New Costume Pieces
-Master's Robe and Apprentice's Robe for Male and Female Upper Body Detail
Monk/Martial Arts robes woven with one side down at the hip. Short and Long sleeve variants
-Sarashi for Male, Female, and Huge chest details
Japanese-style cloth bindings around the chest and midsection. Male and Huge have one variant wrapping everything below the pecs, Female has 4 variants with different coverages around the midsection and bust.
Added a few previously NPC-only costume pieces for players including the Sky Raider flight suit and a few additional Carnival of Shadows pieces.
Added a bandana-patterned face mask
Pandora Genesis Wave
- Increased incarnate XP for the Pandora alter between 2x-4x.
Martial ProwessThrowing Dagger:Removed Ranged Damage
Increased DoT Damage ticks, reduced duration, increased delay between ticks - Equalized with ancillary pools
Made Regeneration debuff Replace instead of Stack
Bodkin Bolt:Increased Recharge time from 10 to 12 seconds
Reckless Abandon:Removed resistance
Reduced self damage from 33 percent to 25 percent
Reduced fury gain from 25 percent to 20 percent
Reduced recharge time from 120 to 105
Quality of Life
- Added unique load screens for the new Synapse TF.
Bug Fixes
- The UI window in Ouro should now be fixed. Please test this thoroughly.
Genesis Wave Testing features
- Genesis Wave encounters have a 100% chance to spawn for testing purposes.
- Tier 2 chances are set at 50% for testing purposes.
- Tier 3 chances are set at 25% for testing purposes.