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Live Bug Reporting / Belladonna Vetrano Morality Mi...
Last post by Redlynne - Feb 04, 2025, 02:18 PM
This is going to take a bit of explaining, because it's the first time I've encountered this bug.

During the Imperial City Loyalist Power Arc (Mr. G -> Transmuter -> Tami Baker -> Praetor Sinclair) ...

The penultimate mission from Transmuter involves an assignment to capture Ricochet in an instanced mission. During the mission, when you're about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way to Ricochet, you receive a communication that your Powers Division team have been ambushed and they need you to come rescue them.

You then get a choice ... to complete your assignment and bring in Ricochet ... or to exit the mission and try to save your Powers Division people (Aria, Zane, Stern and Warrant).
  • If you press on with your own mission and defeat Ricochet (as intended), when you get to your next mission (the last mission for Transmuter) ... ALL of your Powers Division people except for Riptide (who was assigned a different mission and thus wasn't on site for what went down) are ALL DEAD when you (belatedly) arrive ... because you "took your time" to defeat and capture Ricochet rather than coming to save them (quickly enough to save them).
    All of them.
  • If you abandon your own mission and defeat Ricochet, when you get to your next mission (the last mission for Transmuter) ... ALL of your Powers Division people except for Riptide (who was assigned a different mission and thus wasn't on site for what went down) are all DEFEATED BUT STILL ALIVE ... because you rushed to their aid quickly enough to save them.
    Except for Warrant.
    The killer made EXTREMELY SURE that Warrant would be DEAD when you arrived.

This choice in this (next to last for Transmuter) mission is going to be the crux of the bug report that I am making here.

When you finally reach the end of the story arc for Praetor Sinclair and have to confront Belladonna Vetrano, you get the moral choice ... Resistance or Loyalist.

If you abandoned Ricochet and SAVED THE LIVES your Powers Division team (minus one) ... AND ... you choose Resistance:
  • 3 waves of PPD Sergeants show up to arrest you and Belladonna Vetrano. Defeat them to complete the mission.

If you defeated Ricochet and left your Powers Division team to DIE ... AND ... you choose Resistance:
  • Stern, Aria, Zane ... who are ALL DEAD ... show up to arrest you and Belladonna Vetrano. Defeat them to complete the mission.

Bug report:
The decision to abandon/complete the defeat and capture of Ricochet is being "used correctly" in the last mission for Transmuter ... but it being "used inverted" in the moral choice mission for Praetor Sinclair IF the Player chooses Resistance.

What IS happening:
    • Abandon capture of Ricochet
    • Save Powers Division team
    • Choose Resistance: Defeat PPD Sergeants for Mission Complete
    • Complete capture of Ricochet
    • Allow Powers Division team to DIE
    • Choose Resistance: Defeat Stern, Aria, Zane ... who should ALL BE DEAD ALREADY

What SHOULD BE happening:
    • Abandon capture of Ricochet
    • Save Powers Division team
    • Choose Resistance: Defeat Stern, Aria, Zane ... who LIVED thanks to YOU
    • Complete capture of Ricochet
    • Allow Powers Division team to DIE
    • Choose Resistance: Defeat PPD Sergeants for Mission Complete

I figure that the root cause for this issue basically amounts to a non-fatal "typo" such that the IF-THEN condition for whether or not to spawn PPD Sergeants or Powers Division team in this mission is "being read inverted" for the purpose that it should be checking for (true=no/false=yes type of flip/flop).

I also wouldn't be surprised to learn that this (non-fatal "typo") bug has persisted in the code for this long simply because it could only be found by Players who would be repeatedly leveling through Praetoria and deliberately making different choices (to see how the story and events would change). Since most Players "don't have the kind of patience" needed for that level of regression testing, this particular bug could potentially linger FOREVER ... particularly since it's non-fatal (it just spawns the wrong Foes in a single player Morality Mission at the end of a story arc).

