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Messages - Draggynn

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AE/Mission Architect / Re: Donkyhotay's AE missions
« on: June 27, 2021, 08:28:55 pm »
Hey Donky,

I needed some Architect tickets and so started playing through the Lives of Lord Recluse.  I thought it was an appropriate arc for our server that runs on puns and enjoyed the mission text, but had some questions about the mechanics implemented.  Because I was focused on tickets I didn't see all of your versions this run through (since I sometimes hit the ticket cap before making it that far) so I'm not certain how you intended the Lts. to show up in the first mission, as I never saw them, but I saw in this thread that you were having issues with duplicates.  I cleared the first floor and clicked the computer without ever seeing them.  Do you have Lady Recluse as a boss and then the Lts. in a group surrounding her?  If you wanted to avoid duplicates you could make each of the Lts. a separate boss spawn, and as long as you put them all at the end of the mission, and the computer in the front or middle it should be possible for the player to skip them.

I played at level 50 and in the Lord Reclusive mission, all of the enemies spawned sub level (because they capped out at lvl 35 or something).  Was this intentional?
It's true that you can't make the ambush a single character, but you could have Lord Reclusive spawn as a boss somewhere in the mission, rather than as ambush.  The players wouldn't have that same "jumped" experience, but you could get him solo.

No issues with the Penelope Yang mission, but again only saw her.

In the Lord Wreck Loose mission I couldn't find the second escort so I eventually just gave up.  I'm sure I just missed it, but if you made the escort spawn do something special it would be easier to spot it.  I also have a pet peeve about Masterminds in AE missions.  They tend to be a pain with little reward and often low challenge.  I think the occasional MM can be a nice flavor, but I was running at x8 and running into 3-4 MMs every spawn which were producing lots of grey zombies that were just messing up my targeting.  I know this is just my personal preference, but my frustration with them meant I was unwilling to just clear the mission to find the hostage, which I would have done if it were another enemy.

Hopefully I can play it through again soon to see the rest of it.  I well understand the frustration of trying to work within the AE limitations (I still can't figure out why one of my ambushes won't spawn) but think you did a good job working with what you had.

Lore Discussions / The Van Dorns
« on: May 30, 2021, 02:45:31 am »
I was excited when I finally got my hands on the City of Heroes lore bible to look up my favorite curiosity which was that Countess Crey and Clamor shared a last name: Clarissa Van Dorn and Eve Van Dorn.  When I met the developers at conventions I asked about this connection, I was met with blank looks, but I hoped there was something hidden away in the lore bible that they just weren't familiar with.

Well, having read through the bible, I am saddened to say there truly does not appear to be any connection.  They just both had family that came from Dorn (Van Dorn meaning "from Dorn").  In fact, there is almost no information about Clamor at all in the bible (which seems sort of surprising given that she was and is the AV on a task force.)  On the upside, this means that my AE story exploring this connection from live (It definitely did not occur to me that I should have saved my AE missions at shutdown...) didn't contradict any existing lore.  At the rate I'm going with my current AE arc, I should get around to recreating this story in 5 years or so...

Do folks have their own secret theories about connections between characters in the game despite there being no supporting evidence?

Thank you for putting together that thorough explanation of the roadmap ahead.  I don't think I saw this on reddit (do we think that would be useful?  I go back and forth between that being a useful way to communicate to the larger community and reddit seeming to have more drama than is healthy.)

I don't want to distract from their development work, but I would love to know a little bit more about our developers.  I feel like I have a good sense of many of them from their interactions with the community on discord but for those players that don't hang out on discord all that much, or developers that keep a lower profile, it would be great to get to know them a little bit better.  I would love to know how they came to City of Heroes, why Rebirth in particular, and what their passions and ultimate dreams are for the game.  I already know SilverAgeFan wants a vermin set for Masterminds with a squirrel herd path aura  ;), but I wonder what other developers' goals are?

