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Messages - FarmTank

This is fixed, expect it in an upcoming release.
This is on my list of things to look at.
Seems to be working as intended, NONE of those first 5 missions have "inMissionBonus" so you don't get any XP until you end the complete arc which includes 2 or 3 more missions after.  Also Doc Buzzsaw is a contact that is big on "succeed or go home" so the idea is supposed to be you either win all the missions but if you fail you get nothing.
Bugfix's only

    -Fixed an issue where characters below Level 10 were not able, ahem, "acquire" the Rebirth First Anniversary badge. All characters should now be able to do so.
    -Fixed an issue where Series 2 Archetype Origin Enhancements (ATOs) were not appearing in Merit Vendors. They should now be available for purchase at the new revised prices
    -Atom Smasher is correctly typed as a PBAOE

Welcome to the 2nd Edition of Rebirth Issue 1

Quality of Life and Gameplay

Rebirth's 2nd Anniversary

-Rebirth's 2nd Anniversary Badge will be available to anyone who logs in during the entire month of June

Reward Merits

-Reward Merits prices changed.
-Uncommons that cost 50 now costs 30.
-Uncommons that cost 75 now costs 60.
-Rare recipes that cost anywhere between 125-165 now cost 75.
-Rare Recipes that cost between 200-220 now costs 125.


-Astral Rare Recipes that cost 16 astrals now costs 12.
-Astral rare recipes that cost 32 now costs 24.


-Empyrean prices for Purples and PVPIOs are now all 30 (from 40-70).


-Alignment Merits (Hero or Villain) prices for Purples and PVPIOs are now 8 (from 20-35).

HEAT/VEAT Side Locking

-Epic Archetypes can now only start on the side they were intended to be created for.  They are not locked out of the alignment system and can still switch sides.
-Their story arcs and other factors lead us to correct this error that we were not aware of.   Current characters already created are not affected by this.

Base Pass-code Changes

-The slash command will now only work when standing near a base portal.  The base portal window should also take passcodes as well.
-This command was an admin command that wasn't intended for wider use by the playerbase.  We added it in as a way to give players more options to cross sides and open up the Cathedral of Pain Trial to Co-op play.  However, certain Technical and Gameplay issues have arisen that caused us to re-evaluate the slash commands continued use.
-Universal base access with passcodes (regardless of alignment) can still be used at or near any base portal.
-We apologize for any inconvenience.

Powers & AT Changes

New Guardian Archetype Icon
Gun Fu

-Attacks utilizing pistols no longer redraw.

Super Reflexes

-Practiced Brawler: fixed a sound effects loop.
-Practiced Brawler: lowered the hole in the absorption from 2 seconds to .50 seconds.
-Super Reflexes (Stalker): Quickness, Practiced Brawler, and Elude now accept Healing IO sets.

Radiation Composition

-Fixed missing FX for Ground Zero.

Bug Fixes

Task Forces

-TF final windows should now use actual numbers instead of eldritch Runes to report death numbers.
-It will only show zero unless you have the defeat challenge set but this should be fixed in a future issue.

Floating Absorb Number Disable

-Option has been added to disable the numbers that float over your head for absorb applications.  This is intended specifically for toggles that apply the same number every few seconds.  However it will apply to all absorb floating numbers.
-This option can be found in the Misc section on the General page of the Options window.

Contributors -Farm Tank, El Bee, Plutocracy, Super Hero
Super Reflexes
    -Adjust Practice Brawler Absorb so is does not drop completely for 2 seconds

HEAT/VEAT side locking
    -Epic Archetypes can now only start on the side they were intended to be created for.  They are not locked out of the alignment system and can still switch sides.
    -Their story arcs and other factors lead us to correct this error that we were not aware of.   Current characters already created are not affected by this.

    Reduced prices of Astral Merit Rare and Uncommon Recipes
        Dev Note: Cut by 1/4th.

