Starting 2024, there'll be a shift in our method of determining WST schedules. The Co-Op pool is being replaced with a Challenge pool. Apex and Tin Mage have been moved to Hero and Villain pools based on the zones travelled in them. The schedule will be a period of 4 weeks, with each week having one of each pool as the WST. One Hero, one TFC, One Villain, and one Challenge for every week.
Posts below will feature our schedule.
WST SCHEDULE (01/01/2024 - 01/28/2024)
01/01: Hess (25-30), Ice Mistral (35-40), Synapse (15-20), ITF (35-50)
01/08: Eden (39-41), Numina (35-40), Tin Mage (50 w/ Alpha), Lord Recluse (45-50)
01/15: Sutter (20-40), Positron (10-15/11-16), Renault (25-30), LGTF (45-50)
01/22: Katie Hannon (30-34), Citadel (25-30), Ice Mistral (35-40), Dr. Kahn (45-50)
WST SCHEDULE (01/29/2024 - 02/25/2024)
01/29: Moonfire (23-28), Numina (35-40), Tree of Thorns (34-43). Challenge Event Bonus: ITF (35-50), Ms. Liberty (45-50), Lord Recluse (45-50).
02/05: Katie Hannon (30-34), Synapse (15-20), Silver Mantis (20-25). Challenge Event Bonus: LGTF (45-50), Dr. Khan (45-50), Barracuda (45-50).
02/12: Eden (39-41), Penelope Yin (20-25), Mortimer Kal (20-40), Ms. Liberty (45-50)
02/19: Sara Moore (40-50), Manticore (30-35), Tin Mage (50 w/ Alpha), Barracuda (45-50)
WST SCHEDULE (02/26/2024 - 03/24/2024)
02/26: Justin Augustine (44-50), Citadel (25-30), Virgil Tarikoss (15-20), Dr. Kahn (45-50)
03/04: Sutter (20-40), Positron (10-15/11-16), Ice Mistral (35-40), ITF (35-50)
03/11: Dr. Quarterfield (40-44), Penelope Yin (20-25), Tree of Thorns (44-50), LGTF (45-50)
03/18: Katie Hannon (30-34), Synapse (15-20), Renault (25-30), Ms. Liberty (45-50)
WST SCHEDULE (03/25/2024 - 04/14/2024)
03/25: Apex (50 w/ Alpha), Manticore (30-35), Ice Mistral (35-40), Barracuda (45-50)
04/01: Faathim (44-50), Penelope Yin (20-25), Tree of Thorns (34-43), Dr. Kahn (45-50)
04/08: Sara Moore (40-50), Numina (35-40), Lord Recluse (45-50), ITF (35-50)
04/15: Hess (25-30), Positron (10-15/11-16), Silver Mantis (20-25), LGTF (45-50)
WST SCHEDULE (04/22/2024 - 05/13/2024)
04/22: Terra Volta (34-43), Citadel (25-30), Mortimer Kal (20-40), Ms. Liberty (45-50)
04/29: Eden (39-41), Synapse (15-20), Virgil Tarikoss (15-20), Barracuda (45-50)
05/06: Justin Augustine (44-50), Manticore (30-35), Tin Mage (50 w/ Alpha), LGTF (45-50)
05/13: Moonfire (23-28), Penelope Yin (20-25), Tree of Thorns (44-50), ITF (35-50)
WST SCHEDULE (05/20/2024 - 06/10/2024)
05/20: Faathim (44-50), Positron (10-15/11-16), Renault (25-30), Dr. Kahn (45-50)
05/27: Sutter (20-40), Citadel (25-30), Silver Mantis (20-25), LGTF (45-50)
06/03: Katie Hannon (30-34), Numina (35-40), Lord Recluse (45-50), Barracuda (45-50)
06/10: Terra Volta (24-33), Penelope Yin (20-25), Ice Mistral (35-40), ITF (35-50)
