Use this thread to post any feedback you have about the new Genesis incarnate powers in Rebirth Issue 6. The relevant sections of the patch notes are reproduced below.
New Incarnate Power: Genesis (
Genesis holds the power of creation. With its power, Genesis enhances the effects of one of your other Incarnate powers. Additionally, Genesis creates a new version of that Incarnate power. Genesis Incarnate powers are not as strong as the original Incarnate power but they can be used anytime--even while exemplaring.
Rebirth Issue 6 introduces Genesis with four types of Incarnate power trees to choose from.
( Data: Increases Lore pet's damage and Max HP. Grants Data pets from the Well of the Furies to serve you. |
( Fate: Increases Destiny effects. Grants power Fate PBAoE Ally Buffs. |
( Socket: Increases Interface proc chances, Max HP and Max Endurance. Adds Socket power to most damaging attacks. |
( Verdict: Increases Judgement damage. Grants power Verdict AoE Damage. |
Unlock Genesis with the new Advanced Physical Incarnate experience available in the Magisterium, Dark Astoria, Number Six story arc, or Pandora Energy.
Pandora's Box Has Been Opened... | |
| ...The World Will Never Be The Same. |
The opening of Pandora's Box has unleashed the "Genesis Wave", vast amounts of primordial energy that ripple through the very fabric of reality. The Genesis Wave empowers those that it touches, be they good or evil. Ride the wave in Issue 6: Dawn of Genesis!
Pandora altars have started appearing throughout time and space. Their presence unleashes great power on anyone around them. You might find them during Task Forces, Strike Forces, or during bank/mayhem side missions. Those affected will bask in the glow of this energy and gain great power for a short time.
This energy even awakens latten incarnate power and level shifts earlier than anyone imagined possible. Your rivals will suddenly be a fierce force to contend with. Defeat them to take their energy and start unlocking your incarnate powers earlier, as they do. Once defeated claim the altar's power for yourself and your allies.
Notes for playtesters:Pandora Altars have a chance to appear towards the end of most Task Forces, Strike Forces, and Bank/Mayhem side missions. Larger team sizes have a greater chance to spawn them.
They emit Pandora Energy which provides Pandora Buffs and one or more level shifts to nearby foes.
The amount of Energy depends on the altar tier. Bronze Altars emit 1 level shift. Silver Altars emit 2 level shifts. Gold Altars emit 3 level shifts.
When an altar appears its tier will be random, however, there's a greater chance for Bronzes than Silver, and Silver than Gold.
Defeat the foes and drain the altar of its Energy to give yourself and your team lucrative rewards. By doing so you'll receive: Incarnate XP if you're character is already level 50, Influence (and lots of it), A rare recipe drop, and a temporary Pandora Buff for the remainder of the mission.
If we want to test the ixp gain to unlock Genesis, what should we expect to see? Same ixp rate as Hybrid?
And when should ixp for Genesis start accumulating? Same time as Hybrid or only after Hybrid is unlocked?
The Genesis Incarnate slot is unlocked via Advanced Physical Incarnate XP. This is awarded from the Genesis Wave encounters, Dark Astoria content, and from the Magesterium Trial. Advanced Physical iXP will begin to accrue once your Destiny slot has been unlocked.
Thx. So for a character that doesn't yet have Hybrid unlocked, running that content will now award both Advanced Psychic ixp (for Hybrid) and Advanced Physical ixp (for Genesis) simultaneously?
On a character that already has T4s for all 6 pre-existing Incarnate powers I'm seeing Advanced Physical xp for defeating outdoor mobs in DA and on DA mishs, as expected. I ran a daily from Ephram Sha and took the ixp reward of 12,500 Advanced Physical ixp at the end, but I still have an apparent 0% progress on Genesis. Is this just because both types of Advanced ixp accrue more slowly than the other types, and I need to run more content if I want to see the percentage change?