
SMF - Just Installed!

Canary in the mine

Started by retched, Dec 09, 2024, 11:43 PM

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This post contains 100% original crazy. Definitely contains nuts, or at least the poster is.
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That... solves some, but more questions!
This post contains 100% original crazy. Definitely contains nuts, or at least the poster is.
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and so the devs gave the adminstrators and everyone else, the bird.
Ye cannie be dividin by zero! However, ye can be dividing 0.0 by a non-zero! that'd be a float.
always Decimal(str(your float)) before you int( your float).


Nah, turns out foxes *eat* birds. Or more specifically firefox has issues with the forum software (but not chromium base). This is the only thing chrome is used for on my computer, and I hate it but until it can be pinned down... well...

This was a thread to test if I could read/reply to things, and helped me figure out the browser thing.
This post contains 100% original crazy. Definitely contains nuts, or at least the poster is.
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Quote from: RagingCheney on Jan 26, 2025, 09:41 PMNah, turns out foxes *eat* birds. Or more specifically firefox has issues with the forum software (but not chromium base). This is the only thing chrome is used for on my computer, and I hate it but until it can be pinned down... well...

This was a thread to test if I could read/reply to things, and helped me figure out the browser thing.

<-- is on Firefox 51.0

problems I have;

unrelated to the browser:
1: I have a massive firewall with neat rules for various spyware vendors to block outgoing connections to them. One such vendor is cloudflare on which rebirth is hosted, so I've sepaarated out rebirth by IP addresses into it's own rule, however forum Icons do not load unless I unblock cloudflare entirely as cloudflare dynamically assigns a random IP in their ranges for the images.

fix: if I want to see the icons that badly I'll unblock cloudflare temporarily by toggling the firewall rule off.

Issues Related to the browser;
1: some buttons on the forum do not work, or only work once per page load. such as the "Quick Edit" button.

fix: try to make sure I typed everything correctly before I hit save. Or, reload the page. Or use More>Modify.

why 51.0? you can tell it to not update and it listens, and; flashplayer. I really think the decision on whether we can use flashplayer in our browser should be upto the user. not some mandate from browser devs wanting to recreate the internet in their image - for profit reasons.

51.0 isn't like new FF, new FF has essentially been taken over by google. mozilla's website is hosted on google, and their updater connects through google. so. we know whos pulling the strings. They play'in monopoly or what?

I've considered palemoon. perhaps I will use it eventually. as far as I know they are a modern browser which still supports flashplayer. and from what I've read unlike all the other googled browsers which are killing support for win7 users (with a built-in brick so their browser will not install on win7 even though it could if they didn't brick it, so it's intentional update-march pushing which seems very fishy.) Palemoon still supports win7 last I checked.

anyways. glad you got it figured out on your end. I do wish the new forum had a spoiler tag though. I use <details> and <summary> tags on my website for spoilers. <details></details> is the actual spoiler wrapper, where inserting a <summary> tag into a next level tab bend allows you to give the spoiler a title</summary>.

    <summary>spoiler name</summary> 
    content in your spoiler.

it's that simple.
Ye cannie be dividin by zero! However, ye can be dividing 0.0 by a non-zero! that'd be a float.
always Decimal(str(your float)) before you int( your float).


Sounds like the firefox issue is a version thing, I'm running 134.

And I know google dislikes and isn't in cahoots with firefox, or Youtube wouldn't deliberately slow down and break FF loads, and FF wouldn't allow manifest2 stuff (specifically and pretty much only ublock origin in google's hate-list)
This post contains 100% original crazy. Definitely contains nuts, or at least the poster is.
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Quote from: RagingCheney on Feb 01, 2025, 03:49 PMSounds like the firefox issue is a version thing, I'm running 134.

And I know google dislikes and isn't in cahoots with firefox, or Youtube wouldn't deliberately slow down and break FF loads, and FF wouldn't allow manifest2 stuff (specifically and pretty much only ublock origin in google's hate-list)
"Your Results: >"

IP Directory
IP addresses to - is an IP address range owned by Google LLC and located in United States - select an address below for more geolocation details

"we at google do not like mozilla, we disagree with them on X and Y"
"we at mozilla do not like google, we disagree with them on X and Y, but we incorporate google spyware in our browser"

they want you to think theres some rivalry, but when one is hosted on the other and they partner in spyware... something tells me any adverse things one says and does to the other are just for show so they can use them to avoid monopoly hearings.
Ye cannie be dividin by zero! However, ye can be dividing 0.0 by a non-zero! that'd be a float.
always Decimal(str(your float)) before you int( your float).