    Increased PVPIO drop rate from Reputation kills from 1 percent to 6 percent
        Dev Note: This rate matches the rate of Rare recipe drops with a Windfall temporary power active. Kills still need to be worth reputation and there is still a 10 minute cooldown between drop chances.
Super Reflexes
    -Minor balancing changes to absorb amounts for Stalker, Tanker, Scrapper, and Brooot.
    -Attempt fix sound looping and animation looping and sound looping and sound looping on Practiced Brawler

    -TF final windows should now use actual numbers instead of eldritch Runes to report death numbers
        -Base Passcodes should now work again with the slash command.  HOWEVER the slash command will now only work when standing near a base portal.  The base portal window should also take passcodes as well
3xp starts 9pm EST on Friday the 14
Server will run with double xp the week of May 10 thru Friday, Then for the weekend of May 15 and 16 XP rates will be increased up to 3xp.  GMs reserve the right to press the wacky button at any time without warning.....Don't worry about what that means.
Patch Notes / Re: TEST SERVER May 9, 2021
May 10, 2021, 09:00 AM
We have discussed this as a team and after a quick look at the code it will be possible to re-enable the Base Portal slash command.  We will enable it to only work near a base portal and all previously written macros should continue work (near a base portal).
Patch Notes / TEST SERVER May 9, 2021 - Ri1e2
May 09, 2021, 09:49 PM
Base Pass-code Changes
    -We have removed the base entry slash command.
    -This command was an admin command that wasn't intended for wider use by the playerbase.  We added it in as a way to give players more options to cross sides and open up the Cathedral of Pain Trial to Coop play.  However certain Technical and Gameplay issues have arisen that caused us to re-evaluate the slash commands continued use. 
    -Universal base access with passcodes (regardless of alignment) can still be used at any base portal.   
    -We apologize for any inconvenience.

Economy Rework
    - Reduced prices of Reward Merit Invention Recipes by 25-50 percent to be more in line with Rogue/Vigilante reaffirmation rewards
    - Reduced prices of Alignment Merit and Empyrean Merit PVPIO and Purple recipes

Floating Absorb Number Disable
    -Option has been added to disable the number that float over your head for absorb applications.  This is intended specifically for toggles that apply the same number every few seconds.  However it will apply to all absorb floating numbers.
    -This option can be found in the Misc section on the General page of the Options window

Super Reflexes Fixes
    -Stalkers should now take heal IO sets properly,
    -Absorb coverage should no longer drop every 10 seconds,
    -Practice Brawler should no longer de-toggle if held,
    -Sound looping issue should be fixed
    -Some minor balancing work is being done and feedback will be appreciated.

Radiation Composition
    -Fixed missing FX for ground zero
Images in the post have been restored and should be viewable again.

Forgot to add this to the original notes but Super Reflexes changes have been added to the server.  Practice Brawler is now a toggle and absorb has been added. 



    -Stalkers with Super reflexes cannot slot Healing Enhancements
    -Some hoods may not work properly with Huge Characters

New Archetype: Guardian

Guardians have good ranged and melee while still maintaining decent support and protection.

As a Guardian, you are skilled at ranged and close combat, allowing you to move into and out of combat with ease. Your abilities offer decent protection, allow you to take blows with stride. Although you are not able to take hits as well as others, your very presence can strengthen your allies and weaken enemies.

Guardian Stats
Survivability||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| 6
Melee Damage||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| 7
Ranged Damage||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| 7
Crowd Control||||| ||||| 2
Support||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| 6
Pets||||| ||||| 2

Primary Power Sets: Assault

A Guardian's primary power sets are Assault. With their release, we're introducing several new Assault power sets. They are:

New Power Sets:

Gun Fu: You are a master of the Gun Fu fighting style. You seamlessly blend sophisticated martial arts perfectly with your skills as a shootist to strike down foes with either hand or bullet.

Hellfire Assault: Your powers are conjured from the depths of the netherworld and beyond. You wield demonic hellfires that serve as your tools of destruction. You are capable of manifesting infernal powers that act as long extensions of hellfire. These powers can tear down even the toughest foes.

Luminous Assault: Masters of light, energy, and matter. Luminous Assault wielders can manipulate light energy to devastate their opponents. Luminous Assault bombards the foe with great force and power often knocking them down and reducing their defenses.

Mace Assault: You can wield a Nullifier Mace, a high tech Arachnos mace that is as good at blasting enemies as it is at smashing them to pieces.

