
SMF - Just Installed!

"Mouth Cannon" attacks

Started by Joshex, Dec 22, 2024, 03:24 PM

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We already have some sonic attacks which fire from the mouth, and of course flame and ice breaths respectively. but what about a big energy beam?

For those who are familiar with Akira Toriyama's works, the mouth-cannon is a staple attack to be expected. Yet here in City, we have yet to include this attack.

Rather than include it in a powerset, I was thinking it should be in a powerpool or ancillary pool. I'm leaning towards it being in an ancillary pool as that would afford it more power. for the attack itself I was thinking something along the lines of the following:

Mouth Cannon: Ranged, Narrow Cone, Superior Damage Energy/Smashing, moderate DoT energy + Knockback over Time (4 ticks), interrupt time moderate, activation/animation time 10 seconds, recharge time Long.

Knockback over time is a new thing, essentially the KB magnitude increases every tick, it could double every tick, starting at mag 2, then mag 4, mag 8, mag 16, and finally mag 32. naturally enhancement can effect this upto max KB enhancement value around +100%% so upto mag 64, kb bonuses if any could be added for comical effect.

naturally however the Mouth cannon beam would have an initial normal hit calculation done, but lets say the target has mag 10 KB protection from powers and bonuses, this would give the target a 3 tick time window after the initial hit to move out of the blast cone (which would not follow the target after the initial hit).

lastly it'd not be a sniper attack, and while it wont re-aim itself, it may extend on the given attack vector to the target if the target is knocked back which could cause it to hit more targets.

fitting it into a pool or ancillary set is the hardpart. I'm not sure what to package it with. it'd probably be the last power in the ancillary, requiring 2 other ancillary powers before it can be taken. but I think it should be available to all ATs not just ranged ATs..

Edit, I'm now imagining an STF/MLTF where Lord Recluse gets knocked back to the grandville port by mouth cannon so the rest of the team can destroy the web towers unabated.
Ye cannie be dividin by zero! However, ye can be dividing 0.0 by a non-zero! that'd be a float.
always Decimal(str(your float)) before you int( your float).