City of Heroes: Rebirth Forums

City of Heroes: Rebirth => General => Topic started by: jessejame on Feb 02, 2025, 08:57 AM

Title: Scatterstar Memorial
Post by: jessejame on Feb 02, 2025, 08:57 AM
Good morning everyone. The purpose of this post is to share your memories of Scatterstar so that others may get to know them the way that you did, and have the opportunity to revisit them through others stories. Please keep the post respectful. I will include my written correspondence from the memorial event hosted on 01/26/2025. Any pictures you wish to share feel free to do so. Thank you.


Thank you all for coming here today. Just a quick overview of what we have planned. We'll begin by sharing any stories or memories of Scatterstar.

During this time you are encouraged to speak about a favorite past time. This will go on for 30-60 minutes, approx. Followed by what may or may not be an invasion from the giant dimension here in pocket D.

At the end, closing statements will be made by myself and anyone else who feels like they would like to say something before departing.

I will get the ball rolling. I did not know Scatterstar personally. But from everyone I've met here on Rebirth, there hasn't been a single person that I didn't like.

So if you haven't already done so, take the time to show appreciation for those you care about while you still have time to do so.

Understand that a time will come that they will reach their final destination, and move on from this life.

I've regretted many things that I did not do when I had the chance to. But I know in their final weeks, days and hours, I made every second there on count.

Imperfect ideas and moments always have the opportunity to become perfect. Procrastination will always be nothing.

Take the opportunity to show them that you appreciate them. Whether with words, actions or adventure.

If anyone has anything they would like to share about Scatterstar, feel free to start a dialogue and lets all celebrate what his life meant to each of us.

Finally, I want today to symbolize what Rebirth stands for. To all future new comers whether a previous player or a seasoned veteran with nothing, I would like the opportunity to offer my resources to those individuals to help them create an amazing experience here.

Myself, as well as many other veteran players are more than happy to help along to those just starting out. Please reach out to myself if you need anything or have any questions. I would be more than happy to make this a great experience for you all.
Title: Re: Scatterstar Memorial
Post by: fizzit11 on Feb 02, 2025, 10:23 AM
I'd like to share these screen caps for those who could not attend. They include a list of participants and the entire chat.