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Messages - FarmTank

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
WST SCHEDULE (08/12/2024 - 09/08/2024)

08/12: Katie Hannon (30-34), Positron (10-15/11-16), Silver Mantis (20-25), Dr. Kahn (45-50)

08/19: Faathim (44-50), Penelope Yin (20-25), Mortimer Kal (20-40), ITF (35-50)

08/26: Apex (50 w/ Alpha), Manticore (30-35), Lord Recluse (45-50), Ms. Liberty (45-50)

09/02: Terra Volta (44-50), Citadel (25-30), Tin Mage (50 w/ Alpha), LGTF (45-50)

WST SCHEDULE (07/15/2024 - 08/11/2024)

07/15: Moonfire (23-28), Citadel (25-30), Virgil Tarikoss (15-20), Ms. Liberty (45-50)

07/22: Sara Moore (40-50), Manticore (30-35), Renault (25-30), ITF (35-50)

07/29: Sutter (20-40), Numina (35-40), Ice Mistral (35-40), Barracuda (45-50)

08/05: Justin Augustine (44-50), Synapse (15-20), Tree of Thorns (44-50), LGTF (45-50)

WST SCHEDULE (06/17/2024 - 07/08/2024)

06/17: Hess (25-30), Synapse (15-20), Tree of Thorns (24-33), LGTF (45-50)

06/24: Dr. Quarterfield (40-44), Manticore (30-35), Mortimer Kal (20-40), Lord Recluse (45-50)

07/01: Apex (50 w/ Alpha), Penelope Yin (20-25), Tin Mage (50 w/ Alpha), ITF (35-50)

07/08: Eden (39-41), Positron (10-15/11-16), Silver Mantis (20-25), Dr. Kahn (45-50)

WST SCHEDULE (05/20/2024 - 06/10/2024)

05/20: Faathim (44-50), Positron (10-15/11-16), Renault (25-30), Dr. Kahn (45-50)

05/27: Sutter (20-40), Citadel (25-30), Silver Mantis (20-25), LGTF (45-50)

06/03: Katie Hannon (30-34), Numina (35-40), Lord Recluse (45-50), Barracuda (45-50)

06/10: Terra Volta (24-33), Penelope Yin (20-25), Ice Mistral (35-40), ITF (35-50)

WST SCHEDULE (04/22/2024 - 05/13/2024)

04/22: Terra Volta (34-43), Citadel (25-30), Mortimer Kal (20-40), Ms. Liberty (45-50)

04/29: Eden (39-41), Synapse (15-20), Virgil Tarikoss (15-20), Barracuda (45-50)

05/06: Justin Augustine (44-50), Manticore (30-35), Tin Mage (50 w/ Alpha), LGTF (45-50)

05/13: Moonfire (23-28), Penelope Yin (20-25), Tree of Thorns (44-50), ITF (35-50)

WST SCHEDULE (03/25/2024 - 04/14/2024)

03/25: Apex (50 w/ Alpha), Manticore (30-35), Ice Mistral (35-40), Barracuda (45-50)

04/01: Faathim (44-50), Penelope Yin (20-25), Tree of Thorns (34-43), Dr. Kahn (45-50)

04/08: Sara Moore (40-50), Numina (35-40), Lord Recluse (45-50), ITF (35-50)

04/15: Hess (25-30), Positron (10-15/11-16), Silver Mantis (20-25), LGTF (45-50)

WST SCHEDULE (02/26/2024 - 03/24/2024)

02/26: Justin Augustine (44-50), Citadel (25-30), Virgil Tarikoss (15-20), Dr. Kahn (45-50)

03/04: Sutter (20-40), Positron (10-15/11-16), Ice Mistral (35-40), ITF (35-50)

03/11: Dr. Quarterfield (40-44), Penelope Yin (20-25), Tree of Thorns (44-50), LGTF (45-50)

03/18: Katie Hannon (30-34), Synapse (15-20), Renault (25-30), Ms. Liberty (45-50)

Announcements and Important News / Bilboard Contest Winners
« on: January 21, 2024, 11:03:38 pm »
We know you've been waiting and we thank you for your patience but the Billboard Contest has finally been decided! 

