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Messages - ScaerieTale

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Comments: STATE OF THE ISSUE: RI3
« on: March 23, 2022, 11:48:48 pm »
This is excellent news all around.  I've been quietly following the CoH/V/R scene since the original SCoRE news broke (played from Issue 1 back in the day).  I love the passion the different teams are putting into their respective projects, but I'm probably most excited to hear that you've got your own dev tools up and working to make content creation easier.

I remember the Paragon/NCNorCal devs griping a lot about how clunky their dev tools were, back when they were designing AE haha.  Anyway thanks for the hard work and dedication.  This game got me through some extremely rough times in my life, but even if it hadn't, there's still just been no other game like it since, and I love that a whole new generation of gamers is discovering it now too <3

Best of luck!

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