I have been looking forward to getting somewhere with a good enough internet connection to read this for days.  I really enjoyed reading it and appreciate your taking the time to explain what's going on behind the curtain to the rest of us.  I've been curious about what the technical hurdles were that were required for this since you started teasing asymmetry months ago.  You always do a really good job of making things accessible with these dev digests (especially providing valuable illustrations).  A huge shout out to Naomi for her assistance; it's always nice to see examples that remind us that we are still one community!

I look forward to doing my part to help test when the time comes.

General Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Horns and Sunglasses
« on: May 30, 2021, 01:54:33 am »
We horned ones can be patient.

If we do gender diversification at some point, I would love carnival pieces for men.

Howdy folks.  I have a planned four story arc that I've been working on since at least November (obviously not working very hard, but I find AE to be surprisingly laborious), so at the rate I'm going, I think it will be a while until the full arc is actually ready to go, so I've decided to release just the first mission for feedback.  Unfortunately, I need to work inside the constraints of the mission architect, so it doesn't play out exactly how I'd like, but I think most of the mechanics trigger as desired, at least and hopefully isn't too confusing:
D 789: A Public Persona

Note that this is really only the setup for the mission, and so probably won't be very satisfying story wise.  Any feedback is welcome.

Player Help/Guides / Re: A Guide to Using Event Herald
« on: May 18, 2021, 09:02:17 pm »
I did say lower right to try to clarify that, but I'll see about messing with an editing tool later
(and red circle added for clarity)

Player Help/Guides / A Guide to Using Event Herald
« on: May 18, 2021, 08:29:09 pm »
For folks that are unfamiliar, Event Herald (Harold) is our local town crier who pipes messages between the Discord channels #in-game-rebirth, #in-game-help, and #in-game-lfg to the in game channels Rebirth, Help, and Looking for Group respectively.

If you don't see those channels in the discord, add the rebirth role in #pick-your-roles by clicking the rebirth button, seen here in the lower right:

Any time you see Event Herald say something prefaced by [Discord: @name] that isn't actually Event Herald saying it, rather he is just parroting what @name has said in the corresponding discord channel.

However, Event Herald does so much more than this.  He can also be used to schedule events which he will advertise publicly 2 hours and again 30 minutes prior to the event, as well as responding to queries from players about events.  If you would like Herald to announce the time to an upcoming event you can issue the command
!e next
in Looking for Group and Herald will announce the next event in chat for everyone to see and the time until it starts.

You can even include a hashtag after next to get him to announce the next event of a certain type:!e next #itrials
In fact, Herald will even respond to a !e command by someone from discord.
A list of supported hashtags is provided at the end of this guide.

(You can find out information about all of the commands I'm about to detail by sending Event Herald the message "help")
If you would rather not let everyone in a global channel know that you are checking event times, you can also just send Event Herald a direct tell "next #msr".  This has the advantage that in addition to time until the next event, it will also give you the time in your local time zone, provided you have configured that with Event Herald.

In addition to taking a #tag, the next command can also take an optional date argument, provided before the tag.  The data can be provided in a number of formats including a date string "/t Event Herald, next 5/20" or with a weekday "/t Event Herald, next Friday." Also supported are today and tomorrow.

While next provides a single event, list will provide the next three events and can similarly take date and tag argument:

(list can also be called in "Looking For Group" with "!e list", but will have the same effect as "!e next")

To set your local timezone, simply tell the Event Herald "tz [time zone code]"
You can find your local time zone code:
I'm on the west coast, so I would send "/t Event Herald, tz America/Los_Angeles"

For most standard American Time Zones:
Eastern: America/New_York
Central: America/Chicago
Mountain: America/Denver
Pacific: America/Los_Angeles

You will notice that all of the events have an ID#.  If you would like to find out more about a particular event, say the European Version Incarnate Trials listed earlier (ID#14), you can "/t Event Herald, info 14"