There were many great entries and we want to thank all who participated.  We are currently in the process of reaching out to the winners about handing out the rewards.  If you have not been contacted and see your entry on the announcement page please reach out here or on our Discord to the staff.

Overall winners can be seen here.

Full list for winners in all categories can be found here.

Patch Notes / PTS Patch Testing Notes - Jan 19, 2024
« on: January 19, 2024, 06:04:34 pm »
Testing notes:

-Ensure that all tiers of challenge task forces offer expected rewards both for leader and team member

-Ensure that the same reward cannot be chosen in succession due to time lockouts

-Confirm that timed lockouts on rewards clear when appropriate time has passed

-Confirm that reward choices persist when ending the task force, leaving the task force, zoning, talking to other contacts, anything else you can think of

-Confirm that you get the expected weekly bonuses from completing the TFs the first time

-Confirm that the preset female electron costume looks as expected with matching pattern on torso

*Note that for all TFs except Barracuda you need to be in the final mission when it completes to get the reward table

Live Bug Reporting / Re: Ninja run remaining on
« on: January 11, 2024, 08:47:41 pm »
Probably an issue in the code tracking power state, we'll look into it.  Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

Hey Rebirth Players!  We're half-way through the Billboard Contest and we love your submissions.  Time is is flying by, but it isn't over.  There is still plenty of time to submit your art until December 30th.  It's your best opportunity yet to get your artwork into the game.

Check out all the details and prizes here:

Patch Notes / LIVE - December 3, 2023
« on: December 03, 2023, 10:05:52 pm »

Bug Fixes

    -Fix to booty shorts in player costume data crashing some maps

    -Fixes for teleport cursor targeting:
        Increasing teleport cursor draw distance to reflect increased range
        Update conditions that permit backtracking search to avoid red reticles.

   - Fixes issues with face scale sliders in character creator and tailor
        fixes issue where randomized or preset faces never converge causing sliders to constantly return to previous location
        fixes issue where differences incurred by rounding for scale sliders mean that faces never match presets

   - Internal fix for calloc arguments.  Should have no outwardly visible affect.

The Doctor Farm Tank

Live Bug Reporting / Re: Base Upkeep
« on: July 16, 2023, 09:39:11 pm »
We can get a GM to look at it.  We just had a discord support ticket just come in for the same issue, would this be for the same SG?

Off-topic / Re: Hardware upgrade ...
« on: June 16, 2023, 11:13:36 pm »
Writing up a guide to play the game on Mac has been my unicorn for a while now.  The problem I've run into time and again had to do with Apple dropping 32-bit support completely.  I'm hopeful that DX12 emulation would be the key to it all.  However I'm still keeping my eye out for any options as they become available.

Atlas = 1
Cim = 3
Midnigher club = 4
KingsRow = 5
Steel = 6
sky = 7
talos = 8
IP = 9
FF = 10
Bricks = 11
Perez = 12
boom = 13
crey = 15
abandonedsewernetwork = 18
terravolta =20
eden = 21
hive = 22
sewer = 23
Dont worry about it = 29
nova = 36
imperial = 37
neut = 38
nova ug = 39
imperial ug= 42
DA= 43
First ward = 49
neut ug = 51
night ward = 52
PI = 61
Hollows = 62
thetunnels = 63
zulu = 64
cascadearchipelago = 65
thechantry = 66
thestormpalace = 67
strigaisle = 69
mercy = 71
port oakes = 72
Cap = 73
shark = 74
nerva = 75
st martial = 76
grand = 77
"pvp"= 78, 79, 80, 81
croa = 82
The D = 83
faultline = 84
rwz = 85
abyss = 86
monster isle = 87
echoGalaxy = 626
Herocon? = 120 (disabled you can't get here, why did i put it here?)

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