Hopefully, the fix for this is going to be as simple as "flipping the parameter" interpretation (swap a + for a - kind of difficulty). The hardest part would be tracking down where this controlling decision point is in the scripting for the Moral Choice mission, since everything is Working As Intentional™ up until that point.
General / Scatterstar Memorial
Last post by jessejame - Feb 02, 2025, 08:57 AM
Good morning everyone. The purpose of this post is to share your memories of Scatterstar so that others may get to know them the way that you did, and have the opportunity to revisit them through others stories. Please keep the post respectful. I will include my written correspondence from the memorial event hosted on 01/26/2025. Any pictures you wish to share feel free to do so. Thank you.


Thank you all for coming here today. Just a quick overview of what we have planned. We'll begin by sharing any stories or memories of Scatterstar.

During this time you are encouraged to speak about a favorite past time. This will go on for 30-60 minutes, approx. Followed by what may or may not be an invasion from the giant dimension here in pocket D.

At the end, closing statements will be made by myself and anyone else who feels like they would like to say something before departing.

I will get the ball rolling. I did not know Scatterstar personally. But from everyone I've met here on Rebirth, there hasn't been a single person that I didn't like.

So if you haven't already done so, take the time to show appreciation for those you care about while you still have time to do so.

Understand that a time will come that they will reach their final destination, and move on from this life.

I've regretted many things that I did not do when I had the chance to. But I know in their final weeks, days and hours, I made every second there on count.

Imperfect ideas and moments always have the opportunity to become perfect. Procrastination will always be nothing.

Take the opportunity to show them that you appreciate them. Whether with words, actions or adventure.

If anyone has anything they would like to share about Scatterstar, feel free to start a dialogue and lets all celebrate what his life meant to each of us.

Finally, I want today to symbolize what Rebirth stands for. To all future new comers whether a previous player or a seasoned veteran with nothing, I would like the opportunity to offer my resources to those individuals to help them create an amazing experience here.

Myself, as well as many other veteran players are more than happy to help along to those just starting out. Please reach out to myself if you need anything or have any questions. I would be more than happy to make this a great experience for you all.
General Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Canary in the mine
Last post by RagingCheney - Feb 01, 2025, 03:49 PM
Sounds like the firefox issue is a version thing, I'm running 134.

And I know google dislikes and isn't in cahoots with firefox, or Youtube wouldn't deliberately slow down and break FF loads, and FF wouldn't allow manifest2 stuff (specifically and pretty much only ublock origin in google's hate-list)
Live Bug Reporting / Re: Warburg LabTechnician Maps...
Last post by RagingCheney - Feb 01, 2025, 03:44 PM
Except the lack of any PBAOE running on my character during the crash, or otherwise. Genesis should only proc when you're attacking, with socket. Or when you're using the power otherwise.

If Genesis was firing on everyone automatically without needing to attack them, *everyone* would have it because it's now a PBAOE proc dot/debuff incarnate, which would be a tad broken.  ;)
Looking for Group / Re: WST Schedule 2025 - Curren...
Last post by FarmTank - Jan 31, 2025, 02:44 PM
WST SCHEDULE (2/03/2025 - 03/02/2025)

2/03: Eden (39-41), Positron (10-15/11-16), Lord Recluse (45-50), Ms. Liberty (45-50)

2/10: Terra Volta (44-50), Penelope Yin (20-25), Tin Mage (50 w/ Alpha), ITF (35-50)

2/17: Katie Hannon (30-34), Numina (35-40), Virgil Tarikoss (15-20), Dr. Kahn (45-50)

2/24: Sutter (20-40), Synapse (15-20), Mortimer Kal (20-40), LGTF (45-50)
Player Help/Guides / Re: Praetorian DISloyalty!
Last post by Redlynne - Jan 31, 2025, 10:44 AM
Having played through the entire set of 1-19 storylines in Nova Praetoria, Imperial City and Neutropolis (more than once), I've made a few discoveries.

The Moral High Ground badge simply requires the completion of 5 moral choice missions. There is no requirement for you to actually change sides (loyalist/resistance) during these moral choice missions, so there is no requirement to "betray" either side at any time.

