Diamagnetic (without Genesis: Socket modification)
ToHit (100% Core/50% Radial), stacks up to
4 times collectively: -5% tohit for
8.3 secondsRegeneration (50% Core/100% Radial), stacks up to
4 times collectively: -10% regeneration for
8.3 seconds===
I've been giving some more thought to the notion of comparing Interface DoTs (max ticks) against Regeneration Debuffing in Diamagnetic, which then creates an unbalanced comparison in favor of the Interface DoTs while also presenting a maximal favorable (DoTs) vs least favorable (Regeneration Debuffing) way to compare the two.
So first things first.
I took my SR/MA Tanker Redlynne to the Rikti Test Dummies in RWZ to gather some in-game data on the Interface DoTs throughput in order to use that information as a basis for comparison. These are the results that turned up in the Combat Log.
Tanker: T4 Cognitive Radial =
49.97 Psi max vs Rikti Test Dummy in RWZ
8.61 Psi
10.34 Psi
10.34 Psi
10.34 Psi
10.34 Psi
Note that 8.61 * 1.2 = 10.332
Tanker: T4 Spectral Radial =
62.45 Negative Energy max vs Rikti Test Dummy in RWZ
10.77 Negative Energy
12.92 Negative Energy
12.92 Negative Energy
12.92 Negative Energy
12.92 Negative Energy
Note that 10.77 * 1.2 = 12.924
Furthermore, note that the damage scalar for Tankers in melee is 0.8, which might somehow be relevant in how the 1.2 multiplier appears (because 2-0.8=1.2, for example).
At any rate, as you can see the up to 4 DoT ticks after the initial attack are either 10.34 (Minor DoT) or 12.92 (Moderate DoT) on the Rikti Test Dummies.
Mob NPC HP and
RegenerationMinion @ 54 = 435.7 HP … 5% = 21.785 HP every 42 seconds
-0% Regeneration Debuff = 42 * ((100+0)/100) = 42 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +21.785 HP
-50% Regeneration Debuff = 42 * ((100+50)/100) = 42+21=63 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +21.785 HP
-100% Regeneration Debuff = 42 * ((100+100)/100) = 42+42=84 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +21.785 HP
-150% Regeneration Debuff = 42 * ((100+150)/100) = 42+63=105 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +21.785 HP
-200% Regeneration Debuff = 42 * ((100+200)/100) = 42+84=126 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +21.785 HP
Lieutenant @ 54 = 867.4 … 5% = 43.37 HP every 23 seconds
-0% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+0)/100) = 23 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +43.37 HP
-50% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+50)/100) = 23+11.5=34.5 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +43.37 HP
-100% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+100)/100) = 23+23=46 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +43.37 HP
-150% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+150)/100) = 23+34.5=57.5 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +43.37 HP
-200% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+200)/100) = 23+46=69 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +43.37 HP
Boss @ 54 = 2729.7 … 5% = 136.485 HP every 23 seconds
-0% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+0)/100) = 23 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +136.485 HP
-50% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+50)/100) = 23+11.5=34.5 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +136.485 HP
-100% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+100)/100) = 23+23=46 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +136.485 HP
-150% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+150)/100) = 23+34.5=57.5 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +136.485 HP
-200% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+200)/100) = 23+46=69 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +136.485 HP
Elite Boss @ 54 = 5416.2 … 5% = 270.81 HP every 23 seconds
-0% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+0)/100) = 23 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +270.81 HP
-50% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+50)/100) = 23+11.5=34.5 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +270.81 HP
-100% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+100)/100) = 23+23=46 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +270.81 HP
-150% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+150)/100) = 23+34.5=57.5 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +270.81 HP
-200% Regeneration Debuff = 23 * ((100+200)/100) = 23+46=69 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +270.81 HP
Hero @ 54 = 30,677.2 … 5% = 1,533.86 HP every 15 seconds
-0% Regeneration Debuff = 15 * ((100+0)/100) = 15.000 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +1,533.86 HP
-50% Regeneration Debuff = 15 * ((100+(50*0.13))/100) = 15+0.975=15.975 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +1,533.86 HP
-100% Regeneration Debuff = 15 * ((100+(100*0.13))/100) = 15+1.95=16.95 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +1,533.86 HP
-150% Regeneration Debuff = 15 * ((100+(150*0.13))/100) = 15+2.925=17.925 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +1,533.86 HP
-200% Regeneration Debuff = 15 * ((100+(200*0.13))/100) = 15+3.9=18.9 seconds per 5% HP Regeneration tick @ +1,533.86 HP
Note that Archvillains/Heroes all have an
Archvillain Resistance power that grants them 87% resistance to Regeneration Debuffs (hence the *0.13 factor in calculating the delay factor in Regeneration ticks).
