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Messages - Draggynn

Apparently we can't reply to the announcement.  I just wanted to say, Congratulations to all of the participants!  Actually putting together an AE arc is a laborious process (took me 2+ years to actually finish mine, just look at my other post which is about that same arc) even without constant crashes (thanks FarmTank), so I'm impressed by all of you!  I look forward to playing through all of your arcs whenever Drigin gives me a chance.
And now, a few years later, the arc is done!  See ID #1262 if you want to see the final result!
Alright, I'm submitting my arc: "A Public Persona" ID #1262 for consideration.

The arc is intended to be run solo.
I'm honestly more interested in feedback than I am in winning, but I put a lot of time and care into the story so I hope you all enjoy it!

I spent years on the first two missions, and the rest I was motivated to do by this contest, so thank you for finally motivating me to finish this.
Exciting things ahead!  Looking forward to it hitting the test server.
I never received any emails.  I have "allow users to email me" disabled, but I assume that wouldn't apply to an admin email.
Updated the listing
Definitely not boring us at all!  I love seeing art that people do of their City of Heroes characters.  These are all great!  Lacking the artistic talent myself, I've been reduced to just commissioning other artists.  I've mostly posted my commissions on our discord though since I couldn't find an obvious place for them on our forums
Quote from: Cinnder on Feb 13, 2023, 01:16 AM
It might also be worth posting a warning in the Other Attuned Enhancements section that the standard and superior versions of these enhancements count separately for set bonuses, e.g. if a player has 2 standard and 3 superior from the same set, they will get the 2-enh standard bonus and the 3-enh superior bonus, not either 5-enh bonus.  Thus a player may wish to wait till they have a sufficient number of catalysts to convert the entire set to superior.

Of course, than can also be used to your advantage if you want the two or three set bonus multiple times.  Slot 4 Rise From the Graves but only catalyze two of them for 10.5% energy and negative resistance (as opposed to 6% energy negative resistance, 5% energy/negative defense and 9% accuracy).
If you're going to the +absorb route and you're no longer tied to Sorcery, have you considered gadgetry for Force Barrier.  That would give you another source of massive absorb.
I'm curious to see what you find, but I suspect Energy resistance is really going to turn out to be the only path.  Fortunately, with the new enhancement sets on Rebirth, even starting from 0, you can get pretty decent resistance on almost any build.

Gauntleted Fist will give you your first 6% energy rez bonus, so you likely only need four more.  I like splitting up Vampire's Bite into 3 sets of 2 pieces to snatch another 3, 6% bonuses.  If you have anything that can slot witchraft you can get another 6% bonuses.  If you have over 5, you can always leave the Halloween enhancements unenhanced for the 4.5% bonus. (Fear and Resurrect can get the bonus with fewer slots, but those a bit more niche).

Then for the rest of the 4.5% bonuses, I like slotting shield walls in powers that can be slotted for defense since you only need four of them:

If you can do the 5, 6% bonuses and 5, 4.5% bonuses, you can hit 52.5 energy resistance and then add in Shield Wall and Reactive Defenses Globals and you're at 60%.  So even if you can't hit the full 5 bonuses, you can stack substantial energy resistance.
I really appreciate the devs taking the time to explain the thinking and design philosophy.  It's really appreciated, and I'm excited to play around with the new powers!
Player Help/Guides / Re: City of Data v2.0
Dec 14, 2022, 12:16 PM
I find it's most useful when looking at enemy powers since those haven't changed much across servers.
This is obviously SAF territory, so all I can provide insight into what I've read on discord (which I may have misinterpreted or misremembered).  I know that SAF still wants to finish propagating asymmetrical tights to huge bodies, but wants to tackle some more specialty pieces that they've been wanting to do for a long time next issue.  I also know that SAF is interested in doing a substantial revamp of heads that would include the integration of the earrings and domino masks that were teased a long time ago.  I suspect that there would be numerous new head options including hair as part of that, but I suspect SAF would likely want to wrap up some of the other projects before tackling that.

I also know that there are few other art devs that have made substantial contributions to Rebirth, so it may be that one of them will tackle this even before SAF is ready to shift focus.  All of which is to say, I think there's already a fairly long queue of desired costumes that are being worked through but who knows!
I suspect Rebirth hasn't done anything special here, and so this will be the same as the Ouro code.  You'll actually see this happen quite a bit (and even would occasionally when the game was live).
What you're seeing here is what's commonly referred to in CoH as a "Pstring" due to the leading P.  This is a key to a database of key value pairs that provides the text that should go here.  The fact that the text isn't showing up likely means that somewhere either where the pstring is called or in the database of pairs the keys don't match and so the game can't figure out what text should go here.

In fact, almost all text in the game, is done using the Pstring replacements.  The game is configured this way so that you can do language localization by just updating the database of pstrings and not have to touch any of the other code.
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, and all that, but I'm not crazy about the idea of powers being slightly tweaked from 1 AT to another.  That already happens with some of the melee ATs offensive and defensive sets, and the userbase is pretty used to looking things up in MIDS, so maybe it's an unnecessary concern.  I am a fan of simplicity though and intuition and knowledge about sets being transferable.  The places where the rules aren't followed in the game already annoy me (mostly places where things are determined by pseudopets and so AT modifiers aren't a factor) and so I'm not a fan of adding more instances where this is the case.  I just think the more caveats there are where things operate differently than players expect make the game seem more complex and less accessible.

Masterminds being the AT that I can least make myself play, I have no idea how much they're in need of tweaking or not.