« on: August 26, 2021, 01:11:59 pm »
Personally I would prefer to see greater distinction between the 4 alignments rather then have them blended together. I have posted this before but have long had a dream of seeing the alignment system be expanded to something more similar to what we have goldside. In goldside, chars have 2 alignments, their regular alignment and their original alignment. As they go through the game if you cross alignments you can do "undercover work" for your original alignment. My idea is that all chars, even primal chars, have something similar.
All chars would have a public alignment, that is how the world currently views the char based on their actions (pretty much like standard alignments work now). Characters would also have a true alignment that is how the player views their own character. Unlike goldside "original" alignments a characters true alignment can be shifted/changed in some way. Like goldside as you do tasks based on your public alignment, you have special options to do undercover work based on your true alignment. So a public villain / true hero can report back to the Freedom Phalanx on the Recluse's activities in the Rogue Isles for example, and vice versa of course. This would provide more roleplay opportunities for those interested in such stuff and also breathe a bit of new life into older content. This idea obviously would be a ton of work and definitely be a long term plan but it is something I would love to see.
However this idea would only work so long as the alignments remain separated, blended alignments wouldn't make sense if "anyone" can jump between Paragon City and the Rogue Isles without any concern for alignment. I have also suggested having certain items only be purchasable with specific merit types, such as different signature summons based on alignment, and more stuff like that could be done but I think balancing it could be hard. How do you figure the cost of being able to join red/blue teams with merit purchasing power? That is why the Cryptic devs didn't have vig/rog merits. Thinking about it I think the true solution is to keep the purchasing power of hero/vig/rog/vill merits equal (though slightly different in what they can buy, such as signature summons) but to have the *content* be different.
The advantage of vig/rog's is their ability to join cross alignment teams. That gives them access to more content then hero/vills have. Trying to balance their access to extra content by limiting purchasing power is not easy, if possible. However if we instead limit vig/rog's access to some other form of content, it would be easier to balance out. Suddenly you're not trying to decide between being able to play cross faction content vs. the purchasing power of the rewards, you're choosing between cross faction content vs. true alignment content. It would also make sense from a lore perspective, if you're a vig/rog that "plays both sides" then you're not going to be trusted enough to perform highly sensitive missions.
The problem with this idea though is deciding what content should be blocked from the vigs/rogs? It does become a tough choice that would require a lot of discussion I think. The options I can think of are TF's, SSA's, PvP zones, and "some" story missions. Each has their own pros and cons that I'll need some time to think about however this idea is becoming big enough I think I should probably create a new thread.