Quote1) Would Wednesdays or Thursdays work better for you? I cannot commit to running this regularly any other weekdays. If Wednesdays, I would like us to start at 6pm US CST sharp (so that we stop before Wednesday iTrials). If Thursdays, we could start at 6pm, 6:30pm, or 7pm US CST (again sharp; we shouldn't be making others wait for us to begin).
Thursday I guess. I'm on AEST and have rather bad sleeping habits (I tend to wake up at 12AM) so later in the day is better for me and 7PM CST is exactly 12AM here.
Quote2) After Breakout, what is your preferred way to level until we reach level 6? In other words, should we street-sweep Mercy, do Kuzmin's (then either Firewire or Doctor Weber)? I would like the option to follow Kalinda's or Burke's arcs, but you really have to be lvl 4 to do those because of Mercy's changes these days =( ). I would like us to move to Port Oakes at level 6 so that we can do the Newspaper/Mayhem mission there and do a full PO contact after before it's time to move to Cap.
I usually don't have issue these days getting to Kalinda and Burke's missions at low level. You just dodge most of the goons and when you get one alone bait them out until they die for a nice exp boost.
Anyway I'd kinda like a mix of both street sweeping and missions to kinda mix in some of our own plot to break up mission direction. As for mission preference. Burke's mission feels more overtly one and done. Kalinda's feels pretty repeatable so I'd most prefer Kelinda's as it would I feel be easier to make our own new plot out of it so as not to conflict with other's story direction.
For what we street sweep and what plot we could attach to it I'll let the group plan that out when it comes to that.