Quote from: Redlynne on Dec 15, 2024, 10:57 AMApparently, I was wrong with my computations.
Actually, even more wrong than THAT.
What I've been able to determine via experimental means (via faceplanting when I was sure I wouldn't by a decent margin) is that Lethal Force Authorized is even more MEAN than I'd thought it could be.
Generically speaking ...
{Updated} Surviving a War Walker's Lethal Force Authorized as a Main Tank theory crafting:
Tanker AT Max Health = 3534
3534 * 0.3 = 1060.2
My understanding is that War Walkers calculate as Level 56 Foes, making them +3 vs Incarnate 50(+3). Due to Purple Patch modifiers, this increases the amount of damage delivered per DoT tick by +33% @ +3.
1060.2 * 1.33 = 1410.066 Energy damage per tick, 5x over 4s dealt to TankersFor anyone keeping score at home:
1410.066 * 5 / 3534 = 1.995
In other words, the
raw base damage output of Lethal Force Authorized is 199.5% of ANY ARCHETYPE'S Max Health dealt over 4 seconds, when you normalize the yield. It really is
Lethal Force Authorized ... because it is deliberately scaled to do 2x Max Health to everyone it hits (and the way it hits bypasses Defense protection, so Defense can't and won't save you).
Additionally, the quantity of damage being delivered is so high that I don't even think the Regeneration powerset can natively withstand getting hit by Lethal Force Authorized. You would basically need to have enough Regeneration to reach 5% of Max Health per second(!), which starts getting into the +1100% Regeneration (and higher) realm, while ALSO being as close to the Max Health cap for your Archetype as you can get. And as is always the case with Regeneration as a protection scheme ... More Is Better™ ... when it comes time to calculate the odds of survival, especially if you're taking more hits from additional Foes than JUST the Lethal Force Authorized damage input.
So if you need to withstand 199.5% of the Max Health for your Archetype in order to survive being hit by Lethal Force Authorized ... what are your options?
- Get as close to Max Health as is practical for your build strategy
- Maximize your Energy Resistance as much as practical for your build strategy
- Include a +Absorb(self) power, and/or reliable +Absorb proc(s), in your build strategy
- Scrape together as much +Regeneration as is practical for your build strategy
- Use Inspirations (Resistance prior to being hit, Heal once the damage starts biting into you)
Building for Max Health "makes sense" given the context, but what about Energy Resistance? How much Energy Resistance "is enough" for you to survive being hit by Lethal Force Authorized?
And it's at this point that the
Purple Patch modifiers start to bite again in the other direction. Against something that is +3 to you, your Resistances normalize as being 0.65x their effectiveness against incoming attacks from +3 Foes.
This means that an 80% Energy Resistance against +0 Foes will "normalize" as being (effectively) a 52% Energy Resistance against a +3 War Walker hitting you with Lethal Force Authorized.
80 * 0.65 = 52
And again, for anyone playing along with the home game, that's barely enough (by itself) to survive being hit by Lethal Force Authorized (assuming you're "undamaged" when the LFA damage starts).
199.5% of Max Health * (1-0.52) = 95.76% of Max Health for your Archetype
There are additional mitigating factors that you can count in your favor, such as 1/20th of Max Health Regeneration ticks (however quickly those happen). At between +500% and +800% Regeneration (total), you'll be receiving Regeneration ticks every 2.0-1.3 seconds, which is good enough for 2-3 Regeneration ticks during the 4s duration of Lethal Force Authorized incoming DoT ticks. Assuming 2 Regeneration ticks, for +500% (or more) Regeneration (total), is the equivalent to having +10% additional Max Health on top of your existing (actual) Max Health.
+Absorb shielding, particularly that applied via quick (0.5 second) activation toggle powers is especially valuable, because such +Absorb shielding can "take the edge off" each of the 5x Energy damage ticks of Lethal Force Authorized, which can then be "traded" for lower Energy Resistance and/or reduced pressure on Max Health (up to a point). Slower +Absorb powers, such as Sorcery: Spirit Ward and Gadgetry: Force Barrier can certainly help in adding to the "margin of survival" ... as well as +Absorb procs (Tanker Gauntleted Fist ATO and Hold Entomb, for example) can also be beneficial.
Point is that you're going to need a confluence of "high" Health (closer to Max for your AT is better), "high" Energy Resistance, "plentiful" Absorb and/or "high" Regeneration factors in order to be able to successfully take the brunt of a Lethal Force Authorized hit, as a Main Tank, and survive.
Unfortunately, as Kismet has pointed out (and I've been able to experimentally confirm), it's possible for 2 Taunters to be close enough to each other (within 30ft) such that when Lethal Force Authorized gets used, it hits them both ... and because they're close enough to each other, the 30ft radius of AoE surrounding each Taunter overlaps, meaning that both Taunters get a DOUBLE DOSE of Lethal Force Authorized when it's used.
So now instead of trying to withstand 199.5% of your AT's Max Health in (raw) Energy damage over 4 seconds ... now you need to be able to withstand a double dose ... so try to survive being hit for 399% of your AT's Max Health
(good luck!).
In a LOT of ways, the best "protection" (scheme) against Lethal Force Authorized is to have high Energy Resistance (80%+). If you can't obtain Energy Resistances that high, you're going to need to invest in +Absorb powers and/or procs, along with +Max Health options (many of which will include +Regeneration when looking at invention set bonuses).
There are multiple ways to "balance the equation" of survival (in your favor) against Lethal Force Authorized, so this isn't a challenge/hurdle that has ONE AND ONLY ONE solution to it. However, depending on the details of your build strategy and choices of powersets, it may become something of a "close run thing" with little margin for error or additional incoming damage from other sources concurrently when being hit by Lethal Force Authorized.
Ranged attackers SHOULD NOT have to worry about Lethal Force Authorized, as a matter of practicality.
So long as ranged attackers stay more than 30ft+ distant from the aggro magnet, ranged attackers will not need to worry about being
Targeted or being hit by any special attacks from War Walkers.
Ideally speaking, only melee attackers should be "at risk" of being within 30ft of the aggro magnet (because, melee range attacks), and if you DO get
Targeted (check your buff bar!), the simplest way to survive without getting hit by Lethal Force Authorized is to simply make a temporary retreat (in many cases, 10-15ft will often times suffice). Melee are only vulnerable if they get too close to (being within 30ft of) the aggro magnet.