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Tanker, very solid tanking build (Radiation Armor - 'Your choice')

Started by thilenium, Jan 03, 2025, 11:59 AM

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My global handle is @Thilenium and my ingame characters start with or contain 'Thile' in their name - no exception. So far I have played and equipped about 20 characters. ten of which I took through the incarnate stuff. Others I 'swiped left'.
I made this build to do solo-, party- and tanking endgame-stuff. It propably does not do as much damage as a Brute but is not as slow at soloing stuff as my DA-Tanker. The build represents the current status of my gear and also my zillion hours of experience in improving and reviewing on character builds (tailored to my tastes - sure. and that is where we might not find common ground. but see for yourself).

all the best, Thilenium

Summary Tanker (Radiation Armor - 'Your choice')
+ good starting character
+ good sustain
+ great resistances (lowest 70%, 80% with proc from the tanker-set)
+ high endurance debuff resistance
+ 'Blink Blitz'

- no apparent weaknesses

a) The role of a Tanker
b) Radiation Armor Primary
c) 'Your choice' Secondary
d) 'Blink Blitz'
e) Genesis Incarnate Power

a) The role of a Tanker
The Tankers role is to soak up and survive all the damage that otherwise squishy targets in your party would face. He does it by having enemy Npc's focus all their attention on him with a special mechanic called 'taunt' - basically coaxing a target into targetting you. Every skill that hits a target, even skills that do not damage the target and just debuff it, taunt. Also taunt has a duration and you can stack it up using the secondary's Taunt-skill (which may vary in name) to make very sure that you are and stay the target. Using the secondary's Taunt-skill on a ranged enemy also reduces their attack range, forcing them to enter melee range.

b) Radiation Armor as Primary
Radiation Armor has good sustain right off the bat with 'Gamma Boost' and proceeds to be tanky way into the late game. With 'Particle Shielding' and 'Radiation Therapy' you have two 'oh shit'-buttons. but with these resistances, those moments will be scarce. That your powers will debuff defenses in enemies, making them more willing to receive damage from your teammates is just another quaint perk.

c) 'Your choice' Secondary
In this example i took Radiation Melee but every other skillset works as well. as long as you use 4 single target attacks and 1 area of effect skill you will not have to change anything. If you want to include a second area of effect from your secondary you can solve this by slotting it with the 'Gauntleted Fist' tanker-set (=3 single-target, 2 aoe attacks). That would be the quickest and you do not have to do any tuning.
  Radiation Melee offers good damage and fits thematically.

d) 'Blink Blitz'
Blink Blitz' is my goto-power for every melee build. lands you smack in the middle of an enemy group, taunts them and gives you defenses. All in one neat package. Follow it up with your aoe and you have all the enemies attention. This skill sometimes lands you in obstacles. with enough cooldown you can use it on a mob to get out of it again. or you can use the command /stuck.

e) Genesis Incarnate Power and helpful keybinds and macros
Genesis Incarnate Power:
Socket Core Flawless Genesis

Helpful macros and keybinds:
/bind f "target_enemy_near$$follow"
>> autofollow nearest enemy

/macro INC "windowtoggle Incarnate"
>> Open the Incarnate window

Using Mids import the following using Menu: Build Sharing/Import DataChunk