Radiation Assault: You are able to harness the power of the atom to defeat foes at both close and far ranges. Radiation Assault attacks have a chance to inflict the Contaminated state on a target for a moderate amount of time. Powers that deal greater damage, have a longer recharge time and animation time have a greater chance to inflict Contaminated. Single target attacks hitting Contaminated targets cause a portion of that power's damage to also hit nearby foes. Radiation Assault attacks primarily deal Smashing and Energy damage, with some capable of dealing Toxic damage.

Umbral Assault: Masters of the void, Umbral Assault wielders can manipulate dark energy, gravity and matter to blast and dominate their foes. The gravimetric nature of most Umbral Assault powers often slows the target's attack and movement speed.

Additional Assault Power Sets:

Dark Assault: Blind and drain your foes with dark energies. Dark Assault allows you to pummel your foes with heavy-hitting melee attacks as well as several ranged attacks. Many of Dark Assaults' powers reduce their victims' chance to hit.

Earth Assault: With Earth Assault, you can damage foes with the very ground they walk upon. You can conjure stone weapons, hurl boulders, and even cause magma to erupt from the ground.

Electricity Assault: Electrical Assault grants you several electrical ranged and melee powers. Electrical powers can drain foes' Endurance and can often temporarily halt their Endurance recovery. This can be quite effective against higher-level foes and Bosses. Some Electrical Assault powers can even sometimes transfer this Endurance back to you.

Energy Assault: Focus pure energy into deadly melee attacks and powerful projectiles. The impact of the melee powers can often Disorient opponents, while the velocity of the ranged projectiles can send your enemies flying.

Fiery Assault: Fiery Assault allows you to conjure up flaming melee attacks and hurl devastating fiery projectiles. Fiery Assault powers tend to set foes ablaze for added Damage Over Time.

Icy Assault: Ice Assault allows the player to use Cold-based attacks. Conjure up frozen melee weapons or hurl deadly shards of Ice. Icy powers are known for their ability to slow an opponent.

Martial Assault: Your mastery of Martial Assault allows you to deliver crippling blows to your enemies and rain blades upon foes who don't dare approach you. You deliver damage to your enemies via withering kicks and punches in melee range, while your skills with thrown blades cut down aggressors from afar. Your attacks have a tendency to knock opponents down or deal additional damage over time as a secondary effect.

Psionic Assault: Blast your enemies with an array of offensive psionic powers. Your psionic damaging attacks have a chance to grant you Insight into your enemies. While you have Insight, your psionic damage powers cause additional psionic damage over time. Few living beings can resist their effects. Creatures without minds, however, like machines and robots, are much more resistant.

Thorny Assault: Thorns protrude from your body and can deal damage in melee or at range. Thorns are hollow and inject toxin that deals additional Toxic damage and can weaken your enemy's Defense. Very few foes have resistance to Thorn toxins.

Secondary Power Sets: Composition

Guardian secondary power sets are designed for Composition. Composition power sets offer protection for yourself and support for your teammates. They are:

Atmospheric Composition: Atmospheric Composition users can harness the wind, weather, and lightning to wreak havoc on their foes and protect themselves and their allies.

Dark Composition: Dark Composition wielders focus the dark energies of the Netherworld to protect themselves and weaken their foes.

Energy Composition: Energy Composition users can surround themselves with powerful defensive energy auras. Their mastery of energy allows them to manipulate and transfer energy from foes to protect themselves and their allies.

Fiery Composition: Focusing heat and flame lets those armed with Fiery Composition protect themselves and their allies from harm while also weakening their enemies.

Ice Composition: Ice Composition users have mastered chilling themselves and the air around them to protect their allies, protect themselves, and weaken adversaries.

Organic Composition: Organic Composition users can surround themselves in the forces of nature, enabling them to shield their bodies from harm. Their command over the environment allows them to call forth primal energies to hinder their foes and aid themselves and their allies. Some of their powers place a Bloom effect on themselves and their allies. Each stack of Bloom boosts healing effects on the affected targets by 4% for 30 seconds. Bloom can stack up to 5 times.

Pain Focusing: It takes more than a little pain to keep you down! Pain Focusing uses your willpower to master overwhelming pain. With it, you can channel your pain to protect your allies, yourself, and weaken adversaries.

