game world this means in example it's impossible to get away from an attract by going south, you need to go north. because game physics.. I have tested this in blender and it took more than +10 force difference in the negative direction to counter 10 less force in the positive direction. again it really depends on how force is applied in the engine.

this will not be an easy implementation.
Consider it a casual endeavor. as you go through the code to do other things

Where's my facepalm image?

Just because something is easy to SAY ... does not ipso facto mean that it would be easy (for someone else) to DO!
That's like saying that "overhauling the Rules Of Reality" ought to be a "casual endeavor on the side" while working on the physics of nuclear fusion.

NONE of what you are proposing is a "casual endeavor" ... especially if you want it done RIGHT in ways that don't screw up something (everything?) else, leaving you with a mess of codebase that doesn't work anymore because you "casually" screwed things up that shouldn't have been messed with.

If builders built buildings the way that programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
- Murphy's Laws poster


Point well made!

Oh Absolutely. I agree, this will not be an easy implementation. We don't even have Duration Enhancements, and the game is not set-up to be able to modify that stat.

Consider it a casual endeavor. as you go through the code to do other things, Mark where it'd have to go and keep a txt with a list of documents and places where it'll be necessary to make changes.

next is surmizing what changes would need to be made/added.

after that checking for any conflicts/problems that might be caused because of it. If any, back to the first step; finding where those conflicts all are., then later surmizing what will be necessary to fix it.

then finally listing of actual changes which need to be made. and progressively getting to them.

I don't expect anything, but I definitely don't expect this in a near release. yes "hmph" at me, prove me wrong, but I'd think maybe several releases/issues will be necessary to pass before all the locations where changes would be necessary are even logged for consideration. finding all those places in the code will be only 1 step of a multi-part battle. Yeah I presume some of the team may have some good ideas of where these locations are likely to be. But it'll take code comprehension as you go. like: "ok we're adding in this new fix for attract.. oh, hey if we did ever add duration enhancement in, that would have to go here too."

one more part of the plan will be finalizing whats in the set. the above is just a basic guide of a suggestion. The set isn't even properly named yet. Suggestions are welcomed.


One note I'll add, I actually came up with this idea a long while back. but not for a set, just for general Durable Effect enhancements, I have a graphic started somewhere for the recipe and icon for a Duration IO. it's a simple Clock/Gauge similar to and based upon the recharge reduction graphic. I'll have to find and finish that.

maybe by the time I finish my html javascript hero/villain designer this enhancement type will be closer to reality.

There are a few things in game which cannot be enhanced at current. one of these is Power Duration everything from Build Up to Click-type effects, number of ticks of damage in DoT, duration of castings/summonings such as Quicksand or other field type powers or "Blaster: Electrical Blast: Voltaic Sentinel".

For the name, the question is theme; we could give the name a temporal theme, or we could theme the name by something to do with willpower, training or extra effort.

I was thinking this should be a Global set "Global Duration Enhancement" UNIQUE

The Proc could be several things:
1: The first thing that comes to mind is perhaps a Global 33.3% duration increase to all applicable powers with positive effects to self, other, or negative effects to enemy, pvp enemy player.
2: The second thing which comes to mind is a +100% duration to the slotted power.

Another issue is the set construction, it'll be applied to many different types of powers; +HP, +Res, +Defense, +Speed, +Damage, +Accuracy, +Recovery, +Regen, +ToHit, +End, -Rech, Endurance Discount/End Mod, End redux, Timed Summon Duration, +range, and debuffs of all these so enhancing any of those effects will have to be under Damage, Accuracy, End Redux or Buff/Debuff(everything else including self-buff and buff other and debuff)   
1: Proc
2: Duration
3: Duration/End
4: Duration/Damage
5: Duration/(Buff/Debuff/Effect)
6: Duration/Accuracy

This set needs work, as at the moment it's great for duration increase, likely increasing durations well over 150% which for a 10 or 20 second duration would be 25 to 50 seconds, but it doesn't really add much else. maybe +/- 34% or 40% enhancement to everything else in the slotted power.

perhaps this can be fixed with bonuses? not really sure what to give it. maybe something special for all 6 slotted like a +10% Global Durable Effect Enhancement (+10%% to effects of all powers with durations)

this really needs discussion, it's just an idea I had that wasn't discussed yet to my knowledge.

I recieved the email but the clickable portion of the link to the thread was exited by the semicolon after =post. so I had to manually copy the link and paste it. other than that it reached my inbox fine. just checking mail today.

General / Re: Old City of Heroes Freebies and Lottery Pics
« on: April 11, 2023, 09:09:39 am »
did you study comic drawing at the kubert school by any chance?

I can tell the style is drawn with control and proper use of line weight. good work.

I too have thought about this... it is a bit of a puzzle to solve were we to ever get there. Especially in a meaningful manner that is generalized enough and works with other costume parts readily.

Indeed, this may not be easy. because it changes the rig it's an issue. In my experience messing around with similar character customization methods in blender GE, using the EditObject actuator and ReplaceMesh, that replaced mesh needs to have rigging weight applied to the same armature object and bones by name. So for a different rig you need another set of models for all the body parts, ideally copies, from there it's data handling and naming conventions to tell it what mesh to load from what object.

keep in mind some meshes might have weight applied to them from bones that don't exist in the single bottom rig (hips L R, thighs L R) so that rigging will need to be cleared and the single bottom bone replacing it on these copy parts. the effected parts would include potentially: skirts, shorts(remove shorts), kilts, belts, and lets not forget the actual stomach part of the tops; such as full body robes and capes anything that nears the waist could potentially have some small amount of weight applied to it from the hips or legs.

it'd also mean removing sub selections under bottoms for this specific bottom type: no boots, no 2 legged pants etc. and also effect Auras.

General Suggestions and Feedback / Re: New Mids Reborn version?
« on: February 28, 2023, 08:53:33 am »
I now have version when I check for updates it says a new database is available for Rebirth (my current database is rebirth issue 24 volume 2 2022.9.126) it supplies an overlay with an option to "remind me later" or "update", upon clicking update it appears to try to do something as the mouse cursor has a loading circle, then it stops and theres no change.

for some reason it wont grab the 2023 db.

for color tintable powers, it'd be nice to be able to color them in AE when designing custom characters. To be honest I'm not sure why this has not been done as it's already avilable for players it should be realitively easy to add it for AE custom characters who use almost the same character designer.

Therefore this request asks for this feature to be copied over tot he AE custom character design menu. it'd require adding the "Custom" tab from the character designer to the AE character designer and allow saving and loading of power color profiles.

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