Quote from: Redlynne on Sep 08, 2023, 08:49 AM
In the long run, "gimmie all the good stuff for minimal effort on my part!" rarely improves Player retention rates.
The less effort it takes to accomplish something, the less value it has to start with and the less value it will retain over time.
There's a reason why "boosting" garners less respect than actually doing the work (and P2W garners even less).
You must not play redside very often. Just FYI, beating Dr Q is an entire mission villains have to do, and he can scale up from an EB to an AV with a full team! Obviously, this being a massively multiplayer game, every person who joins a team and contributes should get full rewards for their contributions. Otherwise, there's no incentive to team up at all, and we native redside players would really like to team up more.

As far as player retention rates go, after that problem I encountered with patron unlocks, I actually went from playing weekly to not playing for several months, as did most of my friends. Which is why I stopped looking at this thread for a while. So even if you think missions shouldn't reward your teammates for helping you and consider team rewards to be a matter of "boosting," you're advocating for something that has at least once convinced less people to play on Rebirth. But maybe that's intentional.
Realistically, people play on their own terms, or they don't play at all. If a person only has fun at level 50 but can't realistically expect to reach level 50 within a reasonable amount of time, they won't sigh and suck it up. They just won't play at all. They'll find a different game to play that they find that's more accommodating for them. For a massively multiplayer game, that's unfortunate, because a diversity of playstyles and players makes for a healthy population for long term sustainability.
But, again, that has essentially nothing to do with my OP, because as explained, we do have to work for patron unlocks. I think every redsider gets badges from mayhem missions from enabling AVs and rushing the vault, and that's a great system that makes people love doing mayhem missions. Well, besides the fact that mayhem missions are riotous fun in their own right.