Radiation Composition: Radiation Composition powers emanate from your body, empowering and shielding you from harm. This energy allows you to manipulate atomic particles and waves to protect your allies and weaken your enemies. Your abilities also allow you to heal from your wounds and even absorb damage.

Reconstructive Healing: Reconstructive Healing lets you regenerate more quickly from damage and effects. Your Hit Point Regeneration can become so incredibly fast, that your wounds heal almost instantly. Reconstructive Healing gives you the ability to heal and aid allies as well.

Stone Composition: Stone Composition users can transform themselves into various forms of rock and stone to avoid hard. You are also able to harness the crushing force of earth to weaken your foes and protect your allies. Many of these powers need to be performed while on the ground.

Temporal Reaction: With Temporal Reaction you gaze into the flow of time allowing you to react deftly to avoid danger. Regardless of what comes at you, Temporal Reaction simply allows you to avoid the attack. Wielders of Temporal Reaction are able to manipulate time itself to inflict crippling debuffs while buffing and healing allies.

Ancillary Power Pools

Fire Mastery: You have Mastery over Fire to deal damage in mass and control your foes.

Ice Mastery: You have Mastery over Ice to deal damage in mass and control your foes.

Primal Forces Mastery: You have Mastery over Primal Forces and energy to devastate your foes and increase your power.

Psionic Mastery: You have Mastery over Psionics and the mind to devastate your foes.

Patron Power Pools

Leviathan Mastery: Captain Mako has granted you access to the power of the Leviathan. The Leviathan is an ancient gargantuan entity that slumbers under Sharkhead Isle. Worshiped by the Coralax, the Leviathan has given Captain Mako many abilities and now he has taught you how to harness its power.

Mace Mastery: Black Scorpion has granted you access to the advanced technology of the Executioner's Mace. The signature weapon of the Bane Spider Executioner, it is not a typical clumsy mace. The Executioner's Mace is capable of firing a variety of energy projectiles and grenades. It can even be modified to summon and command some of Black Scorpion's RV technologies.

Mu Mastery: Scirocco has taught you the ancient powers of the Mu. In their eternal struggle against the Oranbega, the Mu have unlocked many mystical powers, including their very signature crimson lightning. Now you possess these secrets.

Soul Mastery: Ghost Widow has granted you access to the power of darkness and souls. She has shown you how to use the souls of your victims to destroy your enemies. This has granted you access to powers and abilities you have never had before.

Inherent Power: Resolve

Guardians are determined to protect their allies in combat. With their Resolve, Guardians strive to defeat foes before they can cause serious harm to them or their allies. When an enemy is defeated they will grant nearby Guardians and their allies one stack of Resolve. Each stack grants 5% absorption and status protection to Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Fear, and Confuse on the affected targets for 15 seconds. Resolve can stack up to 3 times outside of PvP. NOTE: When used in PVP Resolve will not stack from players. The amount of absorption granted for defeating a player is 20%.

New Ancillary Power Pool For Scrappers and Stalkers

Scrapper Martial Prowess: Your experience in melee combat and your drive to improve has given you access to new techniques from a wide variety of disciplines. You utilize skills from archers and warriors of the medieval age to ninjitsu techniques of the shinobi.

Level 35: Entangling Arrow
- Ranged, Target Immobilize, -Fly, Slow
- Upon impact, the Entangling Arrow releases a strong net that can Immobilize most targets. This non-lethal device deals no damage and does not prevent targets from attacking. The Entangling Arrow can bring down flying entities, halts jumping and slows all of your actions. Entangle Arrow has a fairly low Endurance cost and a bonus to its Accuracy. Recharge: Fast

Level 35: Warriors Mark
- Ranged Foe -DEF, -RES (All), +Combat Info
- Your experience in combat has given you the ability to spot weak points in your enemies defenses easily. You can relay this to your allies and reduce the targets Defense and Resistances. Your Combat Attributes Window will also show the combat attributes of the target.  Recharge: Slow

Level 41: Aimed Shot
- Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), +Improved Crit Chance
- Hand Crossbows have been used by adventurers since the middle ages. You uphold the tradition and fire a bolt from a hand crossbow. This ranged attack has a chance to critically strike. You must be level 41 and have selected either Entangling Arrow or Warrior's Mark to select this power. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate

Level 44: Shukuchi
- Self Stealth, +DMG, Self Teleport
- You utilize an ancient shinobi technique of teleportation to catch foes off guard. Using this power will allow you to teleport to a location and receive a strong stealth effect for a short time. In addition, you will gain a moderate damage bonus as you catch your targets by surprise. You must be level 41 and have selected either Entangling Arrow or Warrior's Mark to select this power. Recharge: Long.

