Small bug? during character creation, the old shapeshift powers still appear in the power lists. Nova form powers in the primary and dwarf form in the secondary. These do not appear in the list for either set once ingame however in the respec screen they again show up in the lists but cannot be selected.
A minor text error on Bright Nova, it says "Additionally, 2 ranged attacks will be granted to your human and Nova form arsonals, Proton Scatter immediatley and Luminous Detonation at level 12." That word is spelled wrong, it should be 'arsenals'.
Shining Shield suppresses correctly as far as I can tell, though the implementation is a little odd to me - it keeps its endurance cost while suppressed but grants a recovery buff when in Nova form equivalent to slightly less than its base endurance cost. I assume actually making it cost no endurance directly when shapeshifted is one of those CoH spaghetti code things that's not at all as simple as it sounds and this is the next best and much more doable solution. Does result in it still costing a small amount of endurance until you get to higher levels and have an SO or IO endurance reduction in it, at which point it may actually result in a very small net positive endurance gain.
Luminous Detonation appears as a selectable power until I reach the level at which it's automatically granted, at which point it's given to me without even needing to train up. I assume this is working as intended. When training to 12 it shows as already taken, as it should.
A question relating to that - Is it possible to make it such that you can still take Proton Scatter and/or Luminous Detonation as standalone powers if you don't take Nova Form? Human only Kheldian builds are a thing some people do and I'd hate to see them killed off by powers they formerly had being made exclusive to taking the forms. Sure you can take them and just never use them but taking powers you intend to never use always feels wrong to me.
Enhancements placed in human form powers appear to be correctly transferring through to nova form equivalents, at least with Gleaming Blast which was the one I specifically tested but I assume if one works they likely all do.
Noticed in testing the above that in the combat log the Nova version of Glinting Eye is just 'Nova Glinting Eye' while all the original powers use their existing names. Glinting Eye should probably refer to itself as 'Bright Nova Glinting Eye' or maybe just 'Bright Nova Eye' while in Nova form for consistency.
Probably unrelated to this revamp but Inner Light amusingly refers to itself twice in the combat log by producing the following message:
"You tap into your inner light with your Inner Light and are more accurate and more deadly for a short while."
Could probably be reduced to just one mention of the power name.
More anecdotally, the goal of making slotting simpler? Mission accomplished. And the buffs to the early ranged attacks make it feel a little more powerful though personally I would maybe have upped Gleaming Blast to 10 second recharge and increased damage accordingly to give the archetype a proper T1/T2/T3 progression of attacks like other powersets have. 2/6/10 second recharges for the first three single target blasts matches what Archery has, for example.
That said, I have a feeling the same thing I typically experience with Kheldians before is still going to be there - they feel incomplete and underpowered until the moment I have enough IOed recharge for perma Light Form, or Eclipse on Warshades. The power gap that exists between a Kheldian on SOs and a Kheldian on IOs is way more noticable than for some other archetypes and I don't see this revamp changing that at all. Not that it was meant to either from what I can see but it's perhaps something to consider while you're looking at Kheldians in general. Game's not balanced around IOs, I know, but sometimes I think it does need to be balanced with some consideration toward them.
Anyway, wishful thinking aside I'll get to testing the higher level stuff later when it's not 2am and I'm less tired.