Author Topic: [v3.0] Ninja/Time Blitz Assault  (Read 4 times)


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[v3.0] Ninja/Time Blitz Assault
« on: Today at 01:53:02 pm »
Having mercury rising posting in these forums is one of the influences that has brought on yet another (next next NEXT) revision of this Mastermind build, the previous versions of which can be found at these links for anyone who likes to learn from version regressions:
There are some important structural changes relative to the previous build iteration, so I really ought to preview those before getting into the build details.

The biggest change is YET ANOTHER rework of the slotting for the 3 Ninja Pet powers, followed by an adjustment to my "Time Manipulation preferences" due to wanting to "proliferate" what amounts to a standardized set of powers+slots investments across multiple builds (ninja/time, time/dual pistols, etc.) so paring things down to a more "concise" and repeatable set of powers+slots was becoming essential. Basically, I wanted to "modularize" Time Manipulation in such a way as to make it more "plug 'n' play" with other builds so as to make life easier in determining what other primary/secondary powersets can be "blended with time" without busting the slotting budget.

This point about needing to "rein in" slotting for Time Manipulation was driven home to me when I started trying to do a Time/Dual Pistols Defender and Kinetics/Dual Pistols Defender build for two new alts … and my previous slotting plan for Time Manipulation was "too slot hungry" to make the combination work. So "something had to give" in Time Manipulation in order to make my build preferences work more broadly. Consequently I came up with a "leaner" minimum slotting plan for Time Manipulation, with options for additional slotting (if the build has them available) so as to make how I prefer to use the powerset in my builds more flexible with a broader range of application than just a single build.

Of course, doing those two things had multiple knock on effects that percolated throughout the Ninja/Time build plan, such that this version truly is something of a step change from previous builds (where I tended to avoid purple sets). Now that I've got Enhancement Tables in my Supergroup Base threatening to overflow with enhancements that need to go SOMEWHERE, I've got enough resources to be able to make a build like the one below without breaking myself back to poverty.

The hilarity is that I've completed the respect to this build for Ku no Ichi this morning (prior to this post), but I'm going to be bringing Redlynne to iTrials for a while to replenish her stock of Astral Merits (which are too useful for buying recipes to outfit alts with) which are usable only at vendors in Ouroboros … which Praetorians do not have access to. Since Redlynne is a Hero, she becomes the "middleman" needed to obtain recipes for set IOs easily. So it may be a while before I bring Ku no Ichi back to the iTrial scene, but she'll be returning someday.

You can have three guesses as to who's going to win.
The first two don't count.

I am (still) unable to provide a proper export from Mids' Reborn.
1. My computer is a M2 iMac Mini, so any wind0ze programming needs to get run through a WINE emulator (in my case, Whisky+GPTK).
2. I am completely unable to get Mids' Reborn to work at all. There desperately needs to be a complete top to bottom refactoring of Mids' Reborn into a web page online character builder, in which the details of the build are dynamically updated as a hash code added to the URL, the same as is done for the (much simpler) talent build online calculators used for World of Warcraft.

So everything you see below is a manual "by hand" transcription from what my build looks like inside the game copied into this posting. I've also taken the liberty of modifying the typical Mids' export layout so as to include proc chances below powers where proc are "relevant" to evaluating output/throughput. I've also gone to the extra effort of transcribing in the Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge enhancement values that show up on screen in-game (A:*%, D:*%, E: *%, R*%) along with some relevant buff/debuff details (enhancement value) (throughput) to make adding up these power effects more accessible when looking at the build in a text format like this one.

If someone would like to transcribe everything I've written here into Mids' Reborn so as to do a "proper" export (with full details and code hash), that would be welcome.