Damage Throughput Equivalencies
42 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 2.3x Regeneration ticks deferred = 1x Minor Interface DoT (full ticks of Cognitive or Degenerative)
42 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 2.9x Regeneration ticks deferred = 1x Moderate Interface DoT (full ticks of Preemptive, Reactive or Spectral)
23 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 1.2x Regeneration ticks deferred = 1x Minor Interface DoT (full ticks of Cognitive or Degenerative)
23 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 1.4x Regeneration ticks deferred = 1x Moderate Interface DoT (full ticks of Preemptive, Reactive or Spectral)
23 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 1x Regeneration ticks deferred = 2.7x Minor Interface DoT (full ticks of Cognitive or Degenerative)
23 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 1x Regeneration ticks deferred = 2.2x Moderate Interface DoT (full ticks of Preemptive, Reactive or Spectral)
Elite Boss
23 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 1x Regeneration ticks deferred = 5.4x Minor Interface DoT (full ticks of Cognitive or Degenerative)
23 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 1x Regeneration ticks deferred = 4.3x Moderate Interface DoT (full ticks of Preemptive, Reactive or Spectral)
15 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 1x Regeneration ticks deferred = 30.7x Minor Interface DoT (full ticks of Cognitive or Degenerative)
15 seconds between Regeneration ticks (base): 1x Regeneration ticks deferred = 24.6x Moderate Interface DoT (full ticks of Preemptive, Reactive or Spectral)
Alright, this is where things get difficult for comparative analysis, because although we LIKE to cross-compare things on an "equal" basis (or at least as equal as we can make them) ... HP gains deferred because Regeneration has been Debuffed is BROADLY similar in effect to "HP Debuffing" via Interface DoTs in terms of "time until defeat" ... the two methods are really different "paths" to achieving the same ultimate goal (0 HP on $Target, gimmie drops, XP and INF).
Most spreadsheet analyses comparing Interface DoTs vs -Regeneration Debuffing tend to start with the best case scenario (DoTs) and the worst case scenario (-Regeneration Debuffing) and then proceed to ignore the caveats of CONTEXT when playing the actual game itself.
The first thing to realize is that Regeneration HoT ticks do not "start happening" after an NPC has been damaged. The "timer" for Regeneration HoT ticks basically "starts ticking" when mobs are spawned into the game (because PCs got close enough). That will typically mean that "some amount of time until the next Regeneration HoT tick" will already have elapsed before being encountered by PCs.
My point being that just because Lieutenants, Bosses and Elite Bosses will have an unmodified regeneration rate of 23 seconds between HoT ticks, that doesn't mean that the 23 second "timer" will BEGIN after the first damaging attack lands ... so now you need to wait 23 MORE seconds after the first attack before any -Regeneration Debuffing "can be felt/noticed" on those Foes.
Let's say, just for the purposes of illustration, that your group encounters a Boss and attacks 13 seconds after the last regeneration HoT tick for that Boss.
In the absence of any -Regeneration Debuffing, that would ordinarily mean that the next regeneration HoT tick would be 10 seconds after the PCs attack that Boss.
So long as the -Regeneration Debuffing stacked onto that Boss "defers" the regeneration HoT tick until AFTER the Boss is defeated, then the 5% of Max HP in healing that would have accrued from that regeneration HoT tick "doesn't happen" and is functionally equivalent to the amount of extra damage that would have needed to be applied to reach 0 HP on that Boss if the regeneration HoT tick HAD happened (as scheduled) prior to being debuffed.
In other words, thinking of -Regeneration Debuffing "having value" ONLY if $Targets stay @ HP>0 for 42/23/15 seconds (and integer multiples thereof) is the wrong way to be framing how to think about the question.
As you can see from the overly simplistic 1:1 comparison above, Interface: DoTs will tend to deliver "more damage throughput FASTER" onto Minions and Lieutenants than -Regeneration Debuffing can. A lot of this has to do with the fact that Interface: DoTs do damage relatively quickly (within 4 seconds) and can be somewhat relied upon to help defeat low ranking NPCs "faster enough" to be valuable. It basically boils down to "more DPS NOW" rather than needing to "wait for it" with a regeneration HoT tick.