What this means is that it is possible to earn the Moral High Ground badge after completing all 4 story arcs in Nova Praetoria ... regardless of which choices you made at the end of each of those arcs (although, you will need to switch alignments in order to get them all).

So how is it possible to get a badge that requires 5 choices out of 4 story arcs in Nova Praetoria?
Simple. The Tutorial has a moral choice towards the end (loyalist/resistance) which COUNTS towards your 5 choices ... and 1+4=5 (right? ::)). So the moral (choice) of the story is, always run the Praetorian Tutorial ... and not just because of the Avid Reader badge is obtainable during the Tutorial.

It is not (strictly speaking) "necessary" to change your alignment "every single time" in order to "do all the things" in Nova Praetoria, Imperial City and Neutropolis in order to access ALL of the story arcs. And since the Moral High Ground badge does not require you to CHANGE alignment in order to earn it (reaffirming "counts" too) it is possible to choose a path through Praetoria which "betrays" your current alignment only 1/2 the time (rather than every single time).

This distinction has knock on consequences later on.

The Resistance (Warden) story arc in Neutropolis (Aaron Walker -> Penelope Yin -> Dark Watcher) will have Calvin Scott make a personal appearance in the moral choice at the end. If you choose Loyalist, you'll have to fight Calvin Scott personally (and you won't get to defeat him no matter what you do, he'll "escape" like a Sentai Villain every time). The consequence of this choice is that Calvin Scott will NEVER speak to you again under any circumstances. Calvin Scott DISAPPEARS from your list of Contacts (so you can't call him). If you walk up to him in the Resistance Base in Underground Neutropolis, he won't talk to you. What this means is that if you "betray" Calvin Scott IN PERSON at the end of the Resistance (Warden) story arc in Neutropolis, that bridge is BURNED ... permanently.

Needless to say, not everyone is going to think that's "ideal" (for reasons various and sundry), since that's a No Take Backs™ (without rerolling) type of result.

So if you're the type of Player who still wants to "do all the things" in Praetoria (which does NOT have any opportunities for Flashback via Ouroboros!) but you don't want to be following a "Betray EVERY TIME" type of path, here's an alternative route you can take through the story arcs of Praetoria.

Resistance (Warden)
Nova Praetoria
  • Robert Flores -> Tunnel Rat -> Doctor Arvin
Imperial City (do Resistance Warden first)
  • Jessica Flores -> Luke Larson -> Doctor Steffard -> Seer 1381
  • Aaron Walker -> Penelope Yin -> Dark Watcher


Resistance (Crusader)
Underground Nova
  • Ricochet -> Splice -> Jack Hammer
Underground Imperial
  • Hatchet -> Beholder -> Vagabond -> Wardog
Underground Neutropolis (do Resistance Crusader first)
  • Crow -> Helix -> Calvin Scott


Loyalist (Responsibility)
Nova Praetoria
  • Chief Interrogator Washington -> Cleopatra
Imperial City (do Resistance Warden first)
  • Interrogator Kang -> Alec Parson -> Investigator Whitworth -> Chance McKnight
  • IVy -> Praetor Tilman -> Anti-Matter


Loyalist (Power)
Nova Praetoria
  • Deputy Assistant of Information -> Warrant -> Reese
Imperial City
  • Mr. G -> Transmuter -> Tami Baker -> Praetor Sinclair
  • Dr. Hetzfeld -> Bobcat -> Neuron


Resistance End

Nova Praetoria (1-9) = Resistance (Crusader) -> Resistance (Warden) -> Loyalist (Power) -> Loyalist (Responsibility) -> RESISTANCE!
Imperial City (8-14) = Resistance (Warden) -> Resistance (Crusader) -> Loyalist (Power) -> Loyalist (Responsibility) -> RESISTANCE!
Neutropolis (15-20) = Resistance (Warden) -> Resistance (Crusader) -> Loyalist (Power) -> Loyalist (Responsibility) -> RESISTANCE!


Loyalist End
Nova Praetoria (1-9) = Loyalist (Responsibility) -> Resistance (Warden) -> Resistance (Crusader) -> Loyalist (Power) -> LOYALIST!
Imperial City (8-14) = Loyalist (Power) -> Resistance (Warden) -> Resistance (Crusader) -> Loyalist (Responsibility) -> LOYALIST!
Neutropolis (15-20) = Loyalist (Responsibility) -> Resistance (Crusader) -> Resistance (Warden) -> Loyalist (Power) -> LOYALIST!

Point being that there's more than 1 path through Praetoria which allows you to "do all the things" and "earn all the badges" (and merit rewards!) from completing all of the story arcs in 1-19 Praetoria.

Choosing to be a Loyalist in the Tutorial means that Provost Marchand is your "secret" Contact, so an outcome where Calvin Scott "never trusts or talks to you again" isn't a problem.

But if you chose Resistance in the Tutorial and Calvin Scott IS your "secret" Contact, then betraying Calvin Scott (in person!) at the end of the Resistance (Warden) arc in Neutropolis MIGHT BE a problem for you (as a Player) since if you choose Loyalist in that mission, Calvin Scott will cut all ties with you ... permanently. So having an option where you can stay in Calvin Scott's good graces "for all time" is probably an attractive notion for you.

As a reminder for anyone who is interested in avoiding "lockouts" when doing these alternative pathing options through Praetoria:
  • On Rebirth, in Nova Praetoria, Inspector Washington can be killed in the Loyalist (Responsibility) arc in the confrontation with Cleopatra (moral choice mission) without causing any problems with the Loyalist (Power) arc. Originally on the Paragon Studios servers this WAS a hazard, but a different NPC Contact is used during the Deputy Assistant of Information's story arc to avoid this issue of pathing through the story arcs at such low levels with no way of knowing (in advance) that this could become a problem.
  • Do Resistance (Warden) BEFORE Loyalist (Responsibility) in Imperial City.
    Doctor Steffard (3rd Resistance Contact) is Cutter Cain that Interrogator Kang brings in during the start of the Loyalist (Responsibility) arc. So if you do Interrogator Kang first, Doctor Steffard won't be accessible and you'll "break the chain" for the Resistance (Warden) arc such that it cannot be completed. Note that you can do the Resistance (Warden) arc while your alignment is Loyalist.
  • Do Resistance (Crusader) BEFORE Resistance (Warden) in Neutropolis *IF* you are going to choose Loyalist at the end of the Resistance (Warden) arc.
    Calvin Scott is the final contact in the chain of the Resistance (Crusader) arc in Neutropolis, so if you complete the Resistance (Warden) arc and choose Loyalist you'll "break the chain" for the Resistance (Crusader) arc such that it cannot be completed.
Off-topic / Re: Joshexs Dreamtime
Last post by Joshex - Jan 30, 2025, 11:02 AM
just to clarify due to irl events; a rocket ship is not a passenger jet, nor a military helicopter. so the fact there was a real-life incident later that day with eerie similarities is not necessarily a confirmation of my dream.

though eye witnesses of the irl plane crash I'm mentioning reported word for word "a spray of sparks".. that's what makes this eerie to me.

"Eyewitness Ari Schulman was driving home when he looked up and saw the plane falling from the sky. 'It was illuminated bright yellow underneath and there was a spray of sparks underneath - I knew something was wrong,' he said."

"then there was a large spray of sparks from where the rocket would be. people made comments that it didn't look good."

again, I'm conflicted as to whether this is coincidence or predictive. I saw a rocket, not a plane. in the dream I could not see what caused the spray of sparks clearly. It was a small object that zipped through the rocket(however at such a distance a small object could have been larger that interpreted). at the time I thought it was a silver disc-shaped thing but I was far away so I could not be sure (hence I did not write it in yesterday's dream log). I couldn't really even see the rocket clearly at that point.

so I'll stick with my story, I saw a rocket not a plane, and a silver disc zip through it and a spray of sparks, not a military helicopter.

just in case people start believing this or something, I'm hessitant to believe and I'm the one having the dreams lol.
Off-topic / Re: Joshexs Dreamtime
Last post by Joshex - Jan 29, 2025, 01:01 PM
I had a really vivid one last night. it was fairly long, but not 3 days worth. more like 2 days worth.

