Author Topic: Valentine Tip  (Read 4234 times)


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Valentine Tip
« on: February 27, 2023, 11:22:25 pm »
I had a Valentine Tip from Mandy Lebeaux which needed to be delivered to Synapse ... however the Skyway tram did not have a marker for either station indicating that the Skyway zone was a destination for any pending mission.

In stark contrast, Valentine Tips to be delivered to Diabolique (in First Ward via TUNNEL) and Positron (via Steel Canyon tram) were both deliverable and both showed that there were missions pending in First Ward and Steel Canyon before being completed.

I suspect that the bug with Synapse probably has to do with a Character ID mismatch between the Synapse standing post in Skyway and the previous version of Synapse that was in use when the Valentine Tip mission was originally written (I think I remember Synapse getting moved to his current location in Skyway at some point). Either that or there's a typo in the character ID that ought to be pointing to Synapse in Skyway coded into the Valentine Tip.

More of a nuisance than a crisis, really ... but I haven't dismissed the Valentine Tip mission on Redlynne so if a Dev needs to pull records to validate this bug (end to end) then that's where you can find the necessary Character Data to replicate the issue.

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.