Level 44: Gather Chi
- Self +Regen, +Recovery
- You utilize meditative and focusing techniques to reinvigorate yourself. You gain a moderate Regeneration and Recovery effect for a short time. You must be level 44 and have selected two other powers from Martial Prowess to select this power. Recharge: Long

Stalker Martial Prowess: Your experience in melee combat and your drive to improve has given you access to new techniques from a wide variety of disciplines. You utilize skills from archers and warriors of the medieval age to ninjitsu techniques of the shinobi.

Level 35: Entangling Arrow
- Ranged, Target Immobilize, -Fly, Slow
- Upon impact, the Entangling Arrow releases a strong net that can Immobilize most targets. This non-lethal device deals no damage and does not prevent targets from attacking. The Entangling Arrow can bring down flying entities, halts jumping and slows all of your actions. Entangle Arrow has a fairly low Endurance cost and a bonus to its Accuracy. Recharge: Fast

Level 35: Warriors Mark
- Ranged Foe -DEF, -RES (All), +Combat Info
- Your experience in combat has given you the ability to spot weak points in your enemies defenses easily. You can relay this to your allies and reduce the targets Defense and Resistances. Your Combat Attributes Window will also show the combat attributes of the target.  Recharge: Slow

Level 41: Assassins Arrow
- Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), +Crits while Hidden
- Shinobi have used the bow to silently assassinate targets since feudal times. Your studies of their techniques allow you to do the same. You fire an arrow from your bow, dealing high lethal damage. This ranged attack has a chance to crit and can be used from a Hidden State for extra damage. You must be level 41 and have selected either Entangling Arrow or Warrior's Mark to select this power. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate

Level 44: War Cry
- PBAoE -To Hit, -DMG, Chance to Fear
- Gladiators, Samurai, Vikingur. These are but a few groups you have studied to hone your techniques. You've adopted their ability to demoralize the opposition with a War Cry! You reduce the Damage and To Hit of enemies around you. This power also has a chance to Terrorize minions. You must be level 44 and have selected either Warrior's Mark or Entangling Arrow to select this power. Recharge: Long

Level 44:  Gather Chi
- Self +Regen, +Recovery
- You utilize meditative and focusing techniques to reinvigorate yourself. You gain a moderate Regeneration and Recovery effect for a short time. You must be level 44 and have selected two other powers from Martial Prowess to select this power. Recharge: Long

New Costume Packs

Emblem Pack 1

New Emblems! Emblem Pack 1 is now live. There are 17 new emblems, starting with Star 17 - Star 23 inline with legacy star emblems and another batch found at the bottom of your chest symbol list.

To be found in the Stars section of your alphabetized symbol list:

- Star 17 (upwards shooting star)
- Star 18 (5 star V)
- Star 19 (interlinked stars)
- Star 20 (triple bubble star)
- Star 20 Rainbow (triple bubble star w baked in rainbow)
- Star 21 (star fan)
- Star 22 (star tunnel)
- Star 23 (twin stars pulling away from each other)

To be found at the bottom of your symbol list:

- Barbell
- Hammer & Wrench
- Moon 2
- Poison Syringe
- Seahorse
- Syringe
- Weightlifter
- Wrecking Ball

Cape Packs 1 & 2

New cape patterns are now available wherever you find listings for basic cape patterns. 45 new patterns in total. All can be found at the bottom of the standard cape pattern list in your character creator.