Level 50 Technology Mastermind
Primary Power Set: Ninjas
Secondary Power Set: Time Manipulation

Power Pool: Teleportation
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Concealment

Praetorian Profile:

Level 1: Call Genin (A: 47.7%, D: 105.7%, E: 21.1%)
  • (A) Overwhelming Force - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Attuned
  • (3) Overwhelming Force - Damage/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown: Attuned
  • (7) Call to Arms - Defense Bonus Aura for Pets: Level 10
  • (13) Edict of the Master - Defense Bonus: Level 15
  • (50) Soulbound Allegiance - Damage/Recharge/Accuracy: 50
  • (50) Soulbound Allegiance - Chance for Build Up (3 PPM): 50
Level 1: Time Crawl (A: 26.3%, E: 26.3%)
  • (A) Impeded Swiftness - Accuracy/Endurance: 27+5
  • (7) Impeded Swiftness - Chance for Smashing Damage (3.5 PPM): Level 10
    • 3.5 * ((15 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 1.6) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 96.83%)
  • (17) Pacing of the Turtle - Chance for Recharge Slow (3.5 PPM): Level 20
    • 3.5 * ((15 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 1.6) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 96.83%)
Level 2: Snap Shot (A: 59.6%, D: 120.5%, E: 33.1%, R: 59.6%)
  • (A) Apocalypse - Damage: Level 50
  • (3) Apocalypse - Damage/Recharge/Endurance: Level 50
  • (5) Apocalypse -Recharge/Accuracy: Level 50
  • (5) Apocalypse - Damage/Endurance: Level 50
  • (9) Apocalypse - Chance for Negative Energy Damage (4.5 PPM): Level 50
    • 4.5 * ((2 / ( 1 + 59.6 / 100 )) + 1) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 16.90%
  • (33) Devastation - Chance to Hold (3.0 PPM): Level 30
    • 3.0 * ((2 / ( 1 + 59.6 / 100 )) + 1) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 11.27%
  • Hybrid Assault Radial Embodiment (6.0 PPM) = 6.0 * ((2 / ( 1 + 59.6 / 100 )) + 1) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 22.53%
Level 4: Temporal Mending (E: 73.3%, R: 73.3%) (Heal: 97.4%)
  • (A) Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb: Level 20
  • (39) Preventive Medicine - Heal: Level 27+5
  • (39) Preventive Medicine - Heal/Endurance: Level 27+5
  • (40) Preventive Medicine - Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 27+5
  • (40) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime: Level 27+5
  • (40) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime/Endurance: Level 27+5
Level 6: Train Ninjas (E: 53%)
  • (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50+5
Level 8: Fistful of Arrows (A: 26.3%, D: 122.5%, E: 26.3%, R: 0%)
  • (A) Rolling Barrage - Accuracy/Damage: Level 27+5
  • (9) Rolling Barrage - Damage/Endurance: Level 27+5
  • (17) Annihilation - Chance for Resistance Debuff (3.0 PPM): Level 20
    • 3.0 * ((8 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 1.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 40 * (11 * 30 + 540) / 30,000))) = 24.52% per $Target
  • (25) Positron's Blast - Chance for Energy Damage (3.5 PPM): Level 20
    • 3.5 * ((8 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 1.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 40 * (11 * 30 + 540) / 30,000))) = 28.61% per $Target
  • (37) Hamidon Origin: Centriole Exposure++ (Damage/Range)
  • (37) Hamidon Origin: Centriole Exposure++ (Damage/Range)
  • Hybrid Assault Radial Embodiment (6.0 PPM) = 6.0 * ((2 / ( 1 + 59.6 / 100 )) + 1) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 22.53%
Level 10: Time's Juncture (E: 53%, R: 53%) (-Speed: 120.5%, -ToHit: 71.5%) (ToHit Debuff: -16.08)
  • (A) Superior Witchcraft - Universal Debuff: Attuned
  • (11) Superior Witchcraft - Accuracy/ Universal Debuff: Attuned
  • (11) Superior Witchcraft - Universal Debuff/Endurance/Recharge: Attuned
  • (19) Superior Witchcraft - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Attuned
