Author Topic: PTS (Test Server) 04/06/2022 - Ri3  (Read 5827 times)


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PTS (Test Server) 04/06/2022 - Ri3
« on: April 06, 2022, 05:30:54 pm »
The Candy Keeper has taken up shop in Pocket D near the door to the ski chalet.

- Fixed missing animation on Telekinetic Blow for all Psionic Melee versions and Guardian Psionic Assault.
- Fixed a bug that caused the new 4th Alt Tray to disappear when zoning or logging out.
- New AE ticket cap should now work in menus properly
- The Tech Knight mace and staff now have the energy ball correctly positioned at the end of the weapon instead of being stuck to the character's hand.
- The Tech Knight mace and staff now correctly despawn when the character uses a non-weapon power.

Ri3 Cosmetic Additions:
For testing purposes the original symmetric torsos have been left on and the new asymmetric torsos have been labeled as "Asym" right below each corresponding category.

This is to permit testers to compare and contrast what is available currently in the symmetric torso options and make sure no texture or pattern mask has gone missing with the new system.

When Issue 3 goes live, the original symmetric categories will become hidden legacy categories. And only the asymmetric chest and hip categories will be visible, with their names reverted to the familiar "Tights," "Baggy," "Armored," etc., minus the " Asym" tag.

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« Last Edit: April 13, 2022, 10:08:44 pm by ElBee »
Issue 6 has been released! You can find the patch notes here:,3735.0.html