Less spyware... what happens is Mozilla uses and is funded by Google Ads. Google in turn does actively go against them, as noted they deliberately fucked up Youtube for firefox (this was found a while back, a specific browser check)... it's possibly to encourage people to move to chrome, almost certainly because of manifest2 and advanced adblockers like ublock origin which bypass ads and aren't detectable by most means.

As for the IP... it's google cloud. That's like saying a company is allied with Jeff Bezos because they use AWS.
This post contains 100% original crazy. Definitely contains nuts, or at least the poster is.
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Quote from: RagingCheney on Feb 25, 2025, 12:46 AMLess spyware... what happens is Mozilla uses and is funded by Google Ads. Google in turn does actively go against them, as noted they deliberately fucked up Youtube for firefox (this was found a while back, a specific browser check)... it's possibly to encourage people to move to chrome, almost certainly because of manifest2 and advanced adblockers like ublock origin which bypass ads and aren't detectable by most means.

As for the IP... it's google cloud. That's like saying a company is allied with Jeff Bezos because they use AWS.

a fair argument, but one must remember google had planned to create an internet hosting and ISP service called "googlefiber", they decided against it because it'd add argument to injury for any government to come after them with monopoly charges for owning too many varied aspects of the internet. So google fiber was torched and dropped. Google does not officially offer hosting nor ISP services, and legally they cannot (without an antitrust lawsuit for monopolization and proprietization of the internet, they are toing that line really hard but they wont dare cross it, some argue they've already crossed it by proprietizing the way the internet is written and gatekeeping things like googlejavascript to demand other browser developers include spyware to be able to even program their browser to see things like webp images in example).

but the fact is, you cannot host a website on google's servers as they are not allowed to branch into that business.

so being hosted on google's servers? it makes them a subsidiary at the least. now a subsidiary can bypass corporate directive for specifics that are allowed under their contract, so this is where things like manifest versions are not mandated in the subsidiary contract, so mozilla teams can make that call to not include manifestV3, but google can just "advise" their agents who have infiltrated various website teams to write in a block at website level blocking noncompliant browsers just by not being able to know the difference between "devicewidth" and "________webkitdevicewidth" causing display of objects or location formatting to fail. and every time mozilla programs a workaround to understand it with the underscores and naming convention google will change it adding another _ to the front and changing the wording and advising their spies in various websites to apply such unnecessary changes immediately to the websites they maintain.

it's a vicious cycle, and while mozilla has some autonomy, they are a subsidiary of google, and all it'll take is a new contract which mandates they follow all google advice and bam, firefox will be no different than chrome.

also we have no way of knowing how many google agents secretly actually work at mozilla and at what levels. it really has gotten that bad. but the fact they host themselves on googles servers puts them under google's ToS for subsidiaries.

essentially mozilla made a bad partnership, and now they are being eaten alive by a silent invisible hostile takeover. it's only a matter of time till google eats their hands and they can no longer modify google web browser code to deviate from google demands. seeing that? I just don't play their games, I understand it's just a slow and painful death left for mozilla, and theres no hope of them freeing themselves from google any more. So I just use an outdated browser, and what sites don't work in it, I ignore. if more people did the same, websites would be forcced to accommodate older browsers and all this proprietization by google would have to be undone or they'd lose their market share. but sadly most people don't care. some even defend the spying. "they need to know my bank login details to keep them secure"

security is the next target for google, they are planning and have already begun taking over all the data excryption key and certificate providers. they have already voiced that they plan to eventually not supply these certificates to non-compliant browsers and foricng the new certificates for all https websites and removing non-https variants resulting in a "SSL no Cypher overlap error" for browsers which do not conform.

This is a real error you can encounter, it looks like a page where the certificate has expired or is for a different domain name, normally you can "add an exception" but in this case no option is given because the site merely doesn't share any SSL encryption cyphers with you, and if you don't share at least ONE cypher then you and the website in question cannot exchange any SSL encrypted information, resulting in permanent failure to load the site if it's SSL ONLY. it's true it'd be as simple as asking them to use some older cypher certificates, but likely they'll tell you "those are no longer secure, google said so, so no, we wont." or "we lost those in the last update and are unable to restore them as they cannot be loaded into the newly updated SSL certificate store as they are in an incompatible format, the new certificate store only accepts .cypher15(madeup as an example of how they plan to implement this block) formats."

google is evil.. and any company associated with them is forced to toe the line. a corrupt bloated corporation that has lost all morals and ethics towards people. we are just data to sell.

well they don't get my data. I live under a very secure rock against their advances.

here, want more information from another more intelligent person than me who has looked into this at a sourcecode level and also sees that mozilla is a slave to google if not part of the same company just from sourcecode?:
Ye cannie be dividin by zero! However, ye can be dividing 0.0 by a non-zero! that'd be a float.
always Decimal(str(your float)) before you int( your float).