Level 12: Call Jounin (A: 56.3%, D: 117.1%, E: 56.3%, R: 46.4%)
  • (A) Superior Command of the Mastermind - Accuracy/Damage: Attuned
  • (13) Superior Command of the Mastermind - Damage/Endurance: Attuned
  • (15) Superior Command of the Mastermind - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Attuned
  • (15) Superior Command of the Mastermind - Recharge/Pet +AoE Defense Aura: Attuned
  • (19) Superior Witchcraft - Chance for Res Debuff (6 PPM): Attuned
    • Basic: Gambler's Cut (-DEF, 3s recharge)
    • Basic: Sting of the Wasp (-DEF, 5s recharge)
    • Basic: Caltrops (Slow, 30s recharge)
    • Train: Soaring Dragon (-DEF, Knockback, 9s recharge)
    • Zen: Golden Dragonfly (-DEF, Knockup, 12s recharge)
    • Zen: Blinding Powder (-To-hit, 120s recharge)
  • (23) Sovereign Right - Resist Bonus: Level 25
Level 14: Teleport
  • (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Protection (4 points): Level 10
[Level 16: Temporal Selection (Heal: 42.4%)
  • (A) Heal IO: Level 50
Level 18: Distortion Field (Hold: 33%, Slow: 119.6%) (Hold: 7.93s)
  • (A) Slow IO: Level 50+5
  • (25) Slow IO: Level 50+5
  • (34) Basilisk's Gaze - Chance for Recharge Slow (3.5 PPM): Level 10
    • 3.5 x 10 / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 20 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 17.95% per $Target
  • (34) Pacing of the Turtle - Chance for Recharge Slow (3.5 PPM): Level 20
    • 3.5 x 10 / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 20 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 17.95% per $Target
  • (34) Lockdown - Chance for +2 Mag Hold (2.5 PPM): Level 30
    • 2.5 x 10 / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 20 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 12.82% per $Target
Level 20: Time Stop (A: 26.1%, E: 26.1%) (Hold: 59.1%) (Hold: 15.17s)
  • (A) Superior Entomb - Accuracy/Endurance/Hold: Attuned
  • (21) Gladiator's Net - Chance for Lethal Damage (3.5 PPM): Level 10
    • 3.5 * ((16 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 2.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 105.99%)
  • (21) Neuronic Shutdown - Chance for Psionic Damage (3.5 PPM): Level 10
    • 3.5 * ((16 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 2.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 105.99%)
  • (23) Ghost Widow's Embrace - Chance for Psionic Damage (3.5 PPM): Level 20
    • 3.5 * ((16 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 2.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 105.99%)
  • (31) Lockdown - Chance for +2 Mag Hold (2.5 PPM): Level 30
    • 2.5 * ((16 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 2.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 75.71%
  • (50) Unbreakable Constraint - Chance for Smashing Damage (4.5 PPM): Level 50
    • 4.5 * ((16 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 2.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 136.28%)
Level 22: Blink (A: 59.6%, D: 120.5%, E: 33.1%, R: 59.6%) (Defense: 15%) (Defense: +6)
  • (A) Hetacomb - Damage: Level 50
  • (46) Hetacomb - Damage/Recharge/Accuracy: Level 50
  • (46) Hetacomb - Recharge/Accuracy: Level 50
  • (48) Hetacomb - Damage/Endurance: Level 50
  • (48) Hetacomb - Chance for Negative Energy Damage (4.5 PPM): Level 50
    • 4.5 * ((4 / ( 1 + 59.6 / 100 )) + 1) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 26.30%
  • (48) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed: Level 25+5
  • Hybrid Assault Radial Embodiment (6.0 PPM) = 6.0 * ((2 / ( 1 + 59.6 / 100 )) + 1) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 22.53%
Level : Blink Blitz (A: 81.2%, D: 121%, E: 81.2%, R: 46.4%) (Defense: 15%) (Defense: +7.5)
  • (A) Superior Avalanche - Accuracy/Damage: Attuned
