Author Topic: What to do with Galaxy City?  (Read 7569 times)


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What to do with Galaxy City?
« on: August 27, 2021, 09:08:54 pm »
I know some of the inner workings of the CoH staff's minds, they would actually base new Issues on player interactions with game content. So, players not paying enough attention to Dark Astoria, led to Mot and the banished pantheon's ressurrection. Everyone startign in Atlas Park and almost no one starting in Galxy City led to "good bye galaxy city". meanwhile Sister Psyche's unpopularity led to her replacement by Penelope Yin. and so on and so forth. eventually with the way people were kinda ignoring the Deadly Apocalypse zone events, there was going to be yet another catastrophe.

But lets back-track here,

This is about Galaxy City, yeah, it died as a hero side starting zone. it paled in comparison to Atlas Park, yeah I started my first toon in Galaxy and found out quickly that that was an unpopular choice. I then had to attempt to walk to atlas, it was memorable at least.

So now it's destroyed and offlimits to any players higher than 2. What should become of it? were there any dev notes about this for future reference? I seem to remember hearing a Rumor that it was going to be reborn as a Lv50+ zone at a later date. possibly with an evil/changed/compromised Sister Psyche in some capacity.


should we just say they fixed the problem and "repair" the zone for players who pass Lv #?


something else entirely?
I have long thought that the name Galaxy City, should become literal, as in it becomes a hub for aliens of all sorts and a gateway to other worlds. I dropped this line with the original devs and they seemed very very interested in making a "Space" zone. meanwhile this was while we already had the shadow shard, so no doubt missions would include a lot of shivans and nictus. I think the main reason they never Space-Zoned was they needed more worlds and peoples and monsters and places to make it viable and interesting, and just never had enough time to come up with it.

So what do we do?


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Re: What to do with Galaxy City?
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2021, 12:05:52 pm »
I personally think it should become something new, rather then trying to restore it to it's pre-echo state. Exactly what state it should be in afterwards, whether a hazard zone, a repaired city with new buildings/content, or something else entirely I'm actually not picky about.
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