Now that you know how to find out about events, let's say you want to schedule an event.  This ability is open to everyone and does not require any special privileges.  The full command to add an event is: "add [-w -b -m] date time desc [#tags]" where the arguments in brackets are optional.
  • The -w, -b, -m arguments are for an event that you want to repeat weekly, biweekly (that's every other week) or monthly
  • For the date as discussed earlier, you can give MM/DD, today, tomorrow, or day of the week.  (For the monthly option you specify a date, 11/29 for example, which is then interpreted moving forward as the nth weekday (4th Sunday in this case).)
  • For time, you can provide 10p, 10:00p, or military time 22:00 (Remember to have configured your time zone, mentioned above).  (If you only provide a number (say 10) it will be interpreted as that number of hours from the current time.)
  • Enter a short description of your event
  • Finally, any hashtags that you want people to be able to filter on
So, let's suppose I wanted to add a recurring event every week running a Speed run Imperious Task Force after Incarnate Trials at 8 pm pacific on Monday.  I've already configured my time zone earlier, so I can just say:
"/t Event Herald, add -w Monday 8p Draggynn's Race Through Rome! #itf #speedrun"
NOTE: here /t is the in game command to send a direct tell, it is not an Event Herald specific directive.  This command must be issues from in game and not through discord.

If I realize I'll be unable to run my event, I can cancel it using its ID#.  Let's suppose my speed run had ID number 25.  I can cancel my event using
"/t Event Herald, cancel 25 Spilled Enriche on keyboard"
Event Herald will now let people know that the event has been cancelled when he would normally advertise it.  If it's a recurring event, this will only cancel the next instance of the event, and the Event Herald will continue to advertise next week once my replacement keyboard has arrived.

If my keyboard arrives early I can uncancel the event using:
"/t Event Herald, uncancel 25"

If I realize I'll no longer be able to run the event, I can delete it entirely:
"/t Event Herald, delete 25"
and the event will no longer show up, and will remove all knowledge Event Herald had of the event.

You can also use the ID number to change the description:
"/t Event Herald, desc 25 Draggynn's Speedy Toga Party!"

Since only the event owner can modify an event, you may wish to transfer ownership at some point to another player.  You can do this by using "transfer ID# playername":
"/t Event Herald, transfer 25 Avalo"
will transfer ownership of Draggynn's speed runs to Avalo.  Note that in order to transfer an event, the recipient player must have used event herald at least once before.
You can also more generally modify an event by using the update command.  It has the same format as the add command except you can use -0 to remove the recurring nature and #0 to remove any applied hashtags.  For any field you don't want to change, use a -.
So Avalo might want to run an hour later and only biweekly. So he could do this with:
"/t Event Herald, update 25 -b - 9p Avalo's Toga Race!"
where the second "-" signals that he doesn't want to change the date

But wait, there's more!  Event Herald can roll dice for you using roll "ndx" for which he will roll n x-sided dice and tell you their sum:

He can also make a selection for you, given a a list of choices separated by commas "Choose A, B, C, ....".

You can even get Herald to respond in "Looking For Group" to these commands by using !e, just like the "!e next" option we started with (This only works for next, roll, and choose).  The choose option is how the PvP IO winner is selected on Sunday nights.

If at any point you get confused simply send Event Herald the help command, and all of this information is available from him.  It should also be mentioned that Event Herald is developed and maintained by the incomparable D'Spite.