  • (42) Superior Avalanche - Damage/Endurance: Attuned
  • (45) Superior Avalanche - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Attuned
  • (45) Superior Avalanche - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Attuned
  • (45) Superior Avalanche - Recharge/Chance of Knockdown: Attuned
    • 3.5 * ((32 / ( 1 + 46.4 / 100 )) + 1) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 30 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 30.48% per $Target
  • (46) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed: Level 25+5
  • Hybrid Assault Radial Embodiment (6.0 PPM) = 6.0 * ((32 / ( 1 + 46.4 / 100 )) + 1) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 30 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 52.25% per $Target
Level 26: Oni (A: 89.9%, D: 118.1%, E: 56.3%) (Hold: 69.7%, Immobilize: 36.7%)
  • (A) Superior Mark of Supremacy - Accuracy/Damage: Attuned
  • (27) Superior Mark of Supremacy - Accuracy/Endurance: Attuned
  • (27) Superior Mark of Supremacy - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Attuned
  • (29) Superior Mark of Supremacy - Endurance/Pet +Resist(All) and +Regen Aura: Attuned
  • (31) Expedient Reinforcement - Resist Bonus Aura for Pets: Level 30
  • (31) Hamidon Origin: Peroxisome Exposure++ (Damage/Mez)
Level 28: Farsight (E: 73.1%) (Defense: 55.3%, ToHit: 43.6%) (Defense: +14.57, ToHit Buff: +10.77)
  • (A) Hamidon Origin: Cytoskeleton Exposure++ (+Defense/+ToHit/Endurance Reduction)
  • (33) Hamidon Origin: Cytoskeleton Exposure++ (+Defense/+ToHit/Endurance Reduction)
  • (33) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed: Level 25+5
Level 30: Hasten (R: 53%)
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50+5
Level 32: Kuji In Zen (E: 53%)
  • (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50+5
Level 35: Slowed Response (A: 47.6%, E: 47.6%, R: 47.6%) (Defense: 33%) (Defense Debuff: -19.95)
  • (A) Analyze Weakness - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50+5
  • (36) Shield Breaker - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27+5
  • (36) Shield Breaker - Chance for Lethal Damage (3.5 PPM): Level 10
    • 3.5 * ((90 / ( 1 + 47.6 / 100 )) + 2.27) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 25 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 96.77%) per $Target
  • (36) Achilles' Heel - Chance for Resistance Debuff (3.5 PPM): Level 10
    • 3.5 * ((90 / ( 1 + 47.6 / 100 )) + 2.27) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 25 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 96.77%) per $Target
  • (37) Touch of Lady Grey - Chance for Negative Damage (3.5 PPM): Level 21
    • 3.5 * ((90 / ( 1 + 47.6 / 100 )) + 2.27) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 25 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 96.77%) per $Target
Level 38: Chrono Shift (R: 83.3%)
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
  • (39) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
Level 41: Maneuvers (E: 61.7%, R: 61.7%) (Defense: 54.7%) (Defense: +4.06)
  • (A) Reactive Defenses - Scaling Resist Damage: Level 20
  • (42) Reactive Defenses - Defense: Level 22+5
  • (42) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance: Level 22+5
  • (43) Reactive Defenses - Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 22+5
  • (43) Reactive Defenses - Defense/RechargeTime: Level 22+5
  • (43) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 22+5
Level 44: Tactics (E: 36.7%) (ToHit: 22%) (ToHit Buff: +9.15)
  • (A) Hamidon Origin: Cytoskeleton Exposure++ (+Defense/+ToHit/Endurance Reduction)
Level 47: Assault (E: 53%) (Damage: +11.25%)
  • (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50+5
Level 49: Stealth (Defense: 15%) (Defense: +2.59/+2.59)
  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed: Level 25+5