Cape Pack 1: To be found at the bottom of your cape patterns list:

- All Seeing      - Fleur
- Arbol            - Hive Tech
- Astrolabe         - Icy Tunic
- Big Bolt         - Keyhole
- Cosmic Contrails   - New Star
- Crescent         - Serrated Fern
- Dart            - Splash
- Donkey

Cape Pack 2 Found below Cape Pack 1 in alphabetic order:

- Art Deco 1      - Lily Pad
- Art Deco 2      - Pangolin
-Button            -Quizzical
-Cleave            -Rockslide
-Crystalline      -Rose Curl
-Flame Tongues      -Sakura
-Fur 1            -Sheet Music
-Fur 2            -Spider Web 1
-Gale Force         -Spider Web 2
-Geode            -Stingray
-Gossamer Strands   -Tradewinds
-Halftone         -Triangles
-Impossible Dots   -Wasp
-Ink            -Waterfall
-Lewitt            -WPA

Glove Diversification Phase 1

Glove Diversification debuts on Rebirth PTS! Many glove models that prior had only 1 possible
wrist skin can now be customized to match many base textures and all standard glove patterns.

This change affects the following glove models:

- Tai                     - Tied
- Overguard                  - Wristbands
- Barbarian Ring (M & H only)   - Dragon Bracer (F)
- Small Pointed Glove         - Cloud Bracer (F)
- Small Flared Glove         - Plant w/ Leaves
- Small Padded Glove (F)      - Spines

Customizable metallic variants have been added to the game:

- Small Pointed Glove
- Small Flared Glove
- Small Padded Glove (F)
- Dragon Bracer (F)
- Cloud Bracer (F)

Static glowing variants of the following have been added:

- Small Pointed Glove
- Small Flared Glove
- Dragon Bracer (F)
- Cloud Bracer (F)

Animated glowing variants of these are also now available:

- Small Pointed Glove
- Small Flared Glove
- Dragon Bracer (F)

2012 Halloween Pack Now Available

Long enjoyed on other CoH servers, one of Paragon's last contributions to the character library
is now available and fully functioning on Live for all characters.

This pack includes:

- Full body mummy skin
- Tombstone and wicker basket backpacks
- Floating orb and skull special heads

Fashion gloves and boots unlocked for female characters.

- Seer gloves and boots unlocked for male and huge characters.

Bugs introduced with asymmetric gloves that caused graphical errors on specific villain mobs
have been resolved.

Quality of Life: and Bug Fixes

Auction House

Quality of Life:
- Number of base slots for every player character has been increased.  Values have been adjusted so that there is a progression of available slots as you level. (Roughly 5 slots every 5 levels.....ish )

-Invention generic, respec, temp power, and costume recipes should now once again be tradeable on the Auction House.

Super-Group Base Rent

Quality of Life:
- Base rent will no longer be calculated on the items in the base.  The exact value that each SG would pay was hard to anticipate and may have hindered some SGs from placing more items that they may have wanted.
- SG base rent now calculated based on plot size.  These numbers are still up for discussion and may be subject to change.  However, rent is currently set to be much less than it was on Live.
- Smallest Plot size has no rent.

Character Slot Per Account Increase

Quality of Life:
- UI hard coding issues have been adjusted to allow more characters per account to be created.  Due to the nature of the UI code, slots can only be adjusted in multiples of 12.
- Current slots on every account should now be 96.  This comes from 12 slots on 8 pages.  This number may be subject to adjustment at a future date if there is demand for it.

Power De-Queuing

Quality of Life:
-Stacking auto powers should no longer cause powers selected next in the attack chain to de-queue.  This fix should also work for attacks and interruptible like long activation toggles and snipes among other powers.
The release to live for all(hopefully) changes currently on the test server is currently planned for the next reset cycle on  the 25th of April 2021.  A full list of patch-notes with all changes will be made available in one list at that time.

Fiery Composition:
    Phoenix Awakening: Endurance cost is no longer multiplied by affected allies.

Radiation Composition:
    Particle Shielding was incorrectly accepting Recovery Enhancements even though the power grants no Recovery. Remove Recovery Enhancements.

Reconstructive Healing:
    Pain Absorption: This power was overhauled
        Self, +Absorption, +Regeneration, +Heal Bonus, Res(Toxic) -When in danger, you are able to concentrate to Absorb a large amount of damage, and gain Toxic damage resistance. You will also gain a burst of Regeneration and your Heals will be more potent, but it comes at the cost of some Endurance. You can use this power up to 3 times before it needs to recharge. The strength of the Absorption, Regeneration and Healing Bonus will get significantly stronger on the second and third click, and to a lesser degree the Endurance cost will get stronger as well. Recharge: Slow