Hi! New to the forums and to Rebirth as of yesterday. My friend showed me all the cool things the Rebirth team has been doing and decided to roll up a couple of toons!
I like the robust costume creator options, and the Fitness changes are pretty cool too. I always like more enhancement slots.
Looking at your snippets of the future, I don't recognize the power icons for the first two powers, but I'm assuming the last 4 are Black Dwarf, Spring Attack, White Dwarf and Burnout respectively. I like the idea of tweaking some pool powers to make them more attractive. I think the pool attack powers need some love especially. Lord knows I would take Flurry as a cool flavor option on almost every speedster if it wasn't inherently worse than primary/secondary/ancillary powers. I've always had an idea to have other Speed pool powers create synergies with Flurry similar to how the Fighting pool works. If you are tweaking HEATs, I'm curious to see what you all are planning there as well.
I'm excited to see what you guys come up with in the future!