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Targeting keybinds for problematic enemies and more

Started by wyldhaunt, July 25, 2022, 04:23:23 PM

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I have been using the following keybind (bound to my actual targeting key rather than TAB) for a long time now, however I'd like to increase its usability:

/bind TAB "targetenemynext$$targetcustomnext enem aliv sentry$$targetcustomnext enem aliv desire$$targetcustomnext enem aliv sapp$$targetcustomnext enem aliv warde$$targetcustomnext enem aliv mistr$$targetcustomnext enem aliv wid"

My thought is to create a popmenu called Targeting, where I could select enemy groups I'm about to engage, or TFs/Trials/Events I'm about to participate in. Below I have the ones I've thought of listed, along with a one-word descriptor for each target, in priority order from left-to-right. Where the target is a friend or neutral, I have that listed too.

I'd like to eventually create a Player Help/Guide around this, and so would like to make ths list more representative of what we think, rather than just what I think. If you were to use this setup for priority target keybinding, what would you change in the list of Groups/TFs/Trials/Events to include, and what would you change about the priorities?

(Note: targetenemynext would go as last priority in all of the below, so the targeting key would always find a target is one is available)

Enemy groups (with TFs/Trials/Events where it seems to make sense):
Arachnos (Night)
Banished Pantheon (Desire [because psi])
Carnival of Shadows (Quantum, Mistress, Master)
Cimerorans (Romulus, Requiem, Surgeon, Cyclops, Minotaur)
Circle of Thorns (Succubus, Mage, Spectral)
Crey (Quantum, Paragon)
Freakshow/Yin (Clamor, Quantum, Super, Tank, Stunner)
Longbow (Ballista, Warden, Officer, Spec, Nullifier, Flamethrower)
Malta (Sapper, Quantum, Zeus, Titan, Gunslinger)
Nemesis (Fake Nemesis)
PPD (Equalizer, Grenadier, Ghost)
Redcaps/Katie/Winter (Lord, Snaptooth, Mary, Amy [friend], Fiend, Hooligan)
Rikti/MSR (U'Kon, Rider, Quantum, Suit, Magus, Guardian)
Sky Raiders (Castillo, Duray, Engineer, Quantum)
Talons of Vengeance (Gorgon, Keres, Sibyl, Oracle)
Zombies/Halloween (Banner, Nightmare, Husk, Corpse)

TFs/Trials/Events Only:
Apex (Maiden, Pylon, Walker)
BAF (Commando)
Hamidon - Blue Taam (Electrolyte)
Hamidon - Green Taam (Mending)
Hamidon - Yellow Taam (Antibody)
Hamidon - Primary Tanker (Hamidon))
Lambda (Marauder, Chamber, Cache)
Manticore (Wilson, Manning, Birch [friend/neutral?], Hopkins)
Summer (Champion, Cornutus)
Synapse (Bertha, Lord, King, Duke, Baron, Prince)
Tin Mage (11, Walker)
The goal is fun! Currently playing Alpine, Amberguard, And Go, As Flow the Years, Sesia, aTomiGrrl, Blurp, Meme Machine, Shadow-shot, and Wyldhaunt.

I am Wyldhaunt on our Discord. I played on the Guardian server from CoX's original run's Issue 2 to shutdown.


Maybe include Geneticists and... the healing one for Crey?


Alright, here we go. The first version of this setup. It uses a popmenu to populate your chat with a bindloadfile command to rebind your TAB key to prioritize targets in a certain enemy group; there is a "Usual Targets" keybind also as a default. There is some setup for this in preparing the keybind files and the popmenu file. I've placed a short readme.txt in the main folder of the attached zip to explain its setup.

If anyone knows how to simplify the rebinding portion of this, I'm all ears. I have tested the following and found it not to work:
1. Calling bind from popmenu.
2. Calling bindloadfile from popmenu.
3. Calling a macro from popmenu which binds.
4. Calling a macro from popmenu which bindloadfiles.
5. Finding a way to compress the targeting in these files to 20 macros and then quickly determining by four-character macro button name or image which is which.

The goal is fun! Currently playing Alpine, Amberguard, And Go, As Flow the Years, Sesia, aTomiGrrl, Blurp, Meme Machine, Shadow-shot, and Wyldhaunt.

I am Wyldhaunt on our Discord. I played on the Guardian server from CoX's original run's Issue 2 to shutdown.


I don't know how to set any of this up (I am SUCH a tech noob), but it sure looks nice!!


The recent forum makeover made links to uploaded files unusable, so here is the Targeting Keybinds zip file from this thread again.
The goal is fun! Currently playing Alpine, Amberguard, And Go, As Flow the Years, Sesia, aTomiGrrl, Blurp, Meme Machine, Shadow-shot, and Wyldhaunt.

I am Wyldhaunt on our Discord. I played on the Guardian server from CoX's original run's Issue 2 to shutdown.