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Power Customization: Flamethrowers and Cold Guns

Started by BradleyIFV, Sep 13, 2021, 01:23 PM

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Way back when Paragon Studios first announced power customization, I was hoping that we would get an alternate set of animations for many ranged powers, to have them come not from our characters' hands, eyes, etc., but from some type of gun or such (e.g., magic wand or staff).

Everything kept in mind regarding time and capabilities of our team, is this something that could be done? Would the same or similar animations work across a number of powersets?


why not have the player able to add weapons to any power's animation if they want and drag the firing point around or make it a child of any given bone of the armature the player drags it to?

the downside is I know exactly where Number Two is going to drag his water blaster's brown and green tinted water blast firing point.

[spoiler]Tail Base Bone.[/spoiler]
Ye cannie be dividin by zero! However, ye can be dividing 0.0 by a non-zero! that'd be a float.
always Decimal(str(your float)) before you int( your float).