City of Heroes: Rebirth Forums

News, Events, and Announcements => Patch Notes => Topic started by: MuonNeutrino on Jun 02, 2024, 10:13 PM

Title: LIVE SERVER - Patch Notes - June 2, 2024
Post by: MuonNeutrino on Jun 02, 2024, 10:13 PM
City of Heroes Pride Event


Pride comes to City of Heroes Rebirth! This is the start of a new but humble event that we'll be running during most of June. During the Pride event a rainbow will appear in the skies of Atlas Park, Cap au Diable, and Nova Praetoria. (Astute observers may notice the rainbow changing colors!) Anyone who logs into the game during the event will receive the Proud badge.


New Dance Emotes

Accompanying this event, five brand-new dance emotes have been added! Get your groove on with these stylish new moves and express your inner self!

Access this dance with /e dance12, /e dancegroove, or /e groovedance

Shuffle Back:
Access this dance with /e dance13, /e shuffledance, or /e shuffleback

Access this dance with /e dance14, /e dancemystic, /e mysticdance, or /e mysticstance

Access this dance with /e dance15, /e wednesdaydance, /e dancewednesday, or /e gothdance

Access this dance with /e dance16, /e twistdance, or /e twist

Security & Bug Fixes
The following security and bug fixes should have no impact in the game world: