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Tanker / Re: Tanker, hard spots in all ...
Last post by Kismet - Dec 20, 2024, 05:34 PM
While I cannot comment on exactly how Atom built his Atom Bomb (BOOM! Sorry... couldn't help it), I can imagine all sorts of slotting with IO sets bonuses that could result in those numbers. Also, his Alpha slot could be a factor since both Cardiac and especially Resilient Core give a nice boost to a resistance based armor's numbers.

What I would like to comment on is that not all resistances are created equal. A study was done on *ahem* another server back in 2019 that concluded that about 70% of the total damage enemies do across the entire game was S/L. The next largest number was Energy damage at just about 10%. The rest of the damage types, combined, made up 20% of the total damage in the game.

Of particular import for purposes of end-game content is the Energy damage. Not only does just about every robot in the game have Energy attacks (though most still include some S/L), but Incarnate Trials are filthy with IDF, who do Energy damage with almost every attack. Lambda, Magi, TPN, Keyes, and BAF are stocked with IDF as the trash mobs. UG contains a fair number of them as well. Even DD, which has no IDF, still features 2 flavors of Shaman who have Lightning or Radiation attacks that are exclusively Energy damage.

For being a resistance based set, Dark Armor has really weak Energy resistance. I think that's an important factor in comparing armor sets, unless the 40+ game or even just Incarnate content isn't something that you'll be playing regularly.

Of the three damage types you mentioned as being weak on Atom's build (which are the three weakest for Radiation Armor), Cold is almost wholly irrelevant. Outside of the Winter Events, it barely appears in the game. You get some high level BP, a few Crey mobs, and what... the Outcasts? I'm sure I've missed a mob or two, but you get the point that it's almost never a concern, unlike S/L and, in high level content, Energy.

Both Psi and Negative Energy are highly situational. If you're fighting a lot of sub-40 CoT, then you're going to be swimming in Negative Energy. There are a few novelty Portal Corp missions loaded with ghosts and shadows, but I can't recall being on a team since 2005 where anyone wanted to do anything but click glowies and get out of those.

Psi is also absent for large parts of the game. If you're fighting a lot of Arachnos, then you'll certainly encounter it quite often. There are those novelty portal corp missions with psychic clockwork as well. Even the IDF and the Lost, which feature psychic mobs, usually only have a token few, with far more of the damage coming from those groups in the form of S/L/E.

I find that most armor sets provide enough of those three damage types (C/NE/P) that I'd rather focus on broader protections that could also protect against those damage types. An Absorb Shield and a stack of HP is a great way to address those rarer damage types. Afterall, everyone can have Force Barrier if they go, go Gadget (sorry, couldn't help myself again).

I'd also suggest that inspirations can be used as stop-gap, whether purple, orange, or just green, to deal with a momentary spike in those damage types.
Controller / Re: Controller, sustained Whir...
Last post by Redlynne - Dec 20, 2024, 10:36 AM
Quote from: thilenium on Dec 20, 2024, 09:16 AMuntil then it will remain my dream to have cc just by 'being there' with enough recovery at all times.
Yeah ... the Devs have kinda made sure that doing exactly that is neither easy nor possible when dogpiled by sufficient Foes within range, because if you could ... that's GAME OVER.
Controller / Re: Controller, sustained Whir...
Last post by thilenium - Dec 20, 2024, 09:16 AM
replaced the endurance regeneration with the endurance recovery part.

Yea, i played around with a couple of those click-replenish-endurance powers. i will try them when i have to cross that bridge. until then it will remain my dream to have cc just by 'being there' with enough recovery at all times.
Controller / Re: Controller, sustained Whir...
Last post by Redlynne - Dec 20, 2024, 08:50 AM
Quote from: thilenium on Dec 20, 2024, 06:16 AMb) On Endurance Regeneration
The correct terminology for this does NOT include the word Regeneration (at all).
Regeneration is for green bar/health stuff.
RECOVERY is for blue bar/endurance stuff.
DO NOT confuse the two.

To quote the wiki article on the topic of Recovery:
QuoteMany players confuse Recovery with Regeneration, which refers either to the speed players regain their health or to the power set for Scrappers and Stalkers.

Additionally, for reference, the way that Regeneration and Recovery (not the same) work is like so:
  • Baseline Regeneration: 1/20th of Max Health every 12 seconds
  • Baseline Recovery: 1/15th of Max Endurance every 4 seconds
+Max Health and +Max Endurance both modify the front half of those equations (the 1/20th and 1/15th yield part), while +Regeneration and +Recovery (different modifiers, do NOT get them confused) operate just like Endurance Reduction and Recharge Reduction do, they increase the divisor on the second half of those equations (the 12 seconds and 4 second part).

So +100% Regeneration and +100% Recovery (for illustration purposes) do this:
  • 1/20th of Max Health every 12/(1+Regeneration%/100) = 1/20th of Max Health every 12/(1+1)=6 seconds
  • 1/15th of Max Endurance every 4/(1+Recovery%/100) = 1/15th of Max Endurance every 4/(1+1)=2 seconds
This means that +Regeneration and +Recovery make their respective "ticks" happen FASTER, but do not increase HOW MUCH is gained per "tick" of Regeneration or Recovery. In order to increase the "magnitude" of the "ticks" you have to increase Max Health and Max Endurance (as you correctly cited above).

Talking about Regeneration and Recovery "rates" in terms of HP/s and END/s is actually a derived result, used for simplicity of conversation and comparisons (is this better or is that better) of "throughput" into green and blue bars respectively. The HP/s and END/s framing is easier to grasp (and think about) compared to the "this much every that many seconds" highly granularized way that both actually work in practice.

Quote from: thilenium on Dec 20, 2024, 06:16 AMFor larger parties I will need a different source of endurance regen recovery/replenishment. Maybe I'll try 'Electrical Control'.
Kinetics has a similar issue when using Repel ... except that involves KnockBACK instead of Attract. So you only wind up with unsustainable endurance loss when stuck in melee range with stuff that has Knockback Protection. This is why I'm of the opinion that the smart play for use of Kinetics: Repel is to slot +Knockback enhancements into the power and nothing else ... because that "throws" Foes harder/farther away faster, reducing the loss of endurance from Foes staying in PBAoE radius quite dramatically (it also takes them longer to get up and charge back in, which also helps reduce the blue bar cost of running Repel).

However, since Whirlwind is an Attract+KnockBACK power, rather than a Repel, the only way to moderate the endurance consumption of running Whirlwind involves either QUICKLY defeating whatever Foes you've pulled into the vortex around you or being able to "replenish" your own blue bar via "stealing" endurance from the Foes you've got clustered around you.

One way of doing that would be to use an Electrical powerset (of some variety) which allows you to drain and transfer Endurance from Foes to yourself. However, I'm wondering if you might honestly want to make use of Kinetics for this purpose instead ... using Transference.

Transference has a 30 second base recharge time, but with slotting (you'll want accuracy, endurance modification and recharge) plus Hasten (and maybe even your Alpha+Destiny slotting?) you'll be able to get that recharge time down into the 8-15 second range with relatively little effort.

Transference will drain -56.25 END on a Defender, or -49.5 END on a Controller/Corruptor, from Foes (that you hit) to spawn a pseudopet that will yield +50 END on a Defender or +44 END on a Controller/Corruptor to all Allies within 20ft of the $Target of Transference. BOTH the -END drain factor AND the +END gain factor will be enhanced by Endurance Modification enhancements. This means that a "maximal yield" Alpha Enhancement choice for this purpose would be Agility (Core or Radial) which will boost BOTH Endurance Modification AND Recharge Reduction (Core offers more Endurance Modification).

I'm thinking that Kinetics: Transference, gainfully enhanced for the purpose of fueling Whirlwind, has the potential to "solve" the Endurance Expense Equation™ that you were highlighting in your OP. Just don't run Repel and Whirlwind at the same time (OR is fine, AND is bad!). After all, if you can use Kinetics: Transference to "download" +100 END every ~10 seconds from Foes ... you've just increased your sustainability with Whirlwind by +5(?) Foes in your Whirlwind 20ft PBAoE radius. Add Destiny: Ageless on top of that and you might be able to sustain Whirlwind for substantial durations while getting close to the Max Targets cap of 16.

Or you could just stick with an Electric powerset of some variety ... ::)

Personally, if I was reaching for Kinetics as the solution to "feeding" Whirlwind, I'd also reach for Dual Pistols ... on a Defender, rather than a Corruptor ... to maximize the debuff potential and to have an attack powerset that can work in close+long range relatively effectively. I'd also consider dipping into the Sorcery Pool in order to 6-slot Enflame to synergize with Whirlwind "trapping" Foes in close (where they can all BURN TOGETHER). 8)
Tanker / Re: Tanker, hard spots in all ...
Last post by thilenium - Dec 20, 2024, 07:45 AM
RA's sustain is good (better than DA's for sure) (I have corrected that part in my build description).

After some testing around with Radiation Armor Secondary and checking some different builds by other people i still do not get the resistances Atom mentioned.  Unless someone has a template that covers the weak spots in the resistances Cold, Negative and Psionic i will still favour DA over RA. I also found that i like working with DA better as slotting is more straight forward.

Controller / Re: Controller, sustained Whir...
Last post by thilenium - Dec 20, 2024, 07:11 AM
A Dominator with 'Drain Psyche' from the Psionic Assault Secondary may actually sustain 'whirlwind'. just so. But it will be a while before i try that. Here is a first draft. Would be pretty much useless for anything else though.

Controller / Controller, sustained Whirlwin...
Last post by thilenium - Dec 20, 2024, 06:16 AM
!! discontinued
let's say THAT i actually got sustained crowd control on 10 mobs: there would not be much endurance left to do anything else. i run in, keep the mobs on the ground and wait until the party has dealt with them, then on to the next enemy group. Sounds kind of boring. If i used it just for difficult enemies, that are low in number, it might work. but then i also would not have to jump through all these hoops to have maximum sustained recovery.

- even in success i would not actually play this build
!! discontinued


this is going to be a short one. For some months now, I have played around with the idea of making the skill 'Whirlwind' from the Speed-Power pool as sustainable as I can. Testing it out, I have learned a couple of things and had to correct some of my misconceptions. So, this is going to be a documentation about a failure of sorts, and may offer some useful insights on endurance regen, or - more generally - the hunt for the improvement of a small number of stats.

'Whirlwind' looks like an extremely useful form of crowd control, and i can see its use in pvp. It contains a inward repel (there is not a lot of resistance against repel), a knockup, as well as a small damage component. Whereas the cost of keeping it running is already high, but manageable, the real endurance cost comes when you actually start hitting. For every opponent hit every second you loose one endurance. So i figured, i just need to raise endurance regen to a maximum and see where it goes.

all the best, Thilenium

Summary 'Whirlwind'
+ very solid crowd control for a small number of opponents
+ can be used for a short time on larger numbers
+ can use other skills while 'Whirlwind' is running (it is a toggle after all, but there were some confusing reports on this one)

- rapidly drains your endurance if you are not careful
- endurance cost for 5+ opponents not sustainable, even with a dedicated build (but i still have some ideas)

a) 'Burnout'
b) On Endurance Recovery
c) 'Ageless Core Epiphany'
d) Conclusion

a) 'Burnout'
'Burnout' - from the same power pool as 'Whirlwind' negates that endurance cost for ten seconds. But I wanted it permanent for as many opponents as possible. This skill also comes with a crash that reduces your maximum endurance. As endurance regen is dependant on the maximum endurance this skill is making achieving my target of a sustained 'Whirlwind' harder.

b) On Endurance Recovery
The fuel that you need to run your build. It starts with a basic value of 100, and a recovery rate of 100% which amounts to 1,67 endurance recovery every second. So, if you use a skill that uses 5 endurance you have gained that endurance back within 3 seconds (1,67+1,67+1,67=5,01). The knobs to turn to increase that number are endurance recovery and maximum endurance. And a small number of seperate sources like the +Endurance proc from the set Performance Shifter.

b1) Raising Maximum Endurance
Using and a build that allows easy access to the boni i managed to raise base endurance to 127. If you also include the Accolades 'Portal Jockey' and 'The Atlas Medaillon' (both +5% maximum Endurance) you get 137 base Endurance. Incarnate Genesis passive 'Socket Core Flawless Genesis' raises it to 147.

b2) Raising Endurance Recovery Rate
The choice of class is important to increase the maximum cap for endurance recovery. I did not know that most classes are capped at 500%. A controller however is capped at 750%. The Secondary 'Time Manipulation' has a nice buff to improve regen and has a 100% uptime.

c) 'Ageless Core Epiphany'
Incarnate destiny power 'Ageless Core Epiphany' has some fineprint to it that Mids does not necessarily display correctly. While it gets my regen to a whopping 17,13 endurance per second, that part of it only lasts 10 seconds. after that it drops until it settles at a general 100% for the second half of its duration.

d) Conclusion
With this build i can manage 4-5 opponents at the same time, and it is hilarious to see them fall over. For larger parties i will need a different source of endurance regen. Maybe I ll try 'Electrical Control'. It has an pbaoe aura that keeps giving you endurance. I still like this build for a number of things and maybe use it as an idea for something different. It has two pbaoe debuff toggles that are complimentary and sustainable, they force you to go into melee range of opponents which you would do anyway if you also wanted to use the healing skill on your frontline.

Using Mids import the following using Menu: Build Sharing/Import DataChunk
Tanker / Re: {RI 6} Super Reflexes / Ma...
Last post by Kismet - Dec 20, 2024, 01:00 AM
Tanker / Re: {RI 6} Super Reflexes / Ma...
Last post by Redlynne - Dec 19, 2024, 05:47 PM
Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMWow. You really do play with your monitor turned off.
Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMThere's no reason for me to post on the forums
Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMI don't believe I've ever seen you ask a single question. Why on earth should it be incumbent on the rest of us to explain every detail to you? Especially when you behave as if you're an authority.
Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMIt's particularly maddening when you come in with false information about how Targeted works. Rather than confirming it with anyone who tanks regularly (there are only two of us most nights), you just started telling everyone the wrong thing.
Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMSee? Even here you're explaining to me how a powerset I've already successfully played in Incarnate trials works.
Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMOnce again, this is more explanation of things I already know, and that you SHOULD know that I know because, once more, I've tanked all that stuff right in front of you, several times.
Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMSo not only do you regularly ignore what happens in the game, you don't read the league chat. The irony of that is that you fill league chat with announcements about your respecs, using your Destiny power, and the near useless Victory Rush.
Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMAdditionally, your issues with the War Walkers are a YOU problem, not an US problem.
Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMI really tried with you several times when you first arrived on Rebirth, but you were immune to learning because you knew 'better' in every instance.
Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMOh, the irony. You don't consider at all that your writing reads like you're the ULTIMATE know-it-all.
Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMAs mentioned previously, you fill league chat with self-involved references, but you can't even read enough to figure out who the main tank is many nights, despite that detail being clearly sorted out already.

Wow. :o
I had no idea you were so self-righteously butthurt and nursing a petty grudge that debilitating this whole time. I mean, you're dredging up events from over 2 (or is it 3?) years ago as your excuse for (still!) feeling spiteful and malicious now.

Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMI think it's very clear that I'm talking to you and only you. You won't find a similar reaction from me anywhere in the forums.

While on the contrary, I'm talking to anyone and everyone who might come along and want to read these forums in the future, perhaps to learn a few things.

Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMAs I mentioned, I repeatedly tried to share knowledge with you when you first showed up on Rebirth, yet you consistently responded like you did above with condescending explanations of powers and power sets rather than even considering that I was giving you new information or a practical work around. I think my 'favorite' example of this behavior was when you were having difficulty dealing with the Avatar's Cripple power and I suggested that you simply use a t4 CaB to counteract the effects. You then explained to me that it was a -Rec effect! As if I didn't know that? You'd watched me facetank the Avatar a couple dozens times by the point. I had to painstakingly explain to you that you simply wait for your endurance bar to get into the 20% range and then pop the CaB.

I don't doubt that happened, but it probably happened so long ago (multiple years past by this point?) that I honestly don't remember that conversation.

The details, of course, check out (use blue inspirations to counter Avatar Cripple, but time their use so as to not waste them) and is good advice.

As a Player, I'm not in the habit of using inspirations ... even using orange inspirations to survive Lethal Force Authorized prior to my latest respec was something "new" for me to do. Partially that's a matter of wanting to enjoy the "challenge" of doing content on powers alone by default (a sort of self-imposed Harder Mode™), but it's also because I so rarely need to use inspirations in regular gameplay that I often discount their usefulness except in clutch situation edge cases, which can be a bit of a blind spot on my part. So more of a perception/perspective problem than anything else.

Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMI'm happy to share my acquired knowledge and experience with anyone who's interested

Considering the RANT SCREED you've delivered, I have my doubts about the sincerity behind that statement.

I'll be generous and assume you mean you'd be happy to share knowledge and experience with anyone else BUT me.

Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMbut I literally cannot recall a single question you've asked, beyond who was tanking, which was usually sorted out less than five minutes earlier.

And given the RANT SCREED you've delivered above ... I now know better than to ask you.

Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMFurthermore, the constant push back and explanation of things that I obviously must be aware of from actually SUCCEEDING with the powerset, such as the extreme limitations of the SR set in main tanking Incarnate Trials, discourages me from even trying.

I'm at least showing my work and explaining the thought process going on behind the assertions I'm making. If I make a mistake, TELL ME.

Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMGo on blaming anyone else if you have to, but you're the one dropping dead dozens and dozens of times, making 16-20 people (on average) sit around waiting for you to do something that other players regularly do without significant issue. All most people will remember is that you can't do the thing.

I had my first faceplant in little over a week last night during MoM (phase 1).
New respec with new powers and I hadn't gotten my muscle memory updated through enough practice sorting out where new powers get keybound yet. Accidentally hit Blink and teleported into a pile of Pink Puddle and couldn't get out fast enough because of action queuing.

If I were to count up "dozens and dozens" (minimum 25, for the sake of conversation) of defeats during iTrials, I'd need to go back something like 6+ months to accumulate that many defeats. So nice try at hyperbole with the intent to insult and wound ... but I definitely know better on this particular score.

Granted, EVERYONE struggles with Main Tanking when they start and are new to the practice (not just theory), and at first I struggled too, sometimes with multiple defeats per Trial (especially around the War Walkers) ... but that's "ancient history" now, and isn't exactly relevant to current experience.

I guess the difference between us is that I don't resent people for learning.

Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMSince I've played that character right in front of you at least eight times, and I referenced Haste extensively in my previous post and went so far as to include the Mids Data Chunk and provide a basic explanation of how that really simple character works, I can only assume that you're being intentionally obtuse.

1. Just because I've participated in iTrials where Haste was Main Tanking (successfully) doesn't mean I "dropped everything" to watch you do it while you were doing it.
2. Just because YOU know something, doesn't mean everyone else automagically does too.
3. You provided a data chunk to Mids. I said I can't get Mids to run on my computer (I've said this MANY TIMES here on the forums and in-game). I can only assume you're being deliberately snide and condescending, in addition to being an arrogant jerk.

Quote from: Kismet on Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PMThis is exactly what I mean by condescension. Why on earth would I want to attempt to tell you anything

/em patient deep breath

Because what you say here isn't just read by me.
It can be read by anyone.

Even if *I* can't comprehend or accept your assertions, or understand the thinking or the logic behind what you're saying ... that doesn't mean no one else coming along months later and reading this will have the same perspectives or understanding that I do.

I do NOT claim to be a Know It All.
If anything, I'm painfully aware of my shortcomings with respect to the completion bar for that badge title.

What I DO claim is TRANSPARENCY ... I show my work and lay out my reasoning for why I see things the way I do and weight various choices the way I do. I do that not to be a "show off" as you so blithely assert, but so as to make my process accessible for peer review. That way others can comment on the steps involved, find any errors, and possibly even learn something that was not previously known before.

Even "wrong answers" can have value, because proven "wrong answers" demonstrate how something DOESN'T work ... narrowing the set of possibilities in the direction of correct answers that do. It's possible to learn more from failure than you can from success (assuming you're willing to LEARN that is).

"Even the most inept student may still have something to teach the master."
Tanker / Re: {RI 6} Super Reflexes / Ma...
Last post by Kismet - Dec 19, 2024, 04:24 PM

QuoteBecause I am not familiar with them.
I haven't followed your exploits, nor do I see reference to them here in the Rebirth Forums where I might be able to access that information.

Wow. You really do play with your monitor turned off.

I've tanked everything with an SR Tanker right in front of you at least 8 times. There's no reason for me to post on the forums or blow my own horn when I can just do the thing. The game is the final arbiter of success in these cases because you either survived or your didn't. That's all we're doing here, Redlynne, the thing. In this case the 'thing' is tanking big bad guys, avoiding dying in most cases, and then getting right back up in the unfortunate event of getting killed.

QuoteI was not aware that it was possible to multi-stack LFAs onto Targeted Players in overlapping AoEs.
So that's new information that should probably have been shared more widely/thoroughly.

I don't believe I've ever seen you ask a single question. Why on earth should it be incumbent on the rest of us to explain every detail to you? Especially when you behave as if you're an authority. It's particularly maddening when you come in with false information about how Targeted works. Rather than confirming it with anyone who tanks regularly (there are only two of us most nights), you just started telling everyone the wrong thing.

QuoteThe way that Lethal Force Authorized "works" makes it uniquely challenging for Super Reflexes, because of the mismatch in protection schemes. This creates something of a high hurdle for a Super Reflexes Tanker (such as myself, but also others) to overcome through build strategy, and if necessary, use of powers plus consumables. Super Reflexes is "less than ideal" for the factors you need to be able to survive being hit by Lethal Force Authorized (since the attack is basically Kryptonite to Defense protection schemes

See? Even here you're explaining to me how a powerset I've already successfully played in Incarnate trials works. Since I've played that character right in front of you at least eight times, and I referenced Haste extensively in my previous post and went so far as to include the Mids Data Chunk and provide a basic explanation of how that really simple character works, I can only assume that you're being intentionally obtuse. This is exactly what I mean by condescension. Why on earth would I want to attempt to tell you anything when you're only going to ignore what I've said and, much more importantly, what I've DONE in-game, and just go on explaining like you have exclusive access to the game stats or somehow have ownership of a powerset?

QuoteBut I've had trouble doing it.

The simple fact of the matter is that in many ways, Super Reflexes (as a powerset) is basically optimized for "tanking trash" (Minions, LTs, Bosses, Elite Bosses) ... but will often times tend to fall short when confronted by AVs, particularly ones with "special attack mechanics" that completely bypass Super Reflexes as a protection scheme. This makes Super Reflexes "great" with leveling content (especially when exemplared) but not particularly great when confronting FINAL BOSS type encounters, because of all the ways that special attacks tend to bypass Defense but not Resistance ... which is a problem for a protection scheme that is all Defense with next to no Resistance.

Once again, this is more explanation of things I already know, and that you SHOULD know that I know because, once more, I've tanked all that stuff right in front of you, several times. Other players commented (not just Merc), multiple times, on how refreshing it was to see an SR Tanker not only dispensing with the WW's rather easily (excepting for the yutz episode), but also facetanking the Avatar of Hamidon. So not only do you regularly ignore what happens in the game, you don't read the league chat. The irony of that is that you fill league chat with announcements about your respecs, using your Destiny power, and the near useless Victory Rush.

Additionally, your issues with the War Walkers are a YOU problem, not an US problem. I really tried with you several times when you first arrived on Rebirth, but you were immune to learning because you knew 'better' in every instance.

QuoteAnd remember, you're not just talking to me here ... you're talking to everyone else who ever comes to Rebirth and reads these forums. Think about how what you're saying will sound to anyone new who comes to Rebirth and reads what you're saying to me. If you didn't know anyone here and saw this level of malice and resentment being thrown around in the forums, would you want to join a server with potentially toxic "know it all" players?

Oh, the irony. You don't consider at all that your writing reads like you're the ULTIMATE know-it-all. As mentioned previously, you fill league chat with self-involved references, but you can't even read enough to figure out who the main tank is many nights, despite that detail being clearly sorted out already.

I think it's very clear that I'm talking to you and only you. You won't find a similar reaction from me anywhere in the forums.

As I mentioned, I repeatedly tried to share knowledge with you when you first showed up on Rebirth, yet you consistently responded like you did above with condescending explanations of powers and power sets rather than even considering that I was giving you new information or a practical work around. I think my 'favorite' example of this behavior was when you were having difficulty dealing with the Avatar's Cripple power and I suggested that you simply use a t4 CaB to counteract the effects. You then explained to me that it was a -Rec effect! As if I didn't know that? You'd watched me facetank the Avatar a couple dozens times by the point. I had to painstakingly explain to you that you simply wait for your endurance bar to get into the 20% range and then pop the CaB.

I'm happy to share my acquired knowledge and experience with anyone who's interested, but I literally cannot recall a single question you've asked, beyond who was tanking, which was usually sorted out less than five minutes earlier. Furthermore, the constant push back and explanation of things that I obviously must be aware of from actually SUCCEEDING with the powerset, such as the extreme limitations of the SR set in main tanking Incarnate Trials, discourages me from even trying.

Go on blaming anyone else if you have to, but you're the one dropping dead dozens and dozens of times, making 16-20 people (on average) sit around waiting for you to do something that other players regularly do without significant issue. All most people will remember is that you can't do the thing.