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Main Tanking vs Lethal Force Authorized

Started by Redlynne, Feb 11, 2023, 10:24 AM

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Quote from: fizzit11 on Jan 08, 2025, 12:02 PMMy max health goes from 2148 to 3174 when I use Dull Pain (~48%). Did you factor this when calculating my survival?

How could I? ???
You didn't provide that information in your first post. See for yourself.

Quote from: fizzit11 on Jan 07, 2025, 06:30 PMI just started tanking UG, and I did see my [Invul] tank suddenly die to one of the WW's (luckily Just as the WW also died...), but I'm not sure why; I should have checked the combat log. Having said that, Mids shows my build to have 2148 max HP and 86.43 Energy resist. Does it make sense that LFA would one shot me (so to speak)?

I don't see any reference to use of Dull Pain or how much Health it yields for you in your build.

So, now with information about how much Health you have with Dull Pain active, I can update my calculations.

Quote from: Redlynne on Jan 07, 2025, 07:49 PMTanker AT Max Health = 3534
3534 * 0.3 = 1060.2

My understanding is that War Walkers calculate as Level 56 Foes, making them +3 vs Incarnate 50(+3). Due to Purple Patch modifiers, this increases the amount of damage delivered per DoT tick by +33% @ +3.
1060.2 * 1.33 = 1410.066 Energy damage per tick, 5x over 4s

@ 86.43% (minimum) Energy Resistance * 0.65 Resistance Reduction due to Purple Patch @ -3 = 56.1795% (normalized) Energy Resistance to Lethal Force Authorized
1410.066 * (1-0.561795) = 617.89797153 Energy damage taken per tick, 5x over 4s

617.89797153 * 5 = 3089.48985765 total Energy damage taken over 4 seconds

Your build Max Health: 3174 with Dull Pain
Absorb: 0 (not including Tanker ATO procs)
Regeneration: not specified (presumably lower than +500% total)

With a Regeneration below +500%, you can only "count" on getting in 1 Regeneration tick for 1/20th of your Max Health. Therefore, anticipated margin of survival (not including Dull Pain or Tanker ATO procs) would be:

3174 + 0*5 + 158.7*1 = 3332.7 Max Health available to withstand Lethal Force Authorized hit

3332.7 - 3089.48985765 = +243.21014235 Health (12.97743676% of Base Health for Tanker AT) remaining margin of survival after being hit by Lethal Force Authorized (assuming no additional damage from other sources being taken concurrently)

So if you're taking zero damage from other sources, you should be able to survive getting hit by Lethal Force Authorized ... so long as you've got Dull Pain up.

However, if you ARE taking damage from other sources in addition to Lethal Force Authorized you've got relatively little margin remaining to work with (243.2 Health before faceplant, which isn't all that much in the grand scheme of things). Hits from the mobs accompanying a War Walker could easily stack up enough damage to exceed that margin of survival, if enough of them can hit you (and Invulnerability is not Super Reflexes, so the "philosophy" of protection schemes are quite different).

If you're getting +48% Max Health out of Dull Pain, that leads me to conclude that you've probably got a single common Heal IO @ Level 50 = 42.4% enhancement slotted into Dull Pain and nothing more:
  • 20 + 20*1.424 = +48.48% Max Health = 1874.1 * 0.4848 = +908.56368 Max Health

If you were to increase that to a pair of common Heal IOs @ Level 50, you'd be getting 83.32% enhancement after factoring in ED penalties.
  • 20 + 20*1.8332 = +56.664% Max Health = 1874.1 * 0.56664 = +1061.940024 Max Health

If you went even further and +5 boosted those 2 common Heal IOs to be @ Level 50+5, you'd be getting 95.9% enhancement after factoring in ED penalties.
  • 20 + 20*1.959 = +59.18% Max Health = 1874.1 * 0.5918 = +1109.09238 Max Health

If I were in your place, I'd be looking for some way to either 3-6-slot Dull Pain with a Healing Set of some variety.

3 and 4 slot choices would probably involve Numina's Convalescence.
Obvious 5 slot choices would be Regenerative Tissue or Doctored Wounds.
But the real prize would be 6-slotting Preventative Medicine into Dull Pain, with the objective of making Dull Pain perma (including multi-stacking, if you've got enough global recharge in your build).

Just a thought. ::)

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


FYI, Dull Pain is 3 slotted with Dr'd Wounds, Heal/End, Heal/Rech, Heal/End/Rech.


Quote from: fizzit11 on Jan 08, 2025, 02:56 PMFYI, Dull Pain is 3 slotted with Dr'd Wounds, Heal/End, Heal/Rech, Heal/End/Rech.

Now you tell me. ::)

And what, pray tell, are the levels on the enhancements themselves that you've slotted?

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


The enhancements on Dull Pain are level 50.


Quote from: fizzit11 on Jan 08, 2025, 07:32 PMThe enhancements on Dull Pain are level 50.


Doctored Wounds - Heal/Endurance @ 50 = 26.5%
Doctored Wounds - Heal/Recharge @ 50 = 26.5%
Doctored Wounds - Heal/Endurance/Recharge @ 50 = 21.2%

26.5 + 26.5 + 21.2 = 74.2 (pre-ED) ... 73.78 (post-ED) Heal enhancement

Dull Pain = 20 + 20*1.7378 = +54.756% Max Health

1874.1 * 0.54756 = +1026.182196 Max Health from Dull Pain

At this point I'm kind of curious why you would stop at 3-slotting Dull Pain and be using the Doctored Wounds set for this. The healing set bonuses for 3-slots of Doctored Wounds don't seem that impressive to me ... but then again, a proper analysis of that point depends upon a more fulsome context of the rest of your build plan/strategy and what your budget for acquisitions of slots can afford.

I still think that your smartest play would be 6-slot Preventative Medicine in Dull Pain, but if you need the slots elsewhere (always a possibility) and/or your budget for acquisitions can't quite stretch to being able to afford obtaining all 6 enhancements for Preventative Medicine ... Doctored Wounds makes for a decent low budget alternative.

Speaking just for myself, of course ... the 6-slot global bonuses of Preventive Medicine and Reactive Defenses (basically identical) are REALLY hard to pass up. I like putting 6-slot Preventive Medicine into a self-only heal power, with the maximal fallback option being Health if nothing else is suitable in a build plan ... and I like putting 6-slot Reactive Defenses into Leadership: Maneuvers. The combined yield from 6-slotting both sets is:
  • 3.75% S/L Resist, 6.25% Mez Resist
  • 3.75% Max Health
  • 6% F/C Resist, 10% Mez Resist
  • 7.5% Endurance Reduction
  • 17.5% Recharge Reduction
That's mighty tasty ;D as far as I'm concerned, and a combination that is just really hard to pass up in my own build plans.

Your mileage may vary, of course. ;)

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.