WST SCHEDULE (06/17/2024 - 07/08/2024)
06/17: Hess (25-30), Synapse (15-20), Tree of Thorns (24-33), LGTF (45-50)
06/24: Dr. Quarterfield (40-44), Manticore (30-35), Mortimer Kal (20-40), Lord Recluse (45-50)
07/01: Apex (50 w/ Alpha), Penelope Yin (20-25), Tin Mage (50 w/ Alpha), ITF (35-50)
07/08: Eden (39-41), Positron (10-15/11-16), Silver Mantis (20-25), Dr. Kahn (45-50)
WST SCHEDULE (07/15/2024 - 08/11/2024)
07/15: Moonfire (23-28), Citadel (25-30), Virgil Tarikoss (15-20), Ms. Liberty (45-50)
07/22: Sara Moore (40-50), Manticore (30-35), Renault (25-30), ITF (35-50)
07/29: Sutter (20-40), Numina (35-40), Ice Mistral (35-40), Barracuda (45-50)
08/05: Justin Augustine (44-50), Synapse (15-20), Tree of Thorns (44-50), LGTF (45-50)
WST SCHEDULE (08/12/2024 - 09/08/2024)
08/12: Katie Hannon (30-34), Positron (10-15/11-16), Silver Mantis (20-25), Dr. Kahn (45-50)
08/19: Faathim (44-50), Penelope Yin (20-25), Mortimer Kal (20-40), ITF (35-50)
08/26: Apex (50 w/ Alpha), Manticore (30-35), Lord Recluse (45-50), Ms. Liberty (45-50)
09/02: Terra Volta (44-50), Citadel (25-30), Tin Mage (50 w/ Alpha), LGTF (45-50)
WST SCHEDULE (09/09/2024 - 10/06/2024)
09/09: Sutter (20-40), Synapse (15-20), Ice Mistral (35-40), ITF (35-50)
09/16: Moonfire (23-28), Numina (35-40), Renault (25-30), Barracuda (45-50)
09/23: Hess (25-30), Citadel (25-30), Tree of Thorns (24-33), LGTF (45-50)
09/30: Eden (39-41), Penelope Yin (20-25), Virgil Tarikoss (15-20), Lord Recluse (45-50)
WST SCHEDULE (10/07/2024 - 11/03/2024)
10/07: Moonfire (23-28), Numina (35-40), Tree of Thorns (34-43), ITF (35-50)
10/14: Katie Hannon (30-34), Synapse (15-20), Silver Mantis (20-25), LGTF (45-50)
10/21: Eden (39-41), Penelope Yin (20-25), Mortimer Kal (20-40), Ms. Liberty (45-50)
10/28: Sara Moore (40-50), Manticore (30-35), Tin Mage (50 w/ Alpha), Dr. Kahn (45-50)
WST SCHEDULE (11/04/2024 - 12/02/2024)
11/04: Terra Volta (24-33), Citadel (25-30), Virgil Tarikoss (15-20), ITF (35-50)
11/11: Dr. Quarterfield (40-44), Penelope Yin (20-25), Renault (25-30), Lord Recluse (45-50)
11/18: Apex (50 w/ Alpha), Positron (10-15/11-16), Tin Mage (50 w/ Alpha), LGTF (45-50)
11/25: Sutter (20-40), Synapse (15-20), Ice Mistral (35-40), Barracuda (45-50)
WST SCHEDULE (12/02/2024 - 01/05/2025)
12/02: Moonfire (23-28), Numina (35-40), Mortimer Kal (20-40), Ms. Liberty (45-50)
12/09: Justin Augustine (44-50), Manticore (30-35), Tree of Thorns (44-50), ITF (35-50)
12/16: Katie Hannon (30-34), Citadel (25-30), Silver Mantis (20-25), Dr. Kahn (45-50)
12/23: Faathim (44-50), Positron (10-15/11-16), Lord Recluse (45-50), LGTF (45-50)
12/30: Apex (50 w/ Alpha), Penelope Yin (20-25), Virgil Tarikoss (15-20), Barracuda (45-50)