The currently supported tags are:
#posi1: Positron Task Force, Part 1
#posi2: Positorn Task Force, Part 2
#synapse: Synapse Task Force
#yin: Penelope Yin Task Force
#sutter: Admiral Sutter Task Force
#moonfire: Moonfire Task Force
#citadel: Citadel Task Force
#hess: Ernesto Hess Task Force
#katie: Katie Hannon Task Force
#manticore: Manticore Task Force
#numina: Numina Task Force
#drq: Dr. Quaterfield Task Force
#moore: Sara Moore Task Force
#justin: Justin Augustine
#faathim: Faathim the Kind Task Force
#mltf: Miss Liberty Task Force
#kahn: Dr. Kahn Task Force
#tarikoss: Virgil Tarikoss Strike Force
#silvermantis: Silver Mantis Strike Force
#mortimer: Mortimer Kal Strike Force
#renault: Strike Force Operative Renault Strike Force
#icemistral: Ice Mistral Strike Force
#lrsf: Lord Recluse Strike Force
#barracuda: Barracuda Strike Force
#itf: Imperious Task Force
#lgtf: Lady Grey Task Force
#apex: Apex Task Force
#tinmage: Tin Mage Mark II Task Force
#wst: Weekly Strike Target (task forces, strike forces, and trials selected weekly to award double merits, extra xp, and a notice of the well for 50s.  Highlighted in purple in the lfg tab)
#dfb: Death from Below Trial
#cot: Cavern of Transcendence Trial
#dib: Drowning in Blood
#respec: Terra Volta Respecification Trial
#treespec: Thorn Tree Respecification Trial
#sewer: Abandoned Sewer Network Trial
#eden: Eden Trial
#pain: Cathedral of Pain trial
#itrial: Incarnate Trial
#baf: Behavioral Adjustment Facility Incarnate Trial
#lambda: Lambda Sector Incarnate Trial
#keyes: Keyes Island Reactor Incarnate Trial
#ug: The Underground Incarnate Trial
#tpn: TPN Campus Incarnate Trial
#mom: Minds of Mayhem Incarnate Trial
#dd: Dilemma Diabolique Incarnate Trial
#magi: The Magesterium Incarnate Trial
#contest: Any kind of contest
#farm: Any kind of mission farm, not to be confused with developer FarmTank
#gm: Giant Monster Hunt (also not to be confused with GM FarmTank)
#holiday: Holiday content like the winter trial, valentines day missions, or summer blockbuster
#mayhem: Mayhem missions
#msr: Rikti Mothership Raid
#pvp: Player versus player events, in zones or arenas
#restart: Server restart
#rp: Roleplaying event or group for folks that want to play in character
#safeguard: Safeguard missions
#speedrun: Speedrun, either to try to set a server record, or just to be fast
#tips: Hero, Villain, Rogue, or Vigilante tip missions
#xp: Just a good old fashioned group for gaining experience
#hami: A hamidon raid in the hive or abyss

I agree that we don't need to be a time capsule, we already have to do that.  I didn't even know that there were pages for individual's characters on the wiki (Do you have a link to a sample page?), but I see no reason to maintain information about characters and players that don't exist on rebirth.

The exception I could see would be for people/characters that made large contributions to our understanding of the game or were incorporated into it.  For example, names/characters that come to mind are Arcanaville for her work on understanding how server clock cycles impact the timing of powers, or Ascendant, an RPer from Virtue, who is actually referenced several places in game.  But it sounds like what you're talking about is more peoole's personal pages which I think should be fine to purge.

Thank you so much SAF for taking the time to put this together.  I found it to be a fascinating and enjoyable read and did an excellent job of enlightening on the way our costumes are constructed.  Especially interesting about the Sport glove, do I see boots for hands in the future?  ;)

Developers Diary / Re: SAF's Dev Diary no. 1
« on: April 22, 2021, 02:04:40 pm »
I am so excited for this series, and insight into the process.  Having seen some of the limited time teasers I have so many questions once the big reveal happens.  Given my rather meager number of alts I don't make new costumes very often, but I need to figure out something to do with that pangolin cape because I love it!!

General / Re: Cant Log in
« on: March 11, 2021, 11:59:45 am »
It's also worth noting that we do not yet have forum and game accounts linked, so you need to create a separate account for the forums and the game.  You can create a game account here:

Just in case folks haven't been on discord or made it to the test server, I thought I would post some of the amazing capes that SilverAgeFan has designed for us:

Trading Board / Re: Draggynn's Purple IO Bazaar
« on: February 25, 2021, 02:47:10 pm »
Sent it your way, just send back any purple IO.

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