Level 1: Supremacy
Level 1: Brawl
  • (A) Hamidon Origin: Nucleolus Exposure++ (Accuracy/Damage)
Level 1: Sprint
  • (A) Celerity: +Stealth: Level 15
Level 1: Prestige Power Surge
  • (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50+5
Level 1: Prestige Power Dash
  • (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50
Level 1: Prestige Power Quick
  • (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50
Level 1: Prestige Power Rush
  • (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50
Level 2: Rest
  • (A) Inexhaustibility - Out of Combat +Hit Points/Endurance: Attuned
Level 2: Swift
  • (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50+5
Level 2: Hurdle
  • (A) Jumping IO: Level 50+5
Level 2: Health
  • (A) Regenerative Tissue - +Regeneration: Level 10
  • (8 ) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance: Level 10
  • (16) Miracle - +Recovery: Level 20
  • (29) Numina's Convalesence - +Regeneration/+Recovery: Level 30
Level 2: Stamina
  • (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End: Level 21
  • (12) Performance Shifter - EndMod: Level 27+5
  • (22) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Accuracy: Level 27+5
Level 4: Ninja Run

Level 1: Genin
Level 12: Jounin
Level 14: Team Teleport
Level 14: Long Range Teleport
Level 26: Oni

Level 50: Alpha Intuition Radial Paragon
Level 50: Judgement Void Radial Final Judgement
Level 50: Interface Diamagnetic Core Flawless Interface
Level 50: Lore Robotic Drones Core Superior Ally
Level 50: Destiny Barrier Core Epiphany
Level 50: Hybrid Assault Radial Embodiment
Level 50: Genesis Socket Radial Flawless

Set Bonuses (to verify The Law of Fives is not being violated)

15% Accuracy (Hetacomb: 4)
15% Accuracy (Superior Mark of Supremacy: 3)

4% Damage (Apocalypse: 4)
4% Damage (Superior Witchcraft: 2)
4% Damage (Superior Command of the Mastermind: 2)

5% Melee Defense, 2.5% Smash/Lethal Defense (Superior Mark of Supremacy: 4)
5% Melee Defense, 2.5% Smash/Lethal Defense (Superior Avalanche: 5)
2.5% Ranged Defense, 5% Energy/Negative Defense (Superior Witchcraft: 3)

3.75% Endurance Discount (Preventative Medicine: 5)
3.75% Endurance Discount (Reactive Defenses: 5)

-4 Mag Knockback Protection (Blessing of the Zephyr: 1)

1.88% Max HP (Preventative Medicine: 3)
1.88% Max HP (Reactive Defenses: 3)
3% Max HP (Apocalypse: 3)
3% Max HP (Superior Command of the Mastermind: 3)

7.5% Range (Rolling Barrage: 2)

7.5% Recharge (Luck of the Gambler: 1)
7.5% Recharge (Luck of the Gambler: 1)
7.5% Recharge (Luck of the Gambler: 1)
7.5% Recharge (Luck of the Gambler: 1)
8.75% Recharge (Preventative Medicine: 6)
8.75% Recharge (Reactive Defenses: 6)
10% Recharge (Apocalypse: 5)
10% Recharge (Superior Witchcraft: 4)
10% Recharge (Superior Command of the Mastermind: 4)
10% Recharge (Hetacomb: 5)
10% Recharge (Superior Mark of Supremacy: 2)

2.5% Recovery (Shield Breaker: 2)
4% Recovery (Hetacomb: 4)
4% Recovery (Superior Avalanche: 4)

12% Regeneration (Overwhelming Force: 2)
16% Regeneration (Soulbound Allegiance: 2)
16% Regeneration (Apocalypse: 2)

1.5% S/L Resist, 2.5% Mez Resist (Impeded Swiftness: 2)
1.5% S/L Resist, 2.5% Mez Resist (Reactive Defenses: 2)
2.25% S/L Resist, 3.75% Mez Resist (Preventative Medicine: 2)
3% F/C Resist, 5% Mez Resist (Preventative Medicine: 4)
3% F/C Resist, 5% Mez Resist (Reactive Defenses: 4)
6% F/C Resist, 10% Mez Resist (Hetacomb: 3)
6% F/C Resist, 10% Mez Resist (Superior Avalanche: 3)

15% Slow Resist (Superior Avalanche: 2)
« Last Edit: Today at 02:16:31 pm by Redlynne »

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.