Conversely, although it is (more or less) "true" that Interface: DoTs defeat Minions and Lieutenants "faster" than -Regeneration Debuff stacking can ... the survival time for Foes in these ranks isn't exactly a "problem in search of a solution" (per se). Even normal attacks without DoTs or Regeneration Debuffing will tend to defeat these Foes "quickly enough" in the first place, when looking at opposition in iTrials (the most common denominator context for Incarnate slotting to be relevant).
However, as soon as you get to the Boss ranks of Foes, the dynamics SHIFT towards more of a "middle ground" type of circumstance. A single regeneration HoT tick that can be "deferred" by -Regeneration Debuffing beyond the Time to Defeat (TtD) represents 2-3 Interface: DoT procs that apply all 4 ticks of bonus damage (which cancel on MISS, checking with each tick, so higher proc chances are definitely better for this!). With Interface: Radial DoTs + Genesis: Socket yielding 85% proc chances for DoTs, that "value" of a missed regeneration HoT tick (if it works out like that) I would say that in context the overall balance still favors Interface: DoTs ... but the gap between the two is rapidly closing.
Elite Bosses is where I would argue that -Regeneration Debuffing starts to pull ahead of Interface: DoT procs in terms of both damage equivalencies and hastening the Time to Defeat (TtD). A part of that factor has to be the context that Elite Bosses, with their deeper Max HP pools, tend to "survive longer ENOUGH" that -Regeneration Debuffs are much more likely to be able to play a factor. When a single regeneration HoT tick goes from being "late" to being "too late" (because, defeated) that's essentially "worth" 4.3-5.4 Interface: DoT ticks of bonus damage in order to achieve the same outcome.
But the real difference, of course, can be found once you're dealing with Archvillain/Hero levels of Max HP and fast regeneration.
Even if -Regeneration Debuffing is only adding +0.975 seconds delay to regeneration HoT ticks for every -50% Regeneration Debuff "leaking through" Archvillain Resistance (87% @ Level 54) ... the sheer amount of "regeneration healing avoided" easily exceeds the amount of bonus damage done by Interface: DoTs. And given that Foes of this rank have the LONGEST Time to Defeat (TtD) of any other ranking, this means that -Regeneration Debuffing can be the difference between quick(er) victories and a long hard slog to a win (or a rout for the PCs).
Think of the Warwalkers in the Underground iTrial.
They can take MINUTES for an entire league to defeat.
In very simplistic terms, if a league with NO Regeneration Debuffing takes 3 minutes to defeat an AV, during those 3 minutes that AV will have (most likely) received 4 regeneration HoT ticks per minute ... or 12 regeneration HoT ticks over the 3 minutes of the battle.
AV Max HP (base) = 30,677.2
12 regeneration HoT ticks = 12 * 1,533.86 = 18,406.32 HP regenerated
30,677.2 + 18,406.32 = 49,083.52 damage over 3 minutes by league
However, a single Interface: Diamagnetic user who can maintain the -10*4 Regeneration Debuff stack on that same AV, absent any other -Regeneration Debuffing (very unlikely, but I'm just drawing analyses of alternatives here) would increase the time between regeneration HoT ticks from 15 seconds to 15*((100+(40*0.13))/100)=15.78 seconds. For a battle that lasts 3 minutes, that would probably mean only 11 regeneration HoT ticks over the 3 minutes of the battle, rather than 12.
AV Max HP (base) = 30,677.2
11 regeneration HoT ticks = 11 * 1,533.86 = 16,872.46 HP regenerated
30,677.2 + 16,872.46 = 47,549.66 damage over 3 minutes by league
But it's when you start stacking up sources of -Regeneration Debuff values into actually impressive amounts that you can really start to see the shift.
For example, my own Ninja/Time Mastermind build has -Regeneration Debuff sourcing from the following powers:
Jounin Poison Dart (x2): -100% Regeneration for 15 seconds (stacks with existing effect)
Time Crawl: -100% Regeneration for 20 seconds (does not stack from same caster)
Time Stop: -50% Regeneration for 20 seconds (does not stack from same caster)
Now add another 4x -10% Regeneration Debuff on top of those and with Interface: T4 Diamagnetic I can "easily" generate a -Regeneration Debuff stack of -390% before adding in Lore: Robotic Drones Core (for another -50% Regeneration Debuff each).
