Hello Costume FanaticsWith the help of Silver Age Fan I have been working on a little tool to help retrieve old costume files. It is mainly aimed at files of female costumes that were broken by the introduction of asymmetrical chests. However it will make an attempt to correct all costumes, even old v1 files.
You can download the tool from here:
- Download Zip
- Extract to directory
- Copy all your costume files into a separate folder, leaving your "Cityofheroes/costumes" folder empty
- run the costume-tool.exe
- Set the source folder to the folder with all your costume files in it.
- Set the target folder to the "Cityofheroes/costumes" folder (where ever that is for you).
- Press "Execute" a wait a moment.
- Log in to City of Heroes TEST and see how many have worked.
My experience with the tool is that it will work successfully on most of the files, but by no means all. It is designed to work with the release thats currently on TEST (as at 18-Oct-2021) so if the file doesn't work on Live it may work on Test.
One more caveat, I am not able to sign this programme. So you will almost certainly be asked to trust it and the only thing you have to go on is that I have been around since the second week of public Rebirth. I totally understand if that isn't good enough for the security conscious amongst you
Developer InfoThe tool works by creating a mapping of old costume elements to new and simply transposing the entries in a costume file. It does make a somewhat clumsy attempt at converting version 1 files into version 2, which seems to work more often that it should

The tool is written in Java

and the code can be found here:
https://github.com/Jaggeroth/costume-toolHowever I have excluded the Rebirth configuration files needed to make it work as they are not mine to publicize.