I had been rushed to pack things for a trip on a cruise, I ended up having to leave some important things behind, but when we got to the port we were too late anyways, hence the rush. We ended up traveling by land to attempt to catch the boat at it's next port of call. I know there was a long string of events in-between, but the events were essentially just traveling so unremarkable except for the scenery which was quite nice. we got to the next port and they complained about our tickets saying we weren't on the roster as having boarded at our original port so they'd have to ask if an exception could be made, normally they don't allow it.

essentially we didn't get on the boat. I was blamed for it constantly. we ended up being allowed to stay in someone's house. I sneezed and had a runny nose after sleeping there. they said to stay in my room as they didn't want to catch it. after I dried my nose and disposed on the tissue, I went down stairs and sat on the couch and talked to someone who was there, he asked if I was ok, then I got dizzy, and when I couldn't hold on to consciousness any more I fell down on the couch and told him I felt delirious, I passed out and woke up in reality, albeit very tired as it was still early, but still able to talk to him for a short time after waking up in irl.

I eventually fell back to sleep irl, and I woke up in the other place, and they had me in a car and were apparently taking me to someplace, likely to a doctor.

we went through a vastly built up but short city., the buildings were not tall, but there were alot of them, we were going through an industrial area but there was fencing and a large open feild outside a factory, and from it they launched a rocket, I watched out the car window as the rocket went up and eventually got out of sight. then there was a large spray of sparks from where the rocket would be. people made comments that it didn't look good. then the top of the rocket came speeding back down, then changed course to make a sliding landing through the street at a 90 degree angle that we had just passed. the driver joked in bad taste saying the guy piloting that one probably wont be walking away from that crash. I remarked "well..." and was going to say"it did skid across the ground so there's a chance he survived" Then the other end of the rocket came spinning down and crashed off to the side of my view some moderate distance away in an industrial building's parking lot.

we kept driving for a short distance and I fell asleep there and woke up here in irl again. very strange super vivid and lucid dreams.
Live Bug Reporting / Re: Warburg LabTechnician Maps...
Last post by Joshex - Jan 28, 2025, 06:13 PM
Quote from: RagingCheney on Jan 26, 2025, 09:58 PMI hit the same issue with my kinetic/electric defender. Socket core flawless genesis being equipped caused a crash, not didn't. Re-equipping genesis when I had a technician following caused a mapserve within maybe 5 seconds. (Unlike some people's experiences my socket was still equipped after I loaded back in)

I however had reactive core flawless for my interface socketed (as socket affects that proc at higher levels) so this implies a: it's the genesis being socketed specifically, and b: as warburg is below 50 it's likely the under-level-45 proc component causing issues.

We'd need someone with a different genesis to check, specifically if using the granted genesis power of the other three counts. (The reason being the other three grant a use power, but socket gives a proc and it's a delayed crash so could well be on the proc activating)

I had a thought about this, I'd be interested in knowing what form of critter the lab technicians are. specifically because they are in a pvp zone I wonder if they are coded to have tohit or resistance though they do not have a health bar and cannot die.

My point is, if socket core flawless is casting a debuff or buff on the lab tech that it can "technically" recieve because it does have that stat, but that stat is hardcoded or causes a chain reaction to modify values which do not exist on the target.. that'd definitely crash the mapserver or at least confuse it beyond recovery.

imagine casting a tohit check on a critter that is an invalid target with no stats at all, OR nothing to modify where an Unresistable effect is cast.

imagine if it was trying to cast DoT onto the labtech who has no health value to be adjusted and cannot die, NoneType - 5 DoT = crash..

I suspect this is the shared issue between all toons which cause the crash genesis or not.