One problem that WON'T be rectified by an apple silicon/mac os launcher for Rebirth is ... mids style character planning and calculations.
We're really beyond the point by now when the functionality of mids really ought to be migrated into a web page.
Use the data hash output of the build as a "feature" that continuously updates the data hash for the URL in order to "record" info. That way, if you have the URL with data hash in the URL, you just paste the URL into your web browser and up pops the character build.
Yes, it would be a massive Refactoring Effort to do this ... but it's really something that ought to be done (already, by someone with the skills and the time to do it).
If nothing else, the result of such a Refactoring Effort to migrate mids over to a web page would necessarily make the entire thing easier to modify than the archaic and byzantine database features used for the legacy mids system.