15*((100+(0*0.13))/100)=15 seconds per HoT tick (AV regeneration, 0% -Regeneration Debuffing)
15*((100+(350*0.13))/100)=21.825 seconds per HoT tick (AV regeneration, 350% -Regeneration Debuffing)
15*((100+(390*0.13))/100)=22.605 seconds per HoT tick (AV regeneration, 390% -Regeneration Debuffing)
15*((100+(450*0.13))/100)=23.775 seconds per HoT tick (AV regeneration, 450% -Regeneration Debuffing)
15*((100+(490*0.13))/100)=24.555 seconds per HoT tick (AV regeneration, 490% -Regeneration Debuffing)
Assuming a 3 minute (180 second battle), to keep the comparisons "close" to each other in one of the variables ... here's how those -Regeneration Debuff stacks measure up:
180 / 15 = 12 * 1,533.86 = 18,406.32 HP regenerated by AV over 3 minutes
180 / 21.825 = 8.25 ... 8 * 1,533.86 = 12,270.88 HP regenerated by AV over 3 minutes @ -350% Regeneration Debuff stack
180 / 22.605 = 7.96 ... 7 * 1,533.86 = 10,737.02 HP regenerated by AV over 3 minutes @ -390% Regeneration Debuff stack
180 / 23.775 = 7.57 ... 7 * 1,533.86 = 10,737.02 HP regenerated by AV over 3 minutes @ -450% Regeneration Debuff stack
180 / 24.555 = 7.33 ... 7 * 1,533.86 = 10,737.02 HP regenerated by AV over 3 minutes @ -490% Regeneration Debuff stack
And just for fun ...
15*((100+(770*0.13))/100)=30.015 seconds per HoT tick (AV regeneration, 770% -Regeneration Debuffing)
180 / 30.015 = 6.00 ... 6 * 1,533.86 = 9,203.16 HP regenerated by AV over 3 minutes @ -770% Regeneration Debuff stack
My point being that there are ... breakpoints ... regarding the "relative value" of -Regeneration Debuffing, where for a given Time to Defeat (TtD) for a given $Target, the benefit of the -Regeneration Debuff granted by Interface: Diamagnetic can either be negligible or appreciable, depending on how may regeneration HoT ticks get delayed/deferred before the $Target is defeated.
For Minions and Lieutenants, Interface: DoTs will almost certainly "help defeat" these $Targets faster/more reliably than -Regeneration Debuffing can (or should).
For Bosses, Interface: DoTs will "often help defeat" these $Targets faster/more reliably than -Regeneration Debuffing can ... although "which is better" is starting to become a close run thing, more decided by chance (how long until the next regeneration HoT tick) than by design.
For Elite Bosses, Interface: DoTs are "approximately on par" with -Regeneration Debuffing, statistically speaking ... although there are going to be plenty of edge cases where "bad timing" of a regeneration HoT tick vs an Interface: DoT proc compared to a -Regeneration Debuff proc delaying that regeneration HoT tick can result in an advantage for -Regeneration Debuffing when "all conditions are equal" between the two scenarios. However, the odds of that kind of circumstance occurring, where -Regeneration yields a better Time to Defeat (TtD) for Elite Bosses is becoming increasingly more likely.
For Archvillains/Heroes, Interface: DoTs finally fall behind the curve of increasingly deep -Regeneration Debuff stacking (even with
Archvillain Resistance in play).
So in terms of "skew" for the advantages of either option ... Interface: DoTs are good for clearing low ranking "trash mobs" ... while -Regeneration Debuffs are better for "diluting the Big Bags of HP™" that Elite Bosses and Archvillains/Heroes represent.
From my own personal experience, I can say that Underground iTrials that I run with Ku no Ichi (my Ninja/Time Mastermind) have a LOT LESS TROUBLE with the Warwalkers and Avatar of Hamidon than when I'm running with Redlynne (my SR/MA Tanker). The difference ... is -Regeneration Debuff potential of Ninja/Time as a Mastermind BEFORE adding in anything from Incarnate slotting, hastening the Time to Defeat (TtD) for these "roadblocks to progress" through the iTrial. The same holds true for any of the "Big Bads™" in any of the iTrials. Running iTrials just seems to "go smoother" while I'm playing Ku no Ichi.
And now I need to investigate switching my Lore: T4 Robotic Drones Core for a Lore: T4 Longbow Core in order to increase the amount of -Regeneration Debuff stacking that I can do ...