Author Topic: Forum Category (or sub-category) for Character Descriptions  (Read 4058 times)


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Forum Category (or sub-category) for Character Descriptions
« on: February 16, 2023, 02:26:34 pm »
Since the in-game text field doesn't give creative players enough space to add a detailed description of their char the Roleplay-Section of the forum could feature a sub-category for that purpose so those interested in sharing something like that and reading something like that have a place to go. Some players (like myself) might even make a little story from it like starting how the character actually happened to become a hero/villain and how they acquired their powers/origin culminating in the journey they take from the tutorial up to Lv 50 and maybe beyond. A forum topic can hold many entries so chapters could be created by just making a new post. The section would just be used for display - not for discussion, so a small rule-set should be pinned there. Only the OCs of each topic should be able to post there unless they keep the story/description their OP (and update it there until the character limit is reached) and encourage other players to post their opinion.

Best regards,

I didn